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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1929)
Thursday, December 19, 1929 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Page Two Society News Society Reporter Phone 573 • Clubs Fraternal Office Phone 192 three candidates were initiated.' helped with the drive and do- and was rather dead on his feet ed high score for the afternoon. Annual Chri»tma» Two Playlets To Be One of the candidates was in nated papers. Any other organi- at times, he showed plenty 01 Other members attending were, zation the Rainier delegation. zation who who wishes wishes to to put put on on a a the old ability to sink baskets. Dance Of Eastern. Given By Sunday Mrs. J. C. Lindley, Mrs. M. also showed up well for Star December 27th The Christmas motif was car-|similar drive the Willing Workers Culver School December 22 Ruhl, Mrs. Frank Dixon, Mrs. the short time he was in. ried out through the banquet hall will b« glad to help. I. Mc »IV.- W. R. Culvet, Mrs. K. A. I'he Portland-Vernonia truck : The floor for some reason or I where the luncheon wag held af Invitations are out for the other was in poor condition, ap- the Neil and Mrs. Robert Johns. The Sunday school of fur annual Christmas dance of the ter the initatory ceremony. The line hauled the paper to Port- Mrs. E. E, Y,o substituted parently being very slippery as Evangelical church will hold 1 long table was apropriately de- land free of charge. "• one of the members. Eastern Star , social club *. to there were many spills on the their annual Christmas program ,, _ i„ be i i coraieu corated witn with a a iigiiixu lighted vi»»™*- Christ- g>v«n at the Masomc teniple, and red can(Jles placed Vernonia Hi Defeated by F. U. part of both teams with the in the church auditorium, Sun- ¡Friday evening, December ¿1. ’ at intervals along the - • board. ■ referee even taking a hand in day -night at 7:30. There will Mr. and Mr«. Eddie Mrs. Hamp Roberson has been Although the Vernonia high some of the flops. be recitations, carols and two Bell Entertain Grade appointed chairman of the dance playlets given by the members The game was exciting from school basketball team was de School Teacher« committee by the president, Mrs. Trenton Garner Is of the classes. feated in their first practice the spectators standpoint and The two playlets “Christmas A. J. Hughes. game of the season by the_ Gam gave the fair sized crowd which Guest Of Honor At Dream' l” and “The Story of the ma Sigma Fraternity of ‘ Pacific | was on hand to witness the en A number of the grade school A Birthday Party University many thrills. If the boys First Christmas Tree” promises teachers called on Mr. and Mrs. of Forest Grove by counter, ____________ Study Club To Be to be a treat. a score of 30 to 25, they were continue to play this same brand Eddie Bell at their home in the Garner, on Honoring Trenton Entertained At The A. C. Knauss is superinten- Cleveland apartments, last Wed in there fighting at all times of ball this season they should occasion of his birthday an- and showed occasional flashes of draw capacity crowds. dent of the Sunday school. A nesday evening. Progressive 500 Greenman Home i the E. Mrs. E. niversary, Mr. and large lighted Christmas tree in was the diversion of the even the old form that took them | In a preliminary game be- ' Garner entertained friends at the main auditorium of the ing, after which a luncheon was i seconds and Vernonia Study club will I dinner Sunday at the Weed over the top last year. While tween the Vernonia i The Evangelical church will be a served by the hostess. this was only a practice game Mist the Mist team walked off their annual Christmas ranch on the Forest Grove road. i hold a 10 to 8 feature of the Christmas decora tot the members and Covers were placed I for Mrs. for the local boys it indicated with the bacon by __ : party tions at the regular services on was hard that they had plenty of reserve score. The contest |their husbands at the home of VanBlari- Mrs. C. Auxiliary Cancels Emma Weed, Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman com, Misses Louise Malmsten,1 strength and for the first few fought from beginning to end The music will be in the minutea of the game the high as is indicated by the closeness Meeting For Next I on the O. A. hill, Monday even- Katherine Alice Dübendorf, Christmas spirit. school Llovd av, “'u‘ boys ““J” played the me university uui.eraijr of the score, This game was Monday, December 23 I ing, December 23. Hoffman and Messrs y boys off their feet, scoring six featured by the playing of Thomas and Paul Bleile. points before the Gamma gang Fetsch, Portefield, Lee, Culver Pythian Sisters Activities The American Legion Auxil- Mr«. Hamp Roberson could get under way. and the Marshall boys. The first meeting of the new iary will not hold their annual I Study ____ , Club ____ To Meet At 1 The main difficulty with the Hostess To Eastern year at which the officers of Christmas tree party at Orchard' Mr«. M.D. Cole Vernonia boys seemed to be an the Pythian Sisters and Knights Acres, the W. B. Lappe home' Star Social Club Home of ______ Gr«atn«ss over-anxiety on the part of all of Pythias will be installed will on the pavement, Monday even-| I count him a great man who In o . 