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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1930)
Friday, April 25. 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Page Three Easter vacation with her parents, the victim of a holdup, The Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark vis “Shieling of My Sorrow” Secrete LimHatiom te Plata Hr.’ Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Marchel. thief secured $20 in bills. ited at the home of Mr. and “What Is the secret of success?" Photographer—And now, Typical Highland Legend Mrs. L. E. Miller Friday. asked the Sphinx. would you mind shutting your Mr. and Mrs. Glen Peoples L. R. Kern motored to Port- The following legend Is associat "Push." said the Button. mouth, please? My plate Is only I and baby daughter and Grace land Thursday. Oscar Larson of Portland is ed with Aueda No Dhubhach, the “Never be lead." said the Pencil. three Inches by four.—Detroit ; Henderson were in Vernonia Fri- visiting relatives here over the sloping ground lying to the east of “Take pains," said the Window. News. Florence and Charles Chris- Loch Drom, on the way from Garve day. “Always keep cool,” said the Ice. tianson and Herbert Root were week end. to Ullapool, in the highlands of “Be up to date,” said the Cal Both Good and Bad Florence Christianson has been in Forest Grove Tuesday even Mrs. J. A. Lindsay and son Scotland. Three young men from endar. Anne daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Bonsilo had her ton-1 sick for a few days. Prosperity Is not without many Strathmore were returning home ing. "Never lose your head. ” said the Floyd spent several days in fears and distastes; and adversity Mrs. George McDonald has been -nils removed this week by a lo-¡ the low country where they Match Portland lasat week visiting re- from Is not without comforts and hopes. ill at the Vernonia hospital with cal surgeon. i , Mr. had been working all summer and iur. and uuu Mrs. Russel Burt and Cecilia Burt, Everette Hodge latives. "Make light of your troubles." —Bacon. autumn. They reached Loch Drom said the Fire.—Great Western a septic sole throat. 1 Leonard Nelson drove to Ver- and S. Callender of Hood River Mrs. Frank Hartwick and Mrs. In the evening, and as the night Magazine. nonia Sunday evening. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cody and was stormy, they decided to stay D. Carlin is reported ill at Wayne B. Lappe were Portland gussel Burt. children and Mrs. A. Blaker of In a shieling that was near. One visitors Tuesday. On their return Returns From Hospital the Vernonia hospital. the men was a piper, and had home they visited one of the Miss Lessie Hndson after Jewell visited at the home of of Clarence Nelson, Glen Peoples and Mrs. C. W. Bennett his pipes with him, and to pass the Miss Edith Bailey of Forest large tulip farms near Beaver- and Mrs. W. H. Krebs went to I spending a week with Mrs. Rus- Mr. *'Lovo Apple” time away lie struck up a tune on sei Burt returned to her home i Wednesday. Grove was a guest at the Frank ton. the pipes, while Ids two compan Thomas Jefferson recorded the . Portland Saturday to bring home I ‘ Hartwick home Monday of this Mrs. • T. II. Hewitt of ions danced to the music. One of growing of tomatoes In Virginia » ., vv 111, 1 t-Upil.i, WIICJ 11<*3 B. B. Swetland and Mr. and the 1 . .ar Wm. Peoples, who has Uttll been <* a in Hood River Sunday. lads said It would be tine If In 1781. yet It Is said that an Ital week. was a Vernonia visitor Tuesday.' 1 patient at ; ,/ the Good „ Samaritan Mr. and Mrs. Rube Nelson and Mrs. J. Montgomery all of Port they had some lassies to dance ian could not persuade the people hospital for several weeks. children and Eunice Root drove land visited over the week end' with. He had hardly spoken when of Salem, Mass., to taste the toma I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. three women entered tile sideling, to In 1RU2 from Vernonia drove to Natal Vivian Miller who is employ to Hillsboro Sunday evening. E. Miller. and joined the dancing. The danc lint the “love apple” or “gold /Sunday. ed at Cochran spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Burt, El-> ing and playing went on for a Ions apple" of the herbalists soon after NATAL her mother, Mrs. George King time, and at last the two men sat hogan to nppear as n market vege