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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1930)
Thursday, February 6, 1930 Vernonia Eagle, Vérnonla, Oregon Pane Six JL THE TIMBER LINE AFF T .................... Editor Assistant Editor Sports Editor ....... Jokes Editor Senior Reporter Junior Reporter Sophomore Reporter ......Freshman Reporter Charlotte Green Larry Marshall .... Dwight Strong Dorothy Carmichael .. Norma Anderson Inez Allman ...... . Lucille Spooner ........ Margaret McDonald LOYALTY Loyalty may be divided into several divisions, but one ol tin- most important is that of loyalty to oneself. Wh: t is meant by being loyal to oneself? It means do- iny. the things he knows he should do, believing the things h. knows are right, acting in the way he knows he should act. “But how is this being loyal to oneself?” you may ask. Taking the first phrase, “doing the things that one knows he should do.” Often people see things that they would love to do, but they know deep down in their hearts it isn’t what they believe they should do. When they are tion; enough to overcome their desire, they are being loyal to themselves. It is very easy for young peope of high school age to be disloyal to themselves. It seems so easy to say, “I’ll do if just this once, no one will ever know the difference.” Anu* while they are doing it, they do not realize the harm they are doing themselves. When one learns to be loyal to himself, he learns to be loyal to God, to his country, to the institutions of which he is a part, to parents, and to friends. l he value of loyalty to oneself can not be overestimated. Ready For Fire Drill The clang of a gong, the sud- den commotion, the hurrying pu pils, the trample of feet, the talking and laughing—a fire drill. Remember, always be ready for them in stormy or sunshiny weather. One of them might be a real fire. It’s just another fire drill. That is the state of mind the instructors want you in so that there will be no cause for a panic and injury.—W.F. periences make the life of Elery Walter, told by himself in a very interesting style in “The World on One Leg,” seem almost paradoxical at times. This is the story of a man who, under un usual circumstances, was left alone in the world. Although young he made up his mind to go around the world. In his travels he encounters several ad ventures that to you and me would seem almost impossible. While a member of a college crew, his left heel became in fected. This tragedy led him around the world in a series f fiction-like journeys accompanied by events which are very inter- esting.—B.C. MlSt Bus The trophies of the high school are getting tarnished Is Repaired and dusty sitting around on the desks in the junior and : enior rooms. It would be well to have a case for them, es pecially if it is expected to win more in th« future. . Sports Beats St. Helens Score of 30-13 Playing a game too fast tor the St. Helens quintet, the Or angemen came out on the long end of the 30-13 score last Wed- nesday in a fast game here, The first few minutes of play looked doubtful for Vernonia the 1 with St. Helens leading score but in the last . of the first Vernonia opened up quarter a series of baskets ; and there- after lead the score and shot at will. The loss of two of St. Helen* regulars weakened their team considerably. Winning this game puts Ver- nqnia one step closer to the cup. The lineup* were as follows: Vernonia St. Helens I’opejoy F Hicks F Gangier C Corpela G Oliver G Oliver S Standing of Rainier Scappoose Vernonia St. Helens Clatskanie Schools in League Won L ’ . 4 3 2 1 1 Jelson Setter», The Blind Fiddler moving picture producers at Hol lywood, although he has sold some of his productions to them. —N.B. .. .— ■ _______ _________________ !______ Ask For Better Display Of Pep From School Students Attend the Basketba.’i Game With Rainier Here February 7 Portland — Newly constructed Clinton Kelly High School of Commerce at East 29th and Pow ell streets occupied. WhaFClasses Are Doing 41 Book Reviews Are Shorthand Class Makes Good Progress The English II class, under the Dame Rumor has it that student, no matter how poor he Written By Students supervision of Miss Gehring, is something has gone wrong with thinks his writing, should sub- making a study of words in or- A Shorthand club has been or- the spirit of our high school. | mit it to the English teacher. The book reviews which have ganized under the direction of The enthusiasm of our students Even a freshman might com- been appearing in the Timber der to increase the vocabularies , pose a poem or write an inter- Line are written by students in of the students. Miss Ruth Martin. It consists of has been slowly dying away. The French 1 ciass has now Take for instance the annual jesting story. Teachers i are al- the English class as a part of the students studying in her mastered enough grammar to be 1 put out by our school