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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1930)
15 Antonia MARCH 1930 SUN [MON TUES WID THU FRI <-«x. Friday, March 28, IMO Vernonia Eagle, Vérnonla, Prego» l’a«« Four County sat JI T1S Official Paper Member of National Editorial Assn, and Oregon State Edit orial Assn. From County Daniels Files for Judge Attending Fifteen Columbia county young men 17 years of age or older will be among the hundreds of students of Oregon and south western Washington who will gather at Vancouver Barracks June 20 to start their month of training at government expense in the Citizens’ Military Train ing camp. State Board ot Health In cooperation with U. S. Public Health Service Frederick D. Stricker, M. D., Collaborating Epidemiologist Exterminate the Mosquito Citizens Training Camp Starts June 20 at Vancouver Ros* Daniels, a. resident of Fern Hill, has filed for the of fice of county judge on the re publican ticket. Mr. Daniels has Historic Vancouver barracks, mixed in politics before, as at one time he was a candidate for one of the oldest and most pic representative, but was defeated turesque military reservations in in the primaries by A. E. Allen the United States, is to be the scene of the 10th annual Citi of Rainier. zens’ Military Training camp, Mr. Daniels will make an ac June 20 to July 19, when 700 tive campaign and will make the young men from Oregon and contest close, to say the least. southwestern Washington will His slogan is “A United Colum | be “soldiers for a month” and bia County; Betterment for all will combine military, citizen Sections.”—Rainier Review. ship and athletic training with 30 days of camp life at govern I Knlcknscks Interest Women ment expense. Nearly one-half I I When a woman Is frank enough of the authorize^ quota have al ready enrolled for the camp, ac to tell a man he la dumb there Is always room for the supposition cording to Brigadier General P. that she likes him that way.—To A. Wolf, U. S. A., who has been ledo Blade. designated to command the camp. Operator’s Uncanny Gift Any young man 17 to 24 If there Is no such thing as telep athy, how does the long distance op years of age, of average intelli erator know Just when you are In gence and physique and good the bathtub?—Vincennes (Ind.) moral character, is eligible, ad Sun. vises General Wolf. All neces sary expenses — travel, food, Early Wall Decoration shelter, uniforms and equipment Inhabitants of ancient Pompeii —are borne by the government, were specialists In wall decoration, in pursuance of the broad pol painting their plastered walls In rich, flat tones and In decorative icy laid down in the national de fense act of 1920 for insuring medallions. peace by inculcating in its bud ding citizens a real understand Don’t Bo a Wobbler ing of the privileges and res Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work nt hand. The sun’s ponsibilities of American citi rays do not burn until brought to zenship and an appreciation of a focus.—Alexander Graham Bell. the needs of the country for national defense. Rainbow Colors Young men desiring to attend In the rainbow In the Inner or this year’s camp are advised to primary bow the colors of the spec their applications at trum are arranged in their order, forward red on the outside and violet on once, before the county quotas the Inside. In the outer or second are filled. They should consult ary bow the colors are in the re the nearest reserve officer, Am verse order. erican Legion post, or write G. M. T. C. headquarters, Vancou Nature’s Beauty ver Barracks, Wash. Radio Sports Given by KOAC “The Collegiate Sportlight”, a weekly feature on KOAC’s list of programs comes every Thursday night at 7:30 o’clock to bring news of intercollegiate athletics. The sportlight is con ducted by Art Taaffe, director of sport news for the associated students at Oregon State. Educational Savings is Topic * “Systematic Saving for Edu cation” will be the topie for a conversation betyeen E. ,G Brown and C. L. Stidd of the Benefit Savings & Loan associ ation, Portland, when they meet in the studios of KOAC for a 15-minute broadcast. They ar. listed in the half hour for bus iness people Friday .v.nlng, March 28, at 7:40 o’cock. The mosquito is the most per 2 3 4 5 6 7 sistent pest imaginable but can Alsika Grows on Sour Land be exterminated if an unremit In J.ff.rson'a Honor 10 11 12 13 14 15 John Day—“Eastern Oregon The Jefferson Memorial founda Ranger” started publication here It is possible to grow good ting warfare is carried on to tion was formed April 13. 