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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1930)
7“ Vern onia Eagle, Vernonia. Oregon THE TIMBER LINE The News of Vernonia Schools THE STAFF Charlotte Green ... Larry Marshall ...... Dwight Strong ...... Dorothy Carmichael Norma Anderson ... Inez Allman .......... Lucille Spooner . Margaret McDonald ..................Editor Assistant Editor .... Sports Editor ...... Jokes Editor ....... Senior Reporter ....... Junior Reporter Sophomore Reporter ..Freshman Reporter A NEW STAFF As the year draws to a close, we are reminded of the fact that the Timber Line staff which has long been an example of cooperation must necessarily be dissolved. The staff has worked faithfully and cheerfully gather ing the news, writing it up, and getting it in on time. Each member has seen to it that his column was filled, and with this responsibility in mind, the Timber Line page has grown. Many on the staff are seniors and it will, therefore, be necessary to re-organize for next year’s work. The sooner the re-organization is made, the better it will be for the incoming staff, for they can profit by the ex- perience of this year’s staff, Those who have had experi- ence in collecting news for the Timber Line could, and would, help the new officers in getting started. It usually takes some time each fall for the staff to be able to put out a page which does credit to the high school, but with some experience at the close of the year they could be prepared to put out a good Timber Line at the beginning of the school year. What Classes Are Doing Miss Gehring’s English II s studying ballads. The French II class is learn ng to take dictation in French. The students in the economics •lass are doing outside reading and making oral reports in class on what they read. The Latin I class is making a careful study of the comparison of adjectives and adverbs. Miss Gehring’s English IV class is finishing the study of “Quentin Durward.” Miss Crail’s English I class is studying “The Lady of the Lake.” The chemistry class has fin ished their work in their manu als and will work on unknowns in the laboratory this week. The general science class has completed the study of birds and wild animals. The students selected the badger, beaver, and the deer as the three most use ful wild animals. The geometry class is taking up the last book in the text.— M.T. Bromides Mr. Wilkerson — Ruth, did orator; Bodie Hieber, advisoj your father work your problems to freshmen; Norma Anderson, for you? Ruth L.—No, I got them prophet; Alice Dübendorf, solo ist, and Charlotte Green, violin- wrong myself. ist. There will also be two selec- 'Twa* Ever Thu* tion by the senior quintet, Char Johnson: ‘.So you gave up try- The Timber Line staff was en- lotte Green, Catherine Hoffman, ng to teach your wife to drive tertained at a party at the home Alice Dübendorf, Violet Phelps the car?” of Mrs. Floy Hammack Wednes and Dorothy Holtham. Williams: “Yes, when I told day evening, April 16. íer to release her clutch -she let The evening was spent playing ;o of the steering wheel.”—Mod- games. A first prize was to be Want to Organize High rn Woodman. Schoo) Band Here given the high point player and a booby prize to the one win evidence A concerted effort of both the Magistrate: "The ning the least points, but as the points were so evenly dis faculty and student body will ■hows that you threw a brick at tributed, each was given a large be put forth next year towards ¿his constable.” Burly one: “It shows more’n candy egg and each a small one, organizing a high school orches tra or band, The lack of som< hat; it shows I hit him.”