1 z-1 4« tkr, I. 1 1 The next meeting of the Study, to get rid of the ball too quick was hos- be a joint meeting of the two ing, December 23. habits u higher sphere of thought. | Mrs. Hamp Roberson organizations. An elaborate so Members will be notified by tess to the members of the Eas- club will be held at the home ly, passing it with wreckless Into which other men rise with In of Mrs. M.-D. Cole, January 11, abandon and many times to the bor and difficulty; lie has but to cial hour is planned by a com the secretary where the meeting tern Star social club at their mittee appointed by the Most will be held later in the week. 'regular meeting, Wednesday, De- 1930. Mrs. Frank Hanson chair consequent decided advantage of open Ills eyes to see things In a" 'cember 11, at her home on the man of the program for the af the opposition as in nearly ev true light, and In large relations; Excellent Chief of the Pythian ternoon will have as her sub ery instance the Gamma Sigma whilst they must make painful cor Sisters, Mrs. Marjorie Cole. St. Helens highway. rectlons, and keep a vigilant eye on Local Grange To • « • • Officers for the ensuing year ject, “Intelligence, Will and In team profited by their willing many sources of error. He Is great ness to get rid of the ball. Hold Christmas Party The Pythian Sisters received were elected. Mrs. E. E. Yeo stinct in Human Behavior.” Is what he Is from nature, and There was no particular star who word recently from C. Zigler, On December 28th is president, Mrs. George Dror- who never reminds us of others.— in this game as all of the boys Emerson. superintendent of the Oregon- baugh, secretary, and Mrs. A. Attends Screen Repro played well and while passing Washington Pythian home in The local Grange will hold L. Kullander, treasurer. duction Of “ Kempy ” was ragged at times they look Church'« High Title Vancouver, Wash., that the fruit their annual Christmas party on A novel and delicious lunch Play At Portland like the makings of another The John Street Methodist donated by this organization is Saturday, December 28, at the was served by the hostess after championship team. Apparently church. New York city, Is known as the largest amount received Grange hall. All members at-'the busines meeting. While in Portland, Sunday, coach Austin was endeavoring to the “Cradle of American Method from any lodge from the two tending are requested to bring I Wilfred Thomas, principal of feel out several combinations of ism." Recently portraits of Philip states who had contributed. a small gift to be exchanged Rainbow ~ Girl» To the Lincoln school, attended a players as there was consider Embury and his wife, founders*oi They also donated a load of later with some other members. Hold Christmas Party talkie __ _ under a different name able switching done. No doubt Methodism in America, were pre fire place wood for the Camp A good time is planned by the i sented io this church by Rev, How On December 23rd I which he was surprised to learn the coach, as well as all of the ard Ingham of Philadelphia. The Fire cabin and have taken out committee in charge. local fans, was greatly gratified was the screen reproduction of — • ---- - five memberships in the Good pictures were painted by John The local order of the Rain “Kempy” which was presented in the showing of young Ben Barnes In 1733 aad are oil portraits fellowship club. Mr«. C. E. Davidson grade » » » » nett, who before the contest last the on wood. by bow girls will hold their annual here recently Hoste«« To Study Mr. Thomas Friday was hardly rated a chance Christmas party at the Masonic school teachers. The local lodge of Pythian Elephant'« Long Life Club Last Week temple, Monday evening, Decem- played the part of Kempy in to make the team. Although this Sisters are taking six candidates boy was inclined to tire easily Th? avpro'zp of rji the show here. for initiation to the Ava temple --------- I ber 23. Mrs. C. E. Davidson was hos-1 A good time is promised by at St. Helens tonight. They