Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Page Eight e* WYNDHAM MARTYN “ COPYHI6HT IN TMC U.S. MiTTy, beT husband Still ill the table, she turned to Bettington. “On deck, later, I should like to speak to you.” He bowed In nnswer. The spoken word would have betrayed bls gladness. He went out on deck to wait, with what patience he could sum mon, for Mrs. Hallway’s coming, Mary was looking up ut the wire less. The operator was receiving news of the da.v for his bulletin Clements had allowed the machine to be repaired. Bettington was glad to believe that this lad was clean and hon est. Tubby Unwin’s two defense less children might, ere long, have need of all that was clean and hon est on the Albatross. He had feared Mrs. Ra Iwa.x would be saddened by the cheer less dinner. He did not want to see her unhappy. Now he was amazed to find her smiling and vivacious. “Let us walk,” she commanded “Every voyage 1 take I mean to learn which stars are which and how sailormen can stand by them What’s that bright thing up there?’ “Venus,” he said. “She Is the evening star this month. Most mariners steer by her too readily." “And these mariners Clements has gathered together—what you know of then)?' “Very little,” he said, “but don't like them.” “Directly I came aboard I knew something was wrong here.” she said. “A sense of dissonance.’ She paused a moment “Even more than that, but Impossible to put into words. Perhaps It was a cer tain sense of dread, a feeling that Clements. In h past incarnation, was the spider who asked the fly to step Into his parlor.” “Of course,” she said, a moment later, “I care nothing whatevet about the stars. To me they are just decorative, lovely lanterns hung in the heavens to make the nights beautiful. . . - Worrying about my husband Is driving me to the deepest misery. I used to he so proud of him. Perhaps I lacked the healthy instinct which girls ought to have for companionship with boys of their own age 1 rather despised young men ¡'heir ambitions seemed so small, so con temptlble beside those of the men I suw In Washington . . . and of course, Elgar was notoriously hand­ some then. You see, I took charge of my father’s household when my mother died. I was only seventeen Think what meant to an ambi­ tion-crazed girl. For me, America held only one city, and that was Washington, where the embassies and legations were.” Then came several turns of the deck and no further confidences. “I very seldom talk of those days," she said later. “1 try to think of them; but here, with noth Ing to do but watch Elgar, and know that this is the end, 1 am full of my troubles.” I “What do you mean by the end?” he asked. The Implication that Rad way’8 death might be what she meant, disturbed him. No matter how concerned lie might be for the welfare of the two women, he was breaking the law by pretending to be a qualified physician. And to have to attend a dying man and see others hang on his verdicts and take comfort from his blundering Inadequate service nus a chilling prospect. “lie is slipping,” It Is the fate of ping mentally these strong men who derive no strength but from tlu niseives. lie thinks a month's ret will put him in shape for the bat'le. You have seen ids methods of training. lie has burnt himself out.” “By battle, you mean his fight with Gibbons?” “Elgar underrates Mr. Gibbons, whom 1 know slightly, lie has not Elgar’s supreme ability, hut lie can descend to meannesses which my husband never used After all. Elgar has had his great moments.” She sighed. “There was a time when even so keen a Judge of events as 1- U1CT !.,,o’’2,'t lie would win Arcadia Park Will be Open on April 19th wotumns Professional and Business Directory 193O’S BIGGEST BABG AINSpri*«/¿iS feîiilhfintlee Many of our customers save money and get wonderful service using these fine quality but low-priced Goodyears. Real bargains—a big money’s worth possible through Goodyear’* huge output, more than *4 of all tires sold in America. 30x3J¡¡ U. Reg. Bij* Oversize Cords $10.1,5 SUMMONS In the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia, ’ John S. Wright, Plaintiff, vs. Myrtle Mae Wright, Defendant. To Myrtle Mae Wright, the above named defendnnt: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby requir­ ed to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or be­ fore Saturdny, the 3rd day ef May, 1930, raid date being more than four weeks after the date of the fir»t publication of this summons herein; and if you fail to appear and answer or other­ wise plead to plaintiff’s said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the reli"f prayed for in his complaint, to-wit; for n decree forever dissolving the bond, of matrimony now existing between plaintiff nnd defendnnt; and for such other and further reli'f ns to the court may seem meet and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication for four con­ secutive weeks in the Vernonia Eagle, in pursuance of an or­ der of Honorable H. K. 