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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1930)
Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Th irsday, February 6. 1930 t 4 Wm. Bridgers was an Astoria Vernonia Friday. John Cahill and Frank Lousig- Archie and Harry Green were nont were in town Saturday. This business visitor one hauling hay from Zale Holmes’ was the first time they were able week. ranch last week. Mrs. Bert Eastman to get out with their car since lage shopper Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin the »now. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tom Hopkins and family were ward McMullin and family were in town Saturday taking in the und Ml-.. William Folger Grange. ; Tuesday evening guests of Mr. wer«- Portland visitors last week. and Mrs. Carl Iler and Mr. and The farmers of this vicinity, NATAL , Mrs. Fritz Iler, enjoying a radio Mrs. Geo. Lebo returned to are rejoicing the last few days over the warm weather. January her home at Longview Monday. was severe on men and beasts I Lincoln Peterson and Elmer jconcert- I Lindberg motored to Vernonia Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bush and Larry Marshall is reported ill alike, according to some of the I Saturday. I ^malli son drove to Vernonia old pioneers it was the worst with pneumonia. Mr. Vickling of Clatskanie , , Tuesday. spell of cold weather they have Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson and Harold Brimmer is reported ever seen in the Nehalem valley. made a call in Natal on business son Normand called at the home ill at his home with pneumonia. Dave Bocan spent the week recently. of Mrs. Nels Peterson one even I Mrs. W. R. Johnson of Mist ing last week. Hiram Vun Blaricom is r<‘- end in Portland on business. is improving nicely from her re- Mrs. C. V. Kilgore drove to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osbourn ported confined to his home suf town Sunday after a stay of cent illness. were in Vernonia shopping Mon- fering with sciatica. I Mr. and Mrs. James McMul-' three weeks in Portland. Sheriff Oscar Weed was a vis lin of North Plains spent a few 1 Mrs. Julia W’hittig and Mrs. Millie McMullin spent days in this community last Monday at Mist with Alberta Rose of Mist were shoppers in itor at the Grange Saturday. week visiting relatives. , DeRock. Vernonia Saturday evening. Jim Green was a caller Sun-1 Jess George ( called to see Lin Natal was Wm. Pringle Jr. of I day at the home of Jake Neurer. coln Peterson on business one Vernonia a business visitor in Mr. and Mrs. Bob Linsey and day last week. MIST Saturday. son Clarence spent Sunday even The Nehalem river was a beau ing in Vernonia. tiful sight Sunday, with the sun Gordon R. Watt transncted Grace Carmichael was a Sun Taylor and his mother Rae shining bright on high pieces of business in Portland Friday of day guest of Alberta DeRock. drove to Vernonia Saturday. ice floating down stream. last week. Mrs. James Jones and two chil Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin Lawrence Jepson and George M. E. Carkin spent the week dren visited her sister-in-law, and children spent Saturday with cently. Mrs. Ed. Reynolds, over the week Mr. and Mrs. Edward McMullin. I Miss Millie McMullin is here end at Camas, Wash., returning end. Frank Peterson and son Rich- from Forest Grove to spend two to Vernonia Sunday evening. i Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Yocum ard made a trip to Vernonia weeks at home with her folks. i Mr. and Mrs. Joe Banzer of and children were guests at the Friday. | Lee Osbourn bought a small Mist shopped in this city Wed W. R. Johnson home Sunday. E. D. Timms of Birkenfeld calf recently. A large number of Natal has been hauling hay from the nesday. Miss Beatrice Perry and Mrs. Grangers went down to Birken Bergerson ranch for their sheep. Oliver Burris motored to Verno- Neil Bush, Bodie Hicbcr, and feld Saturday to attend Pomona Noble Dunlap drove to Verno- nia Wednesday to ' ‘ ' do ' some trad- Wm. Culver Jr. were Portland Grange. nia on business Friday. ing. visitors over the week end. I Mrs. Aamodt called on Mrs. Harry McMullin visited his E. S. Thompson of Gilby Mo- afternoon last uncle, Dave McMullin, Friday. i tor company was in Natal on George W. Ford returned from Reynolds one week. Carl " Iler and son Fritz called business Tuesday. a business trip to Portland Irving Knowles lost a valuable at the Neurer place last week. Floyd Deeds drove to Verno- Thursday of last week. ' horse last week.