Vernonia Eagle, Vemonta, Oregon Thun day, January 9, 1930 A. R. Melis home after spending ¡quille while away and also their future. They have procured sev- Skating Rink la the holidays at her home in the'son, Percy Melis. ral million feet of alder timber. Closed For Winter vicinity RIVERVIEW of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bridgers Mr. and Mrs. H. Fielberg and Mr. and Mrs. Dell Eastman and Mrs. DeRock ate New Years child motored to Portland and The Vernonia skating rink has spent several days of last week dinner with the Dave McMullin back Saturday of last week. Too late for last week been shut down on account of Jewel Lloyd is over from Hills lack of patronage, and, according with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. family. Rai >h Peck and his sister Joyce boro for a few days with his Bert Eastman. They live at Carl- George and Dave Banzer are to Truman DeLano, proprietor, ton. of Longview, Wash., were guests father, E. Lloyd. confined to their home with the may not be opened for business at ■ thi Bert Hawkins home Sun Sunday school will be at 2 o’ measles. again this winter. clock in the afternoon for an in day. Ray Taylor was sawing wood Mr. DeLano has been employed Mr. and Mrs. Otte Goertzen definite time. An entertainment in this city for the past few committee was appointed Sunday with his dray caw for Austin CAMP EIGHT of St. Helens were calling on months laying hardwood floors. for the purpose of arranging for Dowling last week. friends and relatives in this The Wm. Bridgers folks were some sort of an entertainment in Sunday evening guests of the I. place Tuesday of last week. Work was resumed on one side More cougar have been killed order to raise funds for an or Mr. and Mr. Merl Cline and here Dec. 30. It is expected that in Oregon during the past year gan for the Sunday school. Those E. Knowles family. son Gorden of this place went the other sides will start soon. The school pupils were al* than in any other period. This to serve on the committee are to Clatskanie Tuesday and spent Mrs. John Goodman and in Christmas with Mrs. Clines’ par fant son, Richard Lee, have re is important as it has been found Mrs. Wm. Keaton, W. R. Johnson back on the job this morning after a two weeks vacation. to be a fact that a full grown and Mrs. A. Dowling. ents, Mr. and »Jrs. Burnham. turned to camp. A real winter scene greeted The little children of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lumm spent cougar will kill one deer a week. It is now the ambition of the Mrs. G. B. Louden on the ‘Sum our eyes this morning when we son Irvin who have been visiting Christmas with relatives in Port- state game commission to place mitt” have the measles. Their looked from our window, the at the home of Mrs. Smiths’ par land. ents left for their home in Miss Dorothy Lee Hanna who the Santiam river on a par with mother has been ill for several ground was white and snow was still falling. It melted quickly. Brownsville Tuesday morning. was burned severely about the the McKenzie, Deschutes, Ump weeks. Those taking Christmas dinner face recently when oil that was qua and Rogue river as a fishing Mr. Bloomquist from Clatskanie at the D. R. Fowler home were being used to start a fire, ex- stream. During the next two and Mrs. Ek were Sunday callers Uncle Eben Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Johnston and ploded, has recovered sufficient weeks crews of the game com at the Chas. Hansen home. hoRs race." Mid Uncle Eben. “ A mission will be at work planting daughters, Audrey, Wilma and ly to be out. Miss Marie Salmi went to “makes it winner take credit for Thelma, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. C. O. Piert returned Tuesday rainbow trout from the Roaring Bend, Oregon to visit her sister bein’ fuimrL Den ho pereced» to Mcahster and sons, Jack and from Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. l River hatchery. Both Harold Mrs. Coombe, use his Imaginary tnrelleck to »poll Ids dumb luck.”