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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1930)
Fr? iay, May 16, 1930 ■5“ Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Page Seven and Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt drove h to Portland with him to visit I A bouncing eight and one-half Finish Ballasting Spur 1 amination this week. Borgnyl Andreasen and family on Sun- to Vernonia Monday evening. .. his ..................................... ' 1 pound baby boy was bom to folks, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ballast hunting for spur 1, on Sather, Masao Tanabe, Altha' day. I Zoulk and to also attend to Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Goodwin at the north fork was finished Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens j some business, he will White, Marian Larson, _____ , Avious rethrnjthe Portland sanitarium, May 15. Tuesday. and Wm. Coade were Sunday Mrs. Fred Mvrse and daughter Scott and Tommy Scott. guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. I home ¡Sunday night. visited at the home of Mr. and Ill at Portland Awarded Contract Mrs. C. C. Westlin is the first Mrs. Chas. Uhlin Sunday. Webber of Portland. Mrs. Russel Burt visited I Gus Olson, the pump man at H. S. Goodwin was awarded individual here already having friends in Forest Grove Satur- side one is in Portland under La Verne Stanton has return Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gartzke day. her home provided with an elec- J. C. Lindley transacted bus-end in Portland with relatives, 'a doctors care. He became quite a contract recently for building 1 trie v. —he.. ed to work after being off for and daughter will go to Gaston' a grade four miles of road near! iness in Portland Monday. ,, _ . _ I ill several days ago. a week with an injured hand. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rasmussen Elmer R. Burt visited in Hills- Sunday to spend Mothers Day Marshfield. He is taking his! Clarence Coyle from McMinn-'boro Saturday evening, with Mrs. Gartzke’s mother, and family are leaving this week | Harry Kurbeson, a faller cut equipment from here this week.1 Mr. and Mrs. Fox expect to Roberta Andreasen, Kirtha occupy the house vacated by the ville spent Tuesday in this city. Mrs. White. to make their home in Eugene, his foot with an axe while at Also his force of workers. It No'rton’»"‘in "a"7ew" toy». ’ Kelley, Edna Spencer and Joe Winans and his mother work Saturday, and was is estimated that the work will Twila Morton attended Rainbow H. E. McGraw spent Wednes were in Vernonia to see the Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maithof to Portland for treatment, seat Mrs. Hugh Dunlap’s mother is at Vernonia Monday evening. Hie be completed in about three day in the valley. were in Portland Wednesday and family were the week end show Sunday. months time after which he will visiting at the Dunlap home here evening to attend the Eastern guests of Mr. Maithof’s parents, family lives in Portland. Urie Reynolds purchased a .return to this place to complete this week. • M. E. Carkin spent the week J. B. Wheeler of Portland Star celebration given in honor ¡Mr. and Mrs. John Maithof of A number of high school stu- his contract with the O. A. com-! new Chevrolet sedan recently. end at his home in Camas. was here Thursday. of Mothers Day. Salem. [dents from Vernonia spent Sat- pany on which he has made1 Those takin* the state exam- Chas. Hanna of Cochran is Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Culver and Summer Arrives splendid progress. ¡nation in geography in the 7th Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nicholls Mrs. Holly Michael of Shedd Urd“y in this Vlcinity ii8hin|f- now employed at Koster camp. daughter, Mrs. Thor Roberts Summer has officially arrived entertained Don Keller and Mr. who grade are, Erma Larson, Ruby was injured in an auto uuvu ac at- ! Sella H. H. Goods spent Monday in Portland. Moving to Marshfield ¡Faught, Florence White, Oke in Westimber. Johnson at dinner Sunday. cident recently, died Saturday' MV. and Mrs. A. Nord and The Kellogg and Gearin fam-'Anderson and Lloyd White’ evening, Mr. Michael is well so n Roy, left Wednesday for ACTIVE AT O. S. C. J, H. Wellington of Houlton W. H. Krebs went to Portland known here. Scoop Ingalls and Spike Rob I Portland, having sold their ilies are moving to Marshfield' spent Saturday in Vernonia visit in-on are once again at their Monday. I household goods here to Mr. and this week. Mr. Kellogg will con-1 ing friends. Oregon State College, Corval old stand, “the swimming hole.’’ Ralph Root, Henry Har- Mrs. M. E. Fox. After the fam tinue as shovel operator for Mr. I Gladys Walters and James In old Ferloak drove to and lis, May 12.