-—Mod so everyone was happy. such organization is a real loss A large Easter egg charmingly in the progress of the extra cir ern Woodman. decorated with a mother hen and cular activities of any school. he moments pass— two small chicks was given to They always do Miss Perce. L’m sure it is a blessin* The refreshments were served Graduating Class to Hold Jut I’d like to know in a most delightful manner Meeting in June Why they go so blamed slow which could only be expected The members of the graduat- n class when I haven't my les from a clever hostess. Everyone son? returned home highly elated over ing class of 1929 are planning for a meeting of the class to the enjoyable evening. be held about the middle of The hour was L8 Those present were: Miss F. June. The class organized by Still Tom and K8 Perce, advisor; Miss C. Green, electing officers during the clos Hung on the G8 editor; Larry Marshall, assistant ing days of the school last year ‘Say, Tom, my dear, I really H8 editor; , __ Norma Anderson, , senior ____________ To part with you but such is F8 class reporter; Mildred Tousley, 3ut sure we have another D8 class personals; Dwight Strong, Tomorrow night, so let us W8.” sport reporter; Dorothy Carmi- Their arms entwine; they oscul8 chael, joke reporter; Inez All- They say good night and separ8. man, junior class reporter, and Lucille Spooner, sophomore re- “David Balfour More Complaint» For porter.—L.S. The Art Class Robert Louis Stevenson’s vid Balfour” is a sequel to “Kid Attend Our napped.” It deals with the trials Carnival Senior Class Day Program and hardships of a youth who is The art class, whpse display To be Presented May 15 honorable, even when his life is was exhibited in the window of at stake. This brave boy wins he Miller Mercantile store last the undying love of a beauti- veek, felt highly complimented The senior class day program, ful Highland girl. when they learned that their which will be given Thursday, The time of the story is about work was so well done that some May 15, is being planned by 1870, when both England and who saw it thought some mis Miss Perce. France were undergoing a per- take had been made in crediting Those who will participate in iod of national stress.—J.B. first year students with second the exercises are Catherine Hoff year student’s work. man, valedictorian; Alberta De No mistake was made, how- For some unknown reason Rock, salutatorian ; Mildred the dual track meet which was over, for there is only one stu- Tousley, historian; Zelma New, scheduled for last Saturday at dent who is taking second year reader of the will; Neal Bush, St. Helens was called off.—L.M. irt. Some of the students began the work last year and complet- ed it this year, but they have earned only one year’s credit. The students do deserve much commendation for they have worked faithfully and painstak ingly. and they are justly proud of their accomplishments. Entertains School Staff A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, Stated Communication First Thursday of each month. Special called meetings on all other Thurs- day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors most cordially welcome. J. E. Tapp, W. M. J. B. Wilkerson. Secretary. Order of Eastern Star Nehaljm Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu nication first and third Wed nesdays of each month, at Ma sonic Temple. All visiting sis ters and Broth ers welcome. Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson, W.M. Mrs. Grace Reherger, Secretary. WOMENS RELIEF CORPS The sewing class displayed Meets third Thursday of each some excellent work in the Mil month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Mrs. May Mellinger, president. ler Mercantile window last week, if one may judge from the many complimentary remarks which NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. 1« were heard from those who saw ORDER OF RAINBOW it. FOR GIRLS The class deserve special cred Regular meeting second ami it, for they are all first fourth Mondays. students. Margaret Nelson, Recorder They have made rapid gross under Mrs. Hammack’s competent direction and through American Legion Vernonia Po*t her untiring efforts. It was said that it was dif- 119, American Legion. Meets ( ficult to tell whether the gar- on display were those second and . i ments made by the girls or whether fourth Tuesdays 11 they were those displayed for each month, 8 p. m. Connie An sal«. derson, Com- mander. Hughes, Adjutant Seniors of Graduating I Class Highly Com- I plimented Mountain Heart Vernonia Temple 61 meets Rebekah Lodge No. 243 every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in The principal of the school No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every 1 has second and fourth Thursdays in I this stated that the seniors of year rank above the