mer Burt and Tessie Hudson i Mrs. B. R. Bennett and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlie Hill were home with her, re went to Hillsboro Tuesday even-'C. W. Bennett, motored to Fort- down on the sent, and the women table In the early part of the Sunday guests at the Dave Mc- who went seated themselves beside them. Eighteenth century the tomato was Frank Peterson made a bus Mullin turning Monday evening. ing to see a show. I land Monday. home. The piper, feeling all was not a subject of general Held culture iness trip to Clatskanie Monday right, looked nt his two compan In Italy and It Is to the people of Large Attendance At Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols Mrs. A. C. Staley was in Port- Lee Osburn is getting out Mr. and Mrs. John Estes and School called on Mr. and Mrs. Reed ! land one day last week, where ions, and was horrified to see them that country that we ninst nccord some more poles for the elec- sons spent Easter Sunday at Na- dead. Slipping out, leaving his ' Its highest and earliest apprecia Ingalls Saturday evening. ¡she is receiving medical treat plaid with the women, lie ran for tion. trie light company. tai with their daughter and fam There was a large attendance ment. his life ns fast as he could. The ily. at Sunday schQol Easter, in the I William Culver transfered some women followed, and continued to egg hunt Donald England got I Mr. and Mrs. W. Thacker and pursue the poor, exhausted piper Gargoyle! of Seventh Century Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Schultz the beef stock from Lincoln Peter- KOSTER CAMP prize for finding the most Mr. and Mrs. H. Thacker en- until dawn, when he entne in sight son’s place where they have and family from Vernonia were eggs. Gargoyles as waterspouts for ¡tertained over Sunday, relatives of Fasgrlannch, and escaped from illrectlng the rainwater running off Sunday picnicers at Natal. been in pasture Sunday. his evil pursuers. When the moth the roof nwn.v from the walls were Jackie Andreason is able to from Buxton and Banks. O. Sto- Mr. and Mrs. Al Knight, son ers of the dead men arrived at the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rudeman ¡Douglas carved Into fantastic dragon- Noble Dunlap is doing some and Mr. Knight’s father, be up again after his recent ill- well, Harry Stowell, Helen Leska shieling the next day they bewailed first and Mrs. William Falconer and tlielr loss, repeating the words like forms In the .Middle ages to fenc'ng for his mother-in-law and two sons from New Port Lon Knight of Portland, drove ness. commemorate the legendary slay were week end guests of ___ this week. “Aueda No Dhubhacli"—“Shieling ing of Gnrgoullle. the grent dragon Mrs' to Vernonia Monday to see the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Belile vis-' son. P.udeman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. of my sorrow. ” — Montreal Family show. of the Seine that ravaged Rouen, ited at the home of Mr. and' i Fishermen were plentiful along Carl Iler. Herald. by Romanns, bishop of Rouen. In Mrs. A. R. Stanton. Diet and Character I Vera Frost of Hillsboro was the Nehalem river last week end I he Seventh oenturv Miss Millie McMullin attending th e week end guest of Lillian phy Doctor Plessinger, a French trying their luck. Mrs. Wm. Prutzman, Mrs. F. slclan, states that national diet Pacific University spent Easter England and Hazel Ingolls. D. McPhersen and Mrs. S. A. I largely determines national ta<ii- Edward McMullin was ill for Sunday with her parents. Morton motored to Hillsboro perament. The French character Lillian England who is attend a few days last week. has been Influenced by wine, worn Reed Holding is working at ing school in Portland spent Tuesday. eD and a high culinary art. The Easter with her parents, Mr. Mrs. Bob Linsey called to see Clatskanie now. German character, on the other Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Uhlin mo and Mrs. D. C. England. her sister Mrs. Noble Dunlap hand, has been Influenced by beer Lee Schwab, editor of the Ver tored to Portland Friday. Wednesday. anil coarser and more homely diet. Mr. and Mrs. M. Frost, Mr. nonia Eagle was a Natal caller Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Palmer Women In Germany are regarded and Mrs. Case and daughter Ira Peterson drove to Mist to Friday morning. more In the