'Zim­ merman, Judge of the Circuit Court for Columbia County. Oregon, made nrd enter'd on the 2nd dny of April, 1930. Date of first publication Fri­ day, April 4, 1930. Date of la*t publication Fri­ day. May 2, 1930. W. W. Dillard, Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence and post of­ fice address, St. Helens, Oregon. Friday, April 4, 1930 glasses an«TuTT emptied decanter’. IT When the Boss bent bls eye* on I Metzger‘looked at Leary. What "keep mum ’because CT him. 1 be­ no woman need lie ufralil ol me. occurred to her to wonder whether Metzger, the engineer leaned back did the Boss mean? They were al­ lieve he’s been planted there for a You were right to warn Metzger. BIRKENFELD HAS BIG FIRE this small, sihnt m::n were not ply­ In bls chair and sunk his yellow ready In their usual quarters. purpose.” (From page 1) You may as well tell him that If he ing his employer with drink for teeth In the cigar. Metzger hud The Boss shook his head. “Mr. tries to force himself on Mrs. Rad­ kept in his office were also ‘‘You probably were not aware Radway told me all about it. He way, I shall give him a beating." destroyed. some purpose of his own. In her sworn to unmask the riddle he was that those rooms were planned by a Is the girl’s brother, sent on boqrd The Boss leaned over the table own room she wondered why It was compelled to call the Boss, the man former owner who placed dicta- So fierce was the blaze that as a sort of chaperon. ” who had tapped bltn on the shoul ­ and looked the other man full In grupli* In so that he might over ­ that she had been led to make “She may need one,” Sam snig­ the face. The hands were clenched at interyuls the Libel store, post these unusual confidences to a der, disclosed his power and com­ hear what was said about him by stranger, when for years she had manded him to become the engineer two guests whom he suspected.” gered. “She’s sure a little beauty!” and the voice that spoke was sharp ! office and large barn opposite “None of that.” said the Boss and metallic. the burning buildings were in withheld them from her Intimates. of the Albatross. Metzger was sit­ The Boss took from his pocket a “We are here to make “You heard what I said about danger and the quick and effi­ She looked up with a smile as ting In a corner of a WeBt street pad of paper. “Metzger suid ou sharply. Mary, after a timid knock, entered saloon not fur from Fulton street many occasions that there was no money and not to fool with women. quarreling over women? You risk cient work of the willing people “Why. little pale Mary has a col­ tie had more money In his pocket reason, because I commenced a Don’t stare at her, Sain; I can see i a great deal by taking that tone , who arrived soon after the first frighten her. I’ll break any to me.” or tonight,” she said, “is it wire­ than his appearance Indicated and voyage. I should ever finish It. you was afraid to spend IL He was Leary said that it would not take man here who disobeys my instruc­ "Less than you think," Betting­ I alarm saved the entire town less?” tions. ” wondering to what town he should ton answered. He knew his remark I from destruction. him ten seconds to pick me up, “It was simply fascinating,” Mary P. J. Skaling and Bud Lar- “A man has his rights on sea ns would puzzle the other, and he was declared quickly, “1 lune been go and dissipate It. It must he break my neck and dump me into i well ns land.” Metzger observed im­ right I son are being acclaimed as the learning so mmh up there. Mr some town where he could be sure the ocean.” He turned to look at the two i partially. “If I see a pretty woman "Do not let us misunderstand one heroes of Birkenfeld for discov- Todd is interested in my brother of not meeting certain detectives Captain Hallett says lie’s a member who had their suspicions concern­ men. Their confusion was intense. on shore I stare at her. and If I another." said the Ilogs with a more I ering the blaze and warning see a pretty woman aboard I do the ing him. They