Thursday, November 21, 1929 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia. Oregon Page Two T Society News Clubs ‘"“Utr.. Wayne tappe. Society Reporter Phone S73 Fraternal Office Phone 192 | years. This includes varieties many cases to the growing of Divine morning worship 11:00 Eastern Star Members '■a teaspoon salt Party Friday Even a.m. Theme: “Tribute.” Christian ! from all parts of the world. I other crops. The turnips can be 2 tablespoons shortening Attend Lodge At Clat ing At Home of Mias Endeavor societies 6:30 p.m. I There are many varieties of broadcast on the new ground \ cup milk. skanie Thursday root crops now being grown at and the seed can be covered Louise Roberson Topic. “Thanksgiving.” Evening Sift together four times, flour, I services 7:30. Theme. “Ideals.” the station in Columbia county, with a float and if too much baking powder and salt. Mix' Members of the local Order but the successful one3 simméf seed is not put on no further A large number of friends of “All that Jesus ever asked of shortening in very lightly with Roberson and Nelle the world with which to redeem of Eastern Star journeyed to down to a very few that have work of thinning is needed. This a fork. Add milk slowly; roll Louise _____ out or pat with hands on flour Green were present at a party it was a cross on which to die." Clatskanie last Thursday to wit- proved to be the most economi- _ practice has been well demon- ness an initiation by the Clats- cal to grow. The outstanding of strated in Columbia county and ed board to about 1 inch in at the home of Miss Roberson, kanie chapter of the Eastern these roots is the Danish Bort- other sections of the country, thickness. Handle as little as pos Friday evening November 19. Evangelical Missionary 1 Star. Although a few games were turnip and all those in at- I If you are interested in root sible. Cut with a biscuit cutter Society to Hold Bazaar Mrs. Ramona Lindley, Worthy feld first dipped in flour. Bake in a played during the evening, danc tendance will be able to see this crop production for your farm, I Matron of Nehalem chapter and variety grown in comparison be sure to visit the Astoria ex- hot oven twelve or fifteen min- ing was the main entertainment. The Evangelical Missionary ___ Mrs. _ ____ Kent, _____ Matron _ __ of Evergreen with other turnips and several périment station next Tuesday, Those present were: Nelle ites. j Campbell, Edna Owens, Alice society will hold their ^big an- chapter of Rainier were escorted varieties of rutabagas and man- (The Carmel Sweet Potatoes me excursionists will assemble Parker, Catherine Malmsten, I nual bazaar at the new Columbia to the east. Those from Vernon gels. 4 sweet potatoes i building, in the quarters to be at the Astoria hotel at 11:00 a.m ia who attended were Mesdames, j May De Ette Throop, Maryann Granulated sugar Roots which, on good ground, and I occupied by the Columbia Utilities J. C. Lindley, F. D. McPherson, will leave there at 1:15 I Childs, Charlotte Green, Marvin Hot grease. (By Mrs. Mark E. Moe) produce from 20 to over 30 Reberger, Kullander, McGraw, I will Robert Holcomb, company on December 7. Boil the potatoes, peel and Porterfield, p.m. for the station. The inspec- tons per acre, is one of the most A larger than ever display of H. A. Pierce, L. H. Roberson, I economical feeds. It is especial- tion of the crops will begin at Address all communications to Mrs. Mark E. Moe, Ver- hen cut lengthwise in halves. Jack Marshall, Larry Marshall, nonia, Oregon. If personal replies are desired, enclose I Fry in a skillet in hot grease, j Everett Rundel), Oscar Sorlee, fancy work, stuffed toys, pot Fred Wall, S. A. Morton, W. E. ted bulbs, home made candies a stamped addressed envelope. Bell, C. L. Brock, Frank Dick-1 ly valuable to the man who is, 1 ;45 p.m. preferably butter. While frying, and Marvil Graven and the hos starting on new land, which he i sprinkle generously with sugar tess, Nelle Green and Louise and numerous other attractive son, E. E. Yeo and Emil Mess- is clearing. One of the very bestI wares will be for sale. Thanksgiving Turkey I giblets, neck, and tips of wings on both sides. ing. Roberson. Construction underway on ex crops to grow on this land the Dress, r