—Irene Davis of Vernonia Albert Schmidlin of Brauns Goodwin and Mr. Gearin in the ily receives the passports, they galls were in Portland Sunday Mr. Sorenson the night watch spent Saturday in this city on man fo- the Eagle Lumber com the guests of Miss Walters Sunday evening to see the show. will sail for Sweden, where they same capacity as at this place. j I Mr. and Mrs. Day D. Parkhill Vernonia, freshman in vocation of Kelso, Wash., are visiting at al education at Oregon State business. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Davis expect to make their home, and I pany has moved his family uncle, Arthur Walters, who is college, is among 75 freshmen Mr. and Mrs. Art Miller ex- the home of Mr. an instructor with the Rankin were in Portland over the week rejoin their relatives whom they pect to return to Vernonia to ter, _ __ _______ Parkhill’s sis- girls chosen to act as Big Sis A. L. Morris of Warren and I away. Mrs. C. W. B.ennett. Flying School. I end, and were the guests of have not seen for ten years. Mr. live in the near future. ters here next fall. G. W. Mills of Deer Island spent Mr«. Krebs Entertains I Mr, Davis’ parents who live Nord has labored more than six E. Miller and C. W. Lind- Wednesday in this city. I L- The Big Sister movement is Mrs. L. E. Stephens drove to I there. years for the O. A. company at P. L. Thompson and family say motored to southern Ore- sponsored every year by the Y. Mrs. W. H. Krebs asked in ! this place as a faller or bucker. spent a few toys in Portland gon, Wednesday. The Thomas Variety store has a lew friends Thursday evening Portland Friday to attend a W. C. A. and its purpose is to Elmer Burt spent Sunday in been treated to a new coat of in honor of her husband’s birth luncheon and card party for choose girls whose character and i Mrs. Lyle Rose is assisting at last week. which Mrs. T. O. Mitchell was Portland with friends. I, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Miller and red paint. I day. Five hundred was played hostess. personality are such that they the cook house this week during The Johnson and Sather fam- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clarke mo- will during the evening and a de i Mrs. Paul Rasumssen and Mrs. the absence of Mrs. Florence be able to aid incoming J. N- Miller of Clatskanie was I licious lunch was served. The Mo- tored to Portland and Vancouver ilies and Paul Hegli spent Visits Newberg : Thos. Anderson drove to Forest Wheeler. freshmen. The main function of a Vernonia visitor Monday and guests included. Mr. and Mrs. the on business Saturday. thers Day at Rainier with the Big Sisters will be to help Mr. and Mrs. Len Verskoag Grove and Hillsboro shopping Tuesday. Mrs. K-rley and daughter not parents of the two ladies and Reed Ingalls, Mr. and Mrs. C. spent Sunday in Newberg vis- last week. Mrs. W. A. Hodge went to freshmen girls to become ac their brother Paul. long since from Florida, but Christianson, Mr. and Mrs. iting relatives. they were ac- Van Prichard of Rainier spent Portland Tuesday, where she is quainted during freshman week. Bill Cary and a number of more recently of Camas, Wash., Eorlaak, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. companied home by Mrs. Ver- One of the features of this receiving medical treatment. Saturday evening in this city To Sell Washing Machines Gartzke, Mr. and Mrs. Nick stoag’s mother, Mrs. Frank Nel- friends drove from St. Helens are the guests of the Bradford week’s program next fall will attending the smoker. Mrs. T. F. Scott is in charge _ and family of be an assembly of all freshmen E. P. Belongia Nicholls, Mrs. L. E. Stephens. who"wni’ visit' tomVr'a ^’”day L° vi™ hi\cf\usin and family this week. ,,C,C JU" “l family, Mrs. Thos. Anderson of of sales for Maytag and Thor Vernonia have moved to Koster girls and the big sisters. Mrs. Gene Shipman was sent Wm. Peoples, Leia Cook and whiie'”'” "*** Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bishop electric washing machines, for camp, where Mr. Belongia is e’ Westimber. to Portland last week for an the guest of honor. Reed In of Portland spent Sunday with this locality. It is reported that now employed. operation. She is at the Weather- ‘ galls won i first prize, Mrs. Leonard Nelson and Mr. and! Full Gospel Tabernacle Mrs. Russel Burt spent Sunday1 Mr. and Mrs. George McCor- the former’s mother at the the power company will begin ly hospital. Stephens consolation. Mr. and Mrs. Jack King and Services for next week. with Mr. Burt’s mother, y ■ mick, friends of the Anderson’s Bradford home and his sister, wiring the houses for electricity were also visiting them Sunday. Mrs. Bradford and family. . Sunday: Bible school 10:0,0 Leonard, son of Mr. and Mrs.! Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Poole__ and J. Dean of Hood River. this week. Only the dwelling family have moved to Seattle. C. B. Hall, cut his leg with an Richard Bradway of LaCenter, a.m. ; morning worship 11:00 houses will be equipped with Russell Stanton has returned Mrs. Paul Rasmussen drove to Paul Dodge and family expect axe Tuesday, while playing near Wash., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Love were It is thought that all from Portland, where Mr. Stan a.m. ; evening service 7:30 p.m.; Hillsboro Saturday to shop. to soon reside in the Lundeen electricity. Wednesday evening 7:30; Friday Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Root Tues in Portland Sunday. his home. „ will be in Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rasmussen cottage at the old I. P. head- by June 1. readiness for service ton was receiving treatments for evening 7:30; Saturday, street day, Mr. and Mrs. Poole are injuries received in camp. Mrs. John Hansen and chil the parents of Mrs. Root. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Dunn motored to their new home Fri- quarters camp. meeting 7:00; Young People’s and family, Mr. and Mrs. _.. dren are visiting Mrs. Hansen’s R. _ B. day. Taking Examination* Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hayes and'meeting 7:30. Mrs. Rex Horsman and sons mother at PeEll, Wash., for the Mrs. A. F. Knight and son Stone and son Russel and SamI The following pupils here are daughter Elizabeth of Aloa were | The public is cordially invited. spent Sunday with the former’s Douglas are staying in Portland Seybold of Portalnd were guests next two weeks. K. C. Prinzing, pastor. taking the 8th grade state ex- visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ivor i mother at Vernonia. for a few days. of Mr. and Mrs. M. Dygert1 Ed Holtham left for Portland, Sunday. Visit Friends Saturday to spend the week1 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walters __ ____ _ Mrs. __ Fred Hagerman Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe; Mrs. Amato underwent a ma- ___ and family drove to Forest •nd. Grove Saturday evening. drove to. Forest Grove ^Saturday, jor operation three weeks ago. daughter ‘¿¿tty and Mr"s‘.‘ Hugh Mrs. Tom Crawford and son evening. Joe Wornstaff snent the the week week itors Dunla|) last were Joe Wornstaff spent we(?k out en(J of camP vis- Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Christian Middleton left Friday to spend the week end visiting relative in son, Florence Christianson and I Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ingalls ®"d with his family here, return- C. E. Westlin and family spent Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe and children Hazel and Reed, *n^ *"° Portland Sunday evening Portland. " re in Cochran Sunday even i and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ~Ferioak for continued medical treatment, Saturday and Sunday with re Claus Messing of Portland ing. the trip was made by mo motored to Vancouver, Wash.,1 latives in Portland and Carlton, W. E. Miller and nephew, Oregon. visited with his brother Emil tor over the new road to with Sunday to visit Mr. Ingalls mo James Baumgartner from Port Messing Saturday, returning to in a short distance of Cochran. ther, Mrs. J. E. Crites. land visited at the home of the Miss Mary Patrician spent the hiB home in the evening. Entertained By Mr». Stephens Mrs. Paul Rasmussen was in J. W. Wornstaff family over week end in Portland with her Bom: To Mr. and Mrs. John I Sunday. Mr. Miller caught a mother. Mrs. L. E. Stephens entertain Forest Grove Saturday. Owens, May 8. a seven pound nice mess of trout while here. at luncheon and cards for a baby girl. Daughter and mother ed Miss Ira Lloyd Upson visited number of ladies Thursday af Miss Mildred Kelly of Hills Mothers Day passed quietly are in good health. ternoon. The guests were Mrs. boro called on Mrs. Russel Burt . here. Some entertained relatives her sister and friends at Keed college Saturday and Sunday. Kenneth Price, employed by 1’. Fetch, Mrs. Bort Nelson, Mrs. Saturday. 1 from other points while others the K. P. company cut the toe Laker, Mrs. V. Powell and Mrs. went out to spend the day with Bruno Reif is making a brief Leonard Nelson and Glen on his right foot Tuesday while Dan Nelson of Vernonia and Peoples motored to Vernonia ! relatives. visit to his parents at Prineville. Mrs. Wm. Gartzke of Westimber at work in the woods. and the hostess. First pride was Monday evening. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Snider of camp one spent J. Glenn Allen of Hillsboro, I won by Mrs. Gartzke, consola- P. H. Peterson who has been a few days at her home here Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren manager of the Miller Mercan . tion by Mr3. Baker. quite ill is recovering nicely. He and daughter Mary Ellen played was taken to Portland for treat the past week. tile company spent Thursday in Sidney Mosher, Jr. of Glad- golf on the Forest Hills golf ment. this city. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Redman course near Cornelius Sunday. stone was the guest of his left Tuesday for Baker to visit A nine pound baby boy was Reed Ingalls over the week unrle Visit Home of Son No. 14 Standard R. C. Wire for house wiring end. the latter’s daughter and family Florence Christianson Miss born to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kellogg 500 feet .................................................. H-3» and father as well as to on Mrs. Bert Nelson in called Blount Saturday. Mother and son Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe of Susanville, Calif., visited at! after business interests. Less quantities............................... 1° Per foot went to Portland Tuesday to Vernonia Monday evening. are doing well. the home of their son, Ross Redman who has been in visit relatives. Loom, up to 25 feet, per foot .......................... Ed Zoulek drove to Westim-' Kellogg, Friday evening and l health for three months Sidney George of Salem spent an ff i ni on ¥ 1 improved to make Root, Ralph and ner- Her- her Saturday to An- Saturday, and departed for v>«,i- Cali- . j suixivivui sufficiently nuipn ana oer naLuruay vu visit viaiv Thos. ¡.u- Tuesday in Vernonia i and at- I II. ± L. . nooc, 250 feet .................................................. $4-79 I tended the American Legion bert Root, Florence Christianson-derson. Mr. Anderson returning fornia, again Sunday morning. I the trip. Drop Cord Wire, 15 feet or less, per foot....... 2*/2c meeting of post 119. Mrs. Fred Kincid of Spring Tubes, unglazed porcelain, each brook and Mr. and Mrs. J. R Knobs, assembled split, each ... McDonald and family of New berg visited at the home of Mrs. •3%c Cleats, porcelain, pair ............. Rose Fletcher Sunday. ...6c Flexible Armored Cable, 2-wire, per foot Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nance and 100 feet .................................................. $4.79 son, Jackie and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Baker and children spent Electric Lamp Globes, each ............................. -20c Sunday fishing along the Crook 10 Watt to 60 Watt, Hygrade, guaranteed 1000 hrs. ed creek. Entrance Swith Boxes ....................... 60c, 85c, $1.75 Miss Ruth Lee will leave next week for a visit to Vancouver, Chain Pull Sockets, each ..................................... 25c B. C., to visit relatives. Miss Lee expects to spend most of Key Sockets, each ................................................. 18c her vacation in Canada. Meadows Electric Washing Machine ....... $99.50 Judge D. B. Reasoner return This machine is a beauty and will ed Tuesday after a visit of nearly a week to Grants Pass, last you a lifetime. Sold on easy terms. where he visited his osn and Electric Waffle Irons ...................................... $8.00 family. Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Electric Cui ling Irons .................................... ’..98c Mumbach, Thursday, May 8, an Hotpoint Electric Flatirons, Toasters, etc. eight pound baby boy. Mrs. Mumbach is in a Portland hos We meet mail order prices pital, where she and her son are reported in excellent health. Give you our best personal service Koster Camp Camp McGregor See Hoffman About Wiring Your Home and to buy appliances and electrical supplies at the lowest possible prices. I j Steve Niles of Wauna, Doc. Jones of Clatskanie, W. A. Nel son of Portland and Jack Dunn of Mist spent Tuesday in this city where they attended American Legion meeting. William J. Haycox of Port land who located in this valley tn 1892 was in Vernonia Sunday with his son Ernest, attending the funeral of his mother Mrs. Laura Haycox. Mrs. Peggy Ericson motored to Portland Saturday. Mrs. Eric son and her sister, Mrs. Crain attended the Mother’s day ser vices at the First Christian church in Portland. If you want estimate . cost your home, we .. of wiring 1 electrician _»__x_t_. -- x^ can send you a state . licensed to gjve you a cost. See Hoffman About It Westimber Attend Play Among those attending the play “The Time of His Life," given by the Timber high school were Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ingalh and family, Mrs. D. C. England and children. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nicholls, Mrs. Arthur Baird, Mrs. E. Wilson and Mrs. Harris. Mrs. Van Domelmen spent Sat urday in Forest Grove. Burley Tallman who works at Wilark was home over the week end. Mrs. Smead is giving dances at the local dance hall each Saturday night. Good times are reported by those attending. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bristow and children spent the week Vernonia