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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1930)
» Thuriday, February 6. 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon — Page Seven I follows: President, Miss Leaven C. 1 _______ week in Portland Monday while1 disabled several days during the Sr SULW ,SÍ High School Senior worth; vice president, Minnie i Operator Creighton of St. Hel- the baby was receiving medical past week with an infected fin- ■ Scholtz; secretary, Louise Tufts; ; ens were incidental callers on Play To Be Given treatment. ger caused by a small sliver. i treasurer, Jennie Scholer. their friend C. H. Stout at Scap February 14 and 15 I»r. Mr. and ana Mrs. {Vickies Nickles are vis- poose last week. ......... ------- ------------------ <i ! iting relatives in eastern Wash- Dane« Saturday Tony and Mrs. Marek are the Scappoose Locals and numerous distant relatives. Many From Scappoose The senior play, “Miss Topsy •n8ton Hiis week. They expect to Won ten’s Benefit A dance will be given Satur- proud parents of a daughter. Mrs. Emma Van Cleve spent Turvy, ” will be given twice this mo > ve ** a y. here soon, Attend the Caterpillar Friday at the home of her daugh I airs. Marek was formerly Starr year, a matinee Friday after Mrs. Sather has as her guest day. February 8, by the Three Association To ( School At Portland ter, Mrs. Ella Watson, in Port I atorgan. Hold Dance Here Rainier Defeats noon, February 14, and an ev- this week her mother from Rain Link club, which is composed of I Scappoose Here memberi of the Odd Fallow* land. Mrs. Watson has been very i Otto and Mrs. Komning are ening performnee Saturday, Feb- ier. About 25 men from the vici ill with diptheria and only re happy over the birth of a little ruary 15. | George Link went to Portland lodge in this city. ------ Í The general public was invited Scappoose high school suffer- nity attended the week tractor cently relieved of quarantine. I son last '1 uesday. Mrs. Komning Local music will be heard, at Monday for further treatment to attend a dance at the Flor- ed defeat Friday night on their school given by the Caterpillar the I. O. O. F. hall. to his injured hand. Quarantine was lifted from ' was Eva Greene and a graduate ence auto park pavilion Febru- own f]oor when Rainier scored company at their plant in Port Scappoose Cooking Club a . Granquist and family re- the Nels Anderson home Friday I of Scappoose high school. ary 22. The Rainbow Kids will' 19 to their 14. Both teams play- land. and the house thoroughly fumi I Louise Tufts, Evelyn Gerlach, 2nd To Complete Work S furnish the music and a large Ied I hard and fast. A large crowd gated under the supervision of , and Ione Shreve attended the "ttendance is expected. |, •was present. --------- son Bobby attended the Mary Dr. McCowan. meeting of Rainbow Girls at St. Wildwood C. E. Holds Miss Fern White with her ville public school while there. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Emmett Helen» Monday evening, Cooking club No. 6 is the sec Rally At Scappoose Watsons Leave Bruno Reif of Joe Wornstaff’s spent Monday in St. Helens on George Kotek I«. Mrs, J. L. Chiitim of St. llel- ond club in Columbia county to For California Wildwood Christian Endeavor business. I ens spent Friday afternoon vis- ■omnlete its work 100 per cent. shovel crew spent several days Pneumonia Victim! last week visiting his people at I G. C. Watson returned to Ya iting Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tit- --------- I The club has 10 members, all ------ I Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Watson rally was well attended by young colt, Wash., Sunday after spend tie. Mrs. Tittle accompanied her of whom sent in their record Prineville. He returned to camp The only son of Louis and spent the week end in Corvallis people throughout the union, ing two weeks enforced vaca home and spent the night in St. Monday accompanii by his ■ooks to Corvallis January 21. ther Albon. Mrs. Kotek, orchardist of Scap visiting their daughter Lucile, Clatskanie being the only soci tion hi« home here. Helens. Members are: Delmont Grew- poose. passed away at 2 o’clock who is attendng college there. ety not represented. Delegations Gladys Johnson of Corvallis L. Hendricks and childrei. sll, Howard Magwood, Enos Ku Thursday evening of pneumonia. Mrs. Watson was able to se- from Astoria. Rainier, Vernonia, spent the week end with her went to Salem Friday, returning cera, Lloyd Allen, Albert Gatch- Potato Growers To Little George Kotek was six cure a suitable house and will St. Helens, Yankton, Portland parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert the same night. ■r, Carl Szedlak, John Neuman, years old and was a regular at move to Corvallis today to make and Scappoose were in attend Johnson. Elect Officers At I Robert Johns, who has