knew denial was useless. of the crew and not allowed on the those in danger. (Continued next week) The entrance of a stranger, a “Don’t give yourself such con­ same thing. Sam likes chickens. I lipper deck ut ail. Couldn’t some don ’ t. I ’ m all for class. Radway ’ s small, smiling, well dressed num, cern. ” the Boss admonished; “ It exception be made?” “1 will speak tn the captain about put an end to speculation. The was a perfectly natural thing to wife—she’s my class.” The Boss was impatient for them It.” She hesitated a moment, •‘I’m stranger had whispered In Ids ear say. Self-preservation Is the first W.M.U. SERVICE not sure it W’ould be wise to speak certain charges against a man law. one Is told. I could put you to be gone. He waved them to the whose name was certainly not door. each one In danger of your life and to Mr. Radway about it. You see. the Preshlentlul honilnation. 71 liiis dear, you rather forced your broth­ Metzger. Yet the man. who had you know it. I am not in tlie least “I only Insist you disarm suspl just after the panic of 1907 when er on him. I quite understand whj engineer’s papers calling him Metz, offended. I have no doubt the doc- cion, and God knows, with faces Ills name led all the rest. ... I you did, but he may keep him ger. dared not deny. He rose, fol­ tor here has his own plans for my like you three carry, that's hard should have been mistress of the there, because he doesn’t.” lowed the stranger and was new sudden death, and that Sam, al­ work, I don’t want you unti Sam White House before I was twenty. engineer. And that promised holi- though he has resisted temptation, fighting over a girl.” • ••••• Naturally. I was dazzled." “Me and Sam,” said Metzger. When, at midnight, word was day was still afar olT, and the gold will eventually fall Into It.” Lie knew she was living over brought him that the Boss desired Its avoidance had saved was -.till Bettlngton looked at the man “We’re not rivals.” Metzger had I With a Portland Orchestra for again those days when it seemed to see him. Bettington was still on In h’s money belt. with amazement. He was calm and decided by this time he did not the world had placed Its all at her deck. He was in a mood of elation Dancing and Special Entertainers “This Is our chief engineer, Iler cool. Ills smile was unabated. He like the doctor. He remembered feet. man Metzger. Metzger Is not Ids looked at four men, whom he be­ wfiat Innumerable occasions there that was unusual. He was con “We were talking of Mr. Gib- scions that the chance meeting with name. There was a Herman Metz lieved to be murderers, and unre­ would be for him and Mrs. Rad­ bons, weren’t we?" There was more Evelyn Radway had brought new ger, but his life went out as a knife pentant« and defied them. With way to meet and It made him exas­ DANCES TO BE HELD EACH SATURDAY of reserve In her voice now. It was forces into his life, taken away the went In. at Mneiiti. where the I’ortu what weapon. Bettington wondered, perated that his duties were not of NIGHT as though she realized she had. un­ old ambitions and given him new guese open dives are. It was our was this to be accomplished. a different sort. “The Doc here der the strain of the last few hours, and better ones and finally wrought engineer's hour, lie killed a man. and 1 are the ones that would gel “What a fool I should have been Season membership tickets will be issued disclosed too much of herself, "lie a change in him which would he took his woman and became a chief to come Into a ship like this with­ scrapping, a’n’t we?” has hated Elgar for years. About permanent. He was freed from engineer all In the same evening out safeguarding myself first! In I’ettingtnn turned his hack on to all desirable gentlemen. a year ago a group of men who had all nervousness now. When he This fondness for women may yet my home city there is a lawyer.who him. When they had gone, he Ladies considered as members when es- suffered from Elgar's activities, looked into her eyes on the morrow be his undoing. attends to my business. Recently looked at the Boss. corted by ticket holder. promised to Join Mr. Gibbons If he it would be with the certain know! “If those two brutes got loose, "Next. Mr. Leary commands your he made my will. When this voy­ could prove himself capable of giv­ edge that he loved her age 18 over I shall go back and de­ there’ll he h —I to pay ” attention, Doctor. When I suggest STORE BARBECUE — CIGAR STAND ing battle and gaining victory. The “I keep them chained,” said the ed that he should accompany us as stroy a letter on which it says, ‘Not As he followed the messenger to test was to he the Memphis and tn be opened until one year from FILLING STATION — COTTAGES first officer he refused. Then I Toledo road. Mr. Gibbons by enor­ Clement’s big stateroom he knew spoke of the sad wreck of the Pen­ date.’ In that letter is an account other. “I’m glad .von seem to be RATES mous bribes succeeded w hen no oth­ that on this interview might hinge dennis on the Manacles, when so of the life and works of each of getting on with tlii-e women I’m Find out er means could have been victori­ the safety of the two women and, many were lost. Without a word. you gentlemen. I have also given keeping Rm’ a\ q :i; I perhaps, his own life. It was quite ous. In Itself, the loss was nothing. myself the trouble to pen memoran­ what 'vi>meu fri Leary reconsidered the situation A parking charge of 50c a car will be made at all The road had never paid. But It possible that already by some trick As a murderer we must reckon Mr. da concerning our cook; Kenzle, the has. You may times. This entitles both members and general public of speech, some failure to catch an them lai r and showed these men that Elgar could il Leary In the wholesale way of busi ­ second engineer; Graumann and names is alwa be beaten. They are vultures turned allusion, some newly discovered ness." to park privileges, such as picnicking, swimming, Hamner. I shall talk to them to­ I should not bp < Into eagles and they will pull bim physical characteristic he might dancing in lodge, radio, use of card tables, etc. morrow, but I think you will find Leary's confusion was not due to down. It Is very pitiful. He doesn't have convinced Clements that his any heart pangs over the ship he It advisable to watch over m.v find out what 1 Orchestra dancing main hall Saturday nights and hol- first excuses were genuine. Even asked “Why not?” health very carefully. If I am killed now he might be going to a tribunal had cast away for a share of the coldly. ¡days. Members and their ladies only. Men, 75c; la- you go back to prison, all of you." Insurance money. It was lnnrtlcu which had already condemned linn “Because Mrs. Radway Is a worn dies, 25c. “What do you want us to do?” an and women always trust the and was prepared to carry out a late rage that he dared not heal Leary asked anxiously. sentence. Alone, he would have no into pulp the smiling face and still wrong man. as their history proves. Members Attending Without Ticket. May Be Vouched “Do your duty without giving She thirties you are the soul of chance against thorn. Man for man. that sneering voice for ever. For. Hallett cause for offense, I don’t probity he feared none of them. because your fare masks Leary pointed to Belington, At want his suspicions to take such In a well-padded leather chair any rate, he was not afraid of Het your soul so well. Those men who shape as will make Radway dis­ have Just gone advertise the seven sat the Boss, looking fragile, re­ tington. trustful. ” mote and eternally smiling. Bet­ deadly sins whenever they look at ‘‘What’s the Idea of letting him In “That d—n boy. Bob, is In the one, and are less dangerous.” tington took a chair, wldeb gave on all this?” way, ” Sam grumbled. “ We're all him a full view of the others. There “I like Mrs. Radway,” said Bet­ Metzger nodded vehement ap­ like one happy family down there were three of them. Sam was the proval. tington, “and no matter what I Ju the forecastle and wp ha only one he hud met before. have done, acc< -rPng to your ideas. “It’s putting a weapon In his Metzger, the chief engineer, was hand,” said Metzger. a swarthy man of middle stature, “He. too, has Ids history,” said whose age was not more than the Boss. “Gentlemen, this is the thirty-five. There were many knife celebrated Andrew Orme, once of wounds on his face. He had bold, Yale ami later San Quentin, dark eyes, and for all his disfigure­ have none murder; so has he. ments was handsome in an Insolent use here on board is a double fashion. This was the Metzger who First, as ship’s surgeon, and, sec­ had already declared himself enam­ ond, as a forger of first rank.” ored of Mrs. Railway. Metzger looked at him with re­ The third man was Leary, the spect. He remembered the trial FOR SALE—Farm on rich river OATS AND VETCH HAY for WANTED—Saleslady for line of first officer, whose stateroom he had years back. No wonder he loqked FOR SALE