1923, on 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 legume hay and good pasture on destroy the breeding places- the one hundred and eighteenth an- recently. land that is too “sour” for red Money spent for mosquito ex- nlversary of Thomas Jefferson’s a good investment termination is 3» 25 26 27 28 22 clover by planting alsike clover Pacific Coast Representatives birth. It tins acquired Jefferson’s Newberg—Agitation underway usually in mixtures with timothy increasing the health and happi- Arthur W. Slypes, Inc. home, Monticello, and Is devoting here for securing flax rcaetting or other grasses. Alsike clover ness of the community and Its efforts to Its upkeep and restor San Francisco plant. will endure overflow that will therefore its prosperity. ation. Mosquitoes are found in al kill most crops, and has been $2.00 Per Year in Advance known to grow a year in water- most every locality where there Issued Every Friday Real Joy of Life Satisfaction, real satisfaction, al Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922, at the post soaked and water-covered soil is an opportunity for them to SATISFACTORY ways comes from within. It Is of office at Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. and make a heavy growth. Mixed breed and this opportunity de the heart, not of the world. One with red clover on uplands, al pends upon the presence at some SERVICE IN of life’s keenest Joys Is the antici Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; sike clover insures a stand ón time during the year of standing pation of each day’s problems; Its legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 6c per line succeeding spots where red clover will not water. They abound in every greatest contentment Is the knowl insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c. state and in every climate. The catch. edge of some work well done.— favorite breeding places of mo PUBLISHER MARK E. MOE Grit squitoes are the back waters of LEE SCHWAB... ....... EDITOR Cornstalk Shaver rivers, roadside puddles, filthy One effective method of con- pools, garbage dumps and hog CLEAN-UP DAY FOR VERNONIA trolling corn borer is to burn in wallows. The abundance of mo City officials, Vernonia’s progressive merchants and fested cornstalks some time be squitoes in filthy pools is extra May 15. The stalks must be ordinary. civic improvement clubs, have joined forces with the Gar fore broken or cut off at ground den club in a big city-wide clean-up Vernonia campaign, level and raked into piles or The only known methods of extermination now available are windrows. It is important to des drainage operations, filling and to start April 4. troy all the stalks, stubble, and The concerted drive on the dirt and waste which has trash. Winter poling—dragging a grading, keeping the banks of accumulated during the winter months will be made with heavy log or railroad iron side- streams and pools clear of mo and floating vegetation, the assistance of nearly every merchant who will donate' wise across the field to break squitoes employment of surface-feeding the use of their trucks, the service of Boy Scouts, Ameri off the stalks—usually leaves fish, oiling operations and the Ladies’ Shoe work a meany firmly rooted in the can Legion members, Chamber of Commerce and many ground. To rake clean, the use of poisons. specialty. Well known breeding places others. | * f stalks must all be cut free. The should be drained. Filling and Every citizen of Vernonia and vicinity is hereby re U. S. department of agriculture grading E. H. SALISBURY operations should be has developed a simple stalk quested to join in the campaign of civic improvement, shaver. It is described in Miscel carried on to do away with small Opposite clean-up, paint-up and dress-up their premises. NEVER WISH TO BE IbT laneous Bulletin 69-M, Construc bodies of stagnant water. The Washington school, of various grades of employment SOME ONE ELSES SHOES tion of a .Sled-Type Cornstalk The Vernonia Garden club, members of the Study club, HE MAY BE JUST GET petroleum oils to destroy the Shaver. This publication, which TING HIS FEET ON THE our city officials, Boy Scouts and Legionnaires and the tells how to make the stalk shav larva has extended to all parts There is nothing so wonderful In GROUND ALSO.' cooperation of every citizen in this movement will indeed er, may be obtained from the of the world. When drainage, any particular landscape as the Five concrete bridges will be department of agriculture, Wash filling or other methods can not necessity of being beautiful under built between Aumsville and make Vernonia a better place in which to live. be employed, oiling is undoubt which every landscape Iles. Nature Turner this summer. The accumulated waste and rubbish should be placed ington, D. C. edly the most successful If the cannot be surprised In undress. runs everywhere.