Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, October 10, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    Thursday, October 10, 1923
Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon
Page Two
Society News
4-H Club
Receives Premiums At
The State Fair
For the first time in many
years 4-H club work received
premiums at the state fair. A
great deal of credit is due the
local leaders as well as Elizabeth
C. Murray, county director of
home economics club work.
Those winning places are as
Agnes Michek, 6th place Di-
vision 1, sewing, $3, Scappoose.
Loral club leader, Miss Fannie
Marie Merz. Deer Island, 9th
place cooking, DiviiTfon 1, $1.
Local leader, Mrs. Gladys Curte-
Scappoose, 5th place bachelor
sewing, $2. Local club leader,
Mrs. Jennie Shatto.
Dorothy Gerlach, Scappoose,
Sth place canning, Division 1,
$ 1. Local leader, Mrs. Lesh.
October 25 is Frances E. Wil-
lard day. The state department
of education has issued an of­
ficial program to be used in all
the schools of the state. Clubs,
service organizations, and others
interested in such a program
will find this a very workable
Given special attention during
the month of October in the
October 7 to 12 inclusive,
Fire Prevention Week.
October 12, Columbus day.
Octoger 23, Frances E. Wil­
lard day.
lunned. Good music from Port-
and is assured.
Mrs. Art m iller is chairman
in charge of arrangements.
Phone 573
Donald, treasurer; Louise Rober­
family motored to Vernonia M-'Velda Mellinger Is
son, song leader and Nelle Green
Elected President Of
Mw Treharne
T—horn- finished the
Camp Fire Group
work on Beaver creek and mov-
Ladies Aid Hold
A large numger of parents ed their *4uiPment home’
The Lolila Camp Fire group
Meeting At Christian
___ ______
hunters ____
from ____
this vi- of which Mrs. E. Bell is the
Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Murphy and teachers attended the first
Church October 2
visiting Mrs.
of Condon are
guardian, held their reuiar meet-
Murphy's * mother and father, i association meeting at the Wash- Barues kj]ied a large bear,
i ing at the Camp F . re cabin in
The Ladies Aid of the Christ­
' ington school Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White.
itiie city park last Thursday even-
Lindsays are shipping out lum- ■ j ing. Louise Roberson and Kath- ian church met October 2 with
Mrs. Wm Culver gave a talk
Leonard Graven of Burns vis- I on "What Other Parent-Teacher ber this week. Malm ten acting as hostess. a good attendance. Mrs. Geo.
ited with his brother and family Associations are Doing” and
I Stankey and Mrs. Ben Owens
Mignon ¡•e Pue and Velda ' were the hostesses for the after­
George Dorth is burning some
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Graven Mrs. Gough on “What it Means
were appointed by noon.
Tuesday and Wednesday.
to be a Member of the Parent-
airs. Hell to selc.t a suitable
Mrs Wm Haden called at gift for Nacine Murray, a mem-! The next meeting will be held
R. R. McGregor moved in his Teachers association. Miss Louise
new home on the highway this
her of the group who has moved with Mrs. Ray Charlesworth
the piano.
and Mrs. McDonald hostesses.
St. Helens.
Curley’s transfer hauled some
The next meeting
The following were elected to ! Toledo—Peoples West Coast
Mis. Fred Lumm spent Sunday Parent-Teachers association will lumber from Lindsay’s mill.
be held on the first Monday in
hoi.I offices for the ensuing year, Hydro-Electric corporation in-
at Mrs. Art Ridge’s home.
November at the Lincoln school
! Velda Mellinger, president; Joy stalled additional transformers to
Noble Dunlap and family in the afternoon at 4 o’clock. working on his new house.
| Bush, vice president; Mignon De increase voltage for Newport
spent Sunday with his mother This will give those who live on
Mrs. E. Lisenby was up play­ Pue, secretary; Margaret Me- line._____________________
Mrs. M. Dunlap.
Corey hill an opportunity to at- ing golf Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap tend.
Mrs. Harold Smith, Mrs. S.1
and son played golf with Ernest
Baker visited school on Friday
Deeds of Portland at the Ver­ Cooked Food Sale
nonia golf links Sunday.
| family, Mrs. Floyd Cleveland.