beer Leonard Shreve and Bruce tendant at St. Frederick’s school. her permanent residence. Mr. ance. I C. H. Stout motored to East St. Helens Feb. 15. Smith. I St. Helens. Rev. Father Zalud Watson is employed as camp Among the speakers were Har Portland Sunday .where he was visiting relatives at Edinburgh, I was assisted by Father Clancy cook at Yacolt, Wash. old Judge, Vivian Taylor, Mary a dinner guest at the home of Scotland, is house guest at the i The annual meeting of the of St. Helens in the final rites Harnish, Reverend Allen, Ralph Mr. and Mrs. C. N. McCafferty. home of Mrs. John’s mother, Columbia County Potato Grow at the church and burial. Class Tarbell and Alfred May. Mrs. Louis Furrer of South Mrs. Hoaglund. While in Scot ers associ lion will be held Sat mates were pallbearers and the P.-T. A. To Hold Saturday evening a social hour Scappoose spent Sunday wiui land Mr. Johns also visited Mrs. RIVERVIEW urday, FvLiuary 15, at 1:30 p.m. St Freberick’s quartet sang Meeting Friday followed the business session, Scappoose friends and attending McPh?rson, mother of “Scotty” in the court house at St. Helens. I McPherson, residing in Glasgow. RIIVERVIEW __ _ . special music in memory of their Regular meeting of the P.-T. The theme of the evening ses- the C. E. rally. The annual election of officers H. M. Labeirteu, telegraph op- He reports a fine trip home. Mrs. classmate. A. will be held at the school au sion Sunday was “Knights Er- Mr. and Mrs. H. Fielberg mo will be held and other regular drove to Vancouver. B. tored to Portland Tuesday of Interment was in the Catholic ditorium Friday evening at 8 rant.” June Boyd led the dis- erator in the superintendent’s Johns -- business transacted. Seymour o’clock. All members are urged cussion. At the evening church office of the S. P. & S. railway, 0., ., to meet him. cemetery at Scappoose. u»t week. They reported the C. Kasparek, local shoe repair ■oa'iis very bad, especially after Jones, state market agent, and < He leaves to mourn his loss to be present and bring their service Scappoose officers were called on Scappoose friends last i shop operator, spent Sunday with rossing the Washington county II. W. Zivney, president of the besides his parents, one sister, 8, friends. installed by Ralph Tarbell as week. state association, will be present. his family in Milwaukie. lin*. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Hall went Emma A. Greener, deceased. Before you go on a long Notice is hereby given that the to the A. J. Kirk place at Pleas Federai Farm Board wearisome, house hunt undersigned has been appointed ant Hill Monday to keep house Approves Loan To ing jaunt, learn the ex administrator of the estate of for the Kirks while they went to Columbia Dairy Assn. act location of the choi Emma A. Greener, deceased, by Buxton to visit Mr. Kirk’s par cest available homes by the county court of the state of ents. Th# federal farm board re Mr. and Mrs. Wayne George Oregon, for Columbia county, reading Vernonia Eag cently approved an application and has qualified. All persons ook their son Jarrold to Port- of the Lower Columbia Cooper le’s Classified advertis Houses for rent, furnished in WANT TO DO Washings, will having claims against said estate and Tuesday of last week to ative Dairy association at Astor GOOD layers. averaging from ing section. Prepare a FOR SALE lave his leg attended to, after 300 to 327 annually. See or quire O. H. Drorbaugh, 992 2nd list of those to be found ia for a facilities loan of $202,- call for and deliver. Phone are hereby notified to present laving the cast removed. the same to me at the law office phone Mrs. Lee Hall, at ^ve^‘ avenue. 23 tf 776.______ 000. Th# association is expanding in the neighborhood 17tf of Gordon R. Watt, Vernonia FOR SALE—Twelve unimproved S. V. Malmsten returned its plants at Astoria. Portland, you prefer. It will take lots in block 25, second addit view. _______________ ______ FOR RENT — 3-room modern Oregon, with vouchers and duly home last week after spending Grays River, Wash., and Clats the annoyance out of ion. Close in and sightly. FOR SALE—Slightly used dftV- I1UUB6J, ClUUC in. III. « J. C. Lindley, I WANT to buy or rent—Between verified, within six months iron, everal uays in Astoria and Sea- kanie. house, close 40. and 60 acres land. Some house hunting. J. G. WATTS, Scapoose, Ore Rtf ide. enDort. bathroom electric heat- Rank of Vernonia, 27tf improved. Prefer having house the date hereof. ______________ _ Miss Millie McMullin of Natal infected Finger | Dated and first published, Jan er and portable phonograph. All .... FOR SALE Muskrats, Canadian in good condition. Reasonable. FOR RENT—2 furnished apart- and barn on land. Inquire Eagle uary 2, 1930. s spending a few days of her office. 