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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1929)
I Thi raday, December 19, 1929 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Page Sevea ■ THE TIMBER LINE * Vernonia School News Bell, Shelby Caton, Minnie I Larry ’ Marshall Writes Christian, Otha DeHart, Lucille An Editorial On Holce, Harold King, Marguerite Laird, Sara McGee, Margaret “Reading” McNutt, Christine Mitcham, June Is there really any reason why Michener, Ruth Page Simmons, Reading books, both fiction a person should study? Can’t one I make a success in life without ¡Rose Sitts, Benji Wilkerson and and non-fiction will provide a | Dorothy June Wolff. fair education for nearly any studying? Perhaps you have Willie Mark is the only one person. Many great statesmen of I seen in one of the Annuals that who received 10Ü in spelling in today and of the past have had very little education, but they I the Vernonia high school pub the 8-A grade. I lished a few years ago, a piece, have made up for it by reading ’Why Study." in their spare time. Abraham An Editorial By Miss I i 'he more you study, the more Lincoln used to take a book in Maybelle Drorbaugh you' know, to the field with him and when L he more you know, the more he sat down to rest he would People of today find difficulty read a few pages and thereby you forget, he more you forget, the less in keeping themselves interested. he learned many things. A Modern men cannot hear mo know. Reading not only is an edu r R *>qvou why notony. After business hours cation but it keeps a person study? i something to relieve froal sitting around doing noth- J he less you study, the less ' men want, their minds from the tiresome- ing. One On6 does not have to read | you know; • The less you know, the less you ness of their office work. Wl l,y, about law or business but he not make this something valu- can rea<l about any subject forget, which interests him. The less you forget, the more able and profitable? It is usually not advisable for He may read history and learn you know. one to center his mind and in- how great men accomplished So why study? terest at one point. It is a bad what they did. He may read of If one believes in this, then policy to live for that which j|le horrors of war on land and "Why Study,” but does i>ne real sea and in the air. ly believe he can get any where brings salary, Men who are the most success If he likes mechanical he ..... may in this world without an educa ful have bobbies which strength-, rea(j foow Edison, Ford, Bell and tion? other great inventors worked Studying does not mean mere en thorn physically and give them ........ I lien others an(] about the things they dis- ly reading and learning things mental relaxation. , 7” from books. One can get an edu have hobbies which h < enlighten eoverp(j an(] invented. and He may read biology catin from seeing certain things them on a subject of modern I learn of the different insects. and remembering what he saw. science or politics. There are very few people in How they help or destroy crops Did any of our great leaders in America or elsewhere make the world who have nothing to and then he may figure out a a success in life when they had be interested in besides their way to stop their ravages on the no education whatever? I>o you work. Some travel and collect crops. One may read sociology remember the stories of Abra souvenirs, others write for mag and learn how people in other some paint, parts of the V ) rid live and their ham Lincoln? How he borrowed azines or books, books from his neighbors and girls sometimes sew and boys customs and habits. workshops where they make If one likes adventure he may 4 ^Udied by fire light until the have many things as bird-houses, min- 1.euj of a(iventures in the north ariy hours of the morning. ature cars, houses, trains, and in the snow and of adventures In every case of our great leaders o America, you will find models of persons. A housewife in Africa with elephants, lions they have studied, and studied may have hobbies too. She may and snakes. Again one may be interested hard to reach their aims in life. make tlrngs f.»r her home, help may read Many of them have never gone charity organizations, or collect j in travel and so to high school no college, and antiques if she cares for them.