clean, stuff, — and — • » truss _ 1 have V»can, e«. • in been yi rizilz I or use liquid first year is a turnip crop, which tension of California Oiegi.u _ Place euw«», li.rr v-ir» w cooked, JACKIE BOYD GIBSON five minutes, ’ ‘ * on its Ride on * £ ‘ >t in pan. Cook the bird. Evangelical Church produces well on new ground Power company's transmission Full Gospel Mission Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Mountain Heart Club rack “in "a dripping pan and rub season with salt^ and pepper; when properly prepared and can The Sunday school at 9:45 1 Gibson a 7 Vi! pound boy at the the“ «tiré “surface w7th~a" thin strain. For giblets gravy add to Services for next Lords day, To Have Food Sale be grown with the least amount line from point near Bonanza ! Portland sanitarium a.m. will open with a demon- last Satur- the above, giblets (heart, liver, November ~ ‘ 24. Bible school 10 butter-and-flour paste. Dredge, | of labor, while the ground is in to point approximately 23 miles (ii stration by the superintendent. bottom of pan with flour. Place 'and gizzard) finely chopped. For a.m. Morning worship at 11 a.m. Mountain Heart club the raw stage and unsuitable in north to town of Sprague river. has been ' if ¡The displays will also be ready new arrival 'chestnut gravy add three-fourths and Evangelistic services 7 : in a hot oven, and when flour I a cooked food sale in I cup cooked and mashed chest- p.m. in Brown’s undertaking par- for the Sunday school folks to named Jackie Boyd. on the turkey begins to brown, I nuts. Alstine building, in see. Mrs. Gibson and son are in lor. Come hear the message in reduce heat, and baste every Thomas store, Wednesday, Nov the best of health. The annual “ Harvest Home, ” To Carve the Turkey song and from God’s word. Ev- fifteen minutes until turkey is ember 27. service with the sermon will be The bird should be placed on crybody welcome. cooked, which will be from three Members are planning to sell Pie Social At Camp Eight at 11 a.m. Dinner in the social I its back, with legs at right of Thursday night there will be to four hours depending on the hall at noon. Bring your dinner.' Camp 8, Nov. 20.—A pie so- a larger than usual variety of size of the bird. For basting platter for carving. Introduce a cottage prayer meeting at The young people meet at! eial will be held at the school cooked foods this year, use Vi cup butter melted in one- carving fork across breastbone, sister Moyer’s home on rock The sale will start at half cup boiling water and after hold firmly in left hand, and creek road, at State and C (1:30 p.m. Preaching at 7:301 house Friday, November 22. I The newly organized Sunday a.m. this is used baste with the fat with carving knife in right hand street, God is greatly blessing p.m. Prayer meeting and Bible school is well attended and 25 in thé pan. Pour water in pan cut through skin between leg in these prayer meetings. Prayer students have enrolled. . Ladies Aid to Hold during the cooking as needed and body, I close to the body. is the weapon to defeat the study Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. Tuesday evening men’s ath to prevent flour from burning. With knife pull back the leg and enemy. Bazaar November 30 Auxiliary Meeting Monday Then K. C. Prinzing, pastor. letic. All men of school age are During the cooking turn the tur disjoint from the body. The next regular meeting of welcome and urged to come. cut off wing. Remove leg and key freqeuntly, that it may In order not to interfer' with G. W. Plumer, pastor. the American Legion Auxiliary brown evenly. If the turkey is wing from other side. Separate the plans of Neighbors of Wood will be held Monday evening Mrs. Frank Mills second joints from drum-sticks, browning too fast, cover with November 25, at the home of craft who will hold a bazaar on buttered paper to prevent burn anJ divide wings at joints. Carve Entertains Members Mrs. R. L. Casselman Mrs. L. Schwab on Weed avenue. I December 14, the Ladies Aid of breast meat in thin cross-wise ing. the Christian church have chang Honors Miss Merril Of The Ladies Aid ed the date of their annual When serving the turkey pro slices. Under the back on either side of backbone may be found Interesting Program With