Page Eight g ~!L- Friday, March 14, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia. Oregon I rule; be sure of that.” Ing arteries and pie lined to be time enjoyed by those present. “Wlint is the scheme? Black temperate. That w is why he Those attending the affair were mail ?” brought hts wife and the girl. . . . “Something simpler nml cleaner. That was why he sent me this tele Mesdames Wallace, Melis, Jesse Rndwnv him come »hoard, ns he gram.” The Boss showed Betting George, C. H. George, Hanson, i himself almost believes. to rest. He ton the wire Mary Un.vln had sent Eastman, Devine, Sundland, has arduous t: ’s before him. I to “Clement«,” Bar Harbor “He Wanstrom, Johnson, ¿.arson, know—and I.? r nllzos It now—(lint honestly Intended to stay «ober or Club Leader. Organize | Smith’s Irish Wells, and Mrs. C. R. Mills of Shower Given in Honor he bus come aboard to Ml hfmrolf moderately no." Columbia county club leaders C_*s— W Birkenfeld. I with the rich food and alcohol his Mrs. H. Smith March 9 organized for concentrated ef-1 •‘And won’t lie?” Setters Win Prizes Alberta DeRock spent Thurs physicians I.nve forbidden him for “At dinner tonight he was of- fort Saturday. Members from „ „ _ „ ... . day night in Vernonia attending a year. fenslvely drunk. I heard lils wife Misses Ullian Stasna and Ma the entire county were present. Dr‘ Rae E‘ S™th 18 a party. “Every year I llnd. he has spent whisper, ‘After what yon promised ry Kostraba gave a miscellane Miss Laura Uhlman was elected V-® a month In tlds manner. At the me, Elgar.’” Mrs. John Devine and Mrs. I splendid showing made by his ous shower March 9 at the Kos secretary-treasurer. - dfls end of those trips he coos hiiek to "Then yon are a guest here?” It Grover Devine were Sunday af ' Irish setters at the Portland home in honor of Mrs. his office and works like ton non traba ternoon callers at the Austin . • ■-.'///i V, Í (Continued next week) 'Kennel club show last week. In' But this year lie has had harden Harry Smith (nee Agusta Stas- Scappoose High Teams Dowling home. _ _ ...... . ...... ................ .... I the setter division nine firsts na). Ed. Reynolds spent Mrs. Ready For Debates were won and in the pointer di- Thursday The marriage of Miss Agusta with Mrs. J. W. Lan- vision six first were won. Stasna to Harry Smith of Port- yer. The Columbia county high land occurred January 13, and Shady Lane spent several Installing New Pumps although the young people went school debate, in which Scap- days last week in Vernonia and MARTYN will participate, will to housekeeping at once, they pooose Five new pumps are being in vicinity. kept the marriage a secret from start April 1 with a debate be stalled in the drainage district Miss Olgo Holmstrom was the COPYRIC MT IN Tr»F U S w V u ÇfP.vict Scappoose and Clatskanie. ’Jhdir friends until this past tween dinner guest of Mrs. L. E. Mc- The The Scappoose Scappoose team team consists consists ‘by Lulton and Gilbirt M< Kay. Gee on the burn Saturday. week. I of D-lbert Thomas, Kenneth ol. Water -s reported unusually low Out-of-town guests were Ag- . . » ap thia fin« time rimn of nf year. uPflV. Percy Melis came home for for iver, Leo Mickleson, Gordon r why he Iri'l nes Kostraba, Frances Roberts, I a few days visit with his par '<»me » i I iodh ! Marie Kot°k and Mrs. Caroline Leap, Edward Kost, and Velma ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Melis, New Machine Unloaded i-’.ll.v-nihwle'l Nelson, with June Boyd and Pfaffle, alt of Portland. last week. th of the • Elaine Anderson alternates. Evelyn Parkknon is staying I A Killefer-Male ditching ma- l!uiln::te<! A ; chine I was unloaded here Sun- at the Bridgers’ home and at ru took hnhl| Attend Old Fashioned _________ day as the property of the men tending school, as the road on Gus Gustafson H* 'II fully ns Ami ile wh*»t wir Dance at Portland Dies From Burns“1 the drainase project. It is the upper end of the burn, where mini ill:.