Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, October 10, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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    Thursday, October 10. 1929
Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon
.aporant—problems directly af- Approves Physical
Put Equipment nl Order
Scientists Listen to
lecting the prosperity of the
October is the time to put the
Examination For
“Conversation” of Anta pruning equipment in order and
towns ai d surrounding country.
Typical of such meetings was
School Child, en Two scientista ot the University make placs for the season's
of Pittsburgh recently perfected an pruning.
une held at Clatskanie on Sep­
tember 10. Tiiirty-live business, By Frederick D. Stricker, M. 1). I apparatus for detectina the sounds
uuderground communication
men gal icred to consider the
The benefit of medic.d phys-! of
Crop Condition Average
unmng am».
rord spent Friday in most ne.-.s of the com-
Oregon is one of the few
>f wood was placed upon
Portland on business.
inun.ty and originate plans for dren is so great thau it can ttie diaphragm of au ordinary tele­ states where the composite con-
..ggressive action. As problem af- hardly be measured in figures, phone transmitter, which In turn I dition of crops on September 1
W. R. Johnson of
ier problem was brought up and j Probably not far from seventy- was eon. acted through natterles | was equal to the 10-year aver-
Monday in this city.
the various solutions offeied, it i five per cent of young children ! and amplifiers to a puir of ear I age, all other Pacific coast and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shay mid ccame increasingly evident to j have defects of some kind that j phone.
Pacific niHijiwrsi
northwest stales
states oemg
being be-
, . the i-r\z~,z4
— - rmuiu
e hr,
son Mickey motored to Fort st II
that more complete infor­ .can be ameliorated if not cured.' ir^.nn,0'" 6
O 'T th“ low average, reports the econom-
Grove Sunday evening.
mation on a multitude of mat­
The most frequent defect of
in sound vlbrution» which
f ics department of the Oregon »•
ters was needed, that the assist- I young children, perhaps fifty suiting
were clearly heard by the listen- ten3‘un ,^ureau' CroP production
Tom Crawford was a Portland ..nce
of various state, county,
j in the Unitsd States * is .............
business visitor the latter pait of city and private agencies would I per cent, is some typs of abnor- era at -he headset.
i mal teeth. Some teeth should
When the ants became excited to be nine per cent less than last
last week.
e required and the experience : be extracted, some filled, some over something or other their sol­ year, and six per cent below av­
Joseph Banzer of Mist spent of other communities examined are interfering with the erup­ diers were found to hammer their erage.
Saturday in this city on busi­ before a proper program could tion ot second a:id permanent heads vigorously on the wood. This
e set up. In fact, there was a set of teeth, and sonic children action could be clearly seen and
Art Whitaker, a charter mem­
heard at the same time.
vast fog which hid the road nave deformed mouths.
ber of Vernonia post of the
The investigators found that the American Legion, is now located
Jos. Scott pent the week end leading to successful achieve­
The next most frequent ab­
with his fani ly in Portland, re­ ment, and the most cautious pro­ normalities are diseased tonsils ants could hear sound vibrations in Portland as sales manager for
In the all very poorly or not at
turning to th s city Monday.
cedure should be taken.
The and adenoids; the next is ab-' all,
but were extremely sensitive to the Bruning Eaglerock company,
ncn had stopped and intended normal vision;
next abnormal! vibrations underground. For this with offices at 315 Third street.
company to proceed only when some ray
ears; and next, perhaps, are! reason It was thought that the
store is receiving u new coat of of light broke the fog ahead.
heart defects. Very many have j head hammering wus a method of Whitewash Prevents Sun Scald
yellow and black paint.
Many chambers of commerce some
tuberculosis,| communication.
