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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1930)
Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Friday, March 28, 1930 halem and this vicinity, the ag sented the organization with a lof comment as to the compare 'for grude and high school. This, checked by the auditor, give the MUTINY OF THE ALBATROSS by JOY Theater WYNDHAM MARTYN“ COPYRIGHT IN THP U S. Mary sbti J'6tn~ Todd 7)1106 up irfiu ricultural committee of the Ver beautiful Bible. Mrs. M. D. Cole, I tive costs of ..C .. elementary 1i __ .1, nr pnnroo , wna —_ 1—— — meroly nn an over following as ¿1.,. schools of course, was mnrrtlir the cost i for elemen- » down the deck. "Probably about nonia Chamber of Commerce met most excellent chief, received in Columbia county as set i.. forth ____ s‘Kbt OI> the part of the editor. tary only: five years' difference In their age," District 2, *37,188.61; enroll 'she commented. "Tbiit's right; it's last Friday with Harry Kearns, the gift on behalf of the chap | in the March 20 edition of the In a good many items it is a bit lu separate diaie the uic txaiv difficult to exact meni ment di 676; cost per pupil, *55.01. natural. I bOM sin'll marry him manager of the Nehalem Valley ter. Columbiu County Informant. cost for grade and high school, District i 5, $25,395.80; enroll- Mrs. Wm. Briot Jr. received Ice & Creamery company, and He Is a good honest boy.” “You know of him?" Bettington several others interested to work high score for the ladies and I There was an error in quoting but the clerks’ annual reports, ment 298; cost per pupil, $85.22. asked, lie found himself cyucerned out a plan. James Nanson for the gentle ■ the per capita cost in the Clats for Mary Unwin’s future. Another meeting will be called men for the play of cards. kanie and St. Helens school “I have never even spoken to A beautiful blthday cake him." she answered, "but one some shortly at which the producers tricts. The total cost for made by the local bakery on will be invited to attend, to of times hut the gift of seeing people as they are. You are reliable. fer suggestions and assist to which four candles in the color year in districts 2 and 5 There are others here who are not. start the, ball rolling so that the of the lodge, was the feature eludes the cost for grade . . . The man Clements with his production of this valley can be of the lunch served. high school. eternal smile, which Is never ac handled through one center dis- These two districts maintain centuated and never diminished. tributor. Corrects Report Show It’s the smile of a mask. Who is a high school and are not a, cooperation of Through the he?" ing Per Capita Cost part -of a union high school as is “I saw him for the first time on Judd Greenman, an active mem- In County Schools the case of the four other high boai'd," lie returned, “Your hue ber of the local chamber, one schools in the county. The cost camp has promised to purchase blind must know." V “He did Elgar a good turn eggs through this channel, pro (By Elizabeth C. Murray, county per capita was secured by divid- once," she said, "and when he of viding a responsible dealer can superintendent of schools.) | ing the enrollment of the grades fered this bout, all found except deliver the product when wanted, There has been a good deal only into the total expenditure the captain, who Is our old skipper. Elgar took It. He said lie knew with quality guaranteed. Will CAnvait Producers he would have to pay for the help Clements gave." A venture of this nature fail So that was how It came about, But Railway had not guessed the ed several years ago, on account sat of no particular party being re extent of the pay. Beltington ”___ talking to Evelyn Radway until she sponsible for the actual delivery, the committee in called Mary and said it was tiiue However, » to dress for dinner. charge will work out full details Clements came Into Bettington's and canvass where possible all ALL TALKING stateroom. A dinner coat and producers to see what percent lilnek trousers, newly pressed, were Thursday and Friday, March 27 and 28 age of them will agree to follow hung up. "They always dress for dinner," the cooperative plan. The plan, if successfully work said the Boss. "You did well this afternoon. . 