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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1929)
Th írsday, December 19, 1929 Verncnia Eagle, Vernonia. Oregon Vernonia on business one day Mrs. Wm. Keaton has been last week. Installation of air mail beacon onthe sick list with a severe lights between Delta> Harry McMullin was a shopper MIST , Calif., and in Vernonia Friday. Druin, Ore., nearing completion. Some of the Checkmonic chil- Mr. Malmsten was in Natal Austin Dowling was a and vicinity last week with a Clatskanie dental visitor Mon dien have been ill with measles. The Ek family still have the Astoria — Pillsbury-Astoria new line of nursery stock to day. measles in their home. interest farmers. flour mills started milling domes Measles are quite prevalent Mrs. Charles Richardson spent last week here looking after his The Bert Eastman folks were S.' E. Schwab was a Vernonia around the village and vicinity, i Clatskanie shoppers oh Saturday. tic flour. last week visiting in Portland. property interests. business visitor Saturday. Mrs. Ernest Lane and her bro-' John McMullin did some trad George McGee of Hillsboro Miss Melba Laramore will ing in Vernonia Saturday. Portland underway for ----- —Plans ---------- ----------------- J ther, Iver Parlsknon took their! was a local visitor Thursday. spend the Christmas holidays in TREHARNE I immediate resurfacing of Ter Mr. and Mrs. James McCor mother to Portland last week i Spokane, Wash., with her sister, mick and two children ;for medical treatment she, is Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Larson ______ will‘Ker Boulevard. Roy Carroll spent Monday Mrs. M. K. Arnold. spen | any better at this writing. Friday evening at Mist. and children Irene, Dorothy and forenooon in St. Helens. Mrs. Walter Foster is leaving Joe from Cornelius spent Sun Edward Richter of Greys Har Saturday for her home in Los day at the home of Mr-, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Washburn bor is visiting at the home of Angeles, Calif., after a three Mrs. Harold Smith. The Christmas Seal were Portland visitors over the his grandmother, Mrs. L. A. KOSTER CAMP week’s visit with her parents, week end. Mr. Sugnel of Astoria spent Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Johnson. * Sunday at the home of his bro Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schwab and S. A. Morton and Joe Cramp Miss Olga Holmstrom will ac- ther. Otto Gallaway of Portland, i company Mrs. Foster to Califor sons, Bobby and Melvin spent formerly president ton left Friday morning for of the Bank Dean, and Doneran Holt are nia, for a short visit. Monday morning in St. Helens. of Vernonia was a caller in Ver- Vancouver, Wn., to join in the absent from school on account hunt for Richard Delin and E. Mrs. W. R. Johnson and of illness. Mrs. M. Grunden and Mrs. nonia Tuesday. H. Scarbord of St. Helens who daughter Mrs. Foster and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beaver C. ■ Nicar motored to Portland Anna Jane Russell of St. Hel- are lost in the wilds of Lum Olga Holmstrom were shopping were Vernonia shoppers on Wed-: Monday, returning Tuesday. ens, who formerly lived in this Lum mountains, Clarke county, in Portland Saturday.' nesday. r ^Ir. and Mrs. Herbert Holy city spent Thursday of last week Wash. Great fear is felt for Miss Alberta DeRock took Lindsay’s were shipping out field spent several days the first at the home of Mrs. Tom Craw the safety of these men. charge of the central office dur lumber one day last week. ford. Mrs. W. A. Hodge has been ing Miss Holmstrom’s absence j Weaver Clark was a business of the week in Portland. in Portland. ill the past week. caller at the home of S. Baker. Judd Greenman made a short Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bell and Noble Dunlap was a village Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prutzman _ i Local families are busy doing business trip to Tacoma the last Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bell will and Doris ‘ ouuer on Thursday. ¡their Christmas shopping at Ver- Lumm motored to shopper of the week. spend Christmas day with Mr. Portland Lawrence Jepson motored to nonia. Saturday returning and Mrs. Paul McDuffie Clatskanie Monday evening oni Kosters at Sunday. brought the Holt' Miss Florence Santee will business. Camp McGregor. tractor down from Rock creek.1 spend the holidays at her fam Koster camp has