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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1930)
Friday, March 14, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Mrs. Wayne Lappa, Society Reporter Phono 573 Mrs. Laramore Honored Piling Up for Some Spring Paper School on Her 61st Birthday Garden Club Piano Funds Beautiful Dogwood their mother, Mrs. Thomas, principal of Rapidly Disappearing J. Honoring Reminders the Wilfred R. Laramore, on the occasion Lincoln school, reports that of her 61st birthday anniver nearly 2500 pounds of paper has The first spring meeting of been gathered by the pupils in I grown in our own gardens in sary, several of her children en- (By Georgina B. Lappe) I large shrubbery borders or as ' tertained her at a dinner Sun (he Garden club Tuesday of last the paper drive to raise funds If one is in the habit of read ' specimen trees. It takes many day, March 2. | v k well attended by the for a piano for the Lincoln i ing the current magazines on I years for the dogwood to attain school. The f oilowing children nnd 1 members and other garden en C. Davidson, gardening and landscaping, there I Jh “‘’height'" of “thos7“unde7‘The their families were present: Mrs thusiasts. Mrs. “It is almost impossible to will be noticed an increasing chairman of the program com teach young pupils music proper- number of articles on the pre timber. Those grown in the op >n . k w . Bennett and two children mittee, read a paper on “Color and 2.. timber of Portland, Mr. _.. j Mrs. m . lv without a piano, ,” ’ said Mr. servation of our native shrubs ¡are sturdy—those in the * are “leggy” i in their .................... ‘ io Willard ____ efforts and daughter Joy, Miss- in the Flower Borders.” Thomas, “and since it is not and wild flowers. u. .1.. «... faa* — t ---------- --- 1 Mary The club members signed a I reach the light. So do not fear ¡gg Melba Laramore and furnished by the school district With the rapid inroads of log ; that your garden will be overrun Laromore and Otis Laramore of petition that is being circulated we are using various means to ¡among all the garden clubs and raise money for this purpose. ging and the destructive manner , with the tree within a reasonable Tacoma, Wash. I civic organizations of the coun- Music as as eesential in the in which the logs are gotten out, ' span of years. •try' ■ to keep unsightly signs off It is difficult to transplant any school today as the three R’s.” many years will not pass before Successful Card the highways. Anyone who has old maga the beautiful shrubs of the un tree which nas been growing in Party Sponsored by zines and newspapers to donate dergrowth will be gone entirely. ! the dim light and under heavy may call Mr. Thomas at the To those who have been in the . timber to the full sunlight. If Local Pythian Sisters To Entertain Club Lincoln school or at his home, habit of watching the progress I one wishes to take the chance, Next Wednesday of the bloom of the dogwood on : find the smallest tree when it i telephone 284, and he will call The card party sponsored by the St. Helens mountain road , is dormant. Lift it with all the for them. Mr. and Mr». C. L. Anderson from early spring when the un i soil possible with its roots and I the Pythian Sisters and held at dergrowth is a sheet of beautiful i transplant it as soon as possible the Odd Fellows hall Friday will be hosts to a number of the Missionary Society bloom into the fall when the I into its new home. Conditions night was well attendad, 82 bridge enthusiasts of the O.-A. Will Meet With Mrs. leaves turn to exquisite shades should be almost as its native guests playing bridge and 500. hill Saturday evening at their of red and bronze, will be heart habitat, the soil coming in con- Miss Edna Gehring received home on Mississippi avenue on E. Knight March 18 sick to see them gone within a tact with its roots the same in high score for the ladies playing the O.-A. hill. The regular meeting of the few months. One cannot find which it started growth. With bridge and Levi Austin, the gen Willing Worker» Have Sale Missionary society of the Christ the long stretches of road where care and patience you may have tiemen. Miss Irma Strong re-’ ian church will be held at the they bloomed so profusely a year your young dogwood tree giving ceived high score in 500 for | r The Willing Workers of the • the ladies and Lee Rogers f°r Christian church sponsored a; home, of Mrs. E. Knight on the ago—but timber must be felled out new leaves. ' successful food sale held in the1 O.