* wluit |H*rlls _____ used for sub-surlace drainage she lives, is in bad condition. to hi» put I Mrs. Bert Eastman was a call Gus Gustafson, 67, died fromiwor'<‘ Old-fashioned dancers jour- in elliniii ited me.” ho er at the Devine home Thursday. _ .. . neyed to Portland Saturday ev- the effects of burns last Tues-' ,. . “\<"j wu’-h] pnt vnur- Screen-Grid I Mr. and Mrs, John Devine and In ■■ :i\<•:>: ‘Dd*. Vnii’vd ening to attend the dance at day. He was an inmate of the Mission Reading Club There’s nothing like an Pisgah home in Portland. Has Active "Members bab y of ClStskanie spent Sunday < n t ’ > tnblo without the Alberta hall, The party in- ______ I with his brother Grover and open fire and an Atwater ’ ; • What nhntjt vour eluded neighbors and friends of I It is thought he fell asleep I Kent these long evenings. Mrs. O. S. Lesh. Following the while smoking and set his bed i A home mission study club family. :t ’ > r n ” 9ah| the Mrs. I.-ster Holmes of Clats- dance a banquet was held in her on fire. Interment occurred Fri-1 ( has been organized with 24 There’s nothing like an :>!» ’ (» one I am visited her sister, Mrs. ' day in the Pisgah Mountain1 members. Any person interested kanie honor. j W. Lanyer, Sunday. Atwater Kent any evening : ■n*’ t!;e wisdom of _. cemetery. I’ « are mv on rds. in reading is invited to join. | Mrs. Wm. Bridgers and Irene ... Say the word and we’ll <• hi boat wf:S ohnr DeRock were Clatskanie visitors prove it for you with this Sisters Hold h r . ’. t .p py Eh'jir Juniors Present “Ghost Honors Mrs. Lesh Sunday. multi Ho i wonderfully beautiful and Reunion Here Bird” Here March 21 Mrs. Loren Johnson enter- Mrs. Don Hall and little <i-.v w’*h Ids wife, a home-like cabinet model. ■ • | .. «socrotery. '! daughter and Miss Mary Bach- Home demonstration, if The juniors of Scappoose high tained at bridge Saturday in man visited several days last • in < r whom I spoke. ■ Mrs. Maude Robertson of MODEL 1O3S honor of Mrs. O. S. Lesh, who •“•’’s I»;-»!her.” you like. We guarantee Longview entertained her four school will present the “Ghost leaves next week to make her week with their sister, Mrs. Earl I ■ * ' the other did satisfaction and make the sisters, Mrs. Mabel Lesh, Mrs. Bird” or “Vulture” for their home in Holce. They live at Benson camp. : Los Angeles, Calif. ’ t start ho crave Nettie Murray of Scappoose, class play Friday evening, March r purchase easier with our i ___ ,______ :------------------- ■ <1 t’-i't M ;ry Pnwln 21. Mrs. Jennie Stump of Bingen, liberal payment plan. in, , nn'',nbpi,ed now Entertains Bridge Club R. L. Casselman Wash., and Mrs. Bertha Hoyt of t’i'wiy’s private LESS TUBES Attend Bankers* Meeting Injured at Camp Portland, at dinner in Portland Mrs. Nettie Murray enter- »nirht of Sam. | in honor of Mrs. Lesh, who E. E. Wist and R. L. Shreve tained the Wednesday evening |! i^o other ill- I j j I leaves next Wednesday to join attended the bankers’ meeting bridge club last week. Mrs. M. W nid bo likely i Riverview, Mar. 10—R. I.. n crow as this, j Mr. Lesh in Los Angeles, Calif. at Portland last Wednesday. Hoven won high score. Casselman, employed by the I f t h< rror ho could | . Clark & Wilson Logging com-1 of help« Cd Itself i* arc nien pany at Camp 8, received a bro Mrs. Ira Peterson, Mrs. Lee Os r;r