Shower Recently bazaar to November 30, instead vide a platter with plenty of —— I The Ladies Aid of the Chris At Christian Church of December 14. spacé for the turkey and some two small, oyster-shaped pieces Along the Pavement, Nov. 20. to spare. Remember, too, if you of dark meat, which are dainty tian church were entertained at Next Sunday Evening Send. Flower. To Eagle ______ would spare the carver embar tidbits. Chicken and fowl are their regular meeting on Novem- —Mrs. R. L. Casselman gave a Office carved in the same way. For a bridal shower last Thursday in ber 13, by Mrs. Frank rassment the garnish about the : Mills. Mrs. 0. B. Malmsten of Sea Sunday evening at 7:30 letters small family carve but one side honor of Miss Lillian Merrill at Twenty-three members turkey should be simply arrang- were will be read at the Christian side sent a beautiful bouquet of the Casselman home. of of the turkey, that remainder present. ed. Garnish may consist church from a number of young red and purple chrysanthemums may be left in better condition The bride-to-be received many The next meeting will fringed celery, radish roses and I people of this community which to the Eagle office Tuesday for second serving. beautiful gifts from those pres the home of Mrs. F. C. S For sprigs of fresh parsley, deal with “The Ideal Young evening, grown in her flower ent and from many who were on November 27, at which time variety, tiny onions cooked and Man,” written by the young wo yards at her Seaside home. Plum Pudding plans will be completed for unable to attend. santed until brown may be ar- men, and “The ideal Young Wo Present at the reception in ranged in groups of three in- Vi cup butter or other short- their coming bazaar on Novem honor of Miss Merrill were: Mrs. man,” written by the young men. j Farmers Excursion ber 30. stead of the radish roses. ening land gave the dedication address. This movement began within To Experiment Station New Memorial Build Hiatt, Mrs. Philip Melis and Baked sour apples form the 14 cup sugar The beautiful new memorial children, Mrs. Helen Vogel, and the C.E. of the Christian church, i ing Is Dedicated At Astoria November 26 basis of another popular garnish. 4 eggs building will also be the home children, Mrs. L. Boeck, Miss Ida The letters are to be written to Select rather small apples and 14 cup milk (hot or scalded) Study Club Hold Forest Grove Recently of the National guard, the Boy Mae Hawkins, Miss Beula Par the pastor, but the writer’s name As was announced last week, for a new touch fill their cav 1 cup seeded raisins, cut fine Meeting at Home Of Scouts, the American Legion post is withheld at the reading of there ker, Mrs. Otto Mitchner ami will be a farmers ’ excur ities with spiced cranberries be % cup currants Mrs. Judd Greenman children, Mrs. Art Lisenby and the letter at the evening’s ser- sion to the John Jacob Astor Armistice day the dedication and all other patriotic organiza fore baking them. Arrange the Vi cup chopped fig» ------- ..wa vx of vile the ruicnt Forest uiuvt: Grove Legion fur- Me- tions. daughter, Mrs. C. New and chil- vice. apples on the platter in a wreath 2 ounces of citron, cut fine experiment station next Tuesday, morial building was attended by The entire cost of the build The Vernonia Study club met dren and Mrs. Earl Shay. about the turkey, and if desired Vi cup fruit juice November 26, to inspect the root several hundred legionnaires and ing will be $13,000, over two- at the home of Mrs. Judd Green Those who were unable to at crop trials which have been con friends. encircle them with links of small 1 cup flour thirds of which has been raised man on Thursday of last week, tend and sent gifts were Mrs. Wolopla Camp Fire sausages cooked brown and crisp, 2 teaspoons baking powder ducted there for a number of I Chaplain Rev. Beard of Port- by popular subscription. at which time Mrs. Carl David Girls Sell Candy At Maynard Gründen, Mrs. Sidney in the form of a V border. Or, 1 teaspoon salt son, the latest new member was Malmsten, Mrs. G. F. Lynch, pieces of fringed celery may be 1 teaspoon cinnamon School Play Recently welcomed into the club. and Mrs. Carroll. used in the cavity of each ap- Vi teaspoon nutmeg Mrs. Greenman served