-A. hill Tuesday afternoon, and the shrubby undergrowth go I Nurserymen find that dogwood the gentlemen. with it. i should be propogated from cut Ice cream, cake and coffee i Thomas Variety store Saturday, March 18. One hears of beautiful drives tings just the same as any shrub. Mrs. R. A. Olson will be un on Oregon roads through ihe ■ Of course, it takes several years was served to the guests after morning. ------------------------- able to entertain the members timber but the sight of the dog for the tree to attain any reason the play of cards. To Hold Sale as originally planned. wood in bloom on the St. Hel able height but the element of Food Salo Success The Women’s Missionary ens mountain could not be equal-1 chance and the satisfaction gain The cooked food sale g'ven. cicty of the Evangelical church ed in growing something all your Sunday School Tiny Tots led for sheer beauty. by the Eastern Star Social club will hold an apron and cooked The native dogwood can be own is worth the trouble. Gas ___ and ______ Electric food sale in the offices of the in the Oregon _ Entertained by Teachers building, through the generosity Oregon Gas and Electric com- Three Charming gentlement. An original and de of G. W. Ford, Saturday, was a pnny Saturday, April 12. The Tiny Tots of the Sunday licious two-course lunch was decided success. Young Ladies Cel | --------------------- - school classes of the Christian served late in the evening. The committee in charge was Clatskanie — Lower Columbia ebrate Birthdays church were entertained by their Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mrs. E. E., Cooperative Dairy association to teachers, Mrs. H. Monger and Mrs. Thor Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Yeo and Mrs. Harry Pearse. construct whole milk plant here. Mrs. Harry Culbertson, in the Frank Hartwick, Mr. and Mrs. Celebrating their sixteenth classrooms of the _________ Christian Wm. Briot Jr., Mr. and Mrs. O. birthday anniversaries the same church Wednesday afternoon. day, Mrs. Fred Rainey enter Mrs. J. Krieger, assisted by T. Bateman, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. The guests played games dur Mrs. tained her daughter, Miss Chris A. L. Armstrong, gave a Van Vleet, Miss Macile Roberts ing the afternoon and the lunch tine, their guest, Miss Audrey party Wednesday of last week and Glenn Hawkins. served in the spirit of St. Pat in honor of her daughter Wanda Johnston of St. Helens and Miss Dorothy Ratkie, at a birthday rick’s day of green jello, sham who celebrated her ninth birth Study Club Entertained dinner at the Rainey home in rock sandwiches, bananas and day, at her home in this city. wafers was heartily enjoyed by at Moe Home Thursday Riverview Saturday. VERNONIA’S PROGRESSIVE STORE The young guests, Alveda Lit the kiddies. The feature of the dinner was tleton, Lucile Miller, Helen Tis The list of the guests will be LEADERS OF STYLE AND QUALITY Mrs. M. E. Moe entertained the pink and white birthday dale, Madge and Forest Mul- cake made by Mrs. C. Ratkie, in the next issue of the Eagle. kins, Bobby and Melvin Schwab, the Study club at her home on decorated with 16 candles and LeRoy Armstrong and the young Rose avenue yesterday. The with the names of the three Members of O. E. S. honored hostess enjoyed the af subject for discussion for the afternoon was “Secondary girs inscribed on it. ternoon paying several games. Attend Meeting at Groups,” in the study of social Other dinner guests included Miss Pearl Krauss and Mes- Clatskanie Friday dames Armstrong, Schwab, Mul- psychology. Mrs. E. E. Yeo was Mrs. C. Ratkie, and little daugh ter, Misses Maybelle Drorbaugh, kins and Krieger were present. chairman for the afternoon. Several members of the local Millicent Rainey and James A luncheon consisting of sand organization of the Order of the wiches, ice cream, cocoa and a Luncheon Given in Rainey. Eastern Star attended lodge at large birthday cake, was served. Honor Betty Bennett Clatskanie last Friday evening at The new Spring Dresses Friends Give Surprise which some of the grand officers Miss Betty Bennett, who left Am. Legion Auxiliary make her more charming Party For Teachers from Portland attended. Wednesday to make her home in To Sponsor Dance Spokane, Those who drove over for