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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1930)
Friday, April 25. 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Page Firo S' Make Building* Rat-Proof "Inside” Information ¡1' -■• the - _ - spoon ___ of __ __ Wilark, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodge Ruth Makinster, Elaine Makins- stand * until oil has spread kerosene or one half and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sar.don ter; 7th, Violet Ennis, Roberta , Child Health week, beginning evenly. Or a little oil may be tablespoon of light lubricating The cheapest form of “rat in attended the Arcadia Park dance Gallaway, James Burke, Leigh May 1, is a good time to send added to the rinsing water after oil to one quart of water gives surance” is rat-proof buildings, Devaney, Frank Reed, I..>uie for Leaflet “I Good Food---- washing One table- good results. Leaflet 42-L, 42-L, “ *■*“ the duster. J - says the biological survey of Mrs. Harry Hewitt and son Saturday evening. Back on Job ¡Serafin, Dominick Valpiani, Vel-1 Habits for Children,” which the the U. S. department of ag | Virgil were in Portland last Ed Dolan, steward of Wilark, ™ ¿lo^rts,’, Fran/|U- s- department of agriculture riculture. Most buildings that week end. David Howard,. distributes free while its supply The program of the extem are not already rat-proof can is back after several days ab- cis Reed; "" ’ 8th, * *' I Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaberstein pore and declamatory contests 1 be made so at small cost. The and daughter Irma spent Sun sence due to an injured foot. | John Riggs, Violet Wold, Yola lasts. Serafin. •1 of the high school section, held first step in rat-proofing a Mr. Wold and his family, and! in Portland visiting Mrs. at the auditorium of Clatskanie building with brick, stone, or day Set a time for a child’s Mr. and Mrs. Stroom spent Eas-. high school Friday, April 18, un- concrete foundation is to search Kaberstein’s sister. ter week end in Portland, at- Legion Active at St. Helen* meals, and allow no distrartions has Mrs. L. M. Preston, who der the auspices of Columbia ■ thoroughly for all places where tending the Salvation Army ser-| Columbia post 42 ul „i-. durin ------ <■ 8 — meal ------ hour.\Regularity of VIIS the B Am-' the ------ county division O. S. T. A. is rats might enter, especially small I | been visiting her daughter and vices. Due to car trouble Mr.' erican Legion at St. Helens haslof schedule for meals, exercise husband, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. shown below: openings around pipes and small Marston, left today for her home Wold remained over until Mon-.started the erection of a sign and sleep helps to keep the body Oratorical: 1st. “Character”— cracks. Such openings should be day. ¡board along the highway which' healthy and the appetite normal- closed with metal sheeting or in Victoria, B. C. William Voss, St. Helens. Several men from here attend- w'd have each member’s name ini --------- Take Auto Trip Around Loop with concrete. Basement win 2nd. “The Origin of the Con- ed the Camera-Baker fight in ‘he post inserted on it. | In cooking bread pudding, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kent stitution.”—Kenneth Wood, Rain- dows and other large openings Portland Tuesday night. | W. W. Laughlin, a member eorn custard, and other dishes may be covered with strong, and family had an enjoyable ier. Mr .and Mrs. James Troy had °f Columbia post and well known containing ! a large proportion Dramatic: 1st. “How Tom durable screening, such as stan trip Sunday driving from Wilark an enjoyable trip Sunday down/” this city, is chairman of the ' of egg and milk, set the dish Sawyer Whitewashed the Fence.” dard 8-mesh galvanied hardware through Mist, Clatskanie, across the Columbia highway across to' committee which started the in a pan of surrounding hot cioth. Ventilators and sewer op to Longview and to Kelso. John Whetzel, Rainier. Longview, dinner at the Hotel movement toward planning the water and bake in a very mod- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson Monticello and home by way of board. 