Willamette val­
Because of this sensitivity to ley A prominent
C. Bruce spent Friday on a . nd business groups might do whether it is in the bones, the
nurseryman reports that
fishing trip near the vicinity of well as they meet this month, glands, or more rarely in chil-1 dom found to Infest the ties of whitewash made with the govern­
.o stop and plan carefully. Ac-| | men me lungs that are affected,
enrrying heavy truffle, or ment lighthouse formula, and ap­
ion, we agree, is necessary, but; ! but at present this disease is railroads
containing machinery. plied on the south and south­
Albert Schmidlin of Bruuns done will nut lead to accomplish-! generally discovered beiore tire The vibrations
meant danger to west side of young fruit and nut
spent Sunday afternoon in Ver­ ¡lent. It would be better to have j J child reaches school.
A very them Just as It one ot their own
diree or four main objects for large number have spinal curva­ number was giving the alarm by
the season’s work which will cor- tures.
banging his head on the ground.
Frank Hartwjck motosed to i ect pressing needs than a doz-
Not as many as formerly, but
Portland Monday, returning to •n objectives which include mat­ still a large number are lound
this city the name evening.
ters of little importance. Locat­ to be underfed or wrongly fed. |
Great Adventure
Four yea r-old Marvin's parents
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson ing 10 I'm m families in the trade nt the present time, however,
motored to Portland Monday cr itory, assisting fanners to get there is too much routine m ■ were [illuming something unusual
■ etter marketing facilities, in- feeding children in school. Tim1 for a vacation, and during that pe-
morning on a business trip.
i •• m touiist patronage and well-led and overweight should rlod gnindinii was expected to
George McGee, city manager travel five to 10 per cent over nut be encouraged to have milk care for the children
lad Injunction to;
of Hillsboro, spent Sunday in
"25, this would be an ambitious uuring the school session. These gave the little
this city inspecting property be program for any chamber of children should be given fruit.
"I will, daddy, for It Is going to
ommerce. It would capture the
longing to his sister.
and be a great adventure tor you."
inagination of the membership, teaching of correct breathing, |
He could not remember n lime
A. E. Adams spent Monday .ecure their active participation correct
standing and correct | when dad and mother had before
in Portland, returning to till» nd could be aggressively cham- walking and especially correct j taken a trip.
city with a truck load of sup lionej with hopes of being fully sitting at desk are essential in ’
plies for his store.
ompleted by the admininstra- the supervision of children at
Breeding Count*
school. The child's desk and |
A. E. Ritchey, H. Mayiielu .ion.
If you wulit to inulte a good
The chamber of commerce is chair should be correlated with I
and W. A. Navinger spent Sun
bi. in. organization run on Ins sitting height, else he will actress you must first cutch the
day deer hunting along the Big
grandmother. To make n pretty ■
It doesn’t develop
or woman it Is advisable to go hack :
■l.o a smart man to say that other deformities.
I even
farther.—Woman’s Home
_ should
Wilbu* i clr.mbcr should plan its work | I Each . pupil
have fifteen Companion
Cbarlesworlh motored to Sil vet
one, five or ten years ahead.1 square feet of floor space and
ton Saturday evening, returning
;iy oh serving person can gee cubic feet ot air space.
.___ -Jacil
Coquille — Contract awarded
tli successful chambers
L. ____
to Vernonia Sunday night.
school ; ____
room should
be about 30 for building approaches to Cun­
have charted their prob-'feet long, 25 feet wide .nd 1 J ningham bridge on Oregon coast
Oliar Spencei* of Portland ar
:i - and have provided the lecl hign and should uceon I Of I■ - *
Ask Your Dealer For
rived in this city Wednesday to .i iiiei mid plans which are lift-luate not more than fifty cl..i- highway here.
attend the Chamber of Com­
t>.< ni to [daces of leadership.' dren. The temperature should
merce meeting in the evening.
The stage was run on business be 66
degrees and not more
Reedsport—City streets being
70 degrees F., and the hu­ improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vander
u'da’t see, he stopped, [>-"-
then midity should be between 30 and
cook of Longview were guest;
60. A thermometer should hang
at tae home of Mrs. Sarah Spen­
way out was found. The direc- in the room where it will tell
cer Wednesday afternoon.
ors and secretaries of the cham­ the truth.