will he accompanied by twenty mem tess to the Study club at their. the committee in charge, Willing Workers ------------------------------ bers. regular meeting last Thursday I Net Neat Sum From afternoon at her home on the Special Meeting Recent Paper Sale 0. A. hill. Mrs. A. L. Kullander O. E. S. Attended By The program for the after Receives High Score Out-of-Town Members The Willing Workers of the noon in charge of Mrs. A. J. Christian church netted $18.26 At Bridge Party Hughes, the subject being “Vol Thirty-five guests from Rain in the recent paper drive. A to ition, Free Will and Charter,” Mrs. Harry Pearse entertained proved to be of unusual interest ier and Clatskanie attended a tal of 4565 pounds of mixed ' special meeting of the Order of newspapers and magazines was the Tuesday Afternoon Bridge to those present. club at her home in Treharne Luncheon was served by the the Eastern Star held at the collected. The members of this organiza this week. Wednesday hostess after the business meet- I Alasonic temple, Mrs. A. 1 L. Kullander receiv-ing. 'evening, December 11, at which tion wish to thank all those who I I pliant Is stated to be forty live to sixty years, though many of them reach one hundred years and cap live elephants In India have been known to reach one hundred and thirty years. It seems probable that In the wild state some species may attain an age of one huudred and fifty years or more. Owl Went on Rampage Flattering Neglect Kilis Friendship ‘■He who neglects his obligations," said HI Ho. the sage of Chinatown, ‘•faces the greatest of all losses tn losing Ids friends." — Washington Bald Eagles Slaughtered The American bald eagle Is said to be In danger of extinction. There has been an estimated total destruc tion of at least 70,1100 American bald eagles In Alaska since the Alaskan eagle bounty law went Into effect In 1917. Bouillies have been paid on 41,812 eagles. Key to Life Only 6 more days to get your Mother«, Don't Yell The woman who has the com mon sense to talk of her children’s misdemeanors. In. Low. controlled A twater K ent MARK EVERY GRAVE Memorials in granite and marble at reduced prices WRITE FOR PARTICULARS RABIO SCKEEN-GUID before Christinas! Oregon Monument Work« Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro I We have them at new low prices from $109 up! come in today — a void the last minute rush! Everyone is buying these hue sets, but we can still make de livery when you say! Mission etter B All work guaranteed and wider personal supervision of Ed. Salmonsen, Mgr. 'JU' I 1 - . . •> ' ” . ” 6~:30 p.m. Christian Church Give Program ner, Oregon, and to the gir I’s the” King? The Christian church will give home at Eugene, Ore. A silver! Endeavor societies. 7:30 Rebekah a Christmas program, Tuesday, | ¡oiienng offering will wm also u»o be received service. Which is in co-memor- | ut this time which will be used ution of a divine plan. December 24, at 7:30 p.m. The prqiimiifary program will for the sume purpose. The gripping story of Rebekah be given by the children of the is the divine answer to a just Bible school. The main school Christian Church request of the man of God. Its will portray in living pictures, F. Claude Stephens, Minister brightness- has not dimmed, “The Nativity.” Bible school at 10:00 a.m. nor its power weakened during This Christmas will be a giv I ing Christmas and white gifts Bible topic, in keeping with the passing of time! will be received which will be the season, 11:00 Divine morn- sent to the Boy’s Home at Tur- ing worship. Theme: “Where is Gospel Come Imlay! We know that the secret of the world Is profound, but who or what shall be our Interpreter, we know not. A mountain rumble, a new style of face, a new person, may put the key Into our hands.—Ent erson. Our shop is equipped with machinery for the most exacting mechanical repairing Full Midyel Life Preserver An automatic life preserver has been Invented that Is small enough to be carried In a pocket and tu- Hates itself with compressed gas when it strikes the water.—Provi- deuce Journal A singer was driving In London, when hf was held up In a traffic block. To while awa.v the minutes the artist began practicing scales A taxi driver, whose car w is drawn up abreast, leaned forw rd after a moment, ami said: “ some thing Is wrong with your exhaust.” Expert Mechanical Repairing Christian Coral Polyp. Work Fast It lias been discovered that the coral polyps, th ■ builders of coral reefs, double themivlves In six months. Tims a reef out of sight today may show at water's surface a year hence. A poultry man at Vallejo. Calif poor policy to has discovered It Is ... place a large owl In the same win dow with hens as an advertising feature. The owl remained per fectly quiet during the day. but In the night It killed four of ihe hens. The owl is now kept In a private cage. Superior Service On Your Car nut« II tones, lias Just twice the chance of making them come to the desired end.