—Emer employment of oil is to be suc Beauty in boxes or sacks alongside the road where they can be Linnton—New Clark & Wilson son. Haul Pig* to Pasture cessful the work must be direct sawmill started operations here loaded on the trucks without delay. Every portion of A dirty hog lot is a paradise ed by those who are familiar recently. A Now Study the city will be covered. for roundworms. Little pigs are with mosquito biology. Oiling op Every woman should earnestly Let those who are sponsoring this clean-up have your especially susceptible to these erations must be carefully timed. seek pleasant and profitable meth cooperation, and following the general clean-up let all parasites. Prevention of round Oil films disappear in a short ods of using the extrn hours at her MARK EVERY GRAVE worm infestation depends, first, time, lasting scarcely longer command by modern household con Memorials in granite and marble residents join in dressing up their premises. on clean farrowing pens and than a week or ten days. Water veniences.—Woman’s Home Com at reduced prices clean sows. Do not let the sows heavily charged with sewage panion. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS would shoot two-bits without bat or pigs out of the farrowing pen should be sprayed daily. Oregon Monument Work» ting an eye. Such is married life. . until ten days or two weeks af- Most of the ordinary crude Echo Rod & Gun club golf Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro !ter farrowing when they should petroleums are highly toxic to course being improved. There’s one place in town a j be hauled (not driven) to a clean mosquito larva and their use fellow can always get 4 per cent pasture containing a suitable should prove efficient. Many at without getting pinched, Try the forage crop on which there has tempts have been made with been no pigs since the ground crank case oils from automobile bank. was sown. Keep other pigs away garages but the results have not. McGraw recently bought a from this pasture and keep the been very satisfactory. In all oiling work the most horse that suddenly lost his ap- pigs in it away from dirty hog petite. "But if the horse would lots. Leave the pigs on the pas essential points are the use of until they are at least four a good free-running, toxic oil, work, it was just the one I ture months old or have attained an good equipment and extreme wanted,” said Mac. average weight of 100 pounds. care in covering all the water possible leave them there surface with a film of oil. It “People who don’t know any When until they can be turned into thing are that way because they the cornfields or otherwise fat should be applied from a shoul der compressed air tank in a never met anybody who knew I toned for market. fine mist-like spray. A distillate anything,” said our city attor fuel oil 26 degrees to 36 de ney, Gordon Watt, “now if they Soil Improvement Club Crowi grees Baume has been found will give me a substantial re The radio soil improvement satisfactory. tainer, etc., etc., I’ll wise ’em club, one of the recent addi- Maynard (Cutbutts) Grunden up.” tions to KOAC’s program fea- has nlways boasted about never Astoria—Construction is to Inc. to grow in 3tart soon on three bridges on “A man can be pretty dumb'tu res, continues „ .......... having had an argument with “ THE FARMERS ’ CLEAR ING HOUSE ” his wife during the entire 13 before he gets married,” said | membership and popularity, let- the Roosevelt highway in Clat Phone 721 Phone 681 first months of the marriage. Art Kirk, one of our progressive ters to the college station indi Not impossible this, considering farmers, “but after he is mar cate. The club, which now num ! sop county for the state high the fact that Maynard was mar ried regardless how dumb he is, bers 185, meets by radio each way commission. ried and several days later sail he realizes he has made a mis Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock take for life, and is not ti is own to consider problems in building ed for France. boss any more.” Sorry Arthur. up or maintaining soil fertility, handling various kinds of soils Ben Brickel, popular barber A man who* will oil up his and similar subjects. During the working for Mike Miller, who only a short time ago spoke in imagination can make a great first part of the meeting Dr. W. a sympathetic tone to us poor success, providing he uses the L. Powkers, chief ot soils at the college, discusses some phase old married ginks, evidently pi right kind. of soil improvement and then tying those whom he considered Cash in the bank is the best asnwers questions that