il.” said the o not iron ken shoulder, crushed arm and bourn and Mrs. Noble Dunlap. I’loJjHon planned I bo i. his NATAL MIST other injuries Saturday morning Mr. and Mrs. Bert Eastman s Jon of money. he « when he was struck by a log were callers at Natal Saturday, j ' 5 },f<\ as I<» îîjx as •V ■>•>0(1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bush and Meadows was ill ’ last while at work. Herman Davis received word I son drove to Vernonia Wednes that his son Leonard in Portland week. . | Late reports showed the pa- day. was ill. T. S. Crowder purchased a tient out of danger at St. Vin- Elma Lindbergh has left to use Oldsmobile nobile recently. ' j | cent’s- s hospital in Portland, f • A work in a logging camp. UVi Knowles has beei/ Irving Knowles beet/ cut- where he was rushed following Elected For Two Years Matthew brothers were haul of the accident. ting his summer supply Mrs. Mabel Graves was elected ing large timbers to Vernonia ft I for a term of two years to teach wood. I last week. Hill to Speak on Spuds i Merril Olsteroudt has been ab- ' nt the Rock creek school of dis •Game Warden Brown called “Preparing for Potato Plant- trict 47. The appointment was sent from school because of nt this village ast Thursday. ! li ing,” is the timely crops topic approved by the board Saturday. ¡Illness. Jake Neurer hade a trip to ------------------------- | A shower was given Mrs. L.' to be given in the farm program MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE ‘later. Address M. Wadsworth, ley, at bank. Vernonia Thursday. ----- District Attorney John L. Carmichael at her home Tburs- from KOAC Tuesday evening, REPOSSESSED PIANO in Ver- 410 Morrison street, Portland. R. S. Lindsay and J. A. Green REWARD of $10 (ten dollars) FOR RENT—3-room house, part" Foote and County Clerk J. W. ... dnv 2_/ afternoon. A delicious March 18, at 7:15 o’clock. The nonia. Will sell for balance__________________________ 321 ly furnished, $10 month. Wish | for any information leading drove to Vernonia Thursday. Hunt were Vernonia > visitors luncheon was served during the speaker will be D. D. Hill, as- ■ Mrs. Reed Holding and Mrs. Thursday. afternoon and a social good sistant professor of farm crops., due on easy terms. Aduiess “A,” gALDWIN pi,AYER PIANO for for plain sewing or family wash-, to the arrest and conviction of James McCormick were visiting Vernonia Eagle.____________ 321^ gale_Go((l| as ncw> perfect ing, do at home. Mrs. A. C. any one or more persons unlaw Mrs. Elmer Hiatt one day last 321*. fully breaking into or destroy R. I. RED setting eggs for sale—! condit 1 la!:e for caah Brown. week. ing any of the A. L. Fenner E. R. Treharne, Timber route,! Jess ti ri on- half it cost. I. A. Oliver Burris and his grand- WANTED property. A. L. Fenner, Aber Vernonia. 294 Larson, 1. rkenleld. 322c I daughter drove to Vernonia 322* WANTED—To take lessons on deen, Wash. Thursday. id Victrola for j piano. Teacher must furnish I OATS and VETCH hay for sale DAVEN < ‘T A. R. Mills made a trip sale eb p. 6:1 Rose avenue.: piano. Write Mrs. A. J. Marks, LOST—$15.00 in currency Fri —F. R. Hyland, 2 miles from Vernonia Wednesday. 322* Vernonia. 