—Washington Star. Melvin of St. Helens, Mr. and Piert and sons Herbert and John 1 Clifford, state game warden and Mr. and Mrs. Johns Pelts ____ ____ and Mrs. J. E. Smith and son Ervin! remajned in Washington for a 'Matt Ryckman, superintendent of and daughters, Ethel and Edith Colorful Sails of' Brownsville, Mr. and Mrs. C. visit with relatives. I hatcheries have conferred with and son Ernest and Emil Kosti Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Carl From Herodotus we learn that A broken toe prevented C. Dr. A. C. Prill of Scio, chairman from Quincy spent New Year’s some of the sails of early Egyptian Fowler of this place. R. Lewis from working this week. : of the Santiam Fish and Game with the Chas. Hansen family. vessels were made of papyrus, Miss Lottie Combear of Port Mrs. O. L. Pringle visited her association and Dr. H. L. Idleman Wm. Bridgers was quite ill: Beaut I fully ornamented colored land is the guest of Mr. and parents in Longview, Wash., re of Salem, head of the sports for a few days last week with a lluen sails were early In use. Mrs. Bert Nelson this week. cently, later returning to Port- man’s organization of Marion severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. Bud. Williams |and whcre she and Mr. Pringle COunty The fish from the Roar- Th. Sucker Litt. Charleen and Geraldine George apent Christmas in Portland at I spent Christmas. h riv‘er hatchery will be taken visited their sister. Mrs. McClen The ordinary citizen feels a hit °f Mr8’ Wllllams SIster* S. R. Olson has recovered ....... from' - to L lnn inn a and Marion cvuuw» counties uuu and don Saturday. relieved when he learns that even .... ... o £, na marion J k IITS. Otvr I | ' his recent x. injury sufficiently • *’ to * men Rifted with much -business ]anted under the direction of A good many Natal Grangers I 1 » »_i___ Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nelson have lizx he honlr back nt at work, acumen nre on "guefcer lists.”—Des sportsmen and others went down to Birkenfeld Thurs moved from the O. A. hill toj Mr. -• and ■ -- Mrs. John Hatfield!- ttd in improving fishing day evening to attend the joint Moines Trlbune-Qipltal. their own home in Riverview. | _ spent __ the __ _____ holidays visiting rela-| .... conditions in the Santiam and installation of officers. A deli Golf, Earth, Strength Freddie Lunsford of Oakland | ti^es ¡ i„ n Cottage'Grove. 1 tributaries. During the last two cious lunch was served by Wie- The ancient Greek, you remem Cal., was a guest at the Lee Hall School started here Dec. i weeks the “Fish Pullman” has nema Grange after the meeting. ber. gained new strength every time home over Friday and Saturda v| after a week’s vacation. work counties Don’t forget that Natal Grange he lilt the earth. It has that ef Mr. Lunsford got 10 days off Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mackie I ! been Dee,n at ac W ?5K in 1,1 these ’¿" “‘"'7° on the golfer’s language, too.— and pass anywhere he wanted to have returned from New West-1and 14 W11‘ cont'nue ior an meets next Saturday night as fect there is to be third and fourth San Francisco Chronicle. go so he thought of no place minister, B. C., where they spent Equally long period, degrees given two candidates. he would rather go than Ver- Christmas with Mr. Mackie’s par- Compuliion’s Re»ult BAD JAR LIDS CAUSE LOSS There should be a good attend nonia. He left Sunday on his ents. No human power can force the ance, also all officers be pres been Many complaints have return trip to Oakland. | A shower was given recently Intrencliments of the human mind; Mrs. Sarah Spencer left for for Mrs. C. D. Piert at the home | received by the horticultural pro ent. compulsion never persnnrtea; It only Mr. and Mrs. McClendon ducts department at the Oregon have makes ti y I «ieri tes. —Fenel on. Portland and Seaside Tuesday of of Mrs. John Hatfield. Mrs. O. ’ - r, last week where she will spend L. Pringle, Mrs. Charles Mackie State college about the spoilage moved to the Summitt, They have been visiting with their the holidays with her son Omar and Mrs. Hatfield were hostesses. of home canned fruits, vegetables Ws.tod No Word, Spencer of Portland and her After the many lovely gifts and meats this year when canned parents, Mr and Mrs. J. George, __ a will of 29 words P. A. n. Tn for several weeks past. daughter, Mrs. O. B. Malmsten of > which Mrs. Piert received had with a certain brand of jar lid. llerspln. West Hartlepool, England Miss Millie McMullin returned left an estate of more than a halt been opened, refreshments were This spoilage is due to defective Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin1 served of cake and coffee. Those lids marketed in 1929 says the to Forest Grove Sunday