the than ever . . . heighten Wash., was entertained occasion were Mr. and Mrs. F. ing her individuality . . . Several friends surprised Miss at a luncheon at the home of Vernonia unit of the American es Pearl Krauss and Ruth Taylor D. Macpherson, Mrs. Geo. Dror Mrs. G. L. Nutt Tuesday. enhancing her soft, grace Legion Auxiliary will hold a baugh, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Mrs. W. at their apartment in the Cherry Other guests were Misses Le ful contours through the Tree apartments last Thursday E. Bell, Mrs. A. J. Hughes and dance at the local Legion hall ona New, Helen Scribner, Ione Saturday, March 22. artistry of style design. evening. A general informal ev Emil Messing. The meeting, which was held Lindbergh, Beth Davis and Mil ening was spent by the guests, dred Nutt. You will be pleased wlith the hostesses serving lunch after Party Given in Honor of at the J. L. Timmons home Mon the new silk print and day evening, was well attended, the festivities. L. L. Lewis’ Birthday and the definite date set for the Mrs. Powell Enter plain flat Crepe Dresses The guests included Misses dance. The dance will be a little tains at Luncheon we are showing. Melba Laramore. Florence San Complimenting her husband different than those that have tee, Rae Davis, Marie Kirkpat on the occasion of his birthday been given by this organization Mrs. Virgil Powell entertained rick and Myrtle Pye. anniversary, Mrs. L. L. Lewis in the past—several unusual at an elaborate luncheon at her I , entertained at a card party at features have been planned by home in Riverview last Thursday Surprise Farewell Given jthe Lewis home on the O.-A. the committee in charge. the guests playing 500 during last Friday night. Mrs. the afternoon. Mrs. Bert Nelson to Betty, Junior Bennett property Dan Nelson received high score Bridge Club Entertained received high score for the play I for the evening’s play of 500. of cards. A surprise farewell was given The hostess served a delicious at Home of Mrs. Fogel Other guests included Mrs. L. i to Miss Betty Bennett and Jun luncheon, the feature of which ior Bennett, who left this week was a beautiful birthday cake. A group of the younger ma Stevens of Westimber, Mrs. Dnn ■ Will greatly enhance the appearance of Ntlson, Mrs. S. Nelson, Mrs. P. for Spokane, Wash., at the home The invited guests included trons, who have organized a of Miss Mildred Nutt Saturday Mrs. V. Nelson, Mrs. D. K. Bev bridge club, entertained their Fetcsh and Mrs. L. Baker. your new frock. We are now showing the evening. The hostess was assist eridge, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nel husbands and friends last Wed ed by Miss Helen Scribner. i son, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Nelson, nesday evening at the home of To Entertain Friends at latest styles in Hosiery and Footwear. Dancing and games were the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hutchine. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fogel, the Bridge This Saturday diversions of the evening, a de- hostess being assisted by Mrs. licious luncheon being served af- Thor Robert. Mrs. George Van Vleet will Waffle Supper Vernonia, Oregon Phone 801 ter the festivities. Mrs. O. T. Bateman received entertain the Bridge club which' Served at Party high The invitational list included score for ladies for the ev- meets on Wednesday afternoons Misses Grace Condit, Ruth Lee, cning and George Van Vleet, the at her home next week. Indoor baseball and volley ball Maybelle Drorbaugh, Lucille -5—--- Sponner, Velda Mellinger, Lu were played by the guests of cille Gosa, Gwendolyn Whitmore, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lappe in the Sylvia Dobbs, Leona New, Joy field of their home in Orchard Bush, Margaret Nelson, Mignon Acres Tuesday afternoon. A waf Depue, Marjorie Meeker; Messrs. fle supper was served to the Jack Marshall, Larry Marshall, guests as they sat around the Robert Holcomb, Marvin Porter- fireplace. The feature of the ev field, John Kirk, Gloyd rivyu Adams, ening’s entertainment was danc Donald Holtham, Billy 1 Wash- ing. The guests included Misses liurn, Richard Young, Arthur Spofford, Junior Aldrich, Vernon Melba Laramore, Florence San Bronkey, Arthur Nanson, Ervin tee, Pearl Krauss, Rae Davis, Smith, Oscar Sorlee, Marvel Ruth Taylor and Messrs. Wil Graven, Lavern Adams and Geo, fred Thomas nnd Wallace Mc Laird. Crea. As