Successful Card Party
Large Attendance
Held by Knights Of
C. I. Anderson and J. A.
Attend the P. T. A,
McGowan are putting a concrete
Meeting Monday
Pythias on Monday foundation
under the McDonald
Auxiliary Hold« Meeting
The card party sponsored by
The American Legion Auxiliary the Knights of Pythias at the
held its regular meeting at the orfj Fellows hall Monday even-
Legion hall Monday night, Mrs. ¡ng was pronounced a decided
Pete Wideman presiding.
, success. Bridge and five hundred
were the diversions of the even­
ing after which refreshments
Study Club To
were served. Mrs. Nanson receiv­
Hold Meeting At Mr». ed high score for the ladies and
Hughes Home Today Emil Messing high score for the
The Knights of Pythias plan
The Study club will hold its
meeting at the home of Mrs. A. to make a social event of one
J. Hughes, secretary of the club, meeting night a month.
The entertainment of the
on the O. A. hill today. The
members will begin their study evening was in charge of Harry
of “Social Physiology” one of Culbertson.
the subjects offered by the Uni­
versity of Oregon extension
i (Claud F. Stephens, Minister)
Special services for Lord’s day
¡October 13. Bible school at 11
Sunday will be “Everybody-to- a.m. and study in main school—
Keeping Fit for Others. Found
Church” day.
Starting with the Sunday in Daniel 1:8-12. 11:00 a.m.. Di­
school rally at 9:45 a.m. ih> n vine Worship and Special Theme:
the preaching services at 11 a. Cost of Discipleship.
m. and 7:30 p.m. The young I Christian endeavor societies
people’s meeting at 6:30 p.m. i 6:30 p.m. Special evening ser-
There will be special numbers ' vices 7 :30 n singing and theme:
at all the various services, mu­ I “He That is Without Sin.”
sic and choir being part of the 1 Be prese it at the church ser-
vices to g< t the full announce-
All are welcome and all mem­ ments for the week, for there
is plenty.
bers are expected to be there.
The only way to enjoy these
services for the day is to be
Miss Amy Hughes
present, for you are most cer-
tainly welcome!
Elected to Office
Coming and Rally
At the Girls Hall day The was Home
largely observed by
! j many people who were there
Miss Amy Hughes who is at- for the first time, and others
tending the University of Ore- | who were regular attendants.
gon has been elected
eiecteu presiuem
¿ ’ “T, ! audience of people
of the Juniors of f Hendricks hall. ! expressed
their gratitude of the
a residential hall for the women pleasure of being present.
of the university.
The Bible school honored its
superintendent, Mr. Stanton with
Miss Rae Davis
a sumptuous birthday dinner fol­
the - —
service, and
New Teacher At the >......
. —
Lincoln School ! surprise.
‘1t„^nowIedged 1 his complete
Miss Rae Davis of Portland
“True worth is in being, not
is the new fourth grade teacher seeming—in doing each day that
at the Lincoln school, taking goes by some little good—not
the place of Miss Von Iloene, in dreaming of great things to
who has been transferred to the do by and by.”
Washington school. She also
teaches music at the Lincoln
Miss Davis received her edu-
Elmer Linberg started work-
cation in the Portland schools ing or Clark & Wilson Satur-
and is a graduate of the Ore- day.
gon Normal school at Mon-
Mr. and Mrs. O.
A. Robbins
mouth. She started to teach here
spent Sunday at the Linberg
Wednesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Dror-
baugh motored to Portland Sat-
urday to visit with Mr. Dror-
gaugh’s mother who is very ill.
At Hoffman’s Store
Next Saturday
A cooked food sale will be
The power was off Sunday
held Saturday, October 12, at
Hoffman Hardware,
vv Cl
VM caused from a tree having fal­
George VIUlUUUgll,
Drorbaugh, inisa
Miss *•
Mabel Drorbaugh, Alice Kundell, I by the Ladies Aid of the Christ- len over the line at the John
place. Line men had it fixed by
Christine Rainey motored to St.1 *an church.
Helens Monday night to attend
the Rainbow Girts meeting.
Mrs. Fonda was pleasantly
surprised by a party given in
honor of her birthday by her
daughter, Mrs. Biggs. The guests
were Mrs. Terrin, Mrs. Noble
Dunlap, Mrs. Sarah Spencer and
her daughter-in-law. A delightful
time was spent by all.
Harry Benson has moved his
family to Carlton where he is
Mrs. Shurley Chilton has been
in Reno, Nevada, visiting her
folks for the past month.