1 could see she was ed out, will eliminate the impor taken by you. When you meet tation of eggs from other mar- 1 Metzger tohlglit. you will find him kets, find a home market for already furiously Jealous. I will eggs produced here and in the not allow any quarreling on board until the thing is achieved for valley, and keep the pay checks which are now going to outside which I gathered you together." A MOVIETONE “You will.not allow it?" Betting commission houses at home. ton repeated slowly. “You may not It is planned to get all egg allow men like Sam and Metzger producers together next week, 1 Saturday night and Sun. Mat., Mar. 29-30 to do as they please, but 1 am a and a request has been made by free agent, my good man.” Now lie would see the smile the chairman of the agricultural fade. If the dreaded Boss lived up committee to have all interested to tils reputation some other ex get in touch with the secretary GRETA GARBO in— pression must replace the grinning Ii of the Chamber of Commerce, I mask. Bettington beard a swift In Lee Schweb, for fuller details. take of breath, but there was no other Indication of anger. “You are a free agent as long as Longview to Honor you do what I tell you. Tonight Engineer Saturday I shnll introduce you to the rest. I ALL TALKING do not wish the common good to be (From page 1) endangered by- any foolish quarrel ing over women." Sunday and Monday, March 30 and 31 The unwisdom of making an ene in Illinois, has been practising my of Clements and his gang of his .profession as civil engineer crooks made Bettington alter Ills for 35 years. At the age of 10, truculent .manner, He had yet to however, he was learning to op get to the bottom of the plot and erate a transit under the guid gaiige the strength of Its Instiga- ance and schooling of his fa tors. ther, Wesley Vandercook, Sr., . "Pin not anxious to quarrel,” he n his day a distinguished en said more pleasantly, "but I'm of Just ns Independent a nature as gineer. The elder Vandercook is You’ll _ pardon me now a resident of Longview., yon yourself. _ .................. now. but I have to dress for din With his four brothers, Vander nor." cook learned practical engineer-! It amused him to think how ing in the employ of his father, startled elements must be behind who operated on projects in all that smile of bls, to listen to a declaration of Independence from parts of the United States, from OATS AND VETCH HAY for one over whom be thought he held the laying out of townsites and | WANTED WILL TRADE 34 acres of the threat of life Imprisonment, orange groves to the building of1 sale. F. R. Hyland, Treharnc. WANTED—To take lessons on| land, homestead, 16 acres im FOR HATCHING and setting — ' liettir.gtoti knew that when the drainage systems, railroads, saw-1 343c piano. Teacher must furnish I proved.^ near Ocean lake, Would right moment came It would be mills, etc. Pekin duck, Mallard duck and — be willing to trade for house easy to prove his Integrity. Until Vandercook has been with the Rhode Island Red—Eggs for sale FOR SALE—6 grade and reg. piano. V\ rite Mrs. A. J. Marks, and lot in Vernonia. D. A. then, he could play the part as Long-Bell Lumber company 25 I also. 8 Mallard ducks for sale, j Jersey cows, age 3 to 8 yrs., j Vernonia. 308* signed to him. with Just as good Dobbs, next to Vernonia Laun- Last yrs. production ' ------- Mrs. Jake Neurer, Mist route, all fresh. years and at present, as its chief grace us Clements the autocrat dry. 344c LOST AND FOUND 343* 350 to 550 lbs butter fat. Very could act the steward, assume his engineer has the coordinating of i Vernonia. reasonable to anyone taking all. LOST- —Driver’s license and Ev-, WANTED—Men with caterpillar livery and wait upon an Inipa the work of all the technical ex tlent employer. perts of this greatest of Amer NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT L. E. McGee, Mist, Oregon. 34tf ersharp pencil. Return to J. | tractors on big clearing job, Bettlngton never forgot that first ican lumber manufacturing con | In the County Court of the L. McCollum, Vernonia. 341* | no grubbing, will finance and State of Oregon, for the Coun- dinner aboard the Albatross. Rad cerns. FOR RENT guarantee wages and give bonus way looked straight ahead of him. ' ty of Columbia. per acre cleared; 8 months work. Vandercook ’ s first engineering FOUND — Man ’ s watch and chain. 14-ROOM and 7-room houses for heeding nothing. It was only when In the matter of the Estate of See Happy Thompson at Gilby , Phone Garfield 3736, Portland, his plnte was sei before him. filled work after he received his prac- William McMullen, deceased. | rent, on 1st avenue. J. C. Lind 343c 341c after 7 p.m. with the chefs rich delicacies, that tical schooling under his father 31tf Motor Co. Notice is hereby given that ley, at bank. : WANTED—By steady renters, a he seemed awake. He had been was with the Peoria and North- drinking steadily since luncheon era, later merged with the Chi- the undersigned P. Hill, Execu COMPLETELY FURNISHED —' r-room modern house with MISCELLANEOUS and drink made him hungry. garage, furnished or partly fur i ago and Alton. He later was tor of the estate i of William The Olive Apartments, oppo has filed 1 McMullen, deceased, Mary Unwin was disgusted, She the C. & A. From that site Washington school. Furnish, TYPING WORK DONE—Satis- nished, by April 12. Not over had no fear of her employer, She he went to the Kansas City his final account in the County i wood, lights, water, all for $211 factory work guaranteed. Mrs. j 525 per month. Answer P. O. had never Ukcd him: now. for Ills of Oregon, 1 Court of the State 341* 341* Betty Roberts, Vernonia. 