* Bob Linsey spent last week nia Wednesday. spent Tlie Wm, Bridgers folks Beverly Crawford, Floyd Par- ) WVn. Meadows made a busi- end in Portland on business. Mrs. Julia Whittig and son ness trip to Vernonia Saturday. ker, and Alfred Schmidlin are Sunday evening at the L. Car- Many Natal Grangers attended were in Vernonia last Tuesday. reported sick at their homos with michael home. Mrs. Ed. Reynolds was a Birk- Miss Alberta DeRock spent the Pomona Grange meeting at influenza. enfold visitor Thursday. Tuesday evening in Vernonia Birkenfeld Saturday. Jos. Scott motored to Port Ed. Reynolds,* Oscar and Elvin with the Carmichael girls. | Mrs. Wm. Pringle Jr. is re- land Sunday morning to spend Jones made a trip to B. & W. R. B. Mills was hauling hay covering from her recent illness the week end with his family in camp in search of work one day to Vernonia last week. and her daughter Inez is back lest week. the city. Jake Neurer was a shopper in in school thisweek. A surprise party was given Morris Bennett, a student at Miriam McMullin Friday even chool, spent Monmouth Normal ing, the occasion being her birth the week end at home in this day. The evening was spent in city. playing games. Refreshments Mrs. George M. Lebo of Long were served. Mrs. Devine and Mrs. Dowling view visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Chas.' Rich, over the called on Mrs. Reynolds Friday evening. week end. | I jj rs McClendon and small Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. II. Lebo daughter are both ill with severe and Mrs. Gus Lewis of Portland colds. and ----- Mrs. -------- Austin _ Dowling visited at the home of their aunt| I Mr. — ---- ------ D and Florence and Bernard were Mrs. Chas. Rich recently. I gUt'SbH guests U1 of in.1, Mr. UUU and JTAIB, Mrs. Chas. Mrs. Chas. Rich, who has. been Sund|an(i Sunday. confined to her ' ' bed " ' ” at * ' home for | Mr. and Mrs. Grover Devine the past three weeks, is visited with Mr. Devine’s brother to >e improving in health. knowledge John and family at Clatskanie brake, will respond Ray Early of Portland, who Friday. faithfully to the slight Earl Ilolce left for camp Sun- is building the new post office est pressure of the foot builiing on Bridge street, ar day morning. He went down to gives confidence, essen rived here Tuesday to consult Big Creek. Donald Sundland is at home tial to safe driving. This with the contractors. from Forest Grove for a vaca- combination . of. confi Fred and George Miller, part tion of two weeks, school hav- dence and reliable brakes ners of the Miller Mercantile ing closed because of a small is equal to any emergen company, spent Wednesday in pox epidemic. cy. When you weight the Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Yocum this city consulting with local lives involved against spent the evening Wednesday manager, J. G. Allen. the moderate coat in with the Wm. Bridgers family. volved, you first appre Mrs. Geo. Parker and daugh The Wm. Keaton folks were ter Beulah and granddaughter village shoppers Saturday even- ciate the folly of delay Hazsl visited at th- home of ing. ing brake repairs. Aunt Sally Spencer last week. The Oscar Jones family were Mrs. Parker and Aunt Sally are Friday evening guests of Geo. Nehalem valley pioneers. Jones. r The Clatskanie grader was D. Hatton and. A. W. Alexan working at Mist Mondav on the der stopped ofl here 1 ue. day roads. The snow is disappear evening and attended a meeting ing and bare ground showing. of the 40, et 8. Both men are on .'I their way to a visit in Missi-I ssippi. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shay ___ __ and Mr. and son Micky, Lee Schwab and sons, Bobby and Melvin, motored to Scap- , poose Friday evening to attend the basketball game place. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carde of Spokane, local spoKnne, who wno are taking »»■*■■■» .«™1 motion pictures which will be j shown at the Joy theater to- night and tomorrow evening, ar- rived in this city last Friday, and are staying at the Porter- field apartments. ... but can you STOP? Answer i “GOOD BRAKES” Vernonia Brazing & Machine Works Page Three John Schlippy, the road boss' spellers back from last year and for this year, waB around look-1 hopes to win several prizes at ing after the roads Monday, and on Tuesday the grader was at the county contest at Rainier. The contest has been changed work on the Nehalem highway. this year so that each grade competes against itself, with six WASHINGTON SCHOOL prizes to be awarded, one for The zone spelling contest for each grade above and including this zone, which includes the fol- the ÀVUJll , and _1IU one o„„ for lur , the na best fourth, lowmg schools: t , Birkenfeld, Mist, oral ’ speller speller in in the the county. county. di » tdd , «------- ’ -------- ’ Pleasant 1 HUI, Hill, j Rock Creek, Bea- t - • - has never given Vernonia __ «■* . Bea-| I »vmuiua lias never give 3 any ver Creek ia and oz»kzv«i % a,D . th*» the IfiaF K1St ~ ------- ,chool ’ > •_ prizes to in ine the zone •ii u nre i kk 11 w winners wuiueiB in w shin fe d Fearuary 21 at the before, but this year efforts are Wahington grade school being made through the local Vernonia has several good organizations to present each Mrs. Tom Johnston returned home Monday. Mrs. Johnston has been confined at the Clats kanie hospital more than three weeks due to an explosion in the kitchen range. The Columbia county Pomona met with the Winenta Grange Saturday. About 150 attended. Vernonia Bakery Martin & Forbes LEADING FLORIST 387 Washington St. Portland, Ore., Phone BEacon 3162 o ENCOURAGE greater consumption of locally grown and manufactured products we are holding a “Home Products Sale” in all Safeway Stores. During this week, items grown or manufactured locally will be featured at exceptionally attractive prices. Let’s all buy home products this week—make it the biggest week local producers have ever nad—a week of big savings and satis faction for all Come! Feb. 7th to Bth indimve Fancy U. S. extras. Every egg guaranteed. A home product. CP 4* I J T S Sugai V C Assorted Doz. 31c Per Jar 59c 25 lb. bag $1.49 kinds. A home product. Pure cane. Extra fine granulated. Prunes jSperry Special All for $1.98 An extra fine quality of large size fruit. A home product. 0 pounds 1 1 1 1 1 59c 13 poun^s Veal Steak pound Home product. Boneless Beef Slew 39c $1.15 pounds 1 "• 26c 250c Oregon beef. Pure Lard Milk 3 pound» Maximum Brand. A rich, creamy milk, free from that condensed milk fla vor. 4gc Bacon 1 "> 28c 2 Safeway Brand. Blended and milled to our own specifications. Every sack guaranteed. A home product. 49,b $1.83 Macaroni or Spaghetti Genuine Semoline. home product A home product. pounds 55c Safeway Market No. 225 Limited Bread 11 Cheese Mother’s Brand. Made in Vernonia’s own modern sanitary bakery, A real home product. Full pound loaf Flour From firm veal, Safeway Brand. Blended and roasted in our own Portland plant. A home product. pound $1.75 .55 .30 .30 .10 Total value $3.00 Coffee 1 Bread-n-Board Box .............. T1 10-pound Bag Safeway Flour 3-pound package Sperry’s Pancake Flour 3-pound package Sperry’s Wheat Hearts 10c Loaf Mother’s Bread ............. :.......... $1.15 BIRKENFELD ¥ winner with a prize. Edwin Condit will give a foun tain pen for the winner of the oral spelling contest in this zone and A. L. Kullander, local jew I eler, will engrave the initials of the winner gratis. A full cream cheese of fine texture and very mild flavor. Per Pound White Wonder Brand. Made in Oregon by a pi oneer soap manufacturer. A home product. 10 Carrots Potatoes I- Bananas Store No. 225 •t 8wect and 2 bunches 15c S Fancy local Burbanks. Fancy golden ripe, Vernonia, Oregon 3 lbs. 21c Phone 741