where million dollars to bls wife. and family of Natal were guests present were Mesdames S. R. ’ ' department and some steps are she is attending Pacific Univer Wouldn’t It? of Mrs. McMullin’s parents, Mr. Olson, H. S. Sandon, C. R. Lew. reported being taken to obtain sity. She has been at home for Nature knows best, hut It would and Mrs. John Estes of this ple-e. is, J. C. Hanna, Chester Sand-| financial readjustment from the the holidays. Mrs. Parklsnon is very ill at be nice If some of those Inqiorted burg, u‘L- Robt. . . Woods, Fred Lumm company. Dan Cadimus and son Buuuie | ” The spoiling is not caused by the home of her daughter, Mrs. Insect pests liked dandelions.—San of Portland, old friends r,r of .1,/ the Norman Quinn, Henry Huber say Ernest Lana. Her condition was Francisco Chronicle. This is the first time the friends Lawrence Sandburg, H. Bond,I poor sealing, the college men im- so serious Friday evening that her but by an unpleasant flavor C. C. Piert and the hostesses. Slander’» Slimy Trail Hawkins’ visited them Friday, son Fred was called home. This is the first time the friends Mrs. Harry Brijson who could parted to the jar contents by Slander, wrote Confucius, soaks not attend sent her gift. the bad lids. The flavor is worst Mrs. Wallace took her daughter Into the mind as water Into low had met for 25 years. The piano which was recently E. Lloyd of this place spent I purchased to be used in the in jars used with the cold pack Dorothy back to school Sunday to and marshy places, where It be- method. comes stagnant and offensive. take up her school duties. Christmas with his family in! schoolhouse has arrived. Mrs. Chas. Steph and daugh Hillsboro. Word» for Speed Robert Lillick returned to ters Edna anl Helen and son, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nelson' camp with his aunt, Mrs. Robt. j NEW RULES ADOPTED— Slang Is Just sport-mode! Ian Several modifications of the George, and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. went to Hillsboro and spent Woods for a visit to get more S|>ee<l Salmi from Woodson spent Sun gunge stripped Christmas with Berts parents, Mr. less horse-power.—Buffalo with John Goodman was unable to regulations of the Oregon high day with the Hanson family. j school Athletic association passed and Mrs. J. H. Nelson. News. work one day last week on ac at the December meeting which Mrs. Grover Devine received Mr. and Mrs. A. Buckley have count of illness. word from Cottage Grove Satur j will affect the choice of teams purchaed the Paul Terrian prop Hope and Youth Akin Mrs. J. C. Hanna and Mrs. erty and moved onto it. Hope will imike tltee young; for J. II. Hatfield were hostesses I throughout the country are: the day evening that her father had Ida Mae Hawkins went to for the Christmas meeting of the age limit is to be 20 years in passed away that afternoon. She' Hopei aud Youth are children of the Longview Sunday to spend a few .Women’s Club. The house was stead of 21; coaches must , be . left Sunday morning for Cottage suine mother.—Shelley. ! decorated with Christmas color j*“1] t]™® teac,hers Jthev.schx“°1 Grove where the funeral will days with Miss Joyce Peck. Children'» Hymn Writer take place. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Adams and and a large Christmas tree. Af- > and their salary paid by the Isaac Watts Is said to have been school; participation in athletic Little Goldie Keaton was the three sons went to St. Helens j ter the gifts wore exchanged, re-' a junior high guest Saturday night of Lois the first writer of hymns especially vii »ucsuoj to w spend Christmas ---- freshments were served and the contest between . on Tuesday for children. with Mrs. Adams’ sister, return- rest of the afternoon was spent and a senior high by a junior Devine. Mr. and Mrs. A. . — R. Melis re | in making bags for the Christmas hlSh student shall be counted as ing Sunday. Had Legislative Record Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson of candy which was provided by the a year’s participation in high turned Thursday evening from a David Crocket! served In the school athletics; a student, unless ten days trip. They visited their Twentieth, Twenty-first and Twea Trehorne left about the 20th of, club for the school children. he is a freshman, must have at daughter, Mrs. Ferguson at Col- tv-thlrd congrossoa. _________________ December for Kellogg, Ida., to | tended the school ojie semester visit their daughter, Mrs. T. R: FARM REMINDERS Laraway. They went by way ,otl Oregon w has ■<«. . 