aver- W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors age in mentality and scholarship, nlways welcome. Marie O’Donnel, Vice Grand [The trophy offered to the senior American Legion Auxiliary Edna or junior making the highest Linn. Noble Grand Meet* «econd and fourth average in scholarship in citizen Myrtle John, Secretary. Monday* of aach month ship will, without doubt, go to Della Cline. Treasurer at the Legion hall. some member of the senior class, Mrs. P- Wideman. Pres. probably to n girl. W.O.W. hall. MARJORIE COLE. M. E. C. DELLA CLINE M of R * C I. O. O. F HARDING LODGE 11« Meets every Monday I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No, night in the W.O.W. 246 meeta every Tuesday night hall. Visiting broth at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis ers welcome. itors always welcome. James Nanson, C.C. Noel Hammack, N.O. John Glasaner, Secretary. U. A. Scott. K.R.S. 'ipnui X joa Xofuo HfM noX 3uiq;auiog si qotq.n 'uinuoqipne aq; ui uibx 3 -ozd aq; jo pad snozouinq aq; sauioa sp4BMja;jB puy -|ooqos qäiq aq; jo umb [ aq; uo uoai U aq [[( m qaiqM jo |[B ‘saauBp Xep.fBjq (BzaAas aq os[B [[iM ajaqi pus *a[od -ÁBiu aq; SuipuLM ‘uaanf) X b jq aqj UutuMoaa jo aznjBaj pappa aq; Xq pin -snun XJ3A aq o; si ;j 'og (udy ‘ÄBpsaupa^ [ baiujbj [ooqae qlfiq aq; ^uipua; -; b Xq uiaq; d[aj; -áuiABa; ojojaq ;qap [|B jo [ooqas qiiiq aq; pu o; ssBp jotuos aq; jo qstM aq; st ;j i Junior Class to Go I For Skip Day Friday morning, April 25, at I 5 a.m., the members of the jun- ■ ior class of Vernonia high school I started on their skip day. They have planned to go to Oswego l Lake, ,go boating, eat a picnic I lunch, then on to Portland to ! see a show, or perhaps go swim- ming. i Mr. Wilkerson, class advisor, is unable to accompany them, so Mr. McEntire will go as chaper- on. The junior classes of former years haave always gone to Os- Os wego Lake and all have repo rt- ed a good time, so the class of .’31 is anticipating many things. —L.M. Martin & Forbe» Buy Your Annua! A Now last two weeks of the school and at the fifteen minute study period following the noon re- cess. The parents of the seniors On Thursday afternoon, May wil be welcome to visit the sen 8, the junior class will offer a ior room on these ocsasions. “good-bye” program to the sen iors. This program has, in for Annuals Here Next Week; mer years been given in the school auditorium, but this year Sell Like Hot Dogs at a it will take place in the senior Circus room. Junior Class to Offer “Good-Bye” Program To Seniors Members of Faculty To Give Talks Soon faculty responded 100 per cent; the seniors, 100 per cent; the juniors, 50 per cent; the sopho mores, 70 per cent and the freshmen, 35 per cent.—N.A. Seniors Calling Cards Arrive The senior calling cards and announcements of the com- mencement exercises are here. The annuals will be here in They are very attractive the middle of next week. Many formal, The students are are buying them this year. The pleased with them.—N.A. The seniors are going to have the pleasure of listening to some prepared talks by the members of the facutly very soon. These talks will be made during the ing Pleasant Hill school, Micky es and cut work was the topic of Shay and Margurette Harris. | the ’ day. Mrs. Percy McCampbell was Lindsays are loading their new i donkey at the mill and intend in Portland Saturday. Meeta With Accident itaking it up to their timber near' Mr. and Mrs. John Kalish ---- went to Portland Sunday to vis Russel Whitsell met with an xv the _ rx Orendorf place, it their daughter Louise. auto accident Saturday evening Give« Demonstration« Mrs. D. A. Castle and her at Koster camp no one getting Miss Didtel, county home de- daughter Ella were in Hillsboro I hurt. 1 monstration agent held a meet Thursday. Mrs. M. Dooley went to Port ing at the Kist unit last Wed Take* In Dance land Monday. A number of people from Mr .and Mrs. Jess Mitchell nesday, April 16. Those present were Mesdames, here took in the opening dance motored to Portland on Saturday at Arcadia park Saturday even to visit with relatives, 1 Miss Martin, Christensen, Henry John, ing. All reported a good time. Mary Leguerve, i, Miss Ruth Eur- George Ollier, Crue Ohler, M. J. Mrs. D. A. Castle left for dick accompanied them home. .John, Guy