light of tollers. Amer Maxine of Hillsboro were Sun of Vancouver visited at the home icans. says the doctor, have assimi do some shopping Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Linsey and day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reed of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Morton lated characteristics of all the na Oren Estes from Riverview on Friday. tlonallties from which they sprang called at his sister’s home at on Clarence called at Mrs. Lin Ingalls. ley’s mother, Mrs. Nels Peterson and have discarded both traditions Natal Tuesday. La Vern Stanton has returned Honor Bonnie Nelson and foods which might stand In the Sunday. from Lost Creek, Wn., and is way of their progress. Reed Holding is farming Mrs A surprise party was given staying at home while working Mr. and Mrs. Jake Ncurer call- b, being „et on th« Marie Solmstrom’s farm this sum Bonnie Nelson on her thirteenth >d on the Jim for K. P. company. Green family one mer. Robin at Crucifixion birthday Friday, those present day last week. Mrs. Viola Treharne under- The old belief that the robin were Leia Cook, Eunice Root, Dave McMullin drove to Ver il. B. Mills made a business Doris Anderson, Evelyn Wilson, went a major operation at a will sing near the window of a dy nonia Wednesday. trip to Vernonia Monday. Lillian England, Vera Frost, Forest Grove hospital Sunday ing person Is founded on a legend which tells how the bird perched Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn call Harris, Hazel Ingalls, evening. on the Cross when our Lord was Dave McMullin is hauling the Genevieve ed to see Mr. and Mrs. Jakt Miller, David England, Billie dying, and tried to comfort His Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Meeske jas?"” ‘wo Thomas children to the Na- Fred Miller, William Coode, Hen Neurer Monday evening. have returned after two months last moments with its song. It Is tai school the balance of the ry Ferlook, Ralph Root, Ray spent in Salem, where Mrs. said to have got its red brenst from Floyd Deeds was a caller at school term. the blood which came from the Donald, Clarence and Leonard Vernonia Friday. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Rube Nel- Meeske underwent an operation wounds as It endeavored vainly to nd »«v'n9*- - son, Mrs. D. C. England and for appendicitis. She is getting pick the crown of thorns from His Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carter from WEST TIMBER bead. along nicely. the guest of honor. Clatskanie mountain visited j friends at Natal Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bennett Mrs. Mary Barzee spent Sun- Mrs. Lawrence Kern and fam- We Overlooked Him J. E. Tapp from the Vernonia ly of Portland spent Sunday day visiting her daughter Evelyn entertained relatives and friends All in all, this Is an age of re Trading company brought some ind Monday here. They drove and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Baird. at an Easter party at their home markable talent. We quote: “The farming implements down the home Monday night taking Lil- Clarence Nelson and Leia Cook Saturday evening. Guests includ shoplifter made his way through ed Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bennett, river Thursday. crowd of women shoppers and a attended a show in Hillsboro ian England with them. Ralph and Lawrence Bennett, escaped." When they get around Wednesday evening. Game Warden W’m. Brown ap Miss Florence Santee, Miss Mar to making the final All-American Knight and L. E. Stephens peared in this community Friday. Returns Home garet Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. football list, they ought to remeni fishing Sunday, any fish? The Fred Bush family motored J. C. Deacon and E. Meeskie of ber the unique performance of this Grace Henderson who bird.