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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1929)
Thursday, September 12, 1929 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia. Oregon Page Nine It was a really enjoyable ride, now studying the old legend of ed: president, Bodie Hieber; Just to hear them talk was Beowulf. Much enthusiasm is be vice president, Billie Culver; amusing. You know how eastern- ing shown in this. secretary - treasurer, Dwight have ers a’s and lop' The topics which -- broa , . den f their ---- . • current ----- - event vxxfx.x-u .. urvi. Strong; and class advisor, Levi “ • I w-sxv.TW believe UIUIV more things lta»C News of Vernon!« Schools tiff zl Z.ZI.U .. „ f 11_ *1 ' - happened to me this summer tbelr r s, and some of the are given weekly in the Ameri- Austin.—V.P. they used were really Charlotte Green, Editor ---------------- --"T- “-------------------------------------------------- can history seem to be quite a I thun during ------------------------------ all my other vaca -• expressions »» - -------- success. Three minute talks are .Sends Elephant tions put togetner,” said Miss I arrived at my aunt’s in time also given. Dorothy Carmichael of Sand- Teachers Of The A small model elephant which Mr. and Mrs. K. A. McNeill nonia golf course in the after- - Miss Alley County point, Ida., who has entered the for supper and slept in a bed Nurse Visits was sent from the Panama Canal noon. ; Union High motored to Seattle Monday. that night. Vernonia hign school Senior Class Elect as a senior Zone by Clarence Wardle, was ' School ’ School Mrs. Mark Moe and daughter tms year. Officers Bort Tisdale motored to Kel i presented to the seniors last Prof. J. B. Wilkerson, Miss .... . „ i Senior Class Study The county school nurse, Miss Portland and Joy, motored to At a meeting of the senior i week by Professor Wilkerson. so Friday evening to attend a lolka a11 had the measels Old Legend Nettie Alley was a visitor at the i Flossie Perce, Mrs. Floy Ham-' , return Saturday. class in their new room recently, I The senior-i have taken a great s smoker held in that city. while 1 was away, Vernonia high school Wednes- mack, Miss Vera Crail, Levi Aus- tbls lhe senior English class_ are the following officers were elect- pride in “our elephant.”—V.P. Miss Martin, commercial teach- i day, September 5, for the pur I tin, Miss Edra Gehring, Harold I s“e «»“tmued, “so I had to go | Albert Schmidlin of Brauns .somewhere and do something. 1 pose of finding out how many McIntire, Miss Ruth Martin. ' er, and Miss Gehring, teacher of spent Friday in Vernonia shop- took the stage at bandpoint, Ida., i English and French, were Port- i of the pupils had had a physical early one morning and set oui ping. , iand visitors over the week end. examination, how many had been I Freshmen Week Hard tor \\ euatchee, W n., where I ar j vacinated, the schools equipment, On Humble M. F. Dooley of Treharne rived that same evening and i and the number of pupils en- Freshies spent Saturday in Vernonia on Camp Fire Groups found to my dismay that my 1 rolled. This week is freshmen week -_1—L, i*" had been living business. Own Beautiful Home when all the poor little freshies! there had ’ moved away.” In City Park Here Chemistry Class have to bow down to their upper Wm. Meyers and J. A. Rice What to do, and where to classmen. The initiation will last j were the next questmns Star;s Laboratory motored to Portland Friday even The only home owned by any Work ing returning to this city Sun I 1 * > only two days this year so as! confronted me. Nothing daunled, Camp Fire organization in Ore day. This year’s chemistry class be not to drag it out and abuse the however, 1 set out and soon gon is located in Vernonia. gan their laboratory work last I rookies too much. The week will found a good inexpensive hotel. W. E. Proctor of Rainier, Situated in the city park, fac week. The class is composed of finish with a party given by the , i The next morning 1 tound a job spent Saturday in this city vis- ing Rock creek, the beautiful six ncmui senior uwya boys auu and aiA six hcuiur senior sophomores i when a treaty . of ■ | thinning apples—accent on the iting with friends. cabin which was built through girls. So far they have taken ?.eaca W111, be 8L*ned d«larln8 ’' job. the cooperation of the townspeo a great interest in their work,the two cla8ses frlend3 forwer. 