several ways willing to help 1 them. shorthand classes. their work. The club has met twice, two years ago. Compare it with the When the class plays are chos- So far, the reviews have been gin to read in the regular French weeks ago last Wednesday and latest and notice the difference.1 en. the few dramatic aspirants written by the seniors only, but reader which is included in this a week ago Thursday. The meet In form it was no better, but choose the parts they want. If the other classes have been ask-1 year’s work. , Four or five of the students ings are held at the homes of in content it was far superior. ] they are disappointed they act ed to hand in reviews also, and in the American history class the different members of the Everybody wanted to improve it hurt and refuse to take any they will appear later. are working on themes which are club. The girl at whose home the and as a result it was more other part notwithstanding the to be entered in the Oregon his meeting is held takes charge of than a picture book filled with fact that they are unfitted for Portland—Tennis courts will torical contest. the meeting. The girls are asked names, It had life. It represent the one they wanted. Until only recently our Tim be constructed at Woodstock and to make any suggestions which ed the school spirit, unspoiled Miss Gehring’s English IV class i they think willl be helpful in by the pessimistic “can’t do it” ber Line was a disgrace to our Mt. Scott parks. has begun its study of literature. ■ school. The average person read La Grande—West Coast Tele —M.T learning shorthand more rapidly. attitude. This attitude prevails at the ing it would have thought that phone company will expend $36,- They study and read shorthand ______ _ _____ ________ and take dictation. Each girl _____ has] games, in debating, the carnival, nothing ever happens at our 230 in this district which includ Beaverton—West Coast Tele subscribed to th* Gregg Writer,1 das» plays, and in getting news school. The trouble is that the es Union and Wallowa counties. phone company will expend $50,- a shorthand magazine. This is' for our newspaper. The only job of finding news stories is Astoria—Plans under way for used somewhat as a text bool at time it is not present is when left to the few reporters. No establishing of airport in this vi 000 in improving local telephone body else thinks of reporting p few are wrapped in study of the meetings. system. cinity. The meetings usually last are engaged in a game where anything funny, or strange, or Hood River — Bids were open interesting that happens during about two hours, after which re- re defeat or victory depends upon their efforts. | school hours. There are many ed yesterday for construction oi, freshments are served. At our games the students things that people would be glad section of market road No. 5, Miss Martin stated that she was very much pleased with the are usually scattered all around to read if they were written on near Troutcreek station. work the girls are doing and the the gym, leaving only a few to our school page. When one of our business men interest they are taking. > | support the yelling squad. Play- Try a loaf of onr *.. If anyone in town is interest- ora ers will will rtlaxr play fxvinn twice t» as « Vini'rl hard xviikt with was asked to talk to the *tu- Seward Hotel today. You wilKliko it J -.......................... ed in the Shorthand club, they a yelling, rooting crowd behind ( dent body he replied that it HOUSE OF CHEER ter than any other bi< you have ever taa| are invited to attend th* meet- ] them. In order to draw the would do no good. What the TENTH AT ALDER Occident Flour ar 5 oil crowd together there should be student body needed was not ings. Quality ingredient« make Portland Oregon it a» a boy leader as well as a girl. talk but spirit and action. I I Excellent meals at pop How can we expect the mer- Newberg—West Coast Tele A girl alone cannot rally a mix ular prices. Coffee shop. chants and townspeople to BUp- phone company will rebuild local I ed crowd. Merchants Lunch 25c, 35c. Only a few turned out for port and help a student body telephone system. Dinners 40c, 50c, in dining debate team, because it would that does not have the spirit room. Breakfast 25c and take too much time from social and constancy to help itself? up. Luncheons 35c, 50c. activities. Elections should not be all Dinners 55c. 65c, 75c, $L When the carnival was put on, cut and dried, but they should W. D. McNair, Manager ' everybody wanted to have a be of the student body, for th* Culbertson, Prop. booth *r a part ■ th* play, yet studant body, by th* student bob * thought ef bringing things b*dy. Then ther* would be more for th* stands or helping with interest. eoetume* or stage furnishings. When our hilfh school was Few students seem to possess first organized there was no rul- j The saddest word* , enough spirit to master any kind