Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, October 10, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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    Thursday, October 10, 1929
Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon
or so-called “white ants,” and heavy in the fall and winter, sirup, honey or preserves
grated horseradish, a grating of
Malmsten And Wright
| ofTils liulr was raven totacx.
onion, a few drop* of tabasco,
¡perhaps are destroying the wood- says the U. S. Department of lunch dish.
He stirred at last aud nulled
State National Guard May
Compete At National. | | wor
work g o
of f your
your home.
home. Leaflet
Leaflet 31-L.
31-L. Agriculture, which gives the fol­
and salt to taste. A dash of cay­
wanly up at her. Emmeline flashed
Rifle Match In Ohio recently issued by the depart- lowing recommendations for de­ Apple betty and other fruit enne pepper may be used instead
him a warm, friendly smile uud
softly: “You mustn't try to
Keep Order When "Target” I 1 said
I ment, tells how
to recognize ducing losses in transit. Avoid “betty*” are generally popular of tabasco, if the horseradish is
get up; you don’t want me to have
C. ' these pests and how to build a hard driving and allow ample with the family and easy to pre­ in vinegar use only two table­
' all that to go through again, do
i house so as to keep them out, time for rest before loading. On
Mix bread crumbs with spoons of lemon.
Is Shown Here This Month I you?
You scared uie nearly out of Wright, accompanied by B. Fow­ l and how to get them out and arrival at pens, animals should pare.
ler, a nephew of Mr. and Mrs.
enough melted butter to moisten
my wits!”
The first rehearsal of "Tar­ st rue ted .baggage,, car, and wm
get,” the play which will be shot lust night, by Emil Messing
forced on the public during Oc­ at the local stock yards.
The act entitled, “Yer Darn
tober, was held m the old Brown
Undertaking parlors Friday ev­ Tootin’ ” played by Watt on the
ening. It was a dead affair, in pickle horn, will be played from
an appropriate place for the re- the cloak room of the Legion hall
as Jule Lindley herds McGraw
Children rushed to their homes around the stake in “Mary Had
at 8:45 P. M. under the impres-,a Little Lamb.”
_ the
__ ____
The play of “Target” will be
siren had warned
them that it was 9 bells and time divided into 45 different acts, I
___ to vamoose off the each act lasting as long as the
the 1 I I
streets, but later found that noI public permits it to.
____ ;
' but that
' ■ G.
" ; j One of the most heart-breaking'
siren had sounded,
W. 1
his imitation of the cry of the the Apache dance, featuring Ed J i
wolf in the Red Riding Hood Holtham and Bill Meyer, but just i
BCene__________________________ ; who will be the Apache hasn’t I
The tomotoes which will be been decided as yet, for Bill
sold during one of the acts to swears that he’ll stab Ed, and
throw at the players will be put- Ed, who uses Richfield gas in
chased in Washington county a his car, , doesn’t want to play
few days ahead of the show and rough and be the chicken doing
will arrive during the perform­ the dance, and wishes to carry
ance, the road conditions in that the knife himself.
While many would like to
1 see
county being such as to delay
the delivery and have the vege­ Bill stick Ed, or Ed throw eight
tables and fruit in an overripe inches of blade into Bill, one of [
• -, the partners may have to be
condition when they reach Ver-|
i changed, but it is a certainty
Mike Miller will star in “The that as long as this show is ad-
Barber of Seville,” and will give vertised as the worst on earth,
i I Ed Holtham will be given an op-
Frank Hartwick a close shave.
R. A. Aldrich, agent of the1 nnrtunit.v
portunity tn
to ilnnrp
United Railways, and H. May-1 W. W. Wolff, preident of the
field, manager of the Portland-'Chamber of Commerce, will give
Vernonia truck line, will give a an imitation of a few Portland
full hour’s demonstration during citizens grinning satanically and
showing how to saying how del ghted they are at
sling baggage and freight and1 the dedication of the Longview-
bust every blooming thing.
[ Rainier bridge.
