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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1930)
Friday, March 28, 1930 Goebel Makes Air-log Flight Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon " Pago SerM Scappoose and Vicinity W. B. A. Party Held Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Hoaglund California Company Buys Property Near Scappoose Sell Their Business Here The California Conserving Co. has purchased five acres adjoin ing the south city limits along the S. P. & ti. tracks as the site of their pickle factory. They purchased the land from the Watts estate and hold an option on more land. The delta farmers plan on an acreage of between 200, to 300 for cucumbers alone, 30 acres for cabbage and a large acreage of beans. Early potatoes have been planted and small grain crops look promising. Loren Johnson and S. H. Newhouse have in 600 acres of small grain. St. Patrick favors were dom inant Tuesday evening when Mrs. Gilbert McKay, Mrs. J. Mc- Quinn. Mrs. J. Miller, Mrs. B. W. Scott, Mrs. Tannler and Mrs. Phoebe Sandstrom were host esses for members of the W. B. A. following regular session. Mrs. Kikstrom won the honor prize at 500. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoaglund who for several years have op erated the Columbia Cafe and Stage Depot, have sold their in terests here and moved to East Portland. The cafe was purchased by H. Carrysot of Portland and has been leased by Mrs. Mabel Kil- worth and her sister, Miss Glad ys Garrison. The sisters are lo Dr. McCowan Gets cal women and opened the place Back His Papers under new management Monday morning. Dr. A. C. McCowan, Scap- Several in Hospitals poose physician who featured a Among the sick are Mrs. D. few weeks ago on the Pacific coast when an imposter was ar W. Price, Good Samaritan hos rested in California after hav pital; Mrs. W. E. Campbell, Dr. Vets See “Q Ships” ing stolen Dr. McCowan's cer Coffey's hospital; Mary Jane tificates and records, is again Hazen, Multnomah, and O. Lack St. Scappoose members of in the limelight. The imposter ey, Doernbecker hospital. Lucile Helens post, V. F. W., attended i is now in jail in Portland and Simon is under supervision at the picture “Q Ships” at St. I Dr. McCowan has been notified the Shrine hospital. All patients Helens Monday. Money derived, by the federal authorities of are improving nicely. will go for relief work of the ; the reappearance of his papers organization. Among the veter Copy for School Annual ans who attended were J. Mc after their absence of two years. Sent to Printers of Book Pherson, F. Wodesku and Lon Christiian. Receive Books for Library Scappoose sefciioks have re- ceived their pictures and are One hundred fifty new books now preparing for final year Audrey France Sr. will repre sent Scappoose in the finals in have arrived from the state li festivities. The first copy for Here are photos taken at the | Richlube-oiled Waco biplane California whose products Goe the oratorical contest sponsored brary for use in the Scappoose the annual has been sent to the etart of Col. Arthur C. T. Goebel’s I J “Apache” decorated with the I bel has used in so many record- by the Oregonian. public library. printers. Pacific-to-Atlantic air-log flight^ blue ----------- and gold „— colors and insignia | setting stunts. __ Below is sketch __________ _________________ in his Richfield-powered i and I of the Richfield Oil company of ¡of route Col. Goebel is taking. Falls and Bites Tnngan ments were served. I home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nel- Margaret and Claire Doherty son of Vernonia. Billy Mithodf, 6, son of Mr. last Wednesday in Natal on bus-! E. Martin and daughter, and of Hillsboro, former residents of Mr. and Mrs. Al. Ahlgren and »nd Mrs. William Mithodf, while in ess. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Koley. Timber, visited their aunt, Mrs. daughter Mary Ellen spent Sun playing fell and bit his tongue NATAL Clyde Johnson took a load of A. G. Pearson, in Timber over day at Forest Grove visiting rel so that fiv« stitches had to be grain to Vernonia Friday. the week end. taken. His mother says, “The atives and friends. Clarence Linsey spent .Sunday Mr. and Mis. Jake Neurer took; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kieser and Misses Cecelia Burt and Tes- little tongue is again wagging.” with his cousin Floyd Deeds. some porkers to Veronia Wed KOSTER CAMP children made a fishing trip to sie Hudson of Hood River wera Mrs. Glen Peoples, after The Columbia county road nesday. Sandy Sunday. the guests of friends and rela- spending several weeks with her Miss Beatrice Perry and her, grader was grading the highway Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kilburg tives over the week end. Miss mother, Mrs. Henderson, in Ver