Life-Time Tub
in the new Thor
Party From This
City Make Record
Trip to Burns, Ore.
b«kina powder
1 tabletpoone
Sift dry ingrvdipnts into mixing
bowl. Beat egg well, add milk.
Gradually add this mixture to dry
ingredients beating until smooth.
Add shortening. Half fill well-
greaied muffin pan* and bake about
20 minutes in a hot oven (425»).
Come in at any time, and let as absw
you these splendid cleaners. Try sas
yourself Only in this way can you
realize their lightness and tneir
stack roa » kaikbh
Columbia Utilities Company
All complete, ready to
plug1 into your nearest
electric socket. 7 tubes.
Single dial control. In­
cludes tubes and speak­
Call 752 and ask us to
install the Majestic in
your home for a few
From the first whistle
to the final
Note these new
Thor Features
Automatically al
Any point on
the dial
1 well • beaten tgg
1 cup mtlk
2 tahlespoOBi of
melted shortening
1 teaspoon salt
Here's a simple test. It
shows you a way to im­
prove all your home bak­
ing. Use Sperry Drifted
Snow Flour (the West’s
largest selling flour) in
this delightful muffin rec­
ipe. Note improved re­
sults. Just soDriftedSnow
will improve everything
you bake. Follow direc­
tions carefully.
E believe that thesegeaolae
General Electric Cleenen offer
exceptionally high quality—at very «
low prices. You eave money by pur­
chasing them yourself at ear store.
Il is this fact and big productiua
which make these prices possible.
We shall be glad to show you the
fourteen quality-points which dis­
tinguish these clenners. And we wish
to call your attention particularly to
point number fourteen which la ths
i ill-important fact.
i> th« .SenMtional
1 ruts lifierl Sour
at low prices!
Mrs. S. O’Donnell, Mrs. Rus­
Frank Browning of the 0. A.
sell Stanton motored to Vernon­ , hill motored to Burns last Sat-
ia on Tuesday of last week.
| urday, taking with him
Mrs. Harry 1
___ was
__ r
._, Brooks, Duncan Hatton and Mrs.
Walter Roger and Dale Smith ing golf Friday morning.
J- P- Williams and family.
of Portland spent Thursday at
I The round trip which covered
the Castleman home.
Frank Smith delivered a load 907 miles was made in 32 hours
of lumber to camp recently.
i taking plenty of time to buy
Walter Koger began working
gas and also stopping for several
for camp eight Friday and al­
Gerald Baker of Sherwood meals.
so started boarding at the Castle­
(Spending 15 hours at Burns re-
«•nd, returning home Sunday.
man nome.
I turned to Vernonia early Mon­
Mrs. Allen MeConkle of Port­
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holt and day morning.
land visited at the Castleman! family were at Vernonia one I
Last year the nation’s loss by
home Monday.
day last week.
fire amounted to $472,000,000 altaekaient»
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lisenby I and that of the state of Oregon
home Friday from Portland af­ were Vernonia shoppers on Sut- to $6,700,000. Up to September
ter spending several days in the urday.
1 of the present year Oregon’s
fire loss amounted to $3,000,000
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prutzman exclusive of the tremendous dev­ i
Mrs. Earl Little of Omak, Wn. was at Vernonia last week.
astation visited upon our great
formerly Miss Helen Crowley
Mrs. Leonard Smith and chil- forest wealth. Be careful.
of Riverview is receiving con-
Prevention Week October
gratulations for a ten pound dren, and Mrs. Carl Weinicke I 12 inclusive.
were Vernonia shoppers one day
baby boy born Septemer 27.
Mrs. Marvin Little passed last week.
I Sheridan—Sawmill will be
away Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Morton and tablished here.
W. C. Crowder is building a
Mrs. I. P. Williams left Sat­
new cellar and pump house.
urday. Mr. Browning motored
Mrs. Lethia Lewis of Vulleyjo, them to Burns. Duncan Hatton
Calif., spent the day at Mr. and and Mr. Brooks also went.
I Browning and Mr. Brooks
Mrs. Flank Hankle’s home.
1 turned Monday.
Charles Christenson returned
Mrs. Newhcfuse, formerly
home .Saturday alter a three
days visit with his father at Tony Blankenship was in a
Burns Thursday and
j wreck» at uw.oo
Burton, Ore.
