Friday, May 2, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregori Page Six THE TIMBER LINE The News of Vernonia Schools Fo Begin Work On Latin Story THE STAFF What Classes second Are Doing begun Buy Your Annual Junior Skip Day | jump and the high and low , hurdles, while Berg got his One of the biggest days of', “Dutch” up and took the half the school year for the junior I mile. Bush placed second in the class of Vernonia high school I javelin and Lee won the mile. was Friday, April 25, when they' Hieber was high point man of had their “skip” day at Oswego the meet with 23 points, and lake and in Portland. Catherine Hoffman gave a Berg second with 13. They left Vernonia at 6:45 at her home last Wednes­ The following were point win- ’ party day evening in honor of Dorothy a.m. with Mr. McEntire and Mrs. ners for Vernonia:: Bodie Hie-1 lloltham’s seventeenth birthday. Edwin Condit as chaperons and ber. Tord Berg, Howard Lee, arrived at Oswego lake at 9:15 i lie honor iiuiiui guest guest rcvcivcu mu- u The ma- and Neal Bush.—L.A. boat . ndin riding and i received i * ,a.m. They went x ' boat ny . beautiful i and j useful presents. . , / .. i went .late lunch there and then I hn rpimuro nlmmn ¿>o»*/lc or... i The guests played cards, and | Junior Science Class on to Portland and saw two at the close of the game, Zelma shows. Watch Eclipse Of —L.M. New carried off the honors. Honor School Friend at Party , The members of the ................. Editor Charlotte Green ... year Latin class have Assistant Editor Larry Marshall ...... work on a story which is to be The American history class is .... Sports Editor Dwight Strong ...... written in Latin. From a pre­ beginning to study “Progressive ...... Jokes Editor liminary examination of a few Dorothy Carmichael Democracy in United States” or of these stories, it is believed the period previous to the World ....... Senior Reporter Norma Anderson ... that they are going to be very war 1900 to 1915. ....... Junior Reporter Inez Allman .......... interesting. .Sophomore Reporter One of the Algebra classes is Lucille Spooner ..... The members of the Commer­ studying “Graphic Solution of ..Freshman Reporter Margaret McDonald cial Arithmetic class have ac­ I Linear Systems.” Another is be­ quired much speed and accuracy. ginning “Systems of Equation, >» 1 THE 1930 ANNUAL In English VIII, the seniors one linear and the other quad- Sun Charlotte Green startled those The 1930 annuals are here in their attractive coats are familiarizing themselves with ratic.” some of the names of gods and first-term Algebra class Monday, April 28, brought a present by the grace with which April Typing Awards of light brown trimmed in black. The design is modernis- places of mythology that fre­ is The studying “Operations in Frac- total eclipse of the sun to this she demonstrated the scarf Given This Week tic. quently occur in literature. tions." dance. country. The story of the progress in transportation is clever­ The students in the junior The junior science class un­ Catherine, in order to main­ The April typing awards » ly told in the art work which begins with the old ox team English class have expressed Vernonia Wins Triangular der the supervision of Mr. Aus­ tain ‘in the serene dignity of the will be given this week. their appreciation of “The Tale Track Meet Saturday tin was very much interested to affair, sang “The Rogue Song.” and ends with the aeroplane. Two of the students taking1 if Two Cities,” .which they are know what causes the eclipse. All joined in on the chorus. bookkeeping have finished their The literary section which contains a vacation story studying now. All over the country people were With a small but determined __ ___ At this interval, Alice Hoff- sets. and several poems, written by the seniors adds much to The chemistry class has fin­ bunch of track men Coach Aus- anxious to see the eclipse. Miss Crail’s English I class is I Trere are two kinds of eclip-1m«n reported that a mysterious ished its work in the text and Helens last tin went down to St. interest of the book. These are not models of per- the has made a remarkable showing Saturday and captured the tri­ ses. Eclipse of the sun and the man was making a rather hur- reviewing punctuation. fections, of course, but they represent the efforts of the in its work with unknowns. Out angular track meet from Camas I eclipse of the moon. The eclipse.ried exit from the kitchen with The typing classes earned ten1 students. of fourteen unknowns the class high school of Washington and of the sun is caused by the “ c®ke under his arm. No one dollars for the school fund by t_ had any idea whatever who the typing letters for the business averaged 90 per cent correct. St. Helens high. The meet was moon’s passing between the in history in Senior dress-up day is now recorded earth and sun. The eclipse of ¡culprit could be. men.