2nd. “The Soldier”s Reprieve” enings should be covered with erate oven until a knife blade gratings. Doors likely tq be left last week made an interesting will come out uncoated »(hen Mary Hall, Clatskkanie. Portland. open at night should be equip trip with friends driving from used to test with. Humorous: 1st “Naughty Zell” Wilark School New« ped with self-closing devices. Portland to McMinnville out to Emma Jane Russell, St. Helens. • The children of Farm buildings without rat Wilark are the Roosevelt highway and As 2nd. “Mr. Bush’s Kindergar Have your retail meat man ten Christmas” — Laura Hall, proof foundation walls may be toria up the lower Columbia riv fortunate in having a well equip bone a shoulder of lamb for ped school with enough teachers raised 18 inches or more from er highway. Clatskanie. you. Fill the center with hot Extemporaneous: General Top the ground and kept open on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell that each child receives the at savory stuffing, sew the edges ic—“Education for Citizenship.” »11 sides. Clear trash from un drove to Longview Sunday, tak tention that is needed for rapid together to force a plump, square 1st. Kenneth Oliver, Scap derneath. Corncribs, granaries, ing Mr. Mitchell’s mother home, advancement. Two Vernonia boys receive cushion. This piece of meat will and other storage places for There are forty children in poose, “Making Aliens Good Cit who has been visiting them this be easy to carve, tender and honors is PUBLIC SCHOOL WEEK in food may be equipped with metal last week. all, thirteen in the primary Kappa at Oregon State college, juicy. It is one of the less ex izens.” Delta Pi, national edu- rat guards at the tops of the grades, one through the fourth Mrs. Orville Makinester was 2nd. Violet Wellington, Clats pensive cuts of lamb. honorary, pledging Rus-, Columbia County. Schools are kanie. “School Activities Train supporting posts, or may be en taken to the St. Helens hospital under Mrs. Stroom; and 27 in sell Mills, junior in vocational j tirely enclosed with wire mesh. for treatment Saturday. the other department under Mrs. education, and for Citizenship.” Alpha Kappa | Whip half a pint of double one of the most important insti- The “Happy Six” club will Walter Freeman. Presentation of Medals: Miss j Psi, national professional in cream until stiff, add one eighth meet with Mrs. Via Esther Stricker, county director. In addition to the Ennis Thurs- school pro- commerce, ] pledging List* Smith-Hughes Banquet Charles teaspoon of salt and one half tutions of our life. You owe it day afternoon. Judges: E. W. McMindes, Clat gram each morning a few min- Hoffman, senior in commerce. cup or more powderes sugar and sop county agriculturist, Astoria; I At 8 o’clock this evening, I Mrs. A. F. Baker and children utes art spent on current events. | , Mills has continued his high blend well. Fold in carefully 1 T. D. Kirkpatrick, Fulton Park KOAC will broadcast the ban are spending the Easter holi- to yourself to take an interest in The following . children have school athletic record by mak- Quart of T selected ripe straw- school, Prtland; Miss Olga Moore, quet program that will feature day« in Wilark. had^ 10,0 in spelling ^since Sep-|jng bjs letter in track and is berries that have been washed the annual Smith-Hughes week J. I H. .......... Astoria high school. Atkins, master mechan-1 tember 2: Violet Wold and Ro- a member of the minor “O” and capped. Serve at once. If the schools your children attend, end on the Oregon State college ic from Camp 8, was taken to berta Gallaway; BUiee January, i they stand the juice of the ber- since January, association. campus. Governor Norbad will b Columbia County High Schools a Portland hospital with influ- ouve Olive oenwn-K, Benwick, Angelina Serafin, I ,, -- . .. , be the principal speaker and C. enza Saturray. r> i vi • • i, i is active also mu- . • ries will be drawn out and will Dommck Valpiani, Velma Hew-IR<C Hoffman or(,anizations bein( , a in mem Clatskanie, Dist. 5; St. Helens, i thin the cream. A. Howard, superintendent of I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Conant itt, Louie Serafin, Yola Serafin, ber of both the band and ______ i I Dist. 2; Scappoose, Union High oublie instruction, will announce Dist. 4; Rainier, Union High I the state winner in the “Future of Wilark