grandfather, Oliver Burris, were I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Condit through Ntaal Tuesday. have purchased a new Chevrolet and children and Maverine Tall Burt is a former resident of nonia, returned home Monday. Dave McMullin called to see shopping in Vernonia last Thurs sedan. man spent Sunday afternoon in Timber. day. Carl Iler Tuesday. Mrs. J. C. Monger of Vernonia Gales Creek with friends. Mr. end Mrs. G. King and TIMBER Charlie and J. D. May were spent Wednesday afternoon vis Mrs. J. H. Brown and two family drove to Vernonia Sun- business callers at Natal Satur Move to Timber Camp McGregor iting Mrs. A. R. Stanton. children visited in Timber Sat- day to see the show. day. Mr. and Mrs. Percy McCamp- Mrs. F. D. Macpherson of urday and Sunday. Henry Furlock, who is now bell and family are now making Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding Election Officers Named Wheeler Wayne Overgate of Connacher and Mrs. S. A. Mor- working at Cochrane, spent motored to Vernonia Tuesday, .their homo in Timber. Their Election officers for Camp ’ ed"to Por’tland' Friday. was the guest of J. E. Root this Sunday here with his family. Fritz Iler and Edward Mclúul- McGregor voting precinct as. „ daughters, Lou Rhea and Mar- , „ , week end. lin made a business trip to Eu- named by the clerk of Clatsop i ^r' ?nd Fulton Harrison of Portland, garet, who were atudenta at r,’ . ' ° ee gene Tuesday. brother of Mrs. Lawrence Kern, Franklin high in Portland, are county recently, are: Carmine!attended Region dance at Rae Taylor and his mother Amato, registrar also republican! Vc,r,nonla JSatarday-, was in Westimber Saturday. WESTIMBER . „. now attending school at Forest drove to Vernonia Saturday shop chairman; E. R. Estey and R. Adolph Nelson and Miss J. B. Wheeler came out from Grove. Lillian England, who is a stu- [ TiL,,,ll.<-, \Tnlonn nf VOfTtOT» 1 a cnpnr Phyllis Nelson of Vernonia spent ping. B. Fletcher, republican, clerks;! dent at Grant high of Portland, Portland Monday looking after Mr. Kiesel moved hia family Mrs. Nels Peterson called to P. H. Peterson, democrat, judge, I Wednesday at the home of Mrs. spent Saturday and Sunday with business interests. from Portland last week. His Chas. Wilson. daughter, Mrs. Bob Lin- see her Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe son, Dean, is now a student at and W. L. Cummings, democrat, j her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prutzman C. England of Westimber. sey, at Pittsburg Saturday. visited with friends in Vernonia Forest Grove. clerk. Saturday, motored to Portland F. G. Rankin, Columbia coun |S. D. Smith, representing the Sunday evening. Playshed and Cottage Sold | and returned Sunday. ty herd inspector, has been test Mr. and Mrs. Hartramp of Pacific coast inspection bureau The schoolhouse play shed and I and chil- Mrs. C. W. Bennett Glendale—City council award- ing stock in and around Natal visited the Sunday with headquarters in Portland, j Hillsboro teachers’ cottage at the Inman-! dren, Byron and Helen, motored the past few days. school of Westimber Sunday and ' ed contract to D. P. Slater for was here on business Friday. J. E. Jepson drove to Verno Poulsen camp were recently sold I to Salem over the week end. Mike Hacker was the guest spent the remainder of the day construction of diversion intake by the school district to L. M. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Staley of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Cavan at the home of Mr. and Mrs. dam on Mill creek and connect nia Monday on business. ing it with city reservoirs. Ernest Yocum drove to Ver White of the Bee ranch. Mr. I motored to Vancouver last week augh over the week end. Mike Rube Nelson. White expects to use the build-1 for a visit with relatives, nonia Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baird is working for the Jones Lumber R. B. Mills made a trip to ings for preparing honey for| Mr. and Mrs. James Givens of company in Portland. and Evelyn Barzee spent the A. Dowling and Pate Knowles market. | Portland spent the week end Veronnia on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens were week end visiting friends and of Mist were Vernonia visitors He has already moved manyi w jth Mr. and Mrs. John Glass The Ed. McMullin family last Wednesday dinner guests Saturday at the relatives in Portland. spent Friday evening with the colonies of bees to that vicinity. I ner and family. Mrs. H. C. Ridenour and little ** ' — — a — J - Marvin Huit has ordered a Carl Iler family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Banzer mo son returned from Vernonia to new Chevrolet coupe. their home here last Wednesday. tored to Vernonia Saturday. Wm. Meadows called at Ver The baby has been named James Lawrence. nonia Saturday. Miss Mary Patrician