, May 16, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Breaks Speed Record Richfield-powered motor car was one which, considered the driver, the car, and general conditions of routing, was not at all reck­ less. We believe that such speed, with safety, may well be con­ sidered an average which will be more or less usual on the right highways within five years. “We believe, too, that when proper routings come and pres­ ent highway plans are consum­ mated, we shall see higher legal speeds with a much lowered ratio of wrecks or fatalities. Thus both time and life—ion- sidered our most precious pos­ sessions—will be saved.” a SAFE I Talka on Gardening Scheduled Both flower and vegetable gardening will have places on the home garden program over KOAC Thursday afternoon, May 15, at 3:30 o’clock. Prof. A. L. Peck, head of landscupe garden­ ing, will give methods of con­ trolling the spotted cucumber beetle which is a menace to the early bean crop. A program for home gardners is given at this time each week. Selling Prunes is Topic Suggesting new ideas for pro­ motion of canned prune sales, Dr. M. N. Nelson, agricultural economist for the Oregon expori- [ ment station, will appear on the farm program Friday night, May 16, at 7:15 o’clock. He will sug­ gest a remedy for Oregon can­ ned fresh prunes being retailed at a higher price than the aver­ Ralph Hepburn, at right, with i split-minute as he fills up with age consumer is willing to pay. his record-breaking Commander Richfield Ethyl on his last in­ O.S.C.-Idaho Meet to Go On Air Sedan, faces the camera for a tercity speed trip. Oregon State will clash with Oakland Tribune staff was of- the University of Idaho, Satur. ficial observer. day afternoon, May 17, in the On the night of the run, the first dual track meet of this car was checked out, Western season to go on the air from Union, from Oakland at 9:59 KOAC at Corvallis. The meet o’clock. The next morning at will be broadcast between 2:30 4:53 o’clock it was checked in and 4 o’clock with W. L. Kad- Oakland, May 15.—High speed at the Western Union office, derly giving the account of with utter safety over the per­ | Los Angeles. It arrived at the events from the field. fected highways of California— Tiajuana, Mexico line at 8:03 an idea foatered by the forward- ¡a.m. At' 8:39 a.m. it left Tia­ Finals in Oratory Listed looking National Automobile juana for the return and arriv- The Pacific zone finals of club—was recently demonstrated ed back in Onklan(J that evening national oratorical contest 1 1_ 1— — n — • — - » o c, 4- , 1 U «v I tv n ■I O il— _ _ _ by a. the heavy-footed Ralph Hep- preci'sely at ¿:1G o _ >clock . the constitution will be broad- bum, famous race and stunt! cast over KO AC Wednesday Declaring that this high-speed driver, when he set a series of run night, May 21, at 8 o’clock. This n was one not to encourage brand new records with a Rich-1 is the final contest between the [reckless driving but to discour- field-powered Studebaker Com­ .. »n.- ­ age ’*■ an ET us demonstrate the wonderful 1930 4» Majesties. Come in today and listen to the amazing new Majest ic Colotura Dynamic Speake See hew it brings out all the Colorful Tone of radio music. Hear it on both instrument and voice — .lie very first speaker to reproduce both with cqui perfection. Inspect the six beautiful cabinet styles. Test the amazing power, range and volume of these 1930 Majestic models. We will gladly help you make any test you wish. We know you cannot find better radios anywhere—at any price. Accept our invitation. Come i