Friday, March 14, 1930 Vernonia Ragie, Vernonia, Pregati Page Seven i gerald. Harry Culbertson, Rus- Nanson, Roy New, Robert Petty, urday. la a Nutshell Myrtle Point—About 200 Chi­ sell Miller and Lois Howell. | Sylvia Sessman and Louise Will- Mrs. F. Hyland has been ill You cannot prevent the birds of na pheasants planted in thia vi­ ------------------------ I son. the past week. sadness from Hying over your head, Washington School Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mitchell but you may prevent them from cinity by the state game commis­ EVANGELICAL CHURCH motored to Vernonia Wednes- stopping to make their nests there. sion. Those who received 100 in The Sunday school at 9:45 day of last week. spelling in the fourth grade are: Lincoln School Louise Davis, La Von George, a.m. will study "Parables of the Coquille—Street improvement MARK EVERY GRAVE The following pupils have ___ , re- The correspondent for the Cecelia Gough, Harold Graven, Kingdom." Mrs. H- S. Strong was a wee! ! Strong motored to Portland Sat- turned to school after being ab-| program contemplated for the Memorials in granite and marble •nd visitor in Portland. The pastor will preach at 11 sent because of illness: James,! coming summer. rday to visit relatives and Lincoln school news accepted a Virginia Henderson, Elmer Mich- at reduced pricee friends. They returned home luncheon invitation from the ener, Merelda Riggs, Robert a.m. Subject. "Worthy of the Robert and Wilma Glassner, Bil-' Carl Iler of Mist spent Monda. Sunday. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS ¡(teachers Monday. The visit prov- Turner and Rosa Lee Van Bur­ Children of a King.’’ ly Smith, Milo Johns, and Oscar I Forest Grove—Building occu- in this city on business. I ed most enjoyable and the lunch- en. The young w people’s meeting ____ _ Keller. . pied - by _______________ MacKenzie Motor Sale* Oregon Monument Work* Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Hanna are __ COn __ served ,_J was delicious. will be led by Otis Laramore. Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro Those who received 100 in J. J. McGhee returned Sunda* he proud parents of a five- Mrs. M. Johns and Mrs. Hen- company being remodeled, With tn With the advent of spring the spelling in the fifth grade in I The theme will be “A Fisher of ry Johns called at the home of from his trip to Colorado. pound baby boy born Sunday, ____ cIassl . __ ooms ..J are being decoarted Miss Pye’s room are: Hugh Ca­ Men.” Mrs. R. Stanton Sunday. I Tom Crawfword spent Mon March 9. Mother and child are ; in appropriate schemes. ton. Norman Crowder, Ray Dick­ The pastor will speak at 7:30 i Local farmers are reported well. busy doing day in Portland on business. The first grade pupils, taught son, Clint Hanna and Ella Pearl on "Do we Take Life Serious their spring plowing. I Enough?” L. Seal and Frank Baker, by Miss Melba Laramore. have Savage. solo at' The W est Coast Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Larsoi the R. latter We expect a trumpet cut out tulips and white bun ­ Telephone superintendent of the Those who received 100 in and family of Birkenfeld wen la11 ¿1 Wilson Logging com- nies, which have been placed on spelling in the fifth grade are: the morning service. company is putting up a new Sunday visitors in Vernonia. ___ _ on The choir will sing at both line. Men are busy . putting nay at Wilark, were Vernonia the blackboard as a decorative Marjorie Huguenin, and Hilton wire Monday at Treharne. services. border. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McNei ■isitors Monday. I As one enters the school walk Those who received 100 in Lindsay Lumber company has were Portland visitors over th< A. G. Greenburg of the Stan­ the windows of the second grade spelling in the 6-1 are : Erma CHRISTIAN CHURCH finished logging and brought in week end. dard Oil company returned Man­ room are a charming sight. Pa­ Thompson, Toivo Eloranta, Mary their donkeys. F. Claude Stephens, Minister ia;, after several days in Port- Miller’s barber shop was treat per cut-outs of bird houses on Hodge, Gertrude Hodge, Helen Services for Lord’s day. Mar. The Oregon Can and Electric lar.d, where he went for medical ed to a new coat of white paint I' - Scribner, .. tall standards are seen with blue Scott, Maxine JO __ a.m. _ ____ Bible ______ school, , spec company is extending their line Harold 16. ... , Do