have lost their freedom, is married. Ben done it last Week. Those stimulus in the world. It enables been sent in during the week. O BE well informed—especially in this election year, of the bravest who have per a man to hold his head up in when everyone wants all sides of the political picture— mitted Ben to shave ’em, have stead of holding his creditors up. BROADCASTS FROM KOAC taken a terrible chance, for the you should read The Journal, largest evening news Club Broadcast* Popular Patty Hughes is writing a newlywed, like all others, is still Boys and girls enrolled in 4- in a daze and is unable to see book entitled, “Why We Behave paper in the Pacific Northwest and favorite newspaper of Ore the face, just feeling his way as Like Water Bugs.’ Now while H club work in Oregon are praising the instructions and en Patty is getting uncomfortably gon folks. The Journal is noted for its complete reporting of he shaves. close, wo fear some may take tertainment given in a program world, national and state news, as well as news of practically broadcast from KOAC every And then Roy Carroll, of the offense. enrrot top, nlso did it, and ups Patty has built a shack in the Monday evening at 7:30 o’clock. every community in its field. Its editorials strike out stoutly rear of his house where he knows Carrying on in 4-H club style and gets hitched last week. Roy gave out cigars; they every crack in the floor and the “Go-get-em Calf Club” and against anything its editors believe to he detrimental to the pub were 5-cent Owls. Now whether calls every cockroach by its first the "Sew So Sewing Club” made lic interest, yet they are always fair and constnictive. The up of members of the Oregon Roy has thought the venture not name. worthy a ten-cent smoke, we State 4-H club alternate each Journal has never been narrow, nor bitterly partisan. It fights don’t know, unless he started to Banks—Bodie & Co. installing week before the microphone. The suddenly realize that he now has plant here in readiness for hand programs are arranged by Rich for the betterment of Oregon as a whole—for the common man a sudden responsibility. Only • ling 1930, crop of berries con ard Kuehner, assistant state club short time ago, when single, Roy tracted for in this vicinity. and woman of this great state. The Journal stands today upon leader. Shoe Repairing at VERNONIA SHOE HOSPITAL Service... Quality... Spring Planting and Reasonable Prices TRY OUR Prevail at the Quality Seeds Nehalem Market and Grocery FOR YOUR ”Monkey Biz” Vernonia Trading Co. T unless you read the JOURNAL Primary Elections TO BE SAFE Before »etting out on that long-Iooked-for- ward-to motor jaunt into L.e country, you want to make certain that you’re hitting on all four, six or eight, that you haven’t ac cumulated too much carbon, that you’re backed up by staunch brake lining and that your hose isn’t at the leaking point. Let us give your car the ex pert once-over. Vernonia Senrice Garage Phone 311 I.. E. Fredrickson send for this FREE BOOK! i are Fred Lockley, who is known to thou sands of Oregon folks as "The Jour nal Man,” has written an intensely interesting history of The Journal for you. A graphic picture story shows just how a great newspaper is made. Send for your copy! Less than two months away. Changes in your residence; failure to vote and im portant changes in precinct boundaries, of which several have been recently made, may have effected a change in your status as a voter. We suggest that you look carefully into your right to vote without further regis tration and your present voting place, both of which may be ascertained at the Vernonia City Hall. Oregon-American Lumber Co THE JOURNAL PORTLAND, OREGON ~ 7Y5ÜF WaEir Jackson, in 1902, when he said: "This paper will be eonducted on the lines of great est benefit to Portland, to Oregon and to the great Northwest . . . The Journal in head and heart will stand for the people ... It shall be a fair newspaper and not a dull and selfish sheet.” In addition to the wealth of timely general news to be found in The Journal each day, you will be interested in its complete market and financial news service, its sports pages and many other special features. Among these are world famous comics, cartoons and sketches by staff artists, Dorothy Dix, The New Yorker by O. O. McIntyre, Radio news and programs, The Market Basket by Hyman Cohen, Helps for the Hostess, Good Fiction, and cross word puzzles, and Travel Insurance. The JOURNAL . Pitan nnj m. FrtJ LatUt/t frat huh 7*A« Journal t “ ~ the same platform laid down by its able founder, the late C. S. ' ~ (UtrsëT T<Rfê«.~«F IT T.T)-tTümljërV" “ W m TS wb ) —— —Tátitéí-— AFTERNOON—SUNDAY PORTLAND, OREGON 4