closed down Mrs. Grover Devine received They have it stationed near the ily home in Vancouver, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Art Savage and for the holidays. word last week from Cottage railroad bridge, to use in case H. D. Richardson left for What do you think of the Chrlstmai Grove that «her father had suf of logs jamming the pier. Miss Pearl Krauss will spend children visited and inspected Seal? the Christmas holidays at her the Eagle print shop Tuesday Rainier to spend the holidays fered a shock, and was in a Road grader and tractor were with his family. “What do you think?" said I. evening, at which time Art critical condition, she with Mr. out grading over the road since home in Sherwood, Ure. Mrs. W. A. Hodge motored Devine left Thursday morning the rain. “It makcth the ChriBtmas splrli joined the Good Fellowship club. Miss Rae Davis will spend real: to Portland Sunday to visit Mr. for Cottage “ Grove. Bernard Geo. Dortk has returned from Albert Timmons of Los An Hodge who is ill at Good Sama Dowling took them down, return- a visit with his folks at Gres the holidays at her home in 'Tis greater than gifts you buy. geles will spend the Christmas ritan hospital. For It proveth better than Jewell Portland. ing with Mr. Devine the follow- ham. holidays at the home of his bro can ing day, and leaving Mrs. De George and Gustoff Hult mo Mr. and Mrs. Renels were at will visit his home W. Thomas ther, J. L. Timmons. Mr. Tim- tored to Sifton, Wash., Satur vine with her father. That your heart hath room for youi , Vernonia on Wednesday. Ore., during the in Lebanon, mon’s brother may later locate day. fellow-man. Mrs. Reed Holding kept house ____ ______ - Chas. Barnes ____ made _ a -------- business Christmas holidays. in this city. Thursday and Friday of last trip to Treharne. I Marion Houteling and sister “Who giveth a gift to his friend hai Mrs. Judd Greenman and Mrs. Dr. Marvin Eby left for Port- In Tribute to Sally Ann Spencer week for the Grover Devine done family. ¡were Vernonia shoppers on Sat- E. A. Green were Portland vis land Saturday to meet Mrs. Eby (From Fair Play, (Mo.) Advo- No more than a gracious deed. Everyone appreciated the rain urday. itors Monday. and daughter Loise who is re cate). very much. We also had Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lindsay But the seal proclaimeth the mar 4 * Mrs. Chris Nicar and Mrs. M. turning from several weeks va- as one some snow last week, but it did were in British Columbia, (Who came all the way from not stay on the ground long. 'week. at Vernonia one day last Who giveth to those In need. Gründen were Portland visitors ¡cation _____ the _— -------- , Hartley where they have been visiting Oregon to attend » ir onday. Mrs. Wm. Bridgers and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller and For God, who marketh the spar Kinfolks Reunion). Mrs. Eby’s mother. row's fall, Noble Dunlap motored to Port- family returned from 1 a a week week Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Melis of Giveth not to His friends, but t( Wash, L. L. Graven formerly of this Reunion time is the gladdest land on Wednesday, they re- end trip at *•« Ryderwood, vv vuu, vv asu. shoppers Mist were Vernonia one and all. time of all the entire year; turned the same day. j Henry Beavery and son Her- city spent Saturday in Verno- Tuesday. Shady Lane recently caught man are home from camp and nia visiting friends. Mr. Graven When people come with smiling ----- wildcat. 'So I look at the Christmas Sea face, and joy, from far and quite - a i large ¡expect to return to work Jan- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick is at the present time under the and say: near. Austin Dowling has been ill uary 4. was a business visitor in Port- care of the State Industrial Ac This friend who remembereth mi | Parents and friends are invit- cident commission, taking treat When old friends meet and live with a severe cold. land Tuesday. again the days of long ago; | Mrs. Jake Dowling came over ed to attend the school program Hath also thought of the sick today ments in a hospital at Portland Wherever they chance to be. Clarence Coyle of Portland for injuries received at Burns, And" hearts are' glad when ¡ach'from Mayger on Monday and Friday afternoon. And he giveth not only to cheer hl: may greet ............................ the friends he used ■ visited her - --------- sister, Mrs. N. D. , | ... ‘ ... ** Miss Murry, Bpent Thursday and Friday of Ore. ioo i.iuoy, county superin- own, ■ to know. I reterson, Mrs. Matson was also tendent stopped at Pleasant Hill But to all "lio hath need Is his mer Mr«. Dnwlinos __ day j_ • last . week. . with Mrs. Dowling. 'school one It makes us glad to see them I 'With fjust recently. cy shown.’’ TIMBER The Irving Knowles family Mrs. Chas. Justice and family come from the corners of Floyd Deeds was absent from —Copyright 1929 by Edgar A. Gues creation; moved in to their new home last were at Vernonia on Saturday, Mrs. A. Landingham of Port Vernonia high school one day From other states, and cities week. j Mrs. Homer Smith has spent land has spent the last of this I last week. far, from all parts of the na- | Meri Lane was back in the the past week at the home of week visiting Mrs. Mae Tallman 1 Clyde Johnson butchered some tion; ¡village over the week end, he her son, Harold Smith and fam- dSBsFor 5 years Dr. Luzad?“, and family. porkers and took them to Ver But best of all, we’re glad to I works at Buxton. i ily. eyesight specialist, has born nonia last week. An eight pound baby was - ---- know, Aunt Sally chose to I Bert Eastman has been quite Mrs. Lee Osburn called on to Mr. and Mrs. Dean of Tim- come ill, but is able to be out again' Klamath Falls—Weyerhaeuser been making monthly visits to [ Vernonia. Ilis next visit will be Mrs. Nels Peterson and Mrs. All the way from Oregon, to at this time. ber, Sunday. • Lumber company’s mill, under January 6 and 7, office at Kul-1 Mrs. Arthur Elliott of Tim- Noble Dunlap Friday. visit her old home! Vernon Jones was in the vii-, construction four miles west of lander’s. ’lave vour eye3 E. A. and Ain Wallace i were We’re glad to know she met old lage ber passed away a week ago in Saturday evening from here, will start operations . in examined - Portland. She was the mother of callers at Natal last week. friends, amid the summer’s Vernonia. January, 1930. Mrs. Ira Peterson and son five children. blossoms; Timber school had a basket Normand spent Tuesday with But sorry, too, she didn't find Mrs. Nels Peterson. ball game last Friday afternoon. no tumble-bugs nor ’possums! Jake Neurer had some grain But if she’ll only come again to The girls also had a game. The ground last week for stock and score being 9-15. be there just next summer— The boys basketball team of hog feed. She’ll find the biggest meeting Mrs. Wililam Bridgers and \^rnonia were supposed to play yet, (this one will be a hum Timber .boys, but as they did Mrs. Noble Dunlap motored to mer!) Portland Tuesday of last week. not show up on acocunt of the And we will delegate a bunch Reed Holding and John Mc Weather, the boys had a game to have ’possums jugged, Mullin were visitors at the Bud And some to capture and con- I < Rubber Tires, Regular S1.08 For between themselves. Mrs. Art Beyers, Corrine Baldridge home Friday. fine some healthy tumble- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn Smith, Mrs. Stella Bert had tea bugs! and spent the afternoon at the I were shoppers in Vernonia Mon Yes, come again, and weil all borne of Mrs. Glenn C. Peoples day. try to see you’re entertained. Mrs. Bob Linsey was a Mon We like your pluck to come so >f Westimber, Saturday. day caller ij hen mother ’ s, Mrs. Mrs. Ida Kilburg of Timber far, ’cross states by railroad Body size 10x21, $1.65, Special Nels Peterson. ipent last week in Portland. train. The Reed Holding family mo Corrine Smith drove to Ver This bringing friends together tored to Vernonia to do some Large Size—Rubber tires—Roller Bearing nonia Saturday afternoon. is a noble scheme, weighty; Art Spitler has been visiting shopping last week. Jake Neurer drove to Mist When people ride If you want to save money—Come in—When You Want a Bargain Mr. and Mrs. Art Beyers of Tuesday on business. Timber for the past week. come—and at the Our Natal school teacher spent eighty! HOFFMAN HARDWARE Mr. and Mrs. John Kalish ipent Saturday evening with Mr. the week end at her home in This thing, alone, should touch Clatskanie. and Mrs. A. J. Riche. our hearts, and make us rea Rae Taylor was a guest of lize Miss Elizabeth McClelland of Forest Grove spent an evening Harry McMullin Sunday. The cord of friendship binds us Mr. Armstrong spent Thursday with Anita Schiffer. close, a gift we all should around Natal on business. prize! Lee Osburn spent Tuesday at Then let us all get in and work the home of Ira ~ Peterson, NATAL that next years gathering Tom Crawford from Verno- May be th« best and biggest yet, William Bridgers from the nia was at Natal last week on and full of joyful things. Wist general merchandise store a business deal. Let’s you and I take hold and vas in Vernonia on business Mrs. Dave McMullin was ill push and all our forces rally, Saturday. with a bad cold last week. Think what this good soul has Mrs. Bob Linsey and Lincoln Peterson made a trip son done—“Long live, and bless JL Vernonia Monday. Clarence were in Vernonia ! Sat- AUNT SALLY.” * ’ Mathews brothers have been urday. Clyde M. Hartley, 2001 N. muling timbers and lumber to Fritz Her was a Saturday vis- Franklin Ave., Springfield, Mo. itor of Edward McMullin. Zernonia for the past week. Secretary the Hartley Kinfolks Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson i and Reunion association. Oliver Burris and his grand laughter Miss Perry were shop- son Normand spent Sunday era in Vernonia Monday. evening at the home of Mr. and Portland—Local Ford assemb Fishing was great along the Mrs. Lee Osburn. ly plant will be opened for full (ehalem river last week there Mrs. George Taylor and son operation very soon. ave been some good catches re- Rae, drove to Vernonia Wednes- Echo—Road from this city to orted. day. Butter creek will be improved A. L. ARMSTRONG Tuesday of last week Kathryn Dave McMullin drove to Ver- immediately. Local Manager >idtel, home demonstration nonia Saturday. • Gold Hill—Old Rhoten Mine gent held a meeting in the Na Bill Meadows called at Natal located seven miles from this si Grange hall. on business Monday. city will be reopeaed. Lee Osburn sold a drag saw Mrs. Nels Peterson I * I LAST DAY SPECIALS Small Scooter Boys’ All Steel Wagons $4.90 frisking You A Merry Christmas Union Oil Co. of California OUT EVEN BETTER DURING CRAWFORD MOTOR CO rom our market and grc eery departments are quality goods Which for over 77 years have been lead ers in quality foods are sold here. Monarch Brand Vernonia Market & Grocery Wm. Culver Is the head quarters for Ford Cars and Ford Products Expert Mechanics especially trained in the repairs of Ford Cars are constantly at your service. For Grandma Kelt Slippers 79c to $1.79 Rayon and wool hose at 49c Outing Flannel Gowns $1.29 and up Hand Bags at 98c to $4.95 Umbrella at 98c to $4.95 House Dresses 98c to $1.95 Handkerchiefs 5c to 49c For Grandpa Lined Gloves $1.49 to $4.50 Wool Socks 49c to 75c Suspenders 49c to 89c Neckties 39c, 95c, $1.49 Outing Flannel Gowns 98c Felt Slippers 98c to $>.89 Handkerchiefs 5c tq For Mother Silk Dresses $4.98 to $14.75 New Coats at $14.75, $24.75 Coolie Coats at $3.98 up Silk Hosiery $1.35 to 1.95 Rayon Bed Spreads at $3.98 Umbrellas $3.49 to $6.50 Comfort Slippers 79c to $2.49 Rubber Aprons 39c to 79c For Father Bathrobes $4.95 to $8.50 Pajama Suits $1.75 to $2.98 Horsehide Coats at $14.50 Leather Gloves $1.49 to $4.50 Union Suits $1.4» to >5.90 Dress Shirts 98c to >1.95 Neckties 39c to >1.49 Dress Socks 25c to 75c For Sister New Winter Coats $14.75 to $24.74 Silk Dresses $4.98 to >14.75 Coolie Coats, .at >3.98 up Rain Coats $4.95 to >10.75 Silk Underwear 98c to >2.98 Silk Hosiery $1.35 to >1.95 Dress Shoes $2.98 to $6.50 Perfumes 49c to $1.98 For Brother Wool Blazers $2.98 to >3.98 Leather Coats at >14.50 Wool Sweaters $2.49 to $9.75 Bath Robes $4.95 to $6.90 Dress Shirts 98c to $1.95 Leather Bill Folds 69c, $2.50 I’olo Shirts at 95c Fancy Socks. Ties, Belts 49c and up Baby Blankets 59c to >2.98 Wool Sweaters 98c to $2.49 Wool Bootees 23c Silk and Wool Hose Gartes and Bib Sets Rattles 23c up Hot Water Bottles at 98c Toys of all kinds from 10c up GIFT SUGGESTIONS I SPERRY 4PFIFTËD SNOW FLOUR Crawford Motor Co. What to Give For Baby M. A K For Vernonia and the Neha lem Valley Why Pay More Than At THE LARGEST SELLING FLOUR IN THE WEST d* Williams Aqua Velva 50c size bottle for 39c Williams 35c Shaving Cream a tube 29c Palm Olive Shaving Cream 35c tube 29c Mennen's Shaving Cream 50c tubes 39c Molle Shaving Cream 39c Listerine Shaving Cream 39c Razor Blades. Gillettes, or Auto Strop pkg. 35c Walter Booths Dress Shoes >4.95 and >5.50 Mennen’fl Talcum Arrow Brand Shirts regular >2.50 plain pas- tel and fancy patterns >1.95 Over-night cases plain and fitted cases >4.95 to >22.50 Suit Cases 98c to >7.70 Men’s Silk Handker chiefs 49c value, 3 for >1.00 Men’s Flannel Shirts >2.50 to >5.90 Men’s Pajama Suits >1.49 to >2.49