' was badly bruised and uncon-
Genevieve Linstrom motored scious fbr 24 hours.
from Hillsboro Thursday to visit
her mother, Mrs. Greener who
Mrs. Genevieve Lindstrum of
has been very ill. Mrs. Lind- Hillsboro spent the week end
strom returned to Hillsboro Fri- with her mother Mrs. Greener,
who has been very ill.
Mrs. Ida Kilburg will spend
Twenty-one members of the next Wednesday and Thursday
Rainbow girls of Vernonia drove in Portland shopping.
to St. Helens Monday evening
Mrs. Morse of Timber will
to assist the Rainbow gills ■of
c. spend next Wednesday in Port-
that city to put on the initiatory Und.
They were acccompanied by I Mr. and Mrs. Albert Riehee
several members of the Eastern tlrovv to Salem last Week
Star and Masonic orders of this vacation.
A teachers reception was given
at the Timber school house last
Pythian Sisters To
• week. A game was played which
Give Dance At The I took about half an hour. The
group of this game got
Legion Hall Oct. 26 a winning
big Angel food cake for first
I prize. Anita Schiffer cut the
The Pythian Sisters of Ver­ cake and
passed it around
nonia are planning to give a amoung her group.
Halloween dunce at the Ameri­
can Legion hall on Saturday
A large attendance was
evening, October 26.
, the ,
__ „ peoples meeting nt
The hall will be made attrac- the church last Sunday evening,
tive by appropriate decorations. There will be Christian endeav-
A refreshment booth
nlso or next Sunday evening.
4 l«vrI teaxpooM
The play shed has been paint­
ed and side walks built, making
quite an improvement.
The authorities tell us that a
child needs two naps a day till
he has completed his second
year, and then one nap a day
till he starts to school. But how
many times have we heard mo­
thers complain that they cannot
make the child take his nap. Per­
haps the trouble is in the word
‘make’. Try this method.
First be sure that you are put­
ting your child to sleep at the
time he is most likely to sleep.
Experiment a day or so with u....
is necessary.
Then let him understand that
it doesn’t make any difference
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Huffman
to you if he sleeps or not, and and daughter are coming back
perhaps a new toy that must be to Timber again next Sunday,
played with in bed will help to Mr. Huffman has been working
persuade him that he can sit in in Vernonia for the past few
bed and stay awake if he wishes. months.
Be sure that the room is well |
Mrs. Ida Kilburg and Mrs.
ventilated, but not cold, and that
all excuses arc removed: take Mary Hart are planning to take
him to the bathroom, adn give a ^wo weeks vacation. They will
him a drink, then go out of the leave Timber this week.
room and shut the door, and re-1 Mr.
fuse to go in again for an hour.1 family and Mrs. »Kilburg and
and Mrs. M. Hart drove
At the end of the hour, if he
has not slept, he has at least to Vernonia to attend a show
rested, and can be taken up. i Sunday afternoon.
You will soon lind that tile dis-' Mrs. Gilmore spent a few days
cipline is beneficial to him, and visiting in Seattle last week.
F. B. Cleveland of Cornelius
Mrs. Albert Parker spent Fri
he is an unusual child if you do
is visiting W'th, his daughter and day with Mrs. Greener.
A valuable Boston bull dog
not find him asleep three times
out of four after the first few belonging to Mrs. Barney was I
days, and as soon as he knows shot last Sunday evening by a I
that you mean what you say Timber boy. The dog was taken
to a Portland hospital where
when you say ‘bed’.
they think llaldy will recover.
Local Rainbow Girls
Attend St. Helens
Encampment Monday
Office Phone 192
gives you this new develop­
HE beautiful green tub
of the New Thor Agi­ ment plus—a host of other
tator is baked porcelain en features
—at the lowest price
amel—inside and outside.
ever asked for a quality
You might look for a fea­
Thor. See it. Examine it.
ture like this in a high priced
Note its sensational price.
washer — but Thor now
You get the feeling you’re in there fight­
ing with the team, so realistic is the des­
cription of the big games via the Majestic.
Any game, played in any part of the coun­
try that is being broadcast is brought to
your home without a bit of distortion or
hum. It is a silent, powerful outfit encased
in a beautiful cabinet with an improved
Majestic super-dynamic speaker enclosed.
Get a 50-yard seat to every conference
game with the Majestic as your guide.
Absolutely no hum and no oscillation at any
wave length
s Pharmacy
Columbia Utilities Company