drove to Mist to visit James Burke and Violet Ennis. sympbony orcbestra and of The oil in “dustless” cloths Dist. 3; Birkenfeld, Union High I Farmer” public speaking contest.1 friends in their new Essex coupe ,_5,_ r° „ ®. /°i. is:|Kappa Kappa Psi, national hon may be renewed by applying a Dist. 2-Jt.; Vernonia, Union Names of the 10 boys who will Sunday. few drops of kerosene or light 1st, Irene Volpani, Bernice Dass, i orary for band men. John Atkins bought a new High Dist. 1 (No entry). lubricating oil on one corner, Gertrude Steel, Easter Stephens;! receive the “Oregon Farmer”, Hudson sport sedan recently. rolling the cloth, and letting it 2nd, Chas. Mitchell, Clara Gas degree will be announced Mrs. Geo. Stendal and daugh- Plans are under way at Port evening by Earl R. Cooley, par, Lawrence Roberts, Franklin1 Dunn & Baker Construction land for $75,000, improvement supervisor of agricultural state ter Georgette drove to Portland Steele, Jean Ryves; 3rd, Eala company received contract, on edu_, Monday. and construction program at cation. Stephens. 4th, Erlind Hill, -Virgil bid of $49,620, for graveling i Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Baker and Hewitt, Lester Roberts; 6th, Jack and oiling the Chiloquin-Klamath1 Waverly Country club. | family made the loop trip to Stendal, Alice Stephens, John Agency and Chiloquin-The Dalles Foster—Contract awarded to jor' Longview and Portland Sunday. Wilverding, Harold Wold, gye i California highway road. Jewell—Plans proposed Fred H. Satel for improvement A Hillsboro—Bids will be opened of 2.24 miles of Quartzville road. construction of county road Attend Dance rA Arcadia Park lyn Steele, Mary Benwick, Olivt eastward from Jewell in Neha-I Mr. and Mrs. James Troy, Benwick, Angelina Serafin^ Max- May 10, for construction of new is- Marshfield—$300,000 bond Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Plumb of ine Taylor; 6th, Robert Reed, Washington county jail. sue will be voted upon May 16 lem valley. for construction of bridge in this vicinity. Imnrovement under way on Pacific highway south of Med- s iord to Talent. I Declamatory Contest Held Wilark DELIVERY- feeds GRAIN HAY SEEDS VERNONIA TRADING CO Local Boys Honoretl VISIT YOUR SCHOOLS April 28 to May 2 tt VISIT SCHOOLS NEXT WEEK r Hubby Does Some Back Seat Driving in Kitchen What’s the trouble, anyhow, I aren’t you going to get any dinner tonight? You sure are getting a late start. Watch out there, can't you see you have the gas turned too high? Wily don't you put some water In thnt teakettle or else take It oft the fire? Hey, you, don't shake that sifter so hard, you are getting flour ail over the floor. My goodness alive, that bread won't be tit to eat If you put all that salt in It Look out, you came very near cutting your hand severely with that can opener. What’s the special attraction out side; don't you realize that you can't look out the window and scramble eggs at the same lime? For pity’s sake, are you blind? Ix>ok at thnt oven thermometer, over 50 degrees too high. Why don't you turn off those jets when you have nothing cooking over them? No wonder the gas bill runs over $10 every month. Holy smoke, turn that meat over before It burns to a crisp. I don't believe you would ever get a meal ready If I didn't come out here and help you.—Kansas City Times. Humble Ax Revealed as Instrument of Romance The ax is a tool of romance. In almost every age it has played a major part In man’s struggle for existence. From earliest history, on down through the Stone age, the Bronze age and the Iron age, and more es pecially during the time of Amer ica’s early pioneers—the ax has been the Indispensable friend of man. With the building of primitive log cabins went the building, too. of strong characters and stout mus cles. Washington, Boone, Lincoln. Roosevelt, Gladstone of England, and many other great names In his tory are associated with the ax. No other tool promotes the same kinship of man with nature. Through Its medium one captures the spirit of the forest, one senses that feeling of satisfaction which comes through aiding the growth of majestic trees, by the removal of deformities, weak specimens and Are hazards.