332c box 465, Vernonia. behavior to Mrs. Radway, she I Southern, then with the Louisi for the County of Columbia, month. hated him. She was glad when ana nnd Arkansas and then to and that Tuesday, the 1st day Bettington came In. She smiled at Long-Bell. him. It seemed to her that he and Bef .re coming to Longview of April, 1930, at the hour of young Crosby Todd were the only 10 years ago he was at Lake 10 o’clock, A. M. of said day, at the Court House at St. Hel men aboard whom one could trust Captain Hallett was gruff and Charles, La., serving the Long- ens, in said County and State, Bell interests throughout the soured. The others watched her has been appointed as the time For your convenience the following business nnd professional people are listed on with eyes aflame. And she. like pine belt of the south. and place for the hearing of this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business the others, turned her head from Optimistic About Future objections to said final account and professional people. the ever smiling, suave steward. He believes in the future of and the settlement thereof. There was little conversation nt the wretched meal. As Mrs. Rad Longview, that he actually plac Date of 1st pub. Feb. 27, 1930. v-'iy passed to. her Rtijteroom. wlt)i ed on the map, just as he be Date of last pub. Mar. 27, 1930,. i BEAUTY SHOPS lieves in the future of the lower P. HILL, I (Continued next week) w.M.u. SfRVice rqeSs at Hu»S 'iary Tnwln. As Tor Mary, she breathed a sigh of relief. Instinct told her here, at last, was a man on board she could trust. She had not confided in Mrs. Bad way her apprehension of most of the men she had seen. “I hope you will find very little professional work to do,” Mrs. Rad way said to Bettington. He was charmed by her low, yet distinct, voice. He had thought Lavery’s portrait to be idealized until he met the original of it. He had often. In other years, rend of her. It seemed likoly, when she was frst married, that she would I accomplish that almost Impossible ambition, a salon. She had hlrth, money, wit and beauty, And with these advantages she had chosen Railway among the many who put their nil at her feet. He looked from her to the financier. What was it. Bettington asked himself, that had imide him, In her eyes, more attractive than any other mnn, Ambition probably, nnd the enthusiasm aroused by his big moment nt the capital. He won dered how much she had repented of It. There could be no doubt now as to her disillusions, lie thought he could discover a trace of sad ness in her lovely face; and. like Ln GIncondn, “her eyelids were n little weary.” Whatever uncomfortable pauses Id the conversation there were, due to Radway’s incessant grumbling at the food, the motion of the boat and his inability tn enjoy flavors that once fascinated him, she filled in without «seeming effort. She had. no doubt, become adept nt this. Bettington thought. After lunch Railway went to his big stateroom nt the extreme bow of the boat. t “Got some work to do,” he announced. “It will keep me busy till dinner.” Mrs. Railway knew ho was going to sleep. Then he would wake, feeling wretched, lie w<»uld take n highball, two or three, Thon he would dress for dinner and the real man would betray himself She was not sure whether she was sorry or glad that there was a new element Introduced by Doctor Watte. She knew her husband’s Imperious ways too well tn suppose that anything but his own will could moderate bls Appetites. She watched him wHklng up and down the deck with the secretary who had so lltlle to do. A man who would take such a position as this, with Its relatively small pay nnd Insecure prospects, must be h failure at his profession. And yet ho di<l not look like a failure Mary liked him. nnd admitted his charm, but tn eighteen lie was old The captain’s nephew, young Cros by Todd, who had shown her the mysteries of wireless, was more of her age. Bettlngton saw her eyes brighten as the Ind came from the wireless room and crossed the dock, n little diffidently, to her He smiled nt the young mnn Betting ton liked hoys of this clean-cut sort: nnd lie knew that there might come n day, not far off. when the hoy would be called upon to prove his mettle. He was a little dis tressed (hat the hoy showed an tagonism and Answered his ques tions as to his work with smileless face. Well. It was perhaps better so. A man was