Jule Lindley, starring in “Mary, So in the course of events,
Had a Little Lamb,” will use a etc., etc., we must be prepared
few of McGraw’s sheep, and fol-lf°r anything, and this should be
lowing his act will entertain the considered the second official
little ones with a few bedtime I warning to the public that “Tar-
■tories, providing that anyone get ’ will be a play worth seeing
remains for the rest of the show trom one standpoint only, bum
after his act, which is acknow-' acting with little or no talent,
lodged to be so rotten that even
And in years to come, when
the sheep refused to take a sec-'.vou«' grandchildren sit on your
! rheumatic knee, you can tell them
ond bow at rhearsal.
__ , how
“.... ; years
----- ago,
““ , when Vernonia
Mark Moe will feature in “Go-!
ing, Going, Gone,” a dandruff
_______ was “ small city, some members
sketch advertising a well-known
the Chamber of Commerce
hair tonic.
i conceived the idea of sponsoring
Lee Schwab will prove that,“ lhay to raise funds, and with-
once a soldier, always brave, by.ofit any regard for the public,
eating a big hunk of forbidden! Put on a play, picking the poor-
fruit, ham. Following his act, est and dullest members of their
Schwab will be rushed to Dr. organization to take part in it.
Sheriff Weed will be called
Eby’s office where a stomach
pump will be used to rid his in- upon to furnish protection for
the actors, but it is understood ,
sides of the unkosher material.
This week we quote Judd right here that no bulls get in
Greenman, an employe of the free on their badges, for here is
Oregon-American Lumber com­ one show that all must pay to
pany, as to the merits of the enter.
If you wished to see a moider
play, “Target,” whose cast will
feature members of the local wouldn’t you pay?
Chumber of Commerce.
Says Judd: “Why any group
of sane men should attempt to
stage a play lacking any sense
at all is more than I can under-
stand. I realize that those in the
cast not only possess no acting
ability, but no ability at all, but
mmelines flngc
had reached the
at least the Chamber of Com­
she wouldn’t have
merce through their press bu­
reau hud the decency to tell the prince of Wales had he suddcnl.x
public that their show would be appeared before her. But, us a
the worst on earth. That at least matter of fact, the young man wlm
timidly pushed open (he door to the
was truthful, and I heartily ap- doctor
’s study that ley, wind-swept
prove of the fact that it is not January day, was about us remote­
ly different from the celebrated per
“I predict a record show, for foct ion of manhood as Ethel Barry
it is seldom that any city I has more is from a Zulu princess.
an opportunity to see such i a 1 There were a few coals in the
play as your chamber will soon open grate, and Emmeline had Hung
show, and I am heartily glad that' her snowshoes into the hall ami
it is only once in a lifetime that had crouched over the tire, striving
ease the painful numbness that
such a show is given, for once to
had driven her from her snowshoe
is enough.
Ing. Eventually she had become
“While I know that the pur­ aware that her feel were paining
pose of the show is to raise funds her. So, with little success, she
to pay debts incurred by the hud tried to force her numbed
chamber for publicity and work fingers to the task of unfastening the
beneficial to our city, it would iced rawhide lacings of her high
have been better to usk a direct boots.
“I say, let me help you, won’t
donation be asked rather than to
ask the innocent public to pur­ you? You seem to be having a
of a lime with those knots.”
chase tickets and sit through whale
And the young man stooped ami
such a bum, untalented show as unfastened the boot lacings, re­
‘Target.’ ”
moved the boots and then, with
The group of homely girls business-like eftlciency, advised her
(from other cities), who will act to get some warm water and tr>
as ushers, and from the trays soaking her hands and rubbing
which they carry will sell ripe | them with a rough towel, Grate
fruits and vegetables, will be ' fully, Emmeline went to do his bld
furnished with gas masks during' ding. Ten minutes later, her fa­
being absent, she went back
the latter part of the evening as I ther,
to Ids ofllce to chat with the
the ripeness of the fruits be­ strange young man until the doc
comes evident.
tor should ret«n from his calls
Heavy folks who have tried in To her utter UHiazement. she dis
vain to reduce should by all covered the young man there In a
means attend this revue, as it is dead faint.