—M.T. one of the best ever held in the Gehring’s sophomore the humor section. Many memories which cannot be re- Miss the moon is caused by the earth ’s Immediately the girls formed English class is studying modern county and one school record corded here will arise in the minds of the class when they poetry. Her English II class is was broken when Gangier of passing between the moon and , two bands and scored the block, but the villians had magically State High School look upon this page in future years, and it will bring studying modern ballads. St. Helens heaved the discus one the sun. Inspector Visits The day was cloudy and it disappeared. hundred and fifteen feet. many a happy smile to their faces. The agriculture class has fin- was impossible to see the sun Vernonia St. Helens started piilng up at times. Several of the students All during the evening the in- The arrangement of all material in each section is ¡shed its text book and is re- points by winning the hundred, viewing now. given an opportunity to jtruders continued to disturb the very neat and artistic. I crowding Hieber of Vernonia were James M. Burgess, state high look at it through a smoked girls’ peace of mind by making school inspector, and Miss Eliza­ into second place by a couple of glass. Whether or not annuals pay is often debated, but l.memselves heard around the kit- —C.H. beth Murray, county school sup­ La Grande—Peter Pan con- inches. Berg won the polevault I chen. certainly some benefit must be gained by a staff which erintendent, visited the Vernonia fectionery opened for business. j and put Vernonia »in front until puts effort enough into the work to produce a book as Clatskanie—R. I. Parry open-' Camas took three places in the St. Helens—Building^ permits Finally the hostess spread a high school Tuesday, April 29. Editor Neal Bush and his staff have put out this year. Mr. Burgess reported that the ' ‘ quarter which _ gave ! them the approximating $8,000 granted re­ ¡delightful lunch of cake and ice ed tailor shop in Sulinka build- school has sufficient library ¡lead. With z:. St. Helens and Cam-, cently, bringing total for year to | cream, ¡ng. recent date to $44,235. j The guests were Charlotte, books, laboratory esuipment, etc. as scoring everything in the ¡Supt. C. A. Howard, of the state( | Green, Violet Phelps, Zelma J to meet the requirements for a Brownsville—Construction of'shot discus and high jump department of education will de- Medford—East Ninth Street New, Alberta De Rock, Marjorie standard high school, except for located things looked bad for Vernonia. airport 1 liver the address at the com­ Government be paved from Central ave­ King, Mildred Tousley, Norma some apparatus needed in phy- i mencement exercises Friday even­ northwest of city being rushed i Hieber then went on a rampage will Anderson and Dorothy Holtham. sics. land placed first in the broad nue to Riverside avenue. ing, May 16. Miss Elizabeth to completion. Murray, county school superin­ tendent will also be here for the | programs. Jack Kelly of St. Hel­ The Awful Truth 1 ens, will ..... M.,. sing R two vwv uv.vvvivuo selections The two faces were close to- [ which we are sure will please gether, the man’s grim, tense; the audience. Also, several fav- the other face was small and' orite local musicians will have white with two slender hands a part in the program, pressed tightly against it. It was f ; The class sermon for this those hands that riveted the t' year’s graduating class will be man’s horrified gaze. I preached at the Evangelical “Heavens!” he said, still star- church on Sunday evening, May ing; and in his voice was stark 11, by Rev. G. W. Plumer. hopeless tragedy, for the other face was the face of his watch Short School Week In and the hands told him he’d Sight Soon missed the last train home.— Pathfinder. The seniors will be required to attend school only two days Miss Perce—Neal, take this during the last week of school, sentence. “The cow was in the and most of the time of those two days will be devoted to lot.” What mood? practice for the class day pro­ Neal, returning to earth- ■“Ah gram. It has been the custom in our school to excuse the sen­ er—the cow, wasn’t it?” iors from the final examinations. The arrival of the annuals has. brought to light much autograph­ ic ability. Bromides Abie—Poppa, vat iss science? I Poppa, My, how could you be I so stupid I Sincere iss dose tings vat says “No smoking.”—Path- J finder. •-------- Wife—to returning husband at seaside resort—“Oh, darling. I’m so glad you've come. We heard that some idiot had fallen over the cilff, and I felt sure it was you.—Modern Woodman. TRAIN AND STAGE SCHEDULES BETWEEN Well folks, only two more weeks, and I’ll rejoice with you over the cessation of the Brom-1 ide column. Some girls don’t mind going with bad eggs if they aren’t broke.—Pathfinder. Supt. C. A. Howard To Give Commencement Address As announced once Trains leave Train, riving If nominated and elected, 1 will serve the people im­ partially and to the best of my ability and wilt try to give an economical and progressive administration. Vernonia Stages Vernonia' leave Arrive and a.m. Portland 8.00 p.m. daily. from Vernonia ly, and 7:05 Leave and 10:50 Vernonia p.m. for 10:25 except on both for Vernonia p.m. Keasey alrrive and via Forest Grove arrive Vernonia daily dai­ p.m. only. Keasey 5:20 p.m. except Sundays. Leave 5:50 Port­ land 4:15 Mnd 8:15 p.m. 4:15 respectfully announce 1 that I am a candidate for the republican nomination for county judge at the re­ primary election, publican My deci.ion to May 16. office was run for thia consulted a made after number of people from all »action, of the county. Portland a.m. Sundaya JUDGE 2: leave arriving a.m. Stages COUNTY Vernonia 11:50 Portland returning before, FOR at Portland from daily Portland 8:00 5:50 Sundaya Sundaya. Further details on application to R. M. Aldrich, Agent. J. C. Wright, Gen. Agt. G. C. Pendergast, Tr.Psg.Agt. Respectfully, Wellington Paid Adv. C. BRUCE LUMBER Wholesale and Retail Vernonia Now Martin & Forbes LEADING FLORIST 387 Washington St. Portland, Ore., Phone BEacon 3162 For County Commissioner To the voters of Columbia £ounty: nounce I respectively an­ candidacy for my for re-nomination county commissioner at the lican 16. If I servo faithfully May and re-nominated re-elected, to repub­ primary election will the and continue taxpayer impartially as 1 have tried to do dur- ing the time I have been commissioner. Respectfully, J. N. MILLER (Paid advertisement)