272 parentage. $9 per pair. A. D. " J hnllHe 39 o A hill. 272*. ments, lights and water ln- Prevents Working Last publication January 30 vacation from college with her Apply house 39, O.A.Ji________ cluded. Se<_ond I ■randparents, Mr. and Mrs. John' Hall, Vernonia, Ore. tf 1930. MISCELLANEOUS -------- in storage. Looks and is enue. 272*1 Estes. 1 Mead Metcalf, employed in the PIANO HERMAN L. GREENER Fred Overson purchased two local Safeway store, has been Dregsaw and eircle saw, com like new. Will sacrifice for bal-,------------------ ¡POSITION open to a wideawake1 Administrator of the estate oi ine silver foxes from E. E. plete for sale. G. W. Higdon, ance, $168. Terms $2 weekly. FURNISHED apartments ■* fori aggressive, ambitious saleswo Mills last week and moved them Vernonia, phone 9F51. 1 26 * Will discount for cash. Write rent, $22. Phone 402, Moon- man with pleasing r personality, Emma A. Greener, deceased. R. WATT, Attorney to the Overson fox pens in Ver Tallman Piano Store, 395 So. light Apartments. 13tf between the age of 22 1 and __ 30. __ I GORDON ........... nonia. For Sale—First class 16 inch 12th street, Salem, Ore. 273 ----------------------------------------------I Make your application in writ -Ti. C. Biggs is visiting his parents fir wood, $6.00 cord or. $2.00 I NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE ing, stating your idea of the WANTED FOR RENT rick. Leave orders with Cason In the Circuit Court of thi Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Biggs. qualifications of a good saleswo Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Malmsten transfer. 23 tf work. man. Give your address or tele ¡ State of Oregon for the count) W ANTED—Carpentier FOR RENT—Modern 4 room ire being congratulated over phone number. Arrangements of Columbia. All work guaranteed. Geo. Bell their first grandchild, little Mas FOR SALE—Fat hens. Phone house on first avenue. See J. 1st Ave., House 41. 24 tf will be made for an interview. Bank of Vernonia, a corpora C. Lindley at bank. 23tf Mrs. Lee Hall, 774, Riverview. Address: Manager, Miller Mer tion, Plaintiff, vs., Emory W. ter Knauss. Mrs. Knauss is in i Portland hospital. cantile Co. 271 Sheeley. defendant. The Johnston-McGraw shingle By virtue of an execution is mill started operating again Wed sued out of the above entitled NOTICE TO CREDITORS | nesday of this week. In the county court of the court in the above entitled caus< Henry Parker went to Wald 4 I state of Oregon for the county to me directed and dated the 18 port last week to work for the of Columbia. day of December, 1929, upon a Waldport Hardwood company, For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed orx this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business In the matter of the estate of ’ judgment and decree rendered in building the mill. and entered in said court on the Eusibio Escolta, deceased. an<t professional people. Aunt Sally Spencer is reported Notice is hereby given that : 27th day of November, 1929 in to be ill. the undersigned has been ap . favor of Bank of Vernonia, t Mrs. R. Hall and little daugh pointed administrator of the es . corporation, plaintiff and against ter Dortha visited Mrs. Hall’s BEAUTY SHOPS tate of Eusibio Escolta, deceased, , Emory W. Sheeley, defendant brother, Chas. Justice, at Tre- Trucks for Local and by the county court of the state i for the sum of Seven Hundred harne last Sunday. of Oregon, for Columbia county, and Fifty (750) dollars, with in Long Distance Hauling ANNETTE Mrs. B. J. Cline of Vernonia and has qualified. All persons i terest thereon at the rate of 8 visited friends in Riverview Sun Local & long distance BEAUTY SHOP QUICK SERVICE having claims against said estate > per cent per annum from the day. Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger HAULING Phone 293 are hereby notified to present : 9th day of July, 1927 and foi A number of friends gathered waving. Permanent Waving. i the same to me at the law of . further sum of One Hundrei at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Phone 923 Over Horseshoe Cafe. Curly Buffmire fice of Gordon R. Watt, Verno . (100.00) dollars attorney’s feet Fielberg Saturday evening for Phone 431 Office in nia, Oregon, with vouchers and | and for the sum of Twenty-on< a social evening. TRANSFER duly verified, within six months I (21.00) dollars costs and dis Workingmen’s Store E. Lloyd and son Jewel re- from the date hereof. bursements and the costs of am turned home from Hillsboro Sun- Dated and first published, Jan . upon this writ commanding m< Eleitrotherapy, Physiotherapy uary 2, 1930. to make sale of the following de PLUMBING HOTEL Last publication January 30, , scribed real property, to-wit: DR. R. A. OLSON The East half of the Southwest 1930. J. W. BROWN, , Chiropractor NEHALEM HOTEL Administrator of the estate of ’ quarter and ten (10) acres on Tel. 671 1117 Stat camp c regor I Eusibio