known by Ids com panions nnd they Judged him to bo one of Clements’ adherents. He was not sure whether Mrs. I Columbia, and the new highway Radway, for all her courtesy at luncheon, would expect him to get bridge is physical example ...... ...... . ...... .1 k. „. of Miss Winona Irving, school on the easy terms with her which mate of Miss Amy Hughes, both!lh,s fa,th'u Tl?e Columbia River he had established with Miry She Longview bridge company, own- was. he reflected, one of the great of whom are attending the Uni- 1‘Ongview hostesses and society beauties of versity of Oregon in the school , r and “Perator of the bridge i he day. Perhaps she. too. shared of music, is a euest at the A lto be dedicated Saturday, has the suspicions already formed of J. Hughes home during the ns *ts Pr>nc'Pal officers: W. D. BelTIngton said what "he‘hat] been told. Hallett spoke bitterly about shipboard etiquette and modern ways. Then he turned abruptly away as his nephew came up. This was a pleasant faced mnn of three- end-twenty, who obviously shared his uncle’s opinion of Clements. The boy seemed excited and wor ried. “What do yon think of the skip per?” Clements asked “A hard man to handle.” Betting ton returned, ‘‘as all obstinate men are.” “He’s of no Importance,” Clem ents said Idly. “Did you notice how •Sparks’ seemed to be upset? Some thing has happened to his wireless. He finds he can't adjust It and has to call in the electrician, who is one of my men. to help him. 1 shall let it work for a few days.” Again that calm assumption of absolute power from the little, slender man in Ids absurd livery. “When I decide that no messages may be sent or received, Graumann will get busy. Look, that’s Rail way.” Itadway had come on deck to walk himself into a condition which would permit him to enjoy an iin necessary luncheon. “Cocktails,” he commanded, as he He caught sight of Clements. Stopped short when he saw the Stranger. “Who’s this?" “Doctor Waite,” Clements an- swered. “You wired me to ship a physician aboard.” “I remember now.” Radway an swered. “Why haven't I seen you before this?” His manner was abrupt and hard. He looked doubtfully at this tall, self possessed man who re- turned his glare tranquilly “The doctor doesn’t like to con fess to being a bit seasick,” Clem ents answen d readily. “Then a cocktail will do him good,” Railway decided. “Bring four. You know n».v kind, Just a dash of absinthe In them.” When Clements had gone—and there seemed something strangely out o* in seeding such a man on such an errand Railway turned to Boltington “I eat too much and I drink too much and my arteries are made up of calcium, they tell me Like the rest of them, you will preach tem perance. You are not here for that. You are here to patch me up If the need occurs.” “Patching won’t help you much,’’ Bettington remarked. “If you’re not up to the Job. I’ll tell Clements to ship some one who Is.” Abruptly Radway turned on his heel. He did not In the least mind If he had left his physician angry. The anger of tools and a poor man was a fool. In his opinion- had no weight. The sea air was beginning to make him hungry This would mean a rich luncheon served as that artist, the fat chef alone knew how. A folding of well being pervaded him at the sight of the cocktails lie told Clements to pass one to the doctor. “We can’t wait for the Indies,” said End way. nnd threw Ids drink down with a single movement. “J wish I could sip like yon." lie said to Bettington. “When I \%ant a thing I want all of It. Instantly. As the ladles don’t seem to be coming up, why let their cocktails go h waste?” In the library, which was als< the music room, Mrs. Rud way ami Mary were sitting. “Mary," Mrs. Itadway said suit denly, “It was very selfish of me h Coming Attractions "Diane Hall” Cameo Kirbly” Anna Christie” Professional and Business Directory Executor of the Estate of ' William McMullen, deceased. GORDON R. WATT, Attorney. ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOP NURSING wanted—Would also Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger sit up with children. Mrs. A. waving, Permanent Waving. Over Horseshoe Cafe. E. Jennings, phone 342 or P.O. Phone 431 box 461. 