Murphy, Carl Jensen, Walvillc, Wash., Thursday for a ! George McDonald, Harry Condit, Gets Treatments in Portland I Russell Stanton, Feix O’Donnell, short visit. „ L_j Floyd _____ Lindsay has returned Bert Ohler, Martin Christenson, home from Portland where he Vernon Mowe, Frank Schmidlin, Kii.4ne>* received treatment for a broken Miss Lois Smith and Maxine No one can give u rule for kind shoulder. He is going to school j Smith, Clifford, Bergerson at ncss, since klnduess Is our re [ whose home the meeting was sponse to the ever-changing needs this week. held. A pot luck lunch was en- of other people; but one thing la Mrs. Austin is teaching her joyed by everyone. Spring dress- constant in kindness, and that Is room. School pupils are practic the lieart of love. ing for the relay races to take place at Vernonia Friday after noon. Mrs. Walter Bennett was at Portland one day this week. Mrs. Chas. Jnstice, Mrs. John Price spent Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harold Smith. Mr. Shay and family have With a Portland Orchestra for moved into their new home. Dancing; and Special Entertainers A large crowd attended the opening dance at Arcadia park Saturday night. DANCES TO BE HELD EACH SATURDAY Every day market has tomato NIGHT and cabbage plants this week. Relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Season membership tickets will be issued Crawford of Forest Grove spent to all desirable gentlemen. Easter Sunday with the family, Ladies considered as members when es- Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Pal- corted by ticket holder. meiter and daughter motored to BARBECUE — CIGAR STAND STORE Salem on /Saturday to visit with their parents. FILLING STATION COTTAGES Mrs. H. John, Mrs. M. J. John RATES were Vernonia shoppers recent- ly. A parking charge of 50c a car will be made at all Mrs. Harold Smith and chil- times. This entitles both members and general public dren and Miss Louis Smith mo- to park privileges, such as picnicking, swimming, tored to Vernonia Friday after dancing in lodge, radio, use of card tables, etc. noon. Orchestra dancing main hall Saturday nights and hol- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prutzman ¡days. Members and their ladies only. Men, 75c; la- were Vernonia shoppers on Sat dies, 25c. urday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weinecka Members Attending Without Tickets May Be Vouched and family spent the week end with relatives near Buxton. Lee Kellar has moved his fam ily back to their place on Beaver creek. TneBest MEATS TIMBER Wonderfully Good and fresh. Foods at our market to please the whole family. SERVICE AND DELIVERY Will be Open on April 19th Nehalem Market & Grocery, Ins, Phone 721 / You know this MANI Arcadia Park New Pupil* at School Two new pupils are attend Fred Lockley has been traveling over his Oregon and writing about its people for more than a quarter of a century. As “The Journal Man” he has undoubtedly visited your own community many times to obtain interesting articles for tin favorite newspaper of the Oregon country. Now he has written for you a book—and it's free to you— telling die gripping history of The Journal and the interesting methods by which a great daily newspaper is produced. You’ll enjoy and treasure this book. Send for your copy today by filling in < ths coupon below. The J ournal AFTERNOON—SUNDAY PORTLAND, OREGON C—309 WITHOUT the slight est thump thump or whirr •hinery, without danger o f gas - leakage, without periodic “strikes”, 1 without the possibility of an enibarassing shortage al a cold-drink crisis, ice dependably preserves food freshness and flavor. ORNA*. -ND, OREGON Pltiue itnd mt Frtd Locklt'/t [rtt book about Tbt Journal. (Your Name) (Street Address or R. P. D. Number) (City or Town) Nehalem Valley Ice & Creamery Co Lindsay Lumber Co Raie and Pasteurized Milk Nrhalia Ice Cream Treharne LEADING FLORIST 387 Washington St. Portland, Ore., Phone BEacon 3162 •» Come in, phone, or send the chil dren—you’ll always find good things to eat. Arcadia Park Much Credit Given Sewing ( lass For Splendid Display Pythian Sitters KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Friday, April 25, 1930 “There is no substitute for ICE” Phone 7F51 (Stute) il