sale. F. R. Hyland, Treharne. I Flavoring Extracts and Soap, occupied. Leary was a broken so coldly on commonplace crooks bed land, 3 miles from Ver­ 343c ■ Exclusive territory, line well down bully of the high seas. a like Sain. In all things Metzger FOR HATCHING and setting— nonia. For sale or trade for relic of the day when the buckaroo liked class. known in Vernonia, Reply with Pekin duck, Mallard duck and town house or apartment house. Bettington was vastly relieved FOR SALE—6 grade and reg. reference to H. J. Smith, 685, mate beat his way through opposi­ tion and commended himself to th4? that the mistake In his identity re­ ( Rhode Island Red—Eggs for sale Address “Trade” care of Eagle, Jersey cows, age 3 to 8 yrs., 352c all fresh. Last yrs. production Thompson St. Portland( Ore- baser type of shipowner. A tallish mained unniscovered. This inter­ I also. 8 Mallard ducks for sale. Vernonia. 352* gon. man. stoop-shouldered and heavy- view had banished for ever the Mrs. Jake Neurer, Mist route, to 550 lbs butter fat. Very 343* FOR SALE—«Solid oak library ¡350 set, with only one eye. lie was a hope that the Boss was insane and Vernonia. 1 reasonable to anyone taking all. good seaman, as even Ballet had had begun an adventure which table, good condition, less ! L. E. McGee, Mist, Oregon. „ - 34tf .WANTED—Men with caterpillar would ‘nd In failure. Assuredly FOR SALE “Cheap” one Sim­ She Said at Last. “I Sie to admit. ----------- 1 tractors on big clearing job, than half price. 4-burner Cole­ those three men were not to fall mons coil spring day bed. The Boss bowed pleasantly to the That You Are a Man to Trust." FOR RENT ! no grubbing, will finance and newcomer. ‘‘Now,’’ be said, when because of lack of brute courage, Call R. F. Reberger, S. P. & man gas stove, large cabinet, $18. Mrs. C. Hoffman, call or 4-ROOM and 7-room houses for guarantee wages and give bonus know It. He can see only victory, Bettington had lighted a cigar, “let And there were others whom he S. depot. 35tf lie has always been victorious be­ me introduce you. No doubt you had not yet met, subordinates of 351 rent, on 1st avenue. J. C. Lind­ I per acre cleared ; 8 months work. j phone 186. ♦ I Phone Garfield 3736, Portland, fore." will be curious to know who and tlx se three who would stand or fall 31tf after 7 p.m. “I see.” There was a pause. “1 what these gentlemen are, that they with them. He was wondering If NOTICE OF CALL OF BONDS RECLAIMED SEED OATS and ley, at bank. 343c I the tasks demanded of him might hope you know that if 1 can do any­ have con) inended themselves to Notice is hereby given to the WANTED barley for sale. Timothy and not yet betray him as an imposter. I NURSING wanted—Would also thing, little or big, to help you. you me.” The Boss turned In his swivel holders of the following bonds have only to ask me.” chair and looked them over. “Sam, w I k ' ii the Boss rapped on the table. of the City of Vernonia, Colum- oat hay, $18 or $20 delivered WANTED—To take lessons on sit up with children. Mrs. A. “The main reason why we are Teacher must furnish 10 miles. Phone 7F3555, Pete She looked nt him curiously. It you already know. He is the type was ns though this scrutiny were of murderer one hires at so much here tonight,” he said, “is to cor­ bia county, Oregon. Bergerson, 8 mi. south of Ver­ i piano. Write Mrs. A. J. Marks,! E. Jennings, phone 342 or P.O. Bond No. 5 of General Ob­ nonia. box 461. to determine Ills status once and au hour. I cannot recommend him rect certain Impressions which are 308* 354* i Vernonia. held by some of my men. You, ligation bonds, dated May 1, lie was unaccountably for any subtle work.” for all. Leary, were gratified that I allowed nervous. Sam moved uneasily He was of 1926, said bond being in de- “Yes," she said, nt Inst. “I see that simple type, never wholly at you 1» lake one of the guest rooms nomiantion of $500. that you are a man io trust.” She ease unless in a conversation from Bar Harbor to New York. Mr. Bond No. 3 of Improvement held out her hand. “Good-night.” sprinkled with obscenities. Both Hallett was scandalized, but knows As she entered her room she san Bettington’s manner of speech and better than to try conclusions with District No. 2 dated May 1, Clements coming from her hus that of the Boss alarmed bln) So me. The same thing applies to you, 1926, said bond being in denom­ bai.d's stateroom further forward For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on had dignitaries of the law been Metzger. You