170 weekly news- or recently moved into the dis I Seattle and Hood River and virit-| ^*"33"^^“ an7'ahout 60 trict; the semester's attendance must amount to five weeks and ed friends and relatives. 'magazines, “ ' magazines, requiring the t use Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McDonald feB(dl wee^ of probably four mil- fights, riots, pilfering or such were callers at the Hawkins lion sheets of paper, - 5 - tons of hostile acts against another mem I ink and the efforts of several ber of the association shall re home Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fitch of thouand persons in their publica- sult in the automatic and inde finite suspension of the aggressor the O. A. Hill were at the home tion. of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nelson for | Apple and pear scab and cher- and the school shall forfeit all games won. dinner one day last week. ry leaf spot are some of the Mrs-. J. Bertraw of the Souls many diseases that are carried Hill took Christmas dinner at over from year to year in fal- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud . jcii len leaves. Many Oregon or- MIST Robins. , . , i chardists and berry growers de Frank Mills of this place spent strov these discase spores by Mrs. L. B. Eastman was pleas a few days in St. Helens last plowing the - leaves just as early week tuning pianos. as possible, says the experiment antly surprised Saturday when Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tipton and station. Rotation of crops give several of her friends dropped son, Willie, of Weiser, Ida., are the same results with field crops. in to help her celebrate her birthday. The day was pleasantly visiting with their three daugh spent in visiting and a social ters who live in and near Ver Contrary to general opinion, good time. At noon a delicious nonia, Mrs. R. Howell, Mrs. Ray Condit and Mrs. Bain Thompson. cooking garbage for pigs is not chicken dinner was served by Mrs. C. A. Schamon of this only unnecessary but undesirable the hostess with all the other the feeding good things added to the menu place visited at the Joe Mower, as it tends to lower . home at Stoney Point over night value and distributes the flavor that were brought by friends. any unpalatable materials Mrs. Eastman received many Thursday of last week. , i of - vi’Vinla KafnVi f-L mu - nil t the HTlm lovely and useful gifts. Those Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fow-! throughout whole batch. The ler spent the weekend in St. Hel- old Or«K°" law requiring garb- present were Mesdames George, Ia age *e to ta be b® cooked has beer. been McMullin, McCormick, Devine ens » 'visiting visiting friends there. Keaton, ' Dowling. Yocum Mr. aiiu and W113. Mrs. A. v. J. jvirik Kirk anu and changed and the -, feeding of un- , Holce, ITU. ~ - - ’ . . • daughter Bettie Lou of Pleas- cooked garbage is now legal. | Wallace and Carmicheal. ant Hili’, spent Christmas with When feedin* garbage however,! Mrs. Taylor and sons were Mrs Kirk’s parents, Mr. and ’s neceasarY to keep the hogs ( Vernonia visitors Saturday. Mrs Lee Hall ’ (immunized against cholera by’ Mr .and Mrs. Thomas Hopkins Mr. and Mrs’ Chas Wilson re-lthe use of K°od serum and v>-'and children were in the village turned home from Kellogg, Ida.^ sa?9 the OreKon Experiment' Saturday from Vesper Station. Bernice Updike is back at the Monday evening of this week. C. A. and E. E. Mills, Evan Hall and Millard Counts motored down to Waldport Saturday and back Monday. They went to se-; lect a mill site, as they are | contemplating building an alder mill at that place in the near Page Three Ambition Fulfilled At Twyford, England. George En derby, at the age of seventy, achieved his life's ambition. He utilized his savings of slxty-tliree years to erect a tombstone to the memory of his mother, burled in the little churchyard. Enderby's mother died when he was seven years old. He decided then that lie regularly would hank Ills savings until he hud sulHdent to erect the memorial. Great Lake»' Shore Line. Lake Superior Ims a shore line In the United States of 1.192 miles; In Canada, lilt) tulles; Lake Michi gan, entirely within the United States, shore Hue, 1.304 miles; Lake Huron, within the United Suites, 581 miles; In Canada. 