Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 09, 1930, Image 8

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    They Still Practice
“Few women are good speakers,”
asserts a reader
Put that does
not deter th«1: i. Lon n Tlt-IRti.
- ts
C. Y. Bowers of Tacoma, new
owner of the Oregon Gas &
the Columbia Utilities company
will arrive in this city Tues-
day to consult with his local
manager, George W. Ford.
H. E. McGsaw spent Tuesday
in Portland on business.
Ed. Holgate was rushed by
ambulance to a Portland hospi­
tal last Tuesday night suffering
with an attack of acute appen­
Just a Suggestion
A writer suggests that Inventors
should produce n method of shaving
In one minute. Instead of ten. One
Idea Is to run quickly round tho
face with a blowlamp.—Ixmdon
Something in Their Favor
Love and honor nee old-fasbioned
Ulinas, Imt they never bring you to
the point where all depends on the
testimony of an alienist. — San
Francisco Chronicle.
Ear'lest Clock»
U h re Fri r
How llu-.'Jle Originated
Some of the earliest clocks had
dug ex
A clever yoi.t
The foothill expert who Invent­
no dials. Only the hourly slril. lugs port, askeil wlu-t
men she ed the huddle probably got the Idea
told the time
competi­ from observing four feminine heads
met seemed to ><•:
li: “It’s grouped over a bridge game.—Ar­
tion of women,
Cross of Snow Protected
largely a qiie.itlui
kansas Gazette.
A Presidential proclamation set you get less than :
aside 1,320 acres of land In Holy
Doesn’t Worry Them
Gross national forest of Colorado them. Ent the inn
Dumb nnlimils have ns much trou­
to protect the famous crosBOfsnow. goes above ?.">.*i Mt
ble ns men. Theirs just seems less
Iloly Cross mountain la u peak In where frlcm|.-.blp
beenuse it doesn’t bother them un­
Colorado which takes Ils name from you stop being a
til It happens.—Sun Francisco
a gigantic Greek cross formed by come n coinpetltor.
two snow-filled crevices on the side
of the mountain. The cross Is vis­
There's No Arbitration
ible for miles around und Is an o.r
!’<w rain nnd
Golden rain,
Much of the divorce evil also Is
Ject of considerable public Interest. “showers of sill ur” oc< ur now
—Pathfinder Magazine.
end then. A si r«»r of this sort due to the fact that married couples I
sent scores of fi 'Honed peasants fall to agree on what Is criticism i
into the chur<’hes of Luxembourg n ( and what Is fault finding.—Des
Ro i«on for Goc-dness
Reekie, usually a lively tot to few years ago, as the.v feared that Moines Register.
whom keeping quiet was a stranger, It forboded punishment for the nu­
Getting Better and Better
had been wonderfully repressed at merous sins which doubtless they
The span of life lengthens. Otir
the day's session of Sunday school, had on tliefr con' b n » s
and when It was over her apprecia­ yellow rains tire due to the pres­ national diet beefimes more ru­
tive teacher expressed approval by ence In the upper air of large quan­ tlonal, our public health work more
saying: “Beckle, dear, you have been tifies of pollen of certain pines nnd effective.—Women’s Home Coin-
n very good Utile gill today." ilr frees.
“Yes’m,” was the solemnly assent­
Top C-H Playt’rnf
Can’t Be Oursalve»
ing reply. “I couldn’t help being
good. I got a still neck."—Brock­
There are many references to the
Human beings would act more
ton Enterprise.
top in cla leal literature. There human If they were left more filone
are several words In (»reek for and not hindered by too many false
tops; one for th? whipping or peg teachings.—Woman’s Home Com­
Lake of Vast Depth
In the heart of In rleborongh. top. another for the humming top. panion.
one of the highest peaks of the These words are found in the writ­
It's an Unpopular Sport
Pennine range, a subterranean lake ings of Homer. It is claimed that
of tremendous depth Ims been dis­ tops wore known In England as
Poverty Isn't so bad. provided the
covered. It lien CC0 feet below the
effort to make ends meet can be
the surface mid Is :>(K) yards long.
thought of as a sport, rather than
World’« Biggest Mon«ter
So far It has been Impossible to find
a hardship.—Toledo Blade.