Chris Nicar and L. Schwab mo bers of commerce provide this
At the present time all new
tored to Scappoose Friday, tak­ ntclligent direction for the mu- I schools have sufficient light; it
1 ogre-a of their connnun- is a question if some schools do
ing a load of lootball player:
nut have too much light.
with them.
It is hardly necessary to dis­
C. A. Messing of Portland
cuss in this sanitary age that
Piaiscs State Chamber
spent Saturday in this city visit­
there should be first-class drink­
ing with his brother, Emil Mess­
A. C. Jackson, in the adver- ing and toilet facilities, includ­
ing, and transacting business.
. ing d< ; ..rtment of the U. P. ing paper towels, so that there
Senator Norblad of Astoria ar­ I.:., formerly located in Port- may not be contamination from
an ill pupil to a well one.
rived in this city Wednesday af­
ternoon, attending the big Chain­ n r •ad then went to Los An­
Every effort exerted now in
her of Commerce meeting later geles where he inspected the
talc < hamber office. The follow- ■ behalf of precaution against fire
in the evening.
r.g is taken from his letter to . will yield abundant future re-
C. F. Piersdorff of Portland i- he company in Portland: “The | turns in the conservation of
working the third trick on the ire gon state chamber office is precious human lives anil valu-
operating staff at the Unitec •eally a creditable affair. The i able properties, says Governor
looked around I 11. L. Patterson in Fire Premen-
Railways depot in this city, dur­ moment I
■ ,'l.t of those Eastern Oregon i tion Week, October 6 to 12,
ing the absence of R. A. Olson,
who is traveling in the east on i> ure 1 saw in your office and , proclamation.
they ai e exactly what is needed
his vacation.
to make the show complete. Just
E. S. Thump on, Joe Peachey, ■pit your wire they are coming
Chet Shoemaker : ;d Tom Bate and am delighted. Here is the
man left this city Monday of last •neat
of the whole situation,
week for Ontario, spending a here are numberless thousanns
few days on the ranch of Ray Here from all over the east and
Emmott, formerly of this city the world looking for cheap land.
Many chínese’ pheasants were They were attracted by the
killed by the local men.
Boulder Dam publicity, suppos-
ng that tremendous enterprise
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bateman, would be used to develop vast
G. W. Ford, Miss Selma Scotl areas of desert lands. Nothing to
and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schwab it at all. Besides, the devclop-
were guests at the home of Mrs. ment wliich will take place is
Sarah Spencer, who gave a din- years away and they can’t wait.
nor Wednesday noon in honor of Now Oregon has a chance to
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vander- | take advantage of the biggest
cook of Longview.
opportunity that ever confronted
t, and should herd ail those
copie up north.”
When You Can’t See,
Page Five
trees to prevent sun scald and blister mite injury may be very well, yield» well, does not »hat­
winter injury, »aved him >1000 —
««—•-•- -------
• i ' ter,
with lime-sul-
and in fact does everything
last year.
fur 12 parts to 100 as soon as a well-behaved wheat should do,
the leaves are off this fall, says says the Oregon experiment sta-
Hay Output Decree.««
the experiment station. The soft tion.
The Oregon hay output this wet conoition o the ground until
year is estimated 16 per cent late in the spring makes it dif­
below 1928 and nine per cent ficult to get in and effectively IJS^-For 5 years Dr. Luzader,
qgJ^ey esight specialist, has
below average, and the carryover .spray for thia mite in the spring.
been making monthly visits to
was unusually small last spring;
Vernonia. His next visit will ba
Whit« Winter Dependable
November 4, 5, office at Kul-
Spray For Blister Mita
White winter is a dependable, lander’s. Have your eyes
Apple and pear orchards of all-round variety of wheat for
Oregon which have suffered from western Oregon. It stands up examined.—adv.