used the room the ination of $500. dodor has now.” this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in V emonia as reliable business He had a tray, on which.were some used to address him. Bond No. 6 of Improvement i till Oversize 4.10-21 Bid loons 4.40) 30x5.00 .w r- I District No. 3, dated May 1, 1926, said bond being in denom- ination of $500, Bond No. 5 of Improvement District No. 5 dat­ ed May 1, 1926, saitj bond be­ ing in denomination of $500. Bonds No. 7 and 8 of Improve­ I ment district No. 8, dated May 1, 1926, said bonds being in de- nominaton of $500 each. All of the above bonds being redeem­ able at the option of said city on May 1, 1930. That pursuant to said option, said bonds will b" redeemed within 30 days from I the date of this notice, to-wit: On the First day of May, 1930, upon presentation to the fiscal agency of Oregon in New York City, to-wit: The Chase National Bank. In case the holders of said bonds fail to present same at the time and place mentioned herein for the redemption there- of, then the interest aforesaid will thereafter pay only the amount of such bond and the interest accrued thereon up to the said first day of May, 1930. I Dated at Vernonia, Oregon, on this 1st day of April, 1930. J. C. Lindley, Treasurer, City of Vernonia, Ore. 353 Beard* in History Evidence as to any possible rein tlon between beards and national or racial power is coni! id ins. The Greeks loved beards. The Romans did not. "Barbarian” su rgfpts tin» bearded; the wild. sJiarsry. unkempt violent, reckless. The greatest beard coh bratod in hi; tory was that of Johann Mayo, John, the Bearded,” a painter in Germany whose beard fell to the •'round. ex cept, when, as lie usually did. ho tucked it in his girdle.—Boston Herald. Tubes i* match at low prices All Fresh Stock—AU First*—Standard Lifetime Guarantee and Free Mounting Here, too!-* More people ride on Goodyear Tires than on , any other kind Phone Quick Service Forget your car lias tires—get your Double Eagles now! Phone 491 BEAUTY SHOPS ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOP Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger waving, Permanent Waving. Over Horseshoe Cafe. Phone 431 Electrotherapy, Trucks for Local and Long Distance Hauling QUICK SERVICE Phone 221 HOTEL Chiropractor Tel. 671 1117 Sta* Vernonia. Ore CONTRACTORS JOHN A. MILLER i I There are Impatletit men; too Impatient to give heed to the ad­ monition of St Paul that we are not to “do evil that g ml may come;” too Impatient tv wait f«»r the slow progress of moral causes In the Improvement of mankind.—Daniel Webster. Ol-l Cc!Ir*e P-gol-iiou Educational regulations have changed In Texas since the cata­ logue for 187175 of Aib!'Lin at Fort Worth contained this rule: "It I* required of all student* Hint they neither keep In their posses­ sion or use any firearms, a dirk, a bowle knife, nor any kind of dead­ ly weapon." Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 Vernonia, Oregon Cason Transfer Physiotherapy DR. R. A. OLSON Dr. J. A. Hughes Physician and Surgeon Curly Buffmire TRANSFER Hotel HyVan STEAM HEAT The best for those who appreciate the best. Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store PLUMBING General Contractor Mason Work, Building STRAND & BERG Contractor* and Builders On all kinds of construc- tion, estimates given with­ out charge. Box 157, Vernonia Terminal Cafe] The Right Place to Eat Excellent Cooking M. D. COLE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon LAWYERS GORDON R. WATT DR. W. H. HURLEY Dentistry and X-Ray TT'-.’fman H.lwe. Building PHYSICIANS PASTIME Marvin R. Eby, M. D. CARDS AND Physician and Surgeon Lloyd Baker, Prop. Vernonia Mary Kato Chop Suey Restaurant You'll enjoy a bowl of delicious Chop Suey after the show. Attorney-at-law Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon Vernonia, Oregon LIGHT LUNCHES General Plumbing P. HILL Justice of the Peace Notary Public Office: 875 Second St. DENTISTS Bafford Brother* RESTAURANT Reformers’ Error Tradinff now, you get MORE for your old smooth-worn tires in exchange for new Double Eagles or All-Weathers. With much slippery driving weather still to come, you can enjoy complete safety and still your Goodyears will be like new when Summer arrives. Free appraisal—no obligation. Drive in. BEAT MAIL ORDER PRICES Vernonia and professional people. Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 SHINGLE MILL Re-Roof With SHINGLES From Johnston & McGraw Shingle Co. VERNONIA > f