refresh pie. 14 teaspoon cloves ments. The Wolopla Camp Fire girls Christian Church Vi teaspoon mace Fortunate is the host who has The next me< ting will be held sold candy at the Joy theatre F. Claude Stephens, Minister Enough bread crumbs to make had experience in the art of Services for Lord’s day, Nov Saturday evening before the carving, for he will be the cy- one cupful when moistened witn November 29, at the home of Mrs. Frank Hanson. show of "Kempy.” ember 24. nosure of all eyes. Indeed, noth Vi cupful milk, Those who handled the sale of It is the intentions of the Bible school 10:00, topic for Cream the shortening and ing can be more interesting or worthy of more genuine praise su jar, add egg-yolks well beaten, Study club to stage a short pro study, “The Higher Patriotism,” candy were Helen Scribner, Mil Nutt, Margaret Nelson and than a skillful performance of I Add the bread crumbs when gram at the local high school Read Jonah, 1:1-3; 3:1-5; 4;6- dred Betty Bennett. carving. The first requisite for cool. Then the fruit juice and on some date before Christmas. ---------------------------------------- L, -V success in carving is a proper fi lit. Sift together remaining knife, and make sure it is shariK I dry ingredients and, last, stir in It must not be so long that the ' egg whites beaten stiff. Put in top cannot be used with ease a mold, covat and steam five | when disjointing, and still the hours in a covered steamer oven blade must be long enough to k< ttle of hot water. Fill molds I , only % full to allow for rising slice the breast meat neatly. I... For carving a. capon or small1'''“'0 steaming. Maihed Potatoes turkey the seven-inch blade gives To make your mashed notatoes fine results, but for the large turkey, fifteen pounds or over, more attractive and to keep them the eight-inch blade carver ¡a i., I piping hot until the last guest is served, I suggest that you the better choice. It takes much practice to try this method. Mash, season, sharpen a knife successfully with arid milk and beat as usual, un the usual steel, So, many will til very light; place in a prefer the newer sharpening ing dish. Then brush the top tools. melted butter and put in oven to brown. Turkey Gravy Fluffy Biscuit« Pour off the liquid in pan in 2 cups flour which the turkey has been roast I teaspoons baking powder ed. From liquid skim off six tablespoons of fat; return fat to; pan and brown with six table spoons of flour; pour on grad- ually three cups stock in which Kitchen Recitals Memorial Hall at Forest Grove Winter Disposal Sale of 'MATER K e AT SCREEN-GRID RADIO Here is where the Special Lew Round Trip Fares I Xhis very evening, in your own home, you can have the greatest radio yet produced—and pay no more—perhaps a lot less—than for sets offering none of the startling new features of the new Atwater Kent Screen-Grid. via United Railways For Thanksgiving Tickets, reservations, etc., of R. M. Aldrich Agent, Phone 161 United Railways 1 1928 Pontiac Coupe 1928 Chevrolet Coupe 1926 Chrysler 2=door Sedan 1927 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan 1925 Chevrolet Coupe 1926 Chevrolet Coach 1924 Ford Coupe 1926 Ford Touring Three stations within a tiny ¡¡art of an inch on your dial—instantly separated! to points in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana Tickets on sale Novem- ber 26, 27, 28; return limit, December 2. Albany $ 5.75 7.30 Astoria 14.75 Bend Corvallis 6.25 . 7.« 5 Eugene 8.05 Gearhart 8.85 Goldendale 15.40 Prineville 15.92 Redmond 4.75 Salem 8.15 Seaside 20.75 Spokane 6.40 White Salmon 17.35 Yakima Results you can’t get with old X^style tubes ! appetixmg Yes, sir! At last you can have a radio that radio engineers had almost despaired of ever achieving—a radio of lo-kilocycle selec tivity —the goal of the laboratory’s dreams— and you can have it in your home right now for a family demonstration, if you want! And remember, along with this phenom enal selectivity you get radio's truest tone, without hum at any volume, and every other better thing that Atwater Kent Screen-Grid Radio offers. Mac s Pharmacy $650 $495 $425 $375 $260 $300 $100 $125 Used Cars an GILBY O.K. that counts MOTOR COMPANY Vernonia Use Eagle CJaa&ified Advertisements ,Ae' U!£ k !