308* day, between the MacMarr Vernonia on Timber road. 30,3* Miss Millie McMullin came store and Miller’s. Will finder WANTED—Log truck for log i please return to A. L. DeHart? homo from Pacific university to FOR SALE or trade — 2-ton haul 1 to 1 Mi miles. See R. I spend the week end. 321c tiuck, good condition. Will 3-R00M MODERN HOUSE for L. Seal, 6:30 p.m. at Camp 10, Richard Peterson drove take Into model closed car in rcnt in Kivi rview. See Mrs. Clark & Wilson camp. 322c I Birkenfeld Thursday. NURSING wanted—Would also trade. Fest Furniture Co. 312 Lee Hall. 31tf J. E. Tapp of the Vernonia ; ---------------------------------------------- sit up with children. Mrs. A. i WANTED — Carpentier work. Trading company called at Na HATCHING EGGS from Hen 4-R00M ai d 7 room houses for All work guaranteed. Geo. Bell E. Jennings, phone 342 or P.O. tal on business Wednesday. Acres, pedigreed avenue stock. rent, on 1st avenue. J. C. Lind- 1st avenue, House 41. 31tf 284* box 461. Joe Banzer was a Vernonia Scammon, telephone business caller Thursday. 312c Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osbourn FRESH JERSEY cow for sale — were Vernonia shoppers Tuesday. Famous Fisher body, finished in beautiful, harmonizing shades Heavy milker. F. R. Hyland, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson and of Duco Clean Mohair upholstery. And is loaded with extras. 2 "miles from Vernonia on Tim Bon Normand spent one evening ber road. 313* i last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lee I r your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on Osbourn. this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business WILL STORE PIANO with re Clyde Johnson drove to Ver and professional people. liable party who will buy same | nonia on business Saturday. Dave McMullin and daughter NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Annie drove to Vernonia Friday In the County Court of the BEAUTY SHOPS 1927 CHEVROLET SEDAN evening. State of Oregon, for the Coun 1926 CHEVROLET COACH Trucks for Local and The small son of Mr. nnd Mrs. An ideal car for all kinds of ty of Columbia. Dr. J. A. Hughe« Jim Green is seriously ill at their weather. Thoroughly recondi In the matter of the Estate of ANNETTE Long Distance Hauling Motor overhauled, new rubber, fiome. Physician and Surgeon tioned and guaranteed. Excep- William McMullen, deceased. good paint. Special — BEAUTY SHOP Curl Iler was a caller QUICK SERVICE Notice is hereby given that Shampoo, Ma -celling, Finger tionnl QQrA Office Phone 663 Vernonia, price for non in Friday. the undersigned P. Hill, Execu waving, Permanent Waving. value at tpOtJV Phone 221 Res. Phone 664 • Oregon ’Mr. and Mrs. Chas. tor of the estate of William Over Horseshoe Cafe. Portland spent a few days re Curly Buffmire McMullen, deceased, has filed Phone 431 cently at their summer home his final account in the County here. Mr. Hill is a brother of TRANSFER of Oregon, Court of the State P. Hill of Vernonia. for the County of Columbia, Miss Annie McMullin spent and that Tuesday, the 1st day Electrotherapy, Physiotherapy Monday night with her cousin. of April, 1930, at the hour of Miss Evelyn McMullin. HOTEL 10 o’clock A. M. of said day, Local & long distance DR. R. A. OLSON TWO-DOOR SEDAN Mrs. Noble Dunlap had an in at the Court House at St. Hel Chiropractor HAULING fection in her right hand, neces Original finish, and tires good for many thousand miles. High ens, in said County and State, Tel. 671 1117 sta* sitating the lancing of the fin has been appointed as the time Phone 923 Vernonia. Orc Hotel HyVan priced heater Good upholstery, and many other extras. ger Sunday. ■ and place for the hearing of STEAM HEAT Office in ‘Mr. Armstrong of Vernonia . objections to said final account spent Thursday at Natal on bus The best for those Workingmen’s Store CONTRACTORS and the settlement thereof. iness. ! Date of 1st pub. Feb. 27, 1930. who appreciate the Mrs. Nels Peterson went to Date of last pub. Mar. 27, 1930. PLUMBING best. Portland last week for a time P. HILL, JOHN A. MILLER to receive