Escolta, deceased. ¡the South side of the Southeast Vernonia, Ore Vernonia'» Oldest and moat Bafford Brothen the Northwest quarter , I quarter of GORDON R. WATT, Attorney. up-to-date hotel. Work was resumed by the of section eight (8), Township Mr». Grace Scott, Manager General Plumbing four, (4) North of range four Oregon-American Lumber com CONTRAC NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT (4) West of the Willamette me pany Monday after the shut In the county court of the ridian. Excepting therefrom that lown. The construction work is Vernonia State of Oregon for the County tract of land conveyed to David in full operation. Side 2 began of Columbia. JOHN A. MILLER C. Eccles, trustee, by E. W logging with the skidder to fol RESTAURANT In the matter of the estate Sheeley, unmarried, by deed re- low in same work in 10 days, General Contractor corded January 3rd, 1922 ir and the buckers and fallers re of Jens Langum, deceased. Notice is hereby given that book “32,” page 274, deed of sumed their work Tuesday. The Right Place to Eat M ison Work, Building Pupils attending Camp Mc the undersigned, Andrew M. records of Columbia county Gregor school who were neither Oregon. Excellent Cooking Parker, administrator of the es Mary Kato NOW, THEREFORE, by vir- absent nor tardy for the month tate of Jens Langum, deceased, has filed his final account in the tue of said execution and in com- of January are: In advanced DENTISTS LAWYERS county court of the State of pliance with commands of said room, Borgney Sather, Ruby Oregon, for the county of Colum writ, I will, on Saturday, the 8th Faught, Oki and Arne Ander- bia, and that Monday, the 10th day of February, 1930, at ten son, and Stanley Wornstaff; in M. D. COLE GORDON R. WATT day of February, 1930, at the o’clock, a. m., at the west front primary room, Roy and Eileen door of the county court house Link, Merle and Jack Scott, hour of 10 o’clock a. m., of said in Dentist St. Helens, Columbia county Kristian Sather, Harvey Worn- Attorney-at-law day, at the court house at St. Oregon, sell at public auction, staff and Doris Rae Estey. Vis i Helens in the said county and You’ll enjoy a bowl Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon has been appointed as the subject to redemption to the itors at school during the month I Vernonia, Oregon of delicious Chop state, time and place for the hearing of highest bidder, for cash in hand were Mrs. T. F. Scott, Mr. Geo. right, title and interest which Link and J. W. Wornstaff. I objections to said final account all Suey after the show. the above-named defendant in the Mrs. A. J. Redman returned PHYSICIANS [ and the settlement thereof. above entitled suit, had on the to camp Friday after a fort-1 DR. W. H. HURLEY Date of first publication, Janu- 9th day of May, 1922, the date night visit with her daughter! lory 9, 1930. of the mortgage herein fore who lives near Baker. She ex-| Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Dantiglry and X-Ray SHINGLE MILL | Date of last publication, Feb closed or since that date had in perienced a temperature of 42 and to the above described prop below zero while visiting there. Physician and Surgeon Hoffman Hdwe. Building ruary 6, 1930. M erty or any part thereof to satis A. J. Redman is confined to ANDREW M. PARKER fy said execution and said judg his bed with an attack of kidney Vernonia, Oregon Re-Roof With Phone 891 Administrator of the estate of ment, interest, costs and accru- trouble. SHINGLES Jens Langum, deceased. ing costa. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roley re I From OSCAR G. WEED turned to camp several days GORDON R. WATT Sheriff of Columbia county ago after a pleasant visit with Attorney PASTIME Dr. J. A. Hughes Oregon. the former’s mother and sister Dated this 6th day of Janu at Springfield, Mo. CARDS AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Physician and Surgeon ary, 1930. The Martin family spent last In the county court of the LIGHT LUNCHES Date of first publication week in Portland visiting rela Office Phone 663 Vernonia, state of Oregon, for the county ja"^ 971930.' tives. Lloyd Baker, Prop. Res. Phone 664 - Oregon VERNONIA of Columbia. Date of lagt pubiication, Feb. Mrs. C. E. Bradford and little In the matter of the estate of ruary 6, 130. son returned from a stay of one Scappoose and Vicinity Vernonia Bakery $o/umns Vernonia * Professional and Business Directory Cason Transfer *■ M G Terminal Cafe Chop Suey Restaurant YOURSELF THE FEBRUARY MEYEB ECTH FINNEY OF THE FORCE By F. O. Alexander •Man CCNEBAL NEWHMES Low, SERVICE Do you find yourself snowed under with unsold stocks? is turnover elow? Then the thing to do In ran a power ful ad in this paper, aided by a strong illustration and colorful copy. We offer them to you free of charge in the Meyer Both General New»- paper service. Vernonia Eagle i