■ travels to all parts of the world Hobbies are not confined to from the north to the south and i some have never finished the grades, but they have succeeded ! any countries or places. Where all true experiences by noted in gaining their desired place in ver one is he can find some- men. thing which interests him in Free public libraries provide life by studying the thing which they have selected for their life’s some way and make it his own I a)1‘ ‘¿“g ’'"bwks. hobby. ______________ work. .Sometimes hobbies have turn- LINCOLN SCHOOL ed out to be so profitable that WASHINGTON SCHOOL In Miss Laramore’s room, the I The Cooking club met at the they bring in fortunes, besides first grade pupils have cut out keeping the person interested. home of Mrs. Lindley Tuesday, trees of green paper with can December 10. Lorraine Space dies in colored paper and have and J. C. Benson, Marjorie 'Santa to Arrive at High placed them as a frieze on the Meeker, and Helen Brimmer, put [School Friday; Give blackboard. Four tall candles in on a demonstration of how to i Goodies To Freshman their holders are on the win make custard, This completed dows. In one corner is the Chris i their work in cooking for the Vernonia high is in the midst tmas tree adorned with orna year. of • prepayxtion for the coming ments brought by the different Those who received 100 in of Santa Claus, who is schedui- pupils, another corner is massed spelling in the fourth grade are: ed to arrive at the high school, with green from the woods and Elmer Michener, Rose Loe Van- I Friday, December 20. Much ex-Hn another corner on the sand Buran, Cecelia Gough, Louise eitement has been noticed among table, a cut-out of Santa and his I Davis, Harold Graven, La Von the freshmen. reindeer are galloping over snow George, Kyle Clark, La Verne The students and teachers of cotton and mica. Thompson, Esther Froembling, drew names last Tuesday to see The second grade room have Joanna Easter, Doris Mixon, for who each must buy a pres bought a clock with the money Kay Dickson, Ella Pearl Savage, ent. Several students were sent won recently at the Parent- Caton, Norman Crowder, to get a tree, and now it is all Teachers „ association for the Harold Davis. ready to receive Santa’s' gffts? largest attendance of mothers at These who -received" 100 in In order to pay for the ex the meeting. spelling in 6-1 room are: Fred penses of the preparation, and This room is also decorated Henderson, Betty Lee, Howard the candy, the students each are (described in last week’s Eagle) McGilvray, Erma Thompson, Lil to bring a penny for each yeai- with a Christmas tree and color lian Updike, and Melvia Brown. old they are. ed chains draped about the Those who received 100 in The juniors have their own walls. spelling in 6-2 room are: Fran trees and it has been decorated Miss Florence Santee is the ses Bergerson, Leon Brock, Wil- with lights, tinsel and cotton second grade teacher, The third grade room, Miss a Crowder, Elizabeth George, donated by Mr. Wilkerson, their Alice Hoffman, Thurman De class advisor. Pearl Krauss, teacher, has a Hart, Helen Holgate, Jack Gra- The preparation for Santa tree added to the attractive de ney, Helen Murray, and Sylvia Claus is an annual affair at the corations described in the last Sessman. high school and much enjoyment issue of the Eagle. Those receiving 100 in spell- Those who received 100 in is derived from it by both the ipelling in 7-1 room are: Rhoda pupils and the teachers.—L.M. ing are Myrtle Stacey, Marjorie r I 1 Classified Advertising First insertion, per word.... lc (No service less than 25c). Succeeding insertions, per word....... 6c (No service less than 15c) Black face - — • word ■ counts the - ------------ J- heading», each same as two words, Cash should accompany the order. When a statement is required the minimum charge is 30c. Classified columns close at 12 o’clock Wednesday noon. Bridge street, between 1st and radio, etc. We deliver or pay FOR SALE 2nd avenue. tf j freight. Cline Warehouse, Corner ■'Oil SALE — Two lots near Rose 4 12th and Washington Streets, avenue, Park addition, small WAREHOUSE PIANO SALE: — Portland, Oregon, ______ 193 milding, clear title, $125. Write Hundreds of fine used pianos, ’. A. Whitsell, 321 B street, HOUSE and lot, appraised at ipringfield, Oregon._________ 164 some like new, cut to rock bot $2500, by Savings and loan tom prices. Chickering, Wick, Howard, Knabe, Baldwin, Les company, and furniture valued OR SALE—Twelve unimproved ter Cable, Singer, etc. Uprights, at $200, for sale $1700. Easy lots in block 25, second addit- Grands, most any style, make or payments, Inquire B-l, Eagle of- >n. Close in and sightly. 183* fice. . G. WATTS, Scapoose, Ore 8tf price you want, $65, $87, $105, $167, $237, $269, terms like FOR SALE Muskrats, Canadian parentage. $9 per pair. A. D. OR SALE Modern 5-room fur rent,. $5, $7, etc. monthly. Trade nished house. Inquire 1228 in phonograph, organ, old piano, Hall, Vernonia, Ore. Lodge and Club Notices This directory of Vernonia lodges and clubs will give you quick information on meeting dates and officials. A Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, Stated Communication First Thursday of each month. Special called setings on all other Thurs- y nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors «^cordially welcome. F. D. — Macpherson, W. M. -,____ _____ *■ B. Wilkerson, Secretary. Order of Eastern Star American Legion Auxiliary ajgjjfc Meet» »econd and fourth A Monday» of each month the Legion hall, American Legion Vernonia Post 119, , American Meets Legion, w? Mrs. P. Wideman, Pres. second •nd fourth Tuesdays each month, 8 p. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS m. Connie An HARDING LODGE 11« derson, Com- Meets every Monday mander. J. Covington, Adjutant night in the W.O.W. hall. Visiting broth ers welcome. Mountain Heart W. Van D >ren. C.C. Rebekah Lodge No. 243 U. A. Scott, K.R.S. No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets »very second and fourth Thursday« in W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors always welcome. WOMENS RELIEF Irma Higdon. Nobl« Grand. CORPS Edna Linn, Vice Grand. Meets third Thursday of each Marie O’Donnell, Secretary. month at the W. O. W. hall. 1. O. O. F, Mrs. Lee Hall, president. fhslem Chapter 153, O. E. 3. Regular commu nication first and third Wed nesdays of each month, at Ma sonic Temple. All visiting sis ters and broth- u era welcome. Mrs. Ramona Lindley, W.M. _Mrx_Grace Reberger, Secretary. NEHALEM ASSEMBLY NO. 18 ORDER OF RAINBOW FOR GIRLS ___ I —u winner of Boat Race Uses Richfield Charlotte Green, Editor All Successful Leaders Have Been Great Students A. F. & A. M. ■■■ 'll I. O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. I Pythian Sisters 246 meets every Tuesday night ^ernonia Temple 61 meets and at 8 o'clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in Regular meeting second itors always welcome. fourth Mondays. *0.W. hall. H. E. Stevenson, N. G. Kathryne Malmsten, C0LE’ M- E- c- John Glassner, Secretary. Recorder. £LLA CLINE, M. of R. A C. Navinger, Lucille Miller, Halco Yokota, Bruce Holcomb and let Johnson. The fourth grade room, Rae Davis, teacher, has a in one corner of the room. No pupils received 100 in spelling for the week in this room. The fifth grade room is elab orately decorted with a tree and a fireplace. Those receiving 100 in spelling in this room for the week are Evetett Meeker, Wil burn Hall, Ramona Casselman, Leona Fetsch and June George. Wilfred Thomas is the fifth grade teacher. Program at High School Friday, December 13 A program was given at the high school Friday afternoon, December, 13. The opening number was a song by the senior girls' quar- tet. The talks which were given were, “Who Should go to Col- lege,” by Howard Lee; “Hin- rances to Citizenship," by Dor- othy Carmichael; “Why I Should Finish High School,” by Mar garet McDonald; “Student Atti tude,” by Kathryn Hoffman. Mrs. 17. W. W. . Wolff sang a song entitled, “Ma Little Ban- jo,” and Myrtle Mo we gave a number on the saxaphone. Miss Elizabeth Murray, coun- ty superintendent, who was pres- ent, spoke on, “Choosing a Course.” A song by the senior girls concluded the program.—J.K. Seniors To Give Program Friday The seniors will sponsor the program to be given Friday in honor of old St. Nicholas. It is the customary duty for the senior class of each year to plan the entertainment. New Class Reporters Assigned New class reporters have been assigned to report the news of respective classes for the new year. Norma Anderon is senior re- porter; Iney Allman, junior; Lu- cile Spooner, sophomore ; and Margarett Bennett, freshman. Norma Anderson and Iney Allman have both been excel lent students in journalism. NOTICE OF CALL OF BONDS Notice is hereby given to the holders of the following bonds of the city of Vernonia, Columbia county Oregon. Bond No. 5, of Improvement district No. 1, dated July 1, 1925 said bond being in denomination of $500. Bonds No. 15, 16, sewer improvement bonds dated January 1, 1925, said bonds be- FOR SALE Cont. WILL SELL my property, 287 10th, between high school and Rock creek, $2000. $500 down, balance $12 month. 4 buildings, one large, good house, good for chicken ranch. Inquire of Cass Bergerson. 194* HONEY FOR SALE—5 pound cans 85c, some fire weed and some clover. W. E. Crawford, P. O. Box 428, phone 13F555. 194* TURKEYS for sale, corn fatten ed. See or phone Mrs. A. D. Hall, 4 miles N.E. of Vernonia, Phone 11F15. 192* HANDSOME 300 to 337 double pedigree strain baby chicks for sale. 16c and 20c. Mrs. Nan nie B. Hall, Vernonia, Oregon, Box 262. 194* HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale. Range, dresser, bed springs, breakfast table, 4 chairs, 1 rock er, all for $65. Inquire of Mrs. E. H. Washburn. 20tf FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished modern 4-room house. Corner B and State street. 201* FOR RENT—$18 per month, 3- room partly furnished house, complete plumbing, new paper and paint. Inquire Mrs. J. D. Moyer, Vernonia, on State St., between D and E streets. 156* FURNISHED apartments for rent, $22. Phone 402, Moon light Apartment*. 13tf REDECORATED APARTMENTS for rent—2 and 3-room, near Washington school. 