—Peter McLaren, America's champion chopper, In the Ax Manual. STANDARD JF JL Whe eNew i Compressed < cNaturdl The Hottest, a Safe-Economical Convenient and Modern /’“ n J A kJ J k j that can be used anywhere in city or country with a Cleanest was Known! GAS RANGE Visit our stove department and talk it over. Stop the drudgery of fire building this very day. Enjoy the convenience of a modern gas range. y . '» ' St-®*/ #65:22 and Up ■ B Sold on any terms in reason l> HEATING! LIGHTING! HOT WATER! QUICK COOKING ANYWHERE For I Am A Dealer In Health Signed Pure Foods PURE FOODS is my name and I make my headquarters in all MacMarr Stores. I supply you and your families with the necessary elements to build strong, stur dy bodies, clear minds and lots of vitality, for I am a dealer in HEALTH. You wil Ifind the foods I endorse in these bright, clean stores where purity and high quality come first in selecting foods for your needs. ■Í. PRICES EFFECTIVE SATURDAY AND MONDAY, APRIL 26 AND 28. 1930 lue Rose Rice Ss 3 lbs..19c White. The family soap washes clothes whiter. O|“ 10 bars................ 33C (No sale to dealers) We are glad to demonstrate PINEAPPLE— J. D. D. bro ken slices. No. 214 QQ/. cans, 2 for............ 3«zC GRAPEFRUIT— Vero broken grapefruit No. 2 tall cans... brand | 13C Aunt Jemima Pancake or Buckwheat FLOUR— 2Qr* Large package....... 33 C Quick Spaghetti, Egg Noo- 9E- dies, 3 packages “3C Prudence. Large can................ Free! Ask for merchandise certificate to secure Com munity Tudor Plate Spoons. Free! TREE TEA—Orange Pe koe. OEr H'-lb package..... ». 33C MACARONI— Quaker The gas consumed is not gasoline or oil but real gas delivered in tanks large enough to last you for months. 1 I* SOAP— Crystal STOVES ON HAND All Wedgewood Gas Stoves and Ranges, from the smallest cooker or gas plate to the largest six-burner, two-oven range, may be had for use with Standard Flamo com* pressed natural gas at no additional cost. The selection of a Wedgewood insures the greatest econ omy and highest efficiency in the use of this clean, quick, convenient fuel. Why not have one of those beautiful ' ivory and green porcelain enamel ranges. C5I SOAP— Palm Olive, recom- mended by the worlds leading beauty experts. 4 ten cent 9Cr> cakes.................... £3C (No sale to dealers) Vi. £CCMOAfYXS£'*V/C^ if. £ Prices S31£° and #14.00 0B » a I The average family will consume about 15c per day. Many do get along on less. This averages about 5c per meal and equals electric heat at l^/jc to 2c per K. W. H. A much lower rate than any elec- trie company can give you. 'Delivered in tanks and connectedfor you V CORNED BEEF BEANS or Brown Breed— Burnham & Morrill’s oven baked. nr 2 large cans............ 3DC MILK—Libby’s evaporated. TaR n cans......................... 04. (No sale to dealers) OYSTERS or SHRIMP— Gulf Kist, 5-oz. cans •>*%_ 2 cans.................... L I C HASH— 9Û*» Z*«/C MACMARR FLOUR— Mill ed by experts, in cific northwest "home” trade. 49-pound sack.... No. 10 sack..................... the Pa for the Cl-CQ vl V*r in. 4jC HOFFMAN HARDWARE See Hoffman About It! It Pays! 1-Pound Package . • • 3-Pound Package.......... $1.15 I I NOW A REXALL STORE A breakfast treat—a dinner delight. Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop GET A COFFEE MEASURING SPOON FREE WITH EACH POUND OF MACMARR COFFEE. AnHlAfìfe AprlCulS Mac’s Pharmacy OUR. - BRAND Large Tree Ripened Fruit No. 2>/¿ cans.. 19c MACMARR MARKET SPECIALS Rexall Remedies and Pure Test Remedies May be Purchased at Our Store 965 Bridge St. Vernonia Repairing Done While HAMS, Armour’s Star (Fixed Flavor) whole or half, ............per lb. 29c You Wait PURE LARD, in bulk ................................................................ 2 lbs for 29c BULK SHORTENING .................................................................. 3 lbs for 33c Seward Mac’s Pharmacy "The Rexall Store for Vernonia” Hotel HOUSE OF CHEER TENTH AT ALDER Portland Oregon Excellent meals at pop ular prices. Coffee shop. Merchant* Lunch 25c, 35c. Dinner* 40c, 50c, in dining room. Breahfaat 25c and up. Luncheon* 35c, 60c. Dinner* 55c, 65c, 75c, «1. W. D. McNair, Manager W. C. Culbertaon, Prop. SHOULDER ROASTS OF PORK (Little pig pork) ................ per lb 19c BEEF POT ROASTS ..................................................................... per lb. 23c