ing class or clique. An election Ere spok* by ma* of musical instrument, to say was an election by a commort Are these, “Young man, nothing of organizing a band majority. Leaders were not chos You’re late again.” or orchestra. en by a nominating committee After the annual staff is chos organized or a clique from a Addition en the student body relaxes and class like himself, lacking per A mother was teaching her leaves all the work for the ed haps the right mental and moral young daughter to add. “Take itor and the staff. The staff tries standards of life. A real spirited for instance the Jones family,” to carry the burden, and so the election might loosen the hobbles she said, “There i* a mother, a annual results in a dry, unsuc- of our spirit and help us toward father and the baby. How many cessful piece of work, A lot harmonious student body.—Mer does that make?” might be done to help. Every cury. “Oh, I know,” th* youngster exclaimed, “two and one to car- his folks to call him Vin to save ry.” th* cent. I Vernonia Bakery Bromides After being laid up several day* for repairs, th* Mist bus is back o* th* job. It and the cold had seen on his trip. It bother weather seemingly did not get ed Jelson to see the houses built along well together. so close together in the city with During th* past week three sedans were used for transport-! no grass between them. A short story writer got him ing the Mist and Natal students a job playing over the radio. to anil from school. Although He is famous for his Eliza they were somewhat crowded, no' bethan ballads which he plays on one complained, for it was warm-' er than in the bus. his violin. During the freezing weather More of his life is told in an interesting way by Jean Thomas the students had some thrilling experi- in the February issue of the as well as dangerous American magazine, 1980.—D.H. ences in these cars, such as skid ding into the bank, almost slid ing into the rjver, and turning Marcot Deep half way around on the icy road. The adventures of a scientist Everyone’s .heart was in his and two companions who find a throat, for no matter how slowly city at the bottom of the Atlan they traveled, the cars slid from tic ocean are related in the story, one side of the road to the Kerrect The professor got wind of the “Marcot Deep.” other. fact that one of the boys was While over the deepest part of Of course, all the students are holding a party in his room. He the Atlantic, which is named af glad the bus is hack, for there ter the scientist, Marcot, the will be no more wrinkled clothes, crept up cautiously and knocked on the door. cable from which their steel eagg crampZd ” leKs. i. hu no quarre!s quarrels ove over ; Voice from within. “Who i* is suspended, is cut in two by a which car to rj(Je jn anJ every. giant sea monster. thing seems natural again.—A.D. there?” , Prof: “It’s me, the professor. >> Of course, Marcot’*’ only re-| ____ _____________ Voice from within, “You can’t gret is that he cannot tell the Motion pictUre Man fool me, the prof would kave world of some of th* discoveries ... , said, ‘It’s I’.” he has made so far beneath the Addresses High School The professor walked away water. After they hit the bot- Student Body Here without another word. tom, their oxygen supply is al-1 most _________ exhausted ___ and wnen ____ ____ they' ___, Thursday afternoon Mr. Carue Wasn’t His Fault are about to suffocate, they seeja moving picture man, appeared Mac: “On one hand you have a crowd of people hurrying before the high school student the south trying to get slavery toward them.____________________ | body and delivered a very edu- into all the new territory, what These people are formed ex- national and interesting talk on have you on th* other hand, actly as th* people on the land,! mov'nK pictures, Lee.” Mr. Carde explain- but they wear a thin, transpar-' I In ,n his t talk “,v M1 “A wart, Mac, but I can’t help ent suit to keep from being I ed hew moving pictures were I it.” drowned. —Three of these .uits ‘“ken ?nd how ,nnny tric,k!', °.f are brought to the little com ’ the cameraman are accomplished. Mother Goose He also answered any question? There was a boy in our class pany and they don them. Marcot is aetighted with the1 which the students or teachers And he was wondrous wise. wished to ask in regard to mov- He was called upon, you see. wonderful inventions and advanc-1 ing pictures. To teach th* freshmen science. ed science of these strange peo I After his talk he took a ple. knowl- iiiuviuii „ i They r use the superior .