Old Doc Lemmon says, “You sure can tell the difference between the first spring day and the first day of spring.” so do not let these beautiful days cause you to be too enthusiastic in planting your garden. In a day or two, if the warm sunshiny days continue, the early sweet peas can be planted in a sheltered location and in very rich soil, if you wish profusion and perfection of bloom. This is good clean up and burning weather. Gather up the bits of old wood not cleaned up from the wood wagon and burn them. Prunings from the fruit trees can be burned also, if cut up in small pieces and put on a hot fire. Plan your garden walks and put them in if you are in a location where the soil is well drained. Spading for the vegetable and annual flower garden can be done and a quantity of well rot ted barn manute thoroughly in- orporated in the soil. It is still not too late to enjoy the forced blooms from flower ing shrubs. To the uninitiated the bloom of the shrub is more apparent now than several weeks ago. Wanda Krieger Celebrates Her 9th Birthday JOY Theater Coming Attractions flic Girl in the Show"’ Featuring Bessie Love THURSDAY, MARCH 13 "Rich People” ALL TALKING FRIDAY, MARCH 14 "The 13ili Chair" ALL TALKING Conrad Nagel at his best Saturday eve. and Sunday Mat. Mar. 15-16 Chasing Rainbows ALL TALKING Charles King and Bessie Love Suitday and Monday, March 16 and 17 Reithner's Gloriiying the American Girl. .. Oregon American Lumber New Shoes and Hosiery There is No Substitute For PURE MIL 5 Wc have installed the latest model Spray milk pasteurizer with a ic cording thermometer, that wc may heller serve the public odqe$ A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, Stated Communication Mr First Thursday of each ' ' month. Special called meetings on all other Thurs- day nights 7:30 p.m. Viaitors most cordially welcome. J. E. Tapp, W. M. J. B. Wilkerson, Secretary. WOMENS RELIEF CORPS Meets third Thursday of each month at the W. O. W. hall. Mrs. Lee Hall, president. NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. IS ORDER OF RAINBOW FOR GIRLS Regular meeting second and fourth Mondays. Margaret Nelson, Recorder Order of Eastern Star Additional improvements are being made constantly to safeguard the purity of our Milk and Cream. llie Food for all Ages The heartless nicks and dent* that winter driving brings to every car must go. You’ll want your car bright and new-like. Drive up today. We’ll remove every last mark — every scratch and bump—car» look and feel new this way. Surprising economy too. Phone 342 Vernonia Brazing & Machine Works OUR PRODUCTS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR DAILY Descended from the sun’s energy, milk, like the sun itself, is a reservoir from which man may draw infinite strength. The baby is enabled by milk to take its fii-st grasp of life; the growing child drinks in vitality with his milk; the young man and woman are sustained by milk in their early struggles for a foothold; the mature man and woman rely on milk for stamina. A universal food, milk is at its pure best when labeled . . . Nehalem Valley Ice and Creamery Co Phone 471 Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. American Legion Regular commu Vernonia Poet nication first 119, American and third Wed nesdays of each Legion, Meet« month, at Ma second and sonic Temple. fourth Tuesdays All visiting sis each month, 8 p. ters and broth m. Connie An ers welcome. derson, Com Mrs. Gwladys Macpherson, W.M. P. Hughes, Adjutant Mrs. Grace Reherger, Secretary. mander. Pythian Sisters Mountain Heart Vernonia Temple «1 meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets »very W.O.W. hall. second and fourth Thursdays in MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. DELLA CLINE. M. of R. A C. W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors always welcome. Marie O’Donnel, Vice Grand American Legion Auxiliary Edna Linn. Noble Grand Meet* second and fourth Myrtle John, Secretary. Monday* of each month Della Cline. Treasurer at the Legion hall. Mrs. P. Wideman. Prea. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS I. O. O. F. HARDING LODGE 11« Meets every Monday I.O.O.F.—Vernonia __ No. night in the W.O.W. 246 meets every Tuesday night hall. Visiting broth at 8 o’clock, in I.O.OJ. halt Vis ers welcome. itors always welcome. ’ James Nanson, C.C. Noel Hammack, N.G. U. A. Scott, K.R.S. John Glasaner, Secretary. * »