Vernonia Eapfle, Vernonia, Oregon T ursday, November 28, 1929 Nt lional Racing Champion Vacs Richfield Page TV— Àspland Assistant Chief Fire Depart­ ment at St. Helens Aspland, who recently conducted u plumbing shop in this city, has been appointed as­ sistant chief of the St. Helens fire department. The St. Helens fire depart­ ment recently acquired new equipment and -with several paid firemen on the department, the county seat can boast of being as well if not better protected than most cities its size in the northwest. a ~ I Upper left shows C. M. Fuller, president and general manager of the Richfield Oil company of California, congratulating Louis Meyer, America’s national racing champion of 1928-29, on his second year's acquisition of the championship. Meyer, at left, holding the immense silver tr phy cup which he won with hia Richfield-Ethyl .powered speed car. Center is Riley Britt, Anie- rican 'champion mechanic, rnd at right is President Fuller, The artist's drawing shows Meyer’s new racing creation designed by Britt and which will be built by Harry A. Miller for Champion Meyer to pilot in next Decora­ tion Day’s race at Indianapolis. Below is the champion at his home in South Gate. Calif., with Mrs. Meyer. Inset is a drawing showing the unique power plant which will be put into Meyer’s new $20,000, 16-cylin