Its depth Plumb lines have been
The hugest of nil the dinosaurs
dropped from a raft, but none wore the sauropods, giant vegeta­
Not High Climber«
have touched the bottom.
rians walking heavily on all fours,
The biological survey says
with plllar-llke logs. long. snnke-Ilke chipmunks do not cllmh to the
necks, far-reaching tails, and a of trees aa do squirrels, hut
By No Mean«
weighing ler ■ than a pound to do climb up 10 or 15 feat.
When a man’s temper Is bad. sn.vs
an eastern psychologist, lie should govern a body with an estimated
banish the household gloom by tell weight of 40 tons.—American Mag
First aad Last
Ing a Joke. What usually happens azine.
' II Is mighty bird to mnite
when a man’s temper Is bad Is that
spendthrift umlwatand that
Meaning of Carnival
his wife fells him he is a Joke. But
make money last he miwst nuika
this doesn’t flood the home with
Carnival renllv moans not a f'S- first.—Louisville Times.
sunshine as much as might be ex tlval but the putting aside of meat,
ported.— I >etrolt News.
according to Good Health. It de­
Twenty Slates in Brazil
rived Its present meaning from be­
The Republic of Brazil consists
Fresh Air Important
fore the abstinence of Lent, that of twenty states, one territory find
To Is
Bad air Is narcotic poison
the dry'ii meat was put uslde. the federal district.—Providence
sleep In a room that hasn't it current
of air moving nbout Is to Invite de­
pression, lll-benllh nnd gr vn s of
complexion Proper ventilation In
ti e house Is Important. Vents ago
there existed an Idea to the ofTect
that night air was poisonous. Thai
was silly bunkum.— Exchange.
Prolific Author
Alexander Dumas the elder, au­
thor of “The Count of Monte
Cristo,” Is supposed to have been
the most prolific writer who ever
lived. IT? told Napoleon III that
he had written some 1,200 volumes.
One set of his works, which pur­
ports to be “complete.” contains 277
volumes.—Pathfinder Magazine.
La’ter in the Minority
The human species, according
th«» best theory I can form of it,
composed of two distinct races, the
men who borrow and the men who
lend.—Charles Lamb (1775-1834).
“The Two Races of Man.
Twin Curses
Covetonsnes. like jealousy
when It 1ms taken root, never
leaves a man but with Ills life.
—Thomas Hughes.
Ancient Pledge
“Sub Rosa” is translated “under
the rose.” In ancient times the
rose was the symbol nf secrecy
hung up at entertainments ns a
token that nothing there said was
to be divulged.
You are tod a.
thoughts have hr«
will I m * tomoiTo'
thoughts take you.
cape the result of your thoughts.—
.James Allen.
The Pastor Saysl
There are faults at which It Is
hotter to wink than to stare. . .
Ethical culture asks music to come
fortli from the soul, but religion
touches the keys.—John Andrew
Natural Hothouses
Pensimls on tin* Island of Isclila.
near Naples, make me of numerous
steam vents to warm their tomato
plants and so make them sprout
Remarkable Violin
perfect violin recently
pletcd by a Petershorough
land) artist. Is four Inches
weighs a quarter of an ounce
has 91 separate parts.
Some Learn Earlier
Ono of flip trainilies of Ilf«' Is
th if It Isn’t until you roach old
yon realize that being good
Isn’t ns foolish ns If seems.—Cin­
cinnati Enquirer.
All Drc««ed Up
An Atchison man has spent nil
of Ills life priqmrlng to serve hu
inanity. As yet he hasn't done any
body any good—Atchison Globe.
Real Talent
The successful business man. re­
habilitating n run down business. Is
one who can bring orders out of
chaos.—Farm nnd Fireside.
Duty of Faith
Fnlth. though It hath sometimes
n trembling hand. It must not have
n withered hnnd. but must stretch
— Watson.
The Samen»«« of Victoria«
All victories are al ke; defeat
slone displays an Individual profile.
Literal Meaning
The Steppe regions tire so called
from the lttislan word “gtep" or
•glepi,’’ meaning waste or heath.