you know meat simply ps '‘meat,” or treatment. birds flying about the windows. Purney, Lillian Updike, Robert I , ial attractions. this week. from the golf course up to Ar­ do you know it by its full name—as a In the center window a bowl of Culver, Thelma Lincoln, Loren 11 a.m. Divine morning _ wor- cadia park. The next meeting of the Am- Albert Schmidlin of Braun* narcissi are in bloom—all the Lionberger. Thurman De Hart, ship. Theme, “Little Children and CUT of meat? The latter is all-important, Mrs. R. Stanton and daughter was a Vernonia shopper Monday rice 1 Legion Auxiliary will be veritable breath of spring. Eleanor Edens, Toshi Kuge, Hil- Jesus.” were Vernonia shoppers Satur­ for it enables you to prepare meat as in­ held at the Legion hall Monday, afternoon. this room is a small frieze ma Berg, Hawley Counts, Har-! 6:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor day. March 24. The cedar chest will of In cut-outs telligently as you prepare salads or soup of Dutch windmills. old Cason, Howard McGilvaTy, societies. Come Me the new C. L. R. Chandler, county road be given to the lucky winner. Miss Florence Santee is the sec­ Elbert Brock, Stanley Parker, E. efficiency chart. or pastry. Catholic Church Lenten Service* master, spent Monday in Verno Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plumer ond grade teacher. and Stanley Overson. | 7:30 p.m. Inspiring song ser- nia on a road inspection trip. Every Thursday evening nt Miss Pearl Krauss, the third nd Mrs. II. B. Holcomb motor­ Those who received 100 in vice and theme, “The Kingdom There are more than a hundred different cuts of 7:45 o’clock Lenten devotions devotions Frank Hartwick and J. C ed to Orenco this week to see grade teacher, has assisted her spelling in the 7-1 room are: of God.” meat. All are equally nutritiou.i, but may not be Lindley attended the automobih shrubberies f r prospective pupils in their decorations also. Shelby Caton, Gertrude Epping The orchestra leads in its pre- will be held at the Catholic suited to the same purpose. For instance, you would church. A sermon will be preach­ show at I’ortand Wednesday. They are a charming sight. Blue and Marguerite Laird. ilude at the evening service. planting in this city. ed each evening by Father Clan-i not buy a cut of sirloin for a stew, would you? Yet birds are flying about the win ­ Those who are on the honor j The topic of themes for these Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman V. Burrows of Los Angeles, dows among the pussy willows roll in 6-1 are: Lolamae Smith, services for this date occurred cy of St Helens. Meditations on there are cuts for stewing that tarte as fine ar. the were Portland visitors last Thurs­ who is looking over this country with their catkins bursting with best sirloin—at a lower price. Ask us to teach you Helen Scott, Mary Hodge and in the Savior’s life 190,0 years the Way of the Cross will be vith a prospective view of set- bloom. Here and there a blue Toshi Kuge. followed by Benediction of the day. • ago. the names and uses of meat cuts. in this valley, spent Mon- Blessed Sacrament. Instructions, bird has paused in flight and is Those on the honor roll in I Gordon R. Watt, local alter tling in religion will be given to the resting on a tall spray of the the 8-A grade are: Millicent Rat-' ney, was a Portland visitor Mon day and Tuesday in Vernonia. children at 7:15, just before the j kie and Harold Heenan. A. L. Nelson, of the West pussy willow. day. services. The fourth grade pupils have The eighth grade wishes to "oast Lumbermen ’ s association, TREMARNE Mrs. George Ogg and small und D. J. Bal'rfltvne ss’cs mnn- made a Dutch village as a bor­ thank the P.-T. A. for the $2.60 Gold Beach—W. P. Brickey son, George McKenzie, returned nger of the Cobbs Mitchell lum­ tier on the blackboard of their prize which was awarded them F. Pugh of Cornelius has built Electric Shoe Repair shop open­ home Sunday from Portland. ber company, visited the W. B. room. The idea is unusually clev- at the last meeting. A clock has a fruit and vegetable stand on ed for business in Meriwether er—the little houses have their been purchased with the money, Mrs. M. Grunden entered th< Lappe home Friday. windows with shutters, which ac-| Free Delivery Vernonia, Ore The Vernonia grade school the Harold Smith pines. He in­ building on Oregon Coast high­ J tually __11 open, - and » the • • .... - Dutch - j won Emanuel hospital in l’ortlant’ Mrs. H. Eorn: To Mr. and little its last basketball game in tends to open the stand soon. way. Mr. Brickey was formerly Tuesday for medical treatment 0. P.idenour of Camp McGregor figures are dressed in the bright preparation for the county tour­ A large crowd attended the In business in Vernonia. boy. Mrs. blues and reds typical of their nament in a closely played game danre nt. Treharae Saturday. Elton L. Smith, who manage March 6, a nine-pound MacMarr store at Vernonia son. who are at country. Tulips are blooming from Timber junior high by n Ridenous and several miles from this a ranch by home city, spent Monday in Vernon! the Vernonia hospital, are re here and there in garden beds, score of 12 to 11. The lead was well patronized folk Saturday. best of health. norted in the Miss Rae Davis is the fourth chnnged repeatedly and the on business. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pruts man grade teacher. game was won only in the last Kenneth C. Miller, agricultur- G. L. Bauman, district man The pupils receiving 10,0 in second of play as the whistle and family were in Vernonia ager of the West Coast Tele al and livestock agent for the spelling for the fourth grade this b!ew when the winning field shopping Saturday. Geo. John is driving the truck phone company, spent Friday ii S. P. & S„ mid J. C. Wright, past week are Louise French, goal was in the air. It was a general agent for th" same sys­ Alveda Littleton, Billy Fogel, long shot by Bill Lumm. The for Kost,er camp, taking the this city on business. tem, visited in this city Wed­ Mava Williams, Mildred Woods. county tournament will be held men to their work at Bock «reek C. E. Ashley, representing the nesday. Clinton Allard. Edith Ludwig. Saturday, March 15 in St. Hel- each day. Austin Western road machinery F. Lines is back at work at Wilma Stolen, Daisy McDonald ens. Ray Dorland, rep esenting the company, was a Vernonia visitoi Rock creek camp. and Bertha Thompson. Imperial Feed & Grain company Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodge. I The fourth grade pupils have Washington School of Hillsboro, spent Saturday in At the 4-H club exhibit at and Mrs. J. Glassner motored to, Tommie Tucker returnee ’ ’* e tv making arrangements a radio used in their English I home after sepndiiig a we- k con for the poultry clinic to be held studies, or language, as it is the I’.-T. A. meeting last week, Vernonia Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Palmiter and ■ railed in the primary grades. the following prizes were award­ valescing in the Vernonia hos­ n this city March 21. Their station is LSVO. The pu­ ed: Sewing I, first, Hazel Chap­ daughter were Vernonia shop­ pital. Directors of the Chamber of pils are chosen to give their lit­ man; second, Florence Wall; pers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haden and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fogel nn< Commerce had their pictures tle talks and descriptions behind third, Shelby Caton; sewing II, children visited Mrs. Fogel’s par taken M< -day by Neal T/ish. a curtain and a box to depict a first, Velma Petty; second, Ruth children were in Vernonia Sat- 'j —1 enta in Forest Grove over the president of the student body. radio receiving set is placed on Page Simmons; third, Marjorie week end. The picture will be inserted in a table. One pupil. David Ma­ Holtham; cooking I, first, Jo C. •the 1930 high school annual. chen, a colored boy. is unusually Benson; second, Lorraine Space, Sewurd Hotel Mr. and Mrs. Leon Holyfield clever in imitating the Gilmore and third, Ruby Howell. to Burns HOUSE OF CHEER Mrs. F. M. Ericson, her mo- and small son moved Miss Cowgill, the assistant.' Meyer, and sister, circus heard over KFI. and en- where Mr. Holyfield is employer ■her, M* TENTH AT ALDER tertains the class with his state club leader, presented the im- in the new mill there. Mrs. Crai.i, of Portland and personations of Gilmore, the Oregon Portland 4-H club pins to the meinbers ■ fa- Clarence emiller of Mansfield. Excellent meals at pap­ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nance O.. visited at the home of Mrs. mous lion. who have completed their work,; ular prices. Coffee shop. Third grade pupils receiving Tuesday. and Mrs. A. L. Ritchie were Eri; son S ¡«lay of last week. Merchants Lunch 25c, 35c. 100 in spelling for the past week The 6-II pupils receiving 100 i Portland visitors Thursday an el Dinners 40c, 50c, in dining Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fenner of are Jack Sheeley, Claude Veal. in spelling are Eva Chambers, Friday of last week. room. Breakfast 25c aad the week Violet Johnson, Lucille Miller, Willa Crowder, , Dorothy Dalton, A»______ Wash., . spent . Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Nicar wer< nd tte' up. Luncheons 35c, 55c. in thi. city. Mr. Fenner, who Ilalco Yokota and Wanda Krieg-1 Robert Depue, , Billey French, I Dinners 55c, 65e, 75c, $1. Portland visitors Tuesday. While formerly was employed in Ver er. ¡Althea I' ” __i McDonald, Elizabeth there they visited the automobi e nonia, i, i_ Plinila HA 1«. W. D. McNair, Manager Pupils rannivinr* receiving 1 100 in spell- George, Jack Graney, Florence is __ now engaged as radio W. C. Culbertson, Prep. show. a store in Aberdeen. ing in the second grade for the Harvey, Helene Holgate, Robert ma tv?r P as t week are FFranque Fitz- King, Helen Murray, Dorothy 1 G. W. Ford spent Monday in Mrs. Dave Kramer left Wed-1 Forest Grove on business and nesday f* or . Hillsboro, where she. while there was a guest of the will spend a few days visiting Chamber of Commerce. friends and will also visit her SOAP Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hewitt of son, who is attending college at JELLO Wilark visited the W. B. Lappe McMinnvi.le. Lux toilet. home in Orchard Acres Monday G. W. F r.1, R. M. Aldrich, J. evening. C. Lindley, II. E. McGraw, E. Package Bar Mrs. C. W. Reithner left Tues­ W. Holtham, W. S. McDaniels, L. Schwab attended the ■Hid day for Los Angeles to join Mr. Lower Columbia Associated Real Coffee—cupfuls of Reithner, who has been spend­ liquid fragrance that ing several weeks in California. Chambers of Commerce meeting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meier and at St. Helens Friday. add zestful goodness to son and Frank Dravcl of Port­ J. Glen Allen. Mr. and Mrs. every meal—that’s Mac­ SALT land visited Lloyd Baker and I George Miller nnd son Earl, and Marr Coffee! Get bet­ family last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Miller were MATCHES ter acquainted with Shaker, iodized or plain. this popular brand dur­ Earl Smith, local manager of j local visitors, arriving Tuesday Searchlight. morning. ing our Coffee Week. the telephone company, was a and leaving Wednesday —■> ;— ...... =• business visitor in Portland Mon-1 While in this city they inspected Expertly blended and 'a-y the Vernonia Miller brothers Package roasted fresh every day, ! ’ store and consulted with Dave it’s the perfect comple­ Mrs. E. M. Erl cson and Mrs. Kramer, manager. "3 LOCALS ÿ Grade Schools What Cut of Meat Do You Like? r VERNONIA MARKET AND GROCERY MARCH 15 TO MARCH 17 INCL MacMarr Coffee ment to a perfect meal! Libby’s Red Alaska i SALMON pound 35c 3 lbs. $1.00 Blue Rose RICE March 15 to 24 pounds MacMarr $1.74 Big Value TOILET TISSUE FIG BARS FREE - FREE For thb Kiddies pounds Fine quality. 3 rolls 1 Animated Joy Toy Body and Fender Repairin Htandard Quality CORN, PEAS, STRING BEANS No. 2 cans. The heartless nicks and dents that winter driving brings to every car must go. You’ll want your car bright and new-like. Drive up today. We’ll remove every last mark, every scratch and bump—cars look and feel new this way. Surprising economy too. Vernonia Service Garage Phone 311 4 L. E. Fredrickson 35c retail value 75c with each $2.00 purchase. Only one to a custo­ mer—see the display in our window. CORN MEAL White or yellow. MACMARR MARKET FEATURES SALMON (By the piece, to bake) ........................................ 29c SALMON, Steak .............................................................................. 33c HALIBUT, Fresh from the Pacific ocean .............................. 30c KIPPERED SALMON ................................................................... 35c SMELT ........ Market Price PORK ROASTS, Shoulder cuts of little pig pork ...................19c PORK STEAK, Shoulder cuts of little pig pork............ 2 lb» 45c Pot Roasts of Beef, Choice shoulder cuts of baby beef...... 23c LEG of LAMB ................................................... ...........................35c SHOULDER ROAST OF LAMB .........................................-.... 30c LAMB STEW ....................................................... 25c