31tf Miss Irving ' < ' omer > president; and Wesley spring holidays, Hermiston 1« Vandercook, secretary; Arnold ! whose home is in Hermiston, roster of San FranciscOi treas- in her senior year. urer. Opinion and Prejudice Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nicer left Electrotherapy, Physiotherapy — •‘You are entitled to an opinion,” Friday on a trip of two months said III TTo, the sage of Chinatown. DR. R. A. OLSON to Texas and, Louisiana, by mo Pythian Sisters “When an opinion becomes a preju Chiropractor tor. They will visit relatives. I dice It may be as embarrassing to Celebrate Founding Tel. 671 1117 Stat- - Mrs. A. J. Hughes was a own as n runaway horse. ” — Wash I Vernonia. Ore Of Lodge in City ington Star. Portland visitor Wednesday. I have brought yon here. I regret it.” “You needed me, and I’m glad I came,” Mary returned. She had conceived one of those almost ex travagnnt admirations for the bean tlful woman. I Iterall.v, at the ylev enth hour, the maid who was to have come, declined the risk of ocean’s wrath and deserted her mistress at the very dock The gong sounded which sum nioned them to luncheon. Railway was genial. He presented a tall and distinguished man to his wife “It seems we shipped a doctor abonrd Here he Is. Doctor Waite —Mrs. Radway and Miss Unwin.” The Intimacy, so enforced and inevitable on a yacht, with which him by the captan. He found him self elated new* emotion with him —when she beckoned him to take n chair at her side. “I am glad you are n physician.” she began, “one cun talk so much more freely to you.” This hardly put him nt ease. It was u bud beginning, he fell. this enforced deception, and yet he could not allow her to suppose he whs not the ship’s properly Members of Vernonia Tem To Call Meeting of equipped surgeon. ple No. 61 of the Pythian Sis “It is about my husband," she Producers; Try to ters celebrated the fourth year continued. “He Is very III. He Find Egg Market < f the organization in Vernonia hates ferociously, He thinks It ■>-------- I Wednesday evening with an el- hurts his enemies; sometimes he For the purpose of securing ebonite card party for mem- talks as though he bellevetl in black magic. Of course. It nil reacts on a local 1 market if possible for all hers and affiliated organizations. eventually.” She watched eggs produced in the upper Ne-' Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Soden pre- “In our diet we need copper ns well ns Iron,” says a hemoglobin expert In Woman's Home Compan ion. Why not zinc and lend? Enough people already have plenty of brass. Big Cluster of Islands The Fiji Islands group In the southern Pacific contains about 250 They form a British Islands. crown colony. DANCE Oriental Gardens Let's Have It All Ancient Camouflage And yet the chap who objects to the use of rouge Is the one who wraps n *20 bill around a roll of ones.—San Francisco Chronicle. CONTRACTORS JOHN A. MILLER Timber, Ore. Every Saturday Night Spanish Coinage The Spanish gold ducat was wqrth *2.32. Spain Issued silver ducats worth from 90 cents to *1.10. *Mary,” Mrs. Radway Said Sudden ly, “It Wai Vary Selfish of Me to Hava Brought You here.* one mnst come to regard another after a time, presented problems to Mrs. Railway not wholly pleasing. She conceded that this stranger, had a face which Inspired coufl donee in ber. a« much as that of the steward with his perpetual smile created aversion. He had a fine head and keen but kindly eyes. And there was something reassur ing In his splendid physical pro portions. _„She lOvKfid I Rose Beutler and his Santiam Syncopators—of Salem HOI STUFF * Love Is blind. Look about nt the married couples nnd see for your self.—Florida Tlnies-Unlon. Sewnrd Hotel HOUSE OF CHEER TENTH AT AI.DER Oregon Portland Excellent meals nt pop ular prices. Coffee shop. Merchant* Lunch 25c, 35c. Dinner* 40c, 50c, in dining room. Breakfast 25c and up. Luncheon* 35c, 50c. Dinners 55c, 65c, 75c, $1, W. D. McNair, Manager W. C. Culbertson, Prop. Phyiician and Surgeon QUICK SERVICE Office Phone 663 Vernonia, Res. Phone 664 - -Oregon Phone 221 Curly Buffmire TRANSFER I HOTEL « Hotel HyVan STEAM HEAT The best for those who appreciate the best. Mason Work, Building STRAND & BERG Contractors and Builders On all kinds of construc tion, estimates given with out charge. Box 157, Vernonia Termi nal Cafe The Right Place to Eat Excellent Cooking Cason Transfer Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store * PLUMBING M. D. COLE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon LAWYERS GORDON R. WATT DR. W. H. HURLEY Dentistry and X-Ray IToffman Hdwe. Building General Plumbing Vernonia P. HILL Justice of the Peace Notary Public Office: 875 Second St. DENTISTS Bafford Brother* RESTAURANT Blind Fate New Management New Music New Decorations Dr. J. A. Hughe* General Contractor The Fighter* In unstable government« regu lars nnd rebels are but^the longer names of In nnd outs.—Boston Her- •Ud. Trucks for Local and Long Distance Hauling Mary Kato Chop Suey Restaurant You’ll enjoy a bowl of delicious Chop Suey after the show. Attorney-at-law Suipitng ».quatix Xof Vernonia, Oregon Verncnia, Oregon PHYSICIANS SHINGLE MILL Re-Roof With SHINGLES From PASTIME Marvin R. Eby, M. D. CARDS AND Physician and Surgeon Johnston & McGraw Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 VERNONIA LIGHT LUNCHES Lloyd Baker, Prop. *