Fin« Gold
White gold can be made as fine
ns iX) per cent gold or about 22
Thursday, January 9, 19.30
Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon
Thursday, January 9, 1930
and improvements.
More cougar have been killed to Linn and Marion counties and station. Rotation of crops give
Larry Marshall, Howard Lee
Contruction of Rainier-Long­
the same results with field crops.
in Oregon during the past year
and Abe Bennett, attended the
basketball game at Clatskanie
than in any other period. This these two in improving fishing way for establishment of com­ February 15 th.
Friday evening.
is important as it has been found conditions in the Santiam and munity building.
Gold Beach—Bids will be re­
F. C. Schlegel was the guest
to be a fact that a full grown tributaries, During the last two
Survey underway on Oregon ceived January 16 for construc­ of his neices, Mrs. H. E. McGraw
cougar will kill one deer a week. weeks the “Fish Pullman” has coast highway between Port Or- tion of bridge over Rogue River
and Mrs. Frank Hartwick this
It is now the ambition of the been at work in these counties i - ford and Denmark preparatory near here, on Roosevelt Coast past week.
state game commission to place
to widening, graveling and oiling.
Miss Mildred Gordon of Port­
the Santiam river on a par with equally long period.
Yamhill Electric company ex-
Glennda—Survey underway for land is visiting Miss Collins at
the McKenzie, Deschutes, Ump­
Oregon has 170 weekly news-1 pects to spend $100,000 during for $229,000 construction project the home of Mr. and Mrs.* C.
qua and Rogue river as a fishing papers, 33 dailies and about 60 1930 for extensions, betterments on Roosevelt highway south from Knapn.________________________
stream. During the next two magazines, requiring the use “
weeks crews of the game com­ each week of probably four mil­
mission will be at work planting lion sheets of paper, 5 tons of
rainbow trout from the Roaring ink and the efforts of several I
River hatchery. Both Harold thouand persons in their publica-
Clifford, state game warden and tion.
Matt Ryckman, superintendent of
Apple and pear scab and cher-
hatcheries have conferred with ry leaf spot are some of the
Dr. A. C. Prill of Scio, chairman many diseases that are carried
of the Santiam Fish and Game over from year to year in fal-
association and Dr. H. L. Idleman len leaves. Many Oregon or-
of Salem, head of the sports­ chardists and berry growers de-
man’s organization of Marionstroy
------ , these
__ _ disease
______ spores by
county. The fish from the Roar-plowing the leaves just as early
“To offer you at all times the greatest possible values on all your hard­
ing river hatchery will be takenas possible, says the experiment
liie Marshall-Wells
Associate Resolution
for the New Year
ware and house furnishing needs—to have what you want when you
want it at the lowest price consistent with dependable quality.”
We appreciate your patronage. We intend to continue to deserve it
by living up to our “associate resolution 100 per cent.
Clothes Line & Feel
Light Shades
It’s a bargain. White Enamel finished. A
well lighted room is a joy to everyone. An
attractive substantial fixture that is espec­
ially suitable to kitchens, bathrooms, or
halls. Fills the room with soft white light.
Everything is more visible—easy on the
eyes. A special lowprice that will
save you money.................................
—NOW that list of things
you’d like to buy. And THEN
open a savings account at
this bank. You will be sur­
prised how soon your small
deposits, augmented by in­
mount up, bringing within
reach the things for which
you’ve saved.
Bank of Vernonia
Have a clothesline exactly where you want
it—on the porch, in the kitchen, near the
stove, or any place. Reel holds 20 feet oof
braided cotton line.
A remarkable value ............................. JZC
Ra Solid Brace
10-inch sweep. An outstanding bargain! A
strong, serviceable Ratchet Brace, Nickel
finished. “Associate” buying power makes
this big value possible.
Spring Latch
Here is a brand new Yale Junior Spring­
latch of neat apDarance at a very moderate
price. Latch holt operated from outside bv
key and inside by knob.
An unusually good value ............
Bailey Planes
Quality recognized the world oyer
Smooth bottom. No. 4, $3.48, No. 5