2-room $5 per week for 3 weeks and 1 week free; 3-room $6 per week and 1 week free; 3-room dwell ing house on Weed avenue for rent, inquire Midway Apart ments. 174* WANTED WANT TO DO Washings, will call for and deliver. Phone 77«. 17tf MISCELLANEOUS EXCHANGE rent for carpenter work. Levi Austin. 14tf ESTRAY NOTICE—3 heifers, yearlings, found 5 miles south of Vernonia by Ben Smith. Own er may have same by paying cost of board and this adv. 203* MRS. A. SANDFORD has taken over the Vista hotel and will be pleased to meet her old custo mers. A new large heating stove will be installed in the lobby, and also a change of hot water system. . 201* outboard Blue 49.165 miles per hour under of- division (class B) and only one, with which in recent ficial supervision of the Ameri- the winner—was powered with speed trials at Balboa, Calif., can Power Boat association. Richfield gasoline, it was an- Here is H. G. Ferguson, pilot he copped the world’s record of There were four boats in this nounced. OUTBOARD “BLUE STREAK of the COPS NEW WORLD’S RECORD Streak" ing in denomination of $500 CARD OF THANKS what breed of dairy cows you fed. Cows suckling calves of each. All of the above bonds be-1 We wish to thank our neigh- select—the important . .... thing -. i *s course need more feed than dry ing redeemable at the option of bora and friends for their kind- to choose good individuals of a cows. said city on January 1, 1930. ness and floral offerings during breed. However, it is usually That pursuant to said option, | the recent bereavement of my best to choose a breed that is said bonds will be redeemed I mother, Mrs. N. Skelton. I common in a community. within 30 days from the date j Mrs. H. H. Williams and fam-j Livestock often suffer from of this notice, to-wit: On the •ly. lack of water rather than go first day of January 1930, up a long way for it. especially in on presentation to the city treas I very cold or very hot weather. ALONG THE PAVEMENT urer of Vernonia, Oregon, the | Horses, cattle, and sheep should above sewer bonds will be re Weaver Clark butchered sev- get a good drink once or twice deemed, and the Improvement eral hogs this week. [ daily. Hogs and poultry should district No. 1 bond will be re Omer Nickerson visited at the have water much oftener, pre- deemed upon presentation to Lindberg home Tuesday. | ferably where they can drink the fiscal agency of Oregon,in Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chris- whenever they want it. The tenson to-wit: New York City, motored to Portland j Color has been found to be Chase National Bank. Tuesday. I the most important quality fac- holders of said the case In Mrs. May McCormick and tor ¡n the sale of fruit says present same at bonds fail to duughter of _ _______ __ ____ Portland visited the Bureau of Agricultural Eco- the time and place mentioned their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Inomics, ______ , U. S. department of redemption there- herein for the J. W. White. !«giivununr, 1 agriculture, <UMir after twelve years of, then the interest thereon J. W. White has been quite (>f farm products inspection ser- shall cease and the agency afore- ill recently. I vice. Other quality factors in said will thereafter pay only the Leonard Graven of Portland clude size, maturity, and defects amount of such bond and the spent the week end visiting his due to insect injury, disease, interest accrued thereon up to brother, Dewey Graven and fam improper packing and rough the said first day of January ily. handling 1930. Miss Edith Huntsley returned It is a mistake to allow beef Dated at Vernonia, Oregon, to Winlock, Wn., Monday after __ ______ „ ____ „ i breeding herd to on thi3 1st day of December, a month’s visit with her brother cows in the lose weight and be undernourish-1 1929. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave ed in the fall and winter, as is I J. C. Lindley, treasurer. Huntsley. a common practice, as they will City of Vernonia, Ore. 193 Earl Shay left for Portland not be strong enough in the Friday. spring to raise their calves prop CARD OF THANKS erly. Silage and legume We take this means of expres sing our appreciation to our Local Chamber Of make a good combination Commerce To Assist kind neighbors and friends who winter feeding. If legume hay is were so sympathetic and helpful In Bridge Dedication noj available, some protein-rich to us during our recent bereave-1 concentrate such as cottonseed ment of our loved one, Anna Vernonia Chamber of Com- Godwin. We also wish to ex I' , merce will be invited to assist meal or linseed meal should be press our thanks for the beauti in the dedication of the Rainier- ful floral offerings. Longview bridge, the celebration F. B. Godwin, which will take part the latter Will» Mae Godwin, part of January, 1930. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shoemaker, L. Schwab handling publicity Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Shoemaker for the Vernonia Chamber is en Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wrest, deavoring to get several hundred Mr. and Mrs. J. P. DuBose from this city to attend the cele Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Godwin, bration, which will draw thous Mr. and Mrs. w. D. Godwin, ands of people from Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Pringle, and Washington. Mr. and Mrs. E. j. Nichols. When the state of Washing-' ton is joined to Oregon, at the may Klamath Falls—Bus line bridge opening, a Rainier girl be established in this city. and Longview boy will be unit- | ed in marrage during the bridge , for ceremonies. Bend—Pliyis underway construction of addition to Pilot ——--------------------- Butte Inn early in 1930. U. S. Department of Agriculture Hunting migratory game birds Special School Meeting from automobiles is prohibited Notice is hereby given to the by a recent amendment to the Tin Nuioml, Stat» »ad Local TabatcaltMto Union high federal regulations under the mi legal voters of school District No. 1 of Colum- gratory-bird treaty act. bia county, State of Oregon, It is not especially important i that a special school meeting, or election, will be held at the high school building, in Verno nia, Oregon, on the 28th day of December, 1929, from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m., for the following For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on object: To vote on the addition this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business of new territory to Union high and professional people. school District Nq. 1, To-wit, all of school District No. 52, of Columbia county, State of Ore gon, better described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner ox Section 22, Tp 7, DR. W. H. HURLEY “The Shop of Satisfac Range 5; thence east 2 miles; Dr. J. A. Hughe* tory Service”— Dentistry and X-Ray thence south 1 mile; thence west Bobs - Trims - Shampoo Physician and Surgaon H mile; thence south 1H miles; Facial Massage Hoffman Hdwe. Building thence east 114 miles; thence Office Phone 663 Vernonia, Columbia Barber south 14 mile; thence east 1 Vernonia, Oregon Res. Phone 664 ■ Oregon mile; thence south 314 miles; Shop thence west 1 mile; thence south HAULING 114 miles ; thence east 1 mile ; thence south 4 miles to the BEAUTY SHOPS PLUMBING southeast corner of Sec. 18, Tp Truck For Local and 5, Range 4; thence west 4 miles to the southwest corner of Sec. Long Distance Hauling 15 Tp 5 Range 5; thence north QUICK SERVICE ANNETTE Bafford Brothers 514 miles; thence west 14 mile Phone 293 BEAUTY SHOP to the center of Sec. 21, Tp 6, General Plumbing Range 5; thence north 214 miles; Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger Curly Buffmire thence east 14 mile; thence waving, Permanent Waving. Over Horseshoe Cafe. north 4 miles to the northwest TRANSFER Vernonia Phone 431 corner of Sec. 22, Tp 7 Range 5, the place of beginning. HOTEL And, all of School District No. 22, of Columbia county, State RESTAURANT of Oregon, better described as NEHALEM HOTEL follows: Vernonia'» Olde»t and most Commencing at the northwest up-to-date hotel. corner of Sec. 17, Tp 6 Range Electrotherapy, Physiotherapy Mary Kato 4 and running to the northeast Mr». Grace Scott, Manager DR. R. A. OLSON corner of said section ; thence Chiropractor south 1 mile; thence east 4 1117 State St. mile« to the northeast comer Tel. 671 LAWYERS Vernonia, Ore. of Section 24, Tp 6 Range 4; thence south 3 miles; thence LESTER SHEELEY west 2 miles to the northeast corner of Section 5, Tp. 5, Attomey-at-Law Range 3; thence south 2 miles You’ll enjoy • bowl CONTRACTOR to the southeast corner of Sec Vernonia, Oregon of delicious Chop tion 8, Tp 5 Range 3; thence west on Section line to quarter Suey after the show. corner between Sections 11 and JOHN A. MILLER 14; thence north 14 mile; thence west 14 mile; thence south 14 GORDON R. WATT General Contractor mile to a point on the section SHINGLE MILL line; thence west 314 miles to Mason Work, Building Attorney-at-law the southwest corner of Sec. 8, Joy Theatre Building Tp 6, Range 4; thence north 3 Vernonia, Oregon Re-Roof With miles; thence west 1 mile; thence north 114 miles thence east 1 SHINGLES DENTISTS mile; thence north 114 miles to PHYSICIANS From the northwest comer of Section 17, Tp 6, Range 4, west, or Marvin R. Eby, M. D. M. D. COLE point of beginning. Dated this 10th day of De- Physician and Surgeon Dentist cember. 1929. Attest: Mrs. Chas. Malmsten, Phone 891 Vernonia, Oregon district clerk. H. M. Condit, VERNONIA chairman school board. 192 I Cason Transfer Local and Long Dislance Hauling What better gift than good health? Phone 923 Office in BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS Professional and Business Directory J Chop Suey Restaurant