-------- motion picture oi of tne the stuaents students And when he went into the room edge of science in constructing aeate(l at their (leaka If smilca machines by which they are able! prove anything, no one who sees They booed him loud and long. But when they found out who to live and thrive under the At-! this picture will ever need ask was boss, —lantic ocean. if we have a good natured stu- The under water inhabitants dent body and faculty. It will They sang another tong. found a way to communicate be shown at the Joy theater this with the three men by a wonder-' week along with othqr pictures No Mary Picklefoot* If you see the students putting fully constructed thought ma-1 which ___ __ ___ ____ he ___ has taken in — or ___ near on unnecessary airs and gest chine, which turns the thought Vernonia. ures, don’t becoms alarmed, they pictures of the mind into a real: He is looking _ for talent for a probably won’t get into the mov picture that all can view. Mar-1 P>ctur* that he intends to pro ies anyway. cot has many adventures both duce next summer. In order to 'nothor Scotch O b * while exploring the ocean bed d decide 00“1“ on *’is characters, he And then there wa* th* Scotch and while in the city under the i nlust see ,1<>w ‘^ey look on the man named Vincent who asked I screen. He has arranged water. ’ with the Finally, one of fne three men, I I local theater manager to film who W a "mechanic, combines his I all those who wish to try out MARK EVERY GRAVE Memorials in granit* and marble mechanical skill with that of one for the movies. Mr. knows his at reduced prices of the city dwellers, and they „ , Carde C“7lc u'T h,S , business construct wel1 ior h<* hns been 11 in many WRITE FOR PARTICULARS construct a » ...... sort of radio, and ' years. Oregon Monument Works receive the voices of the above He comes from Oakland, Cal., Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro world. This delights th. people but —i is not associated with the as' it I of the_ the water city as much as does Marcot and his companion*. The way in which they finally send word to the top of the ocean, how they plan to g*t back to New York, and what one of the men will do about the un- der water girl, whom he has met in that city and loves, are all told in this story by Arthur Conan Doyle.—Z.N. Probably many persons lately have heard of the “blind fiddler,’ Jelson Setters, who lived in the hills of Kentucky for more thiKi 50 years. ' Due to his blindness his other senses developed more acutely. No one could swap horses with Uncle Jelson and get the best of him. If his dog barked he could tell whether it scented a possum or squirrel. He could mimic every bird in the forests around him. By the whinnying of the nag he could tell he was nearing home, He recognized everyone’s’ voice the countryside over. While fiddling at a country gathering Jelson met Rhuhomie Alayheir, whom he later married. A doctor of that vicinity by the name of Beech Dellon for years tried to persuade Jelson to go to Louisville and undergo an operation on his eves. He was finally successful and Jelson returned three weeks la- ter with eyes! It was then the first time in his life he had ever The World On One seen his wife. Three months later he was Romantic adventures, exciting still referring to new things, he incidents, and unbelievable ex- Abel : Hurricane. Cain: I will if I am able. Four Of A Kind ,, ., . t > .1. Dorothy is tall, Dorothy is short, Dorothy is slim, Dorothy is stout, Dorothy is dark, Doro-1 thy is fair, Dorothy has black,1 brown, red andI gold hair. Dor- othy is dumb, Dorothy has been known to chew gum. Contradict ory, yes, I’ll admit, but you will notic* these things will all fit. You still —don’t believe it, please, doubt me no more, for I am describing not one—but four. Play Rainier Here Friday Tomorrow Vernonia ... night Plays Rainier in the local gym. Rainier is now in the lead the championship. Winning game would make Vernonia runner-up with Vernonia has of her games good chance at Scappoose, only played and still has a the cup. Forest Grjve—Forest Grove garage building leased by For Either Was Right est Grove creamery, win start The Englishman said it was' operations March 1. pronounced eyether, while the i American insisted upon either. To settle the argument they took Take Home A Carton Of it to the Irishman who said, “Oh ayther will do.” Miss Gehring: French (In class) I am tempted to give you pupils a test today. Velda: (Hoping to avert a disaster) Yield not to tempta- tion! ill A cold epidemic has broken out in the high school and is reported to be the worst of any other year. BA FOR BABY BOTTLED IN THE MOST SANITARY CONDITIONS Parents—You are welcome to inspect our creamery at all times, and note the process of handling the milk and cream with the latest and most modem equipment avail able. Pure Milk is the Greatest Food Gift of Nature 4 Lindsav Lumber Co Treharne Phone 7F5I .Ji-"—I,,, • • BY SAVI You don’t lie awake worrying about your money when it’s safe in the bank. Bank of Vernonia depositors sleep the sleep of the carefree, their dollars earning pennies at the rate of four per cent per annum while they sleep. Bank of Vernonia i Nehalem Ice & Creamery Company Phone 471, and have our delivery bring our product* to your home.