Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, May 16, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, May 1«, 1930
— —' 1
-------------------------------- "III!
Mist where they visited friends
Grandma Miller, Mrs. Hawkins
mother, spent several days at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. ~
Driscals of stoney point this
County Official Paper
Mildred Hawkins and Mary
Member of National Editorial
Assn, and Oregon State Edit­ Laramore of this place
among those of the senior class
orial Assn.
who skipped off to Seaside and
spent the week end.
"Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Malmsten
of this place went to St. Helens
Monday of this week. Mrs.
I Malmsten visited Mrs. Wilson
while there.
Pacific Coact Representative*
' )3O MAY
Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon'
1111 -ILI....1
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 112 13 14 15 16 17!
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Arthur W. Stypea, Inc.
San Francisco
Issued Every Friday______________ $2.00 Per Year in Advance
Png» Thwt
in the new store with the ex­ land Friday.
daughter Gwenyth of Portland,
New Drug
ception of the fountain has been
The baseball game between and Mrs. Foster were Sunday
made in this city.
Timber and Buxton Sunday re­ visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
sulted in a score of 17-9 in fav­ Castle and Arthur Elliott.
Store Opens
or of Buxton.
Wilark was deserted over the
Leonard and Frank Greeno of
Miss Louise Syverson of Bea­ Portland spent Saturday even­ week end, most everyone being
Here May 24
verton spent a few days with ing with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. out of camp.
Mrs. Orville Makinister is
Anita Schiffer. She was accom­ Castle.
Mrs. C. Stanton was quite panied home or. Sunday by her
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Burgin home from the hospital and is
The new Armitage Drug store, badly bruised when she fell Courtney JSyverson.
and two children, Billy, Bob feeling very well.
located next to the post office down the steps of the school
Mrs. Robert Kent's brother
William Ferlaak of Westimber and Henrietta of Portland were
will be opened to the public house Saturday evening.
is finishing the inside of the guests ef Mr. and Mrs. W. F. and family were visitors last
Saturday, May 24.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Castle store for the Eagle Lumber Brinkmeyer over the week end. week.
W. J. Armitage, proprietor drove to Forest Grove Monday. company.
The school children are doing
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Elliott
who has been in the drug bus­
J. E. Root was in Vernonia
_ This
___ _____
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Elliott of and son Gene Franklin of Port-, their final reviewing.
iness for the past 20 years has Saturday evening.
New Mexico and Mr. and Mrs. land were Sunday visitors at w‘" find the boys club work
installed the very latest of , | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gnuschke A. F. Elliott of Portland were. the Arthur Elliott home.
, completed._The girls club work
........... ...
....... spent a . few days in Portland guests of Arthur Elliott over1 Mr. and Mrs. Root and her will continue for a few weeks
equipment required
in any mod-
ern drug store and will also in-' last week,
daughter Neva and Mrs. Dailey with the aid of Mrs. Hewett,
I the week end.
La Grande’s population for stall one of the best fountains
Miss Ella Castle visited in
Machinery is now being in-1 .came over from Tigard to at-
1930 totaled 8,043, an increase in the county.
Vernonia Saturday evening.
' stalled in the power plant here.1 tend the _ play given by the Tim- Clatskanie
___ hotel
of 1,130.
The majority of fixtures used
Mrs. C. Farwell was in Port-
Mr. and Mrs. R. Pate and ber high school Friday evening, building being remodeled.
Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922, at the post
office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879.
Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch;
legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 6c per line succeeding
insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 26c.
LEE SCHWAB............... ..... EDITOR
In this week’s Eagle is the last issue of the high
school news page, “The Timberline.”
Throughout the paper this week, especially on our
first page, are many short stories covering the high
school activities.
We feel that this page, “The Timberline” is unique
in the newspapers of Oregon, and the editorial staff of
the Eagle look forward with pleasure to the commence­
ment of our local schools in September when again this
news will appear in our paper.
. From the grade schools the items of interest inserted
each week created much interest among the younger
students. Week after week many of the grade pupils an­
xiously appear at the Eagle office asking if we are aware
that their names will be included among those who have
received 100 per cent in spelling for the past week, and
that we must be sure to see that no omission is to be made.
To the Timberline staff of the past school year the
editor of the Eagle wishes to express the appreciation
of the paper and himself for their splendid items turned
in each week, and the interest shown in building up their
school page, to what we consider one of the finest in the
state among high school newspapers.
Miss Charlotte Green as editor, with her staff has
faithfully served her school and it is with regret that we
remember that the oncoming year The Timberline staff
will not include the name of Miss Charlotte Green who
graduates soon.
Grade and high schools alike have united in their
support of the home town paper, and as the school year
ends we, of the Eagle staff, feel that at all time have we
also supported our schools, always in contact with every
activity sponsored by them, especially interested and ac­
tive in their athletic events.