medical attention. Executor of the Estate of Mr. nnd Mrs. Reed Holding William McMullen, deceased. General Contractor 1927 Model T FORD COUPE spent Tuesday evening 1927 CHEVROLET COUPE GORDON R. WATT. Attorney. One of last Model T’s sold— Bafford Brothers Mrs. James McCormick Mason Work, Building New motor, complete new rub new in Vernonia. Good uphol children. CALL FOR BIDS ber, and a car you will be with Frit« Iler worked > stery, good rubber, wire wheels General Plumbing Separate seal 'd proposals will road crew for • a few dnyn pleased to own. QQQil and rarin’ to go, The Right Place to Eat be received by the unders'gned Selling now at ipOOvr cently. STRAND & BERG Vernonia at the Washington school build » Mrs. R. S. Lindsay and Excellent Cooking Contractor® end Builders ing, Vernonia, Columbia county, Clarence spent part of Sunday Oregon, until two-thirty (2:30) On all kinds of construc with Floyd Deeds. RESTAURANT P.M., Tuesday. April 1, 1930, tion, estimates given with Little Jimmie McMullin is im for the general contract, plumb out charge. proving from his recent illness. ing, heating nnd electrical woik Dox 157, Vernonia Harry McMullin was at P. HILL for the new school building. Saturday shopping. Mary Kato Upon deposit of $25.00 plans Frank Peterson and his Justice of the Peace DENTISTS and specifications may be ob Vernonia Richard were in tained at the office of F. Mari Double Eagle Goodyear tires. day. Notary Public on Stokes, architect, 1000, Cham- A real aristocratic Mrs. Carl Iler is recovering Office: 875 Second St. M. D. COLE I her of Commerce building, l ’ ort- from influenza and is about her ear. Priced at I land, Oregon. duties again. Dentist Bidder’s bond or certified Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap check for five per cent (5r; ) motored to Portland Sunday for LAWYERS Vernonia, Oregon of the amount of the proposal, You’ll enjoy a bowl the day. payable to W. W. Wolff, Clerk, Several Natal families attend of delicious Chop ; School District No. 47, Colum- ed Grange at Vernonia Saturday. bia county, Oregon. must ac- GORDON R. WATT John Schlippy drove to Ver Suey after the show. i company each bid. The hoard re DR. W. H. HURLEY nonia on business Saturday. serves the right to reject any Attorney-at-law Rae Taylor and his mother Dentistry and X-Ray or all bids. were Saturday callers at Ver- SHINGLE MILL Joy Theatre Building (Signed) W. W. WOLFF, nonia. Huffman Hdwe. Building , Vernonia, Oregon 322(3) School Clerk, i The county road grader went over the road last week between Vernonia, Oregon Re-Roof With Mist and the end of district 8. News of intercollegiate otl let PHYSICIANS SHINGLES Hob Lindsay drove to Port ica at Oregon State college is a land on business Saturday, re popular broadcast from KOAC From turning that same evening. each Thursday night at 7:30 PASTIME Marvin R. Eby, M. D. o’clock. This 15-minute program C. E. Flemming of Portland is known as “The Collegiate was a Natal business caller one CARDS AND Physician and Surgeon Sportlight" and is conducted by day last week. Vernonia LIGHT LUNCHES Art Taafe, director of sport-, Apwng the ladies taking part Phone Hospital 931 news for the associated students in the stork shower for Mrs. L. Lloyd Baker, Prop. Town Office 891 VERNONIA of the college. Carmichael last Wedne»day were Scappoose and Vicinity MVTIM7 OF THS _ EV WYNDHAM Cnjoy your evenings at home with A twater K ewt RADIO Mac’s Pharmacy Columns MANY GOOD ÄL 1928 Chevrolet Landau Sedan Professional and Business Directory AI1 for $495 1926 Willys knight Cason Transfer $545 $225 Terminal Cafe Chop Suey Restaurant Güby Motor Company