—American Magazine. Convenient Tornii! Evangelical Church This will be a real Christmas Sunday at the church. Sunday at 9:41 a.m. will study “The Child in a Christian World.” 11 a.m. the pastor will prench the annual Christmas ser mon. 6:30 p.m. the young peo ple will have as their subject “How Christmas Set the Whole World Singing." 7:30 p.m. annual Christmas program, hearty welcome to all. At the evening service Sunday, a young man lately from the south asked to be plac ed under the watch care of the church. Vernonia Brazing; & Mach. Works Services for next Lord’s day, December 22. Bible school 16:00 a.m. Lesson topic, “The Child in a Christian World.” (Christ mas lesson). Luke 2:1-20. Morn ing worship 11 a.m. and Evan gelistic services 7:30 p.m. in Mass At Catholic Brown's undertaking parlor. Church Christmas Come, hear the message in song and from God’s word, Morning at 6:00 A.M. There will be a cottage prayer meeting Friday night at Sister Father George Clancy will of Moyer’s home on State street, ficiate at mass to he held Christ tween C and D streets. You are mas morning at the Catholic welcome to all these services. church on Corey hill at 6:00 C. Prinzing, pastor. Fried Oyster« Large oysters Salt and pepper Dried bread crumbs Eggs e 1 tablespoon water or oyster juice for each egg. Remove pieces of shell from the oyster by running each oys ter through the fingers. Wash the oysters, drain immediately, and dry them on a soft cloth or towel. Season with salt and pepper. Beat the eggs slightly and dilute by adding 1 table spoon of water or strained oys ter juice to each egg. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the dried bread crumbs. Dip the oysters into the prepared crumbs, then into the egg mixture, and final ly into the crumbs. Fry one min ute, drain, place on paper and serve. Lemons cut into eighths are desirable to serve with fried pleas- oysters. Parsley makes ing garnish. Bak.d Heart Wash, remove veins. atterics; »tuff «nd sew. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, roll in flour, and brown in fat. Plac« in • baking dish, half cover with boil ing water, cover closely and bake slowly two hours, basting •very fifteen minutes. tongue from water and remove <kin and roots. Place in a deep pan and surround with 14 cup •ach of carrots, onions and cel- •ry, cut in dice, and one sprig parsley, then pour over four cups of sauce. Cover closely and bake two hours, turning after the first hour. Serve on platter and strain around the sauce. Sauce for Sag»- . Braised Tonga« Kidney Wash tongue and put in ket tle." 7over tie, cover ’ 1 with " ‘ boiling water. Cook slowly two hour«. Take You like to trade at a certain store-—-not because its counters are arranged in a scientific way, but because the folks w’ho serve you are always friendly and helpful. Stew Cut kidneys in small pieces and soak in cold water one-half hour. Brown 1 tablespoon flour in beef dripipngs or suet. When well-browned put in kidneys with 2 hay leaves, 2 cloves, 1 teaspoon vinegar, salt and pep per. Cover and cook, adding a little hot water at intervals to keep from burning. Cook until tender. Cook short time or for several hours. SKATING ' * C|| O matter what some folks say to the contrary, there I L certainly is a lot of sentiment in business. Friend- ship, for instance, makes more satisfactory sales than all the cleverness and argument in the world. Tongue cup butter, browned u cup flour, browned 4 cups water from cooked tongue Salt and pepper 1 teaspoon Worchestershire sauce. Mix butter and flour together add water gradually and then seasonings. 1H cup stewed to matoes may be used in place of water. Stuffin« 1 cup bread crumbs U cup melted butter U teaspon ««It teaspoon pepper 5 drops of onion juice H cup hot water Trade amongJriends VERNONIA RINK Wed. and Sat. even ings from 7 to 10:30 p.m., and Sun., from 2:30 to 5 p.m. I Just that very thing-—FRIENDLY SERVICE—is the power that draws people together into communities like this, v?here everybody can enjoy the many benefits of neighborly cooperation. And F riendly S ervice is the sentimental reason why you find it very much to your advantage to trade with our advertisers—to buy where you feel at home, where j?our friends will see that you are well satisfied. Read the Ads in this Paper wd «ave yourtelf money by trading at home