Emmy's knees shook as she went
a certainty that after they have
sweat through a few of the acts about the swift business of restor­
the young man. The scars on
they will have lost several ing
bis cheek and forehead told her of
either a war Injury or some other
The pickle horn which Attorney accident or Injury, perImps cans
Watt will sound off on. has ar­ Ing the faint powdering of gray
rived in town in a specially con- hairs at his temple, while the rest
Opened the Door of
Her Heart
Soberly the young man turned £. B. Miner of this city, a stu­ i keep them out if they are al- have rest and some native grass and place them in alternate lay-
Toledo—Peoples West Coast
Ids gaze toward the tire as he dent at the University of Ore­ i ready in. This leaflet may be ob­ or legume hay before being
'*1. —
Tin. ers with fruit, spice and sugar in Hydro-Electric corporation in­
should I I your baking ai-v.
___ i hot
_ _ or
said softly: “So many of my pals gon, and Olsen, a student at tained free from the Depart­ tered. Crowding in cars u.
have felt out of l lie way since (be Oregon State college, left Ver­ ment of Agriculture, Washing­ be avoided. In cold weather the I cold, with or without cream or stalled additional transformers to
increase voltage for Newport
ton, D. C.
cars should be well bedded. Feed, hard sauce
war fldlshed things for some of us nonia on July 27 via Ford.
or custard.
that I’m just another square peg,
test and water should be supplied
They visited Yellowstone Park
I suppose ! And you simply couldn’t and continued on to Achilles,
The following “don’es” are at regular intervals en route.
Sheridan—Sawmill will be es­
understand how It hurts Io feel that
or cows soon to
Whipped cream drc^-ing is es- tablished here.
i Kansas, Wright’s home, where ( given by the U. S. Department “Springers”
one Is a burden I”
"Who?” demanded Ennny fierce­ the party stopped for a couple ,
ly, “ever made you feel so? Just of weeks. Malmsten went on to i era on the farm. Unless hogs tion. The common practice of but it may be used for any sum­
----- —
........... against
...... . the witholding water from stock so mit- salad you like. To make it,
tell me the name, please, and I'll Vasa, Minn., his birthplace, where have
give him one chance to tell me he visited friends and relatives. I disease, don’t allow them to run that later they will take a heavy beat half a pint of heavy whip-
wliat kind of strychnine he prefers,
The matches at Camp Perry'on free rangq, or highways, or fill is harmful, often upsetting p ng cream until stiff. Add four
that's all.” And Emmy's soft blue began on August 26 and were to have access to canals and ir- the digestive system so that the and one-half tablespoons lemon
eyes flashed such wrath and tire completed by September 14.
two tablespoons
| ligation ditches. If a neighbor animas are slow in resuming nor­ juice,
that Link Schofield smiled hack at
mal feeding and gain in weight.
her In a most disarming, little-boy
scores competing with the; don’t visit him. Don’t drive into Unthrifty cattle are unprofitable
sort of way. They were In the high
to the owner who feeds them,
midst of Link's war experiences best shots in the R. O. T. C.. j hog lots after driving on public and it is especially important for
when Doctor Kingsbury returned National Guard and civilian rifle 1 highways, or use the lots for
and Emmy departed hastily at her club units, several times making yarding wagons and implements, the producer of feeder cattle to
father’s unmistakable “high sign.' prize money. The Ninth Corps Keep new stock away from the see that his animals reach the
She thought often of Link In Hie Area team, of which they were herd for at least three weeks, market or feed lot in good con­
days that followed, but he did not members, won the National R. I If hog cholera appears in the dition.
come again, and Emmeline finally O. T. C, match against eight neighborhood don’t let your dog
decided that he hadn't cared about other teams.
roam around. All dead animal,
Inside Information
what she bad said, or Imw she
The return trip to Oregon was and offal from slaughtered live-
looked—to drop Into her life so cas­
veal cutlets or chops
completely with a little
ually, and so easily drop out again. made over the Lincoln highway i stock
lemon juice and
So she thought that she laid hard­
Worcestershire sauce as well as
ened her heart against him, and
salt and pepper before cooking
I outbreaks of hog cholera may them.
she occupied herself with her flow­ enjoying the trip very much.
ers, her garden, her music and
| appear in the South at any time
whatever came her way as the long
| of year, they are more prevalent
Do you know Leaflet
days drifted by.
j in the Middle West in October
Then, one day, Emmy happened
I and November than in other “Lamb as You Like It,” which
to look up from her gardening (slie
may be obtained free from the
was transplanting pansies), and that is kept growing from far- I months.