—Boston Herald. Guests Over Week End to Vernonia Thursday. Salem. been staying with her sister Mrs. Carl Nelson and daughter Glen Peoples returned to Mrs. Oliver Burris and Miss Thompsons Safeway Beatrice Perry were Vernonia Helen Marie were guests over home in Vernonia Friday. Seedless brand, full shoppers Thursday. the week end at the R. L. Dud- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beyers count box row home. The Edward McMullin family went to Vernonia Friday to vis Glen Peoples was confined to it Mrs. Beyers parents, Mr. and have moved in the Natal service station owned by Dave McMullin. his home with illness the past Mrs. B. Henderson. Fancy Large Golden Ripe Harry Green is working for H. week. Ross Winans and family have C. Gray near Vernonia. Lygia Burt and Ermine Par moved to Longview, Wash. Pounds Blue Ribbon brand. Richard Peterson and his fa sons of Portland were Sunday Mrs. Paul Rasmussen drove Results guaranteed thcr were shopping in Vernonia guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Burt. to Forest Grove Tuesday. Friday. Fresh, Krisp and Large Firm Heads Mrs. W. H. Krebs was in Joe Winans and Joe Furlosk Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas and Snappy. two children moved to the old Portland over Sunday to be with were in Portland Tuesday even ler husband who is at the St. ing while there Joe Furlock was Heads Elliot place last week. Vincent’s hospital. lbs. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer took Try thia Play Golf at Vernonia a veal to Vernonia Friday. new Krisp Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ahlgren Joe Banzer drove to Vernonia whole wheat whea Fancy ■1 and Charles Christianson motor on business Tuesday. Breakfast Corona Brand. A Scien- ed to Vernonia Sunday for a Canby Flake. Con tifically Blended lended family Normand Berg was a Vernonia few rounds of golf later attend Variety tains all of business caller Friday. patent. I Money back ing the show. the Bran. guaranteed. 10 LIFE Mrs. Edward McMullin’s two Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Root and lbs. brothers from Roseburg are here Mr. and Mrs. William Ferlook FIRE living at Natal and working in drove to Vernonia Sunday to AUTOMOBILE Vernonia. see the show. where Sperry Drifted Snow Flour and all other kinds is used, favorite recipes turn out Bud Baldrige is pasturing some E. R. Burt made a trip to better................................................ young stock at Mrs. Marie Holm Hood River Sunday. strom’s place. Calumet Brand. Indors The Margarine of Qual White. Wonder Brand. That’s why it’s the largest «filing Cecelia Marchel spent ed by the discriminat Fritz Iler was a caller in Ver flour in the West......................... An Oregon Made Soap ity. Try it. ing housewife. nonia Saturday. Excelled by None. Mrs. George Taylor and her Bars son Rae were in Vernonia shop ping Saturday. DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR Mrs. Carl Iler and Mrs. Fritz Iler and son drove to Vernonia Now is the time Saturday. to buy before tbe price advances. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Johnson and two grand children Leora and Eugene McCormick motored to Vernonia Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Williams I Safeway Savings for Fri., Sat., & Mon April 25th, 26th and 27th. Matches Leaders in Fiesh Fruits and Vegetables Raisins Bananas 4X23c 6 eX 15c Malt 5 Ginger Snaps Lettuce 47c 23c Wheaties 2 Rhubarb Flour Insurance EVERY HOME 2 23c 49ib. bag $1,57 Baking Powder JOY Theatre Saturday eve. and Sunday mat., Apr. 26-27 MORAN and MACK 79C 10 33c 25-Lb. Bag $1-39 “ $5.29 A non-explosive home cleaning fluid. Bring your own container. Mrs. Stewart’a Brand. Has been a National fa vorite for years. Does not streak the clothes. GALLON 2 Bottles Sunbrite Cleanser 1 For cleaning and scour ing, Pots, Pans, Enamel, Aluminum Ware, Does not scratch. Meat Market Specials "Song of Kentucky Oregon-American Lumber Co BONELESS PICNICS LARD IN PAILS These are Eastern su Swift’s silver leaf brand gar cured. Four to six 4 pounds net. pounds each. Pail 28c PORK STEAK From young hogs. 25c pound or 78c 2 pounds for 45c “The two black crows ""Why Bring that Up Sunday and Monday evening«, April 27-28 “A united Columbia County, betterment lor all sections.” CASH FOR EGGS We buy eggs at the top market price. FREE DELIVERY Regardless of the size of your order, we deliver— We Pay Cash Vernonia, Oregon ""Sweetie” Ross W. Daniels Featuring NANCY CARROL Tuesday and Wednesday, April 29-30 Rainier, Oregon. (Paid advertisement) Cleaning Solvent FRIDAY, APRIL 25 I am a candidate for County Judge on the Republican ticket, and would appreciate your support at the May pri maries. If elected I will do my best to give Co lumbia a clean and eco nomical administration of all affairs of the of ice. Soap ns SUGAR "'Montana Moon For County Judge Crux 25c S#E R RY 25c j Phone 741 $ Ö