«M aximu M C ofeee , W
w eek i
Monday, October 14, is
the last day of the Max-
i-muM Coffee week and
we can truthfully say it
was a success. Thous­
ands of folks who have
never used this coffee
about it now and we
know that hereafter ev­
ery week will be Max-i-
muM Coffee week for
and Products
of Quality
Pacific Fruit &
Produce Co
Centrally Located
Hol and cold water every room
Stop Driving The Car
Riding in n stage last winter
during the foggy season we no­
ticed printed instructions on ;■
strip of paper inside the wind­
shield just above the driver’s
line of vision carrying these
wort's: “When You Can't See—
There was an added sense of
security riding on that stage a:
it rushed along through the mist
and the night, for we knew that
the instant a fog bank was en­
countered through which the
driver could not see, we would
immediately stop.
Right now all over Oregon
groups of business men, mostly
in chambers of commerce and in
civic clubs, are assembling to
plan the efforts of community
betterment. New industries are
desired, more loyalty to estab­
lished factories should be en-
couraged, farm families are
wan.ed in the trade area, con­
sideiation to highways and tile
stimulation of tourist travel are
Swiss chard is one of the most
<atisfaclory of the green leaf
vegetables available in summer.
: ra the leaves from the stalks
and cut the latter into inch
pieces. Cook them for about 20
minutes in unsalted boiling water
in an uncovered pan. Chop the
aves. add them to the stalks
and continue cooking until the
stalks are tender. Drain, season
with salt, a litle pepper and but-
er. Serve very hot. An attractive
lish can be made by cooking the
stalks and leaves of chard sepa­
rately, making a white sauce
for the stalks and placing the
seasoned leaves around the edge
of the serving dish. Lemon and
vinegar are also liked by many
persons as a seasoning for Swiss
Construction of Madras-Ash-
wood market road will be com-
pleted soon.
Carlton—Snider Shingle com-
pany reached record production
Protect Your Property Investment
Free Milk
To further induce you
to try Max-i-muM
Coffee and acquaint
you with its superior 1
quality and flavor—J
One tall can of Max-
i-muM Milk given
Free with each pound
1 lb. Coffee.. 55c
1 can milk free
White Wonder Brand.
A general household fa­
Mrs. Stewart’s Brand,
Does not streak the
2 bottles
Fresh, crisp and snap­
2 pounds ....... 39c
Sauer Kraut Chesterfield
Maximum Brand. A fine
cut, tender, well cured
Cigarettes. A national
favorite for years.
2 large cans ... 29c X.... $1.13
A standard pack of fine
quality fruit. Packed in
the famous Umpqua
valley. Large No. 2'/2
Old Dutch Brand, made
by the famous Holland
73c ^2 lb can .... 17C
33c 6 cans
Fruit and Vegetable Features
For Saturday only
Golden Q
ripe Olbs
Sweet Spuds q„Xl4 u»25c
Dry Onions s£S6n»17c
Grapes Concord At their
For cleaning, scouring
pots, pans, wash bowls,
and all kinds of enamel
ware. Does not scratch.
4 cans
Safeway Cane and Ma­
ple Made from pure
Vermont maple sap and
pure cane sugar.
nationally known and
advertised product,
made from fresh, field-
rhiened tomatoes.
2 bottles .......
Hot Sauce
Fine for seasoning —ac­
arón!, spaghetti, meats,
fish, etc.
fi cans
Safeway Brand
Made from pure fresh
sweet cultured cream.
slices. Large
The margarine
29c 1»
Pineapple 2 lb roll $1,05
A fine grade of slightly
broken and imperfect
69c 5 pounds .... 98c
3 cans
45C 12 can, $2.69
Safeway Market Savings For
Friday, Saturday and Monday
Pot Roasts
All cuts of shoulder
from Safeway quality
. 22c
Ripe Olives
Means Quality
It is not all, that Safe­
way handles best Qual­
ity Meats — Quality
would not be Quality
long were it not for the
sanitary methods the
Safeway Meat Men use
in handling and display­
ing Meat Cleanliness is
paramount in the Man
as well as the Market at
Pure Lard
3 Lbs. . 49c
Sliced Bacon
Fancy sugar cured, well
streaked with lean, the
rind off.
Distribution "Without Waste
Hoffman Hardware
See HOFFMAN About It!