U. S. Department of Agricul­
there lie was staring at her over rowing until market time.
ture? About a dozen good rec­
Turkey Talk
the garden wall. And as quickly
ipes with illustrations and a talk
The motor of a good automobile, when in first-
us she had looked up. he was gone
An excellent plan for fatten­
Overloading a young horse
of cooking
c.'ass condit on is one of the finest mechanisms
down the street. For a blank mo­ may cause balkiness. Punishing ing turkeys for November 28 on the principles
on earth. Its smooth flow of power, capable of
ment she gazed ufter him. and then, him for something he cannot do next is to begin around the first lamb are contained in it.
casting discretion to the far winds, may also have the same effect. of October to feed night and
generating high speed, is one of the marvels
she sprinted after him lunch like
Save your baking powder tins
of the age. On the other hand, a motor that is
morning. Give just enough at
a schoolgirl. Catching up with
not in the best condition is not a very efficient
Sheep probably suffer more ■ first so the birds are left a little to put left-over cooked cereals
him, she said: “Do you menu to
piece of machinery. Nothing can beat an auto­
. increase in. When these are sliced and
say you'd go right by my house from parasites than do any other hungry, and _ gradually
until a week be­ fried to a delicate brown they
without even speuklng to me? You kind of livestock. Pasture rota-jib®
mobile motor for getting “out of whack” all at
ought to be ashamed!” I’ropelled tion, use of forage crops, feed- f°Te
by her eager hands, lie was soon ing rom racks or bare floors,[ should be getting all they will place of other starchy foods.
back inside the garden, sitting mi a draining or filling swamps and (eat three times a day. Some Or serve the fried cereals with
shabby old bench, watching her restraining wandering dogs are turkey raisers, feed equal parts
This is usually due to carelessness on the part
working In the warm, moist earth. valuable measures in parasitic j
of the owner. A motor must be treated right,
wheat and oats during the
Of a sudden a thought struck control.
first part of the fattening sea-
and care must be taken to see that it is kept
Emmeline. Turning swiftly, she |
' son, gradually changing to corn
properly adjusted. Consult with us any time on
looked straight into Link's troubled
The best butter can be made 1 as the weather gets cooler. A
the condition of your car. Our advice is free.
eyes mid said: “Have you been here
........ cream. 8*'ain ration of oats, wheat and
only from clean, sweet
before ?"
Startled, he flushed painfully and The better the quality of cream corn is probably the best. Old
delivered, the better price the < corn is much better than new,
said: “Yes—sometimes.”
"Then—you cuuie by In the hope creamery will be able to puy the [but it must be free from must-
of seeing me—Link?” she persist­ prouucer. Be sure the cream that ' iness. Chestnuts, beechnuts and
ed gently.
j acorns are also good fattening!
you produce is first grade.
“Yes,” he confessed, “it was
free-range- [
Corner Bridge Street and Rose Avenue
like a glimpse Into Paradise!” He
High producing dairy cows not! reared turkeys during fattening
looked off beyond the distant hori­
zon as though to find surcease for
duction of milk and butterfat,' success, as the birds lose their
the pain In Ills eyes.
they show more economy in appetite and lose weight. How-1
“But Link—” she protested.
I but
_d feed.
____ ______
Records ___
of more ever, turkeys that have been
“Can't you see.” lie grated utilizing
harshly, “that nothing like Unit Is than 1__,
__ dairy
___ com-,
___ raised in semi-confinement may I
for me? That I might have lived piled by the U. S. department of | be fattened in confinement
to ninety, bill might not llnisli out agriculture showed that the cost good results.
five years more?"
of feed for cows producing 9,000'
“But those five years," she per
Shipping Cattle
slsted unhappily, "wouldn't they be pounds of milk a year per cow I
was only about 40 per cent more ' Losses of cattle during ship­
worth It?”