and Miss Judge P. Hill and Mrs. Mamie TIMBER Lane of Vernonia spent Wednes Isa Lloyd Upson spent last week | day afternoon at Natal visiting. and in Astoria as the guests of C. E. Hold* Party Jim Green hauled some hay Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Lundeen. The Timber Christian Endeav Go Smelt Fishing for Bob Linsey last week. or held a part at the Commercial Reed Holding called to SCO Joe Wornstaff and Bruno Reif club Friday evening. Games were Lee Osbourn Wednesday. were Portland visitors last Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson urday. Early Sunday morning played after which refreshments and son Richard and Mrs. Anna they went smelt fishing on the were served. Those present were iPsbourn drove to Mist Thursday. Sandy river near Troutdale, Roberta Braden, Margaret Elli Fritz Iler was a Vernonia call where they found the fish so ott, Ella Castle, Claire Doherty, Peggy Doherty, Marvel Brown, The complete prescription files of the Vernonia Drug er Thursday. thick they dipped up their limit Arleeta Brinkmeyer, Dorothy John Schlippey made a trip to in three minutes. Company have been put Jiased by us and are now on file at ‘ Dean, Muriel Schiffer, Gladys Vernonia Saturday. Mrs. H. W. Jones and soi'i Schiffer, Sylvia Schiffer, Mar- our store. Bobby went to Portland last lys Hefner, George Stanton, J. Working on Telephone Line Several men from this com Wednesday. For prescription refills just bring in the number on the label. E. Root, Harold Brown, Everett Jonas Larson, who was quite Dean, Raleigh Schiffer, Wallace munity are working on the tele ill at home last week, is able phone line this week. Dean, Lowell Farwell, Walter Wm. Pringle Jr. recently built to be about but not well enough Wright and Donald Hefner. to return to his work at present. a new garage. Timber P.-T. Meet Miss Alice Brewer, teacher of Ira Peterson is building a new The Timber Parent-Teacher as the Keasey school, was a visitor chicken house on his place. sociation held their monthly Harry Green is working for in Camp McGregor Sunday. Vernonia Mrs. Jonas Larson recently re meeting at the. schoolhouse last Mrs. J. E. Osbourn at Vernonia. Thursday. Dr. Hempstead of Pete Knowles was a Vernonia ceived news of the death of her mother in Sweden February 3. Cochrane spoke on “Health.” business caller Wednesday. , Mrs. H. (S. Goodwin is antici After the entertainment refresh Richard Peterson and his fa ther drove to Vernonia (Saturday pating a visit soon from her mother. on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. DcClusion Elmer Lindbergh was visiting and Mrs. Dodge and daughter his uncle at Natal Sunday. Mrs. Dave McMullin was at Bessie were guests of Mr. and Riverview Saturday to see her Mrs. O. H. Matson at Vernonia Saturday. mother, Mrs. John Estes. John Wornstaff and cousin Reg. Lincoln of Portland was a week end guest of Lincoln Pe- were Vernonia visitors Saturday. Mrs. E. B. Miner of Vernonia terson. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osbourn was a visitor in camp Monday were in Vernonia shopping Mon- and Tuesday. Alfred Johnson is the owner day. R. S. Linsey drove to Vernonia of a new Buick sedan, having disposed of his Buick sport mod on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward McMul el recently. Mrs. Walter Peterson returned lin and daughter Stella were in Vernonia doing some trading Friday from a visit of several days at her home in Portland. Thursday. 69th Anniversary Celebrated A. R. Melis took some hogs to Vernonia Friday. A pleasant* birthday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson and I was given at the home of Mr. son Normand spent Friday fore • and Mrs. Lyle Rose Tuesday ev- noon with Mrs. Nels Peterson i cning in honor of Chas. Casteel, and Mrs. Noble Dunlap. whose 69th birthday anniversary D. P. Thorsell, formerly man was celebrated. A beautiful cake ager of the St. Helens Cooper covered with 69 candles adorned ative creamery, now field repre- the table. sentative for the Lower Colum Others present were Mr. and bia Creamery association, spent Mrs. Joe Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. A. ANNOUNCEMENT To the former customers of THE VERNONIA DRUG CO Mac’s Pharmacy I 1 I DRUG Specials THE COTY Spring Deal Has Arrived THIS WEEK END The Tell-Tale Service Alert to the needs of mechanical repairs our expert mechanics will PUT YOUR CAR IN CONDITION for reliable service. Vernonia Brazing and Machine Works Ed. Salmonsen, Mgr. FREE A Flacon of COTY PERFUME Free with every box of COTY FACE POWDER Specially priced at IT ACTUALLY WI.LL Use the West’s largest selling flour in your favorite cake recipe. It will give you an even finer grained cake—cghter, and of more delicate SARGON ei Qtr texture. Try itl IS HERE Mac’s Pharmacy BLADES SP E KKY DRIFTED SNCTW FLOUPÎ1