1.445 miles; fjike Erie, United States. 404 miles; Canada, 827 miles; Lake Ontario, United States, 303 miles, Cuuuda. 453 miles. Clover and vetch straw from ON FISHING which the seed has been thrashed By Game Warden, Wm. Brown has a fertilizer value of at least It is against the law to spear twice that of stable manure, says or any other fish and the Oregon Extension service. salmon the only lawful method allowed in any stream is the use of hook Brownsville—Agitation under and line. way fcr establishment of com Fish under 10 inches in tide munity building. water and 15 inch steel heads Survey underway on Oregon above tidewater. coast highway between Port Or Fines are heavy for gaffing or ford and Denmark preparatory using any device other than hook to widening, graveling and oiling. ! and line. Yamhill Electric company ex pects to spend $100,000 during Gold Beach—Bids will be re 1930 for extensions, betterments ceived January 16 for construc and improvements. Contruction of Rainier-Long tion of bridge over Rogue River view bridge will be completed near here, on Roosevelt Coast February 15 th. highway. JOY Theatre Dice Long Known Dice were known In ancient Greece and their Invention Is at tributed hy some to Psalniedes In the Thirteenth century B. C. The dice exhumed from Thebes dllTer I d no way from the Ivory or hone cubes of today. They had spots ranging front one to six on them and the sum of the spots on the two opposite sides always seven. Show. Star.* Dittane» Is a uidt of length used A parsec . In expressing the distance of stars. One parsec Is almost exactly 3HJ.205 times the mean distance of the earth from the sun. A star Is at a distance of one parsec from the earth If Its annual parallax amounts to one second of arc. Coming Attractions ’’China Bound” Featuring the two famous stars KARL DANE and ARTHUR Worth Their Cost Tradition Is not a bad thing. Woe to the activity In which tradition Is not the subject of an everlast ing and violent scrap. And dig nlty, purity and wholesomeness nre not bad things either. All four are worth lighting for and fighting against.—Arnold Bennett Thursday only, January 9 ’’Trent’s Last Case 99 Named for Location Also a good comedy A Savonner! carpet Is a kind of fine hand-made one-piece carpet with a velvet pile, manufactured nt the Gobelin establishment in Purls The name was taken from the for mer establishment at Chaillot, which had once been a soap factory— Savonnerl. Friday, January 10 Big News” Rare Tropical Fruit Botanically. a monastery Is known as a philodendron. The taste is similar to» both the pineapple and banana. It Is brought from Porto Rico and Is probably the rarest fruit on the New York market Brown Hen’» Offering Not to be outdone by the other parishioners of Little Tlmberden church, Shoreham England, who were preparing for a harvest thanksgiving, an old Drown hen luld two eggs In the chancel. All talking picture and 2-reel talking comedy Sat. night and Sun. matinee January 11 and 12 The famous DUNCAN SISTERS in— Prevent Rug. Slipping Rugs will not slip or curl If you cut small pieces from an old Inner tube and sow one on each of the four corners with strong thread mntchlng the rug color as nenr as possible. "It’s A Great Life” If • all talking. Don’t miss this picture Sun. and Mon. evenings January 12 and 13 Famous Trees The famous Lonesome line, cele brated In song and story, stands on top of Big Black mountain, near Big Stone gap. where the Trail of the Lonesome I’lne connects with Ken tueky. See the new bodies at o showrooms ter Tanned Legs” Talking picture, also talking comedy January 14 and 15 r From the new deep radiator to ■ ■ ■ Freight mb Delivered To 1 Trucks Leave Vernonia 9 A. M. Dally W. A. Davis, Local Manager. Office Phone 1041 Res. 1052 Portland-Vernonia Truck Line For Freight Orders the curving tip of the rear fender, there is an unbroken sweep of line—a flowing grace of contour V Make Your Shoes Give You Full Service By Having Them Repaired The Vernonia Hospital Grain Feeds Bricquets is open for business In the Midway Apartment building E. H. Salisbury Vernonia Trading Co. J. E. Cass Bergerson heretofore thought possible only in an expensive automobile. Now, more than ever, the new Ford is a w value far above the price.” Crawford Motor Company Vernonia, Oregon Your Oregon American Lumber