4,500 j ment from “shipping fever” and
"It wouldn’t be fair to you. he than
said gruffly, "even If you could pounds.
other causes are
care for such a wreck—”
The one difficult phase of
“Ah, Link,” »he cried, “only
those who dare to push the door dahlia culture is the storing of
open ever gel into Paradis«-: the the dormant roots. As soon as
rest stand outside peering In! Don’t the tops are killed, lift the plants
It may be
E. B Miner will de-
make me open the door for you!” and cut the tops off eight to
Willi a muttered exclamation, lie 12 inches above the crown. Let
liver a policy which
gathered her tenderly Into Ids the tubers dry in the air a few
hungry arms, scarcely daring to be- hours and store them in a frost-
lleve Ids happiness.
will meet with the
free cellar that is not too dry.
(Copyright )
If the cellar is too warm or too
dry, as is apt to be the case,
Historic Pathway
store the roots in barrels filled
Mlnaki, the Indian name fur with dry sand or sawdust. Great
“The Beautiful Country,” lies
be used not to in-
along the Winnipeg river between care should
Lake of the Woods and Winnipeg. jure the roots in digging, as
It was a post along the old Canoe decay that t starts in a wound
to • healthy
Express route of tlu fur-trading will soon spread
days. La Vernndrye and Macken­ roots.
Phone 284, Vernonia
zie passed that way, and all the
pathfinders who braved the priva
If you find small, blackish,
tion and perils of an unknown laud white-winged ants flying in large
_ The fact that Canada consumes 100 per cent more eggs
to hunt for the western r »» h .
numbers in your hose in fall or than the U. S. suggests tremendous possibilities in creating
spring, do not sweep them up a steadily increasing demand here at home. And as our
and forget about them, advises year-round, equable climate permits practically uninter­
the U. S. Department of Agri- rupted production, the value of this greater market to
Daily Thought
culture. They may be termites, western farmers cannot be over-estimated.
God Is an Infinite ocean of all
In the 2000-crop poultry exhibit of the 19th Annual Interna­
good without liny udmlxture of
tional Livestock Exposition at Fcrtland Oct. 26-Nov. 2, will be pre­
a complete picture of western achievement in the poultry
all riches, without any fear of pov­
industry. Here, as in the livestock divisions of the exposition, will
erty; an Infinite source of all joy, |
be demonstrated how greater production and profits are obtained
without any apprehension of grief;
from pure bred stock. Other exhibits include pure bred beef and
nn Infinite cause of all good, com-i
dairy cattle, horses, sheep, hogs, goats and foxes; also dairy, man­
prising all, absolutely all good
and land products; boys’ and girls’ club work; indus­
at Vernonia Rink
things.—Father Angelo.
trial exposition; and world-renowned horse show.
The Healthy Motor
Cason Transfer
Local and Long Distance
Phone 923
Office in
Workingmen’s Stoie
Consult E. B Miner
E. B. Miner
Profits In Poultry
Lumber Co
Tomahawk Not Indian
The tomahawk, wbl-h Is some­
times considered n weapon peculiar
to the American Indian, was orig­
inally s club carved Into some con­
venient shape. It was most com­
monly a stout sth !. nl»> it three feet
tn length, terminatin': In a large
knob, wherein n projecting piece
of flint was oftei Inserted. The
hatchets of the Indians that are
now called tomahawks are a Eu­
ropean device and the stone hatch­
ets so often found In our fields,
called by the same term, were uot
military weapons but mechanical
Tues., Thur.,
and Saturday
Convt need as we are that every farm should have its poultry
section, the officers of the Bank of Vernonia are glad to have this
opportunity of calling attention to the fact that this year’s Pacific
International features poultry, and to suggest that you attend the
Bank of Vernonia
evening«, 7:30-10:30
Sun. 2:30-5:30
Sat. afternoon all un­
der 14 years 10c
Prize* given Saturday even­
ing* on ticket* issued during
the week.
W hen Mother
Used To
Wholesale and Retail
Remember when mother used to bale
how you waited impatiently and then how
good the cakes or bread or other pastries
Now you can get
Phone 7F5I
that same wonderful
taite in bakery goods from
Vernonia Bakery
Delivered To
and Called
For At
Trucks Leave Vernonia
10 A.M. Daily
Phone 1041
Portland-Vernonia Truck Line
For Freight Orders