To Larry Marshall, recently appointed editor-in-chief
of The Timberline, the Eagle extends congratulations to
the student body in their choice, and takes this oppor­
tunity to express its willingness to cooperate with the
new editor and his staff in putting The Timberline over
as good or better, if possible, than before.
And to these seniors graduating we hope that you
successfuly carry on in life, with that fine, loyal and
faithful spirit as shown throughout your school years
here. We are proud of our students and the faculty, and
believe that np city can boast of any better.
,ther were week end shoppers in
W. T. Wold spent Monday at
J. F. Johnson from Birken- Natal on business.
feld was in Natal Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap
Mrs. Bob Linsey called to see entertained relatives from Port­
her sister, Mrs. Noble Dunlap land last Sunday.
and her mother, Mrs. Nels Pe­
Herd Inspector Here
terson Tuesday.
Dr. G. F. Rankin, county herd
Fritz Iler is employed by the inspector made several calls in
fire association for the season. this neighborhood Monday.
Lawrence Jepson was a Tues­
Several residents of this place
day business caller at the home attended the funeral services of
of Jake Neurer.
Mrs. Laura Haycox held at Mist
Harry McMullin drove to Ver­ Sunday afternoon.
nonia Tuesday to meet some re­
Lincoln Peterson has began his
duty as fire warden of this place
The building committee of Na­ and surrounding county.
tal grange held a special bus­
Cason Transfer brought a
iness meeting at the Natal hall load of furniture down the river
to discuss business last Wednes­ Monday morning.
Word reached Natal Saturday
day evening..
Frank Peterson called on some of the death of George Hill of
of the farmers on business in Astoria. Mr. Hill is a brother
of Charlie Hill, well known here,
this community last week.
Ed Wallace spent part of and a brother of P. Hill of Ver­
Wednesday in Vernonia.
Miss Beatrice Perry was a
Attend* Portland Meeting
Jake Neurer attended a bus­ Vernonia shopper Monday.
Cyril Fleming from Portland
iness meeting of the T. B. A.
in Portland last week of which spent one day at Natal on bus­
Mr. Neurer has been an active iness last week.
John McMullin is working on
member for many years.
Mrs. Julia Whittig and her the farm for William Pringle
son-in-law Fred
were this summer.
visiting in Natal one day last
Reed Holding is cutting cedar
poles on his place for the elec­
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn tric light company.
. ,
were in Vernonia to do some
Elmer Linburg was visiting his
shopping Monday.
uncle Lincoln Peterson last week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Linsey
Mr. and Mrs. Ain Wallace
were Vernonia visitors Thursday.
Pete Knowles took a veal to called at Natal on business Tues­
Vernonia Friday.
Friday May 16, all legal voters
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Fowler
from Vernonia were Wednesday will go to the poles to cast their
evening visitors at Natal.
Carl Iler is serving on the
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer
grand jury during the May term. were Vernonia shoppers Wednes­
Mrs. Nels Peterson bought a day.
new model town sedan Ford last
A. A. Schwab made a trip to
Vernonia Tuesday.
Dave McMullin drove to Ver­
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas pur­
nonia Friday evening to bring chased some dairy cows recently.
home his daughter.
Tom Johnson made a trip to
Vernonia Tuesday on business.
Ray Taylor drove to Vernonia
Saturday to do some shopping
for his mother.
Mrs. W. H. Childs and her
Pete Banzer drove to Verno­
nia Friday to do some trading. daughter Nina and granddaughter
Noble Dunlap drove to Ver­ of Spokane, Wp., is visiting her
daughter Mrs. King of this place.
nonia Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Standley Ku-
back and daughter Louise from of Mist visited at the home of
St. Helens and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Holmes one
Harry Marvis and sons Gorden, day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Pearson of
Donald and Bobby from Houlton
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Timber were dinner guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Jake Neurer.
Miss Millie McMullin attend­ Hall Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cline and
ing schoool at Forest Grove
spent last Sunday, Mothers Day Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brown of
Vernonia stopped in Riverview
with her parents at Natal.
Richard Peterson and his fa- ¿iunday on their way back from
A nnouncing
Our Opening
Centrally located, next to the post office, equipped
with the latest modern fountain and fixtures
McKesson Pacific
Drug Co.
of Portland
McKesson-Stewart Holmes
Drug Co.
products of
has installed the
Handy Package Household
Modern Fountain
Service Drugs will be featured
by the Armitage Drug Co.
for the Armitage Drug Co.
Grey, McClean & Percy
Sunfreze Ice Cream
Pennant brand True Fruit
So as to serve the public the best
Syrups and Crushed Fruit
Western Dairy Co.
will be served at the Armitage fountain
Visit Our Store May 24
Registered Druggist