1 never had done that work motored to ple, and the persistent efforts and we hope they will continue.' . . K. A. McNeill .... before, "and juggling lad Portland Friday on business re of such public spirited citizens __ ______ Junior Class Hohl ders around is no joke, especial turning to this city later in tile I as Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman, Officials Of High i Election ly when they are just as likely evening. Emil Messing, C. F. Hieber, School Shown | At the first junior class meet- to fall over and knock you on Mrs. Ed. Bell, Jr., Mrs. F. C. 1 ing of the year, which took This article is for the benefit place Tuesday of last week, the the head as not.” Speck Ford, salesman for the Griffin, Mrs. M. D. Cole, the I thinned apples one week and Pacific Fruit and Produce com Eastern Star, Pythian Sisters of those who do not know who following were elected as of compose the school board, stu ficers: President, Grace Condit; then picked cherries for a short pany spent Monday in this city and other organizations. time. on company business. The building exclusive of in dent body officers, etc. Vice President, Larry Marshall; j “1 had some adventures in They are as follows: School terior decorations and fixtures Secretary, Georgia Van Doren; F. J. Peterson of Natal was a I is valued at $2100 an<? is locat- board: H. M. Condit, chairman; and Treasurer, Robert Holcomb, that line also,” “such as tailing local shopper Monday morning. ed only a few hundred feet Mrs. Chas. Malmsten, clerk; R. We elected Mr. Wilkerson for off ladders, dangling in the trees trying to find the ladder, and Mr. Peterson will show exhibits from the municipal tennis court Spencer, Clarence Reed, Pet- our class advisor.—G.C. i eating too many cherries.” er Bergerson, Mrs. Grace Pet- of farm products at the county i in the park. After 1 had worked about two tijohn, J. B. Wilkerson, princi- Facts About Our fair this week. I weeks I decided to go on over pal of high school. ¡New Teachers To Decide On New ’ to Seattle to visit my several Sheriff Oscar Weed arrived Miss Edra Gehring was a aunts and uncles there here Monday to attend the trial Post Office Quarters Student Body I started out on foot but got freshman at Reed College,_ ...... of A. L. Walker, accused of at- Bids To Be In 14th Officers tending Oregon normal for one several short rides. “About noon stabbing Sam Scott, September --------- Neal Bush, president; Gloyd year, university of Oregon for 1 found myself on top of Biuet.e 3. Sealed proposals are being re- Adams, vice-president, Grace two years where she obtained her Pass, under a broiling sun won- secretary, Catherine B. A. degree. Her home Dr. William Levin, director ceived this week by the govern-' Condit, is — at, — — --- - i Bering — where 1 was ---- <x going — ---» tO Hygienic laboratory state board ment for new post office quar- Hoffman, treasurer, Marvin Por- 1250 Hancock street, T __ ’__ , spend _ ' night. ~ Portland, the There were no tors, without equipment, heat, ; terfield, boys athletic manager, of health at Salem, is in this Ore. She teaches freshmen and barns or haystacks in sight to ‘ , safe or vault, but T with [Vera Goodin, girls athletic man- sophomore English, French I and s»y nothing of houses or hotels. city in charge of the sanitaryI ” light, survey. neces™. necessary j heating .e ...... and lighting ager, Dorothy Holtham, yell lead Il and girls’ athletics, I was, in fact, feeling quite sor- I fixtures, water and toilets, The er, Charlotte Green, editor of Miss Vera Crail graduated ly for myself,” “when along Dean Duvall and Geo. S. Buck, first proposals received some . Timber Line. from Washington high school, | came a rickety Ford with n> of Keasey, both who are em-, weeks ago included equipment [Portland; attended the college top, you know the kind. It was ployed by the S. P. & S. Ry. at ;ind was considered too high by Senior Class ! of Puget Sound, Tacoma, where covered with wise cracks—ala that station spent Friday in Ver-¡the postal department, 'Officers _ B. A. degree. mode, and it had a Mossachu- . she ______ obtained _ her _______ nonia. Floor space required for the 1 Bodie Hieber, president; Bil- She teaches English I and III, setts license. It was manned by new post office will be 1500 ■ lie Culver, vice president; Dwight sociology and music, C. A. Messing of Portland, a couple of young Bostonians, square feet. ¡Strong, secretary-treasurer; Vio-j Miss Ruth Martin attended who looked as if they had been spent Saturday in this city vis The present quarters contain let Phelps, senior reporter for Kansas college during first year. stoking furnaces on a hot day, iting with his brother Emil Mes around 1100 square feet, not I Timber Line; Levi Austin, class Obtained her B. A. degree in their complexions being about sing, and attending to u business sufficient room to handle the advisor. ¡commercial credits i. __ | the same color ___ _ ns _ a boiled ___ _ lob- at . Qxtgon transaction, volume of business which is ---------------------- state. Her parents live in Fruit- ster; a more artistic soul might Jack Bush returned from transacted here. land, Ida., hut she calls Portland ihave said they resembled a desert Junior Class Shepard springs near Carsun, her home. Miss Martin worked in sunset. They wore no hats or Officers Wash., where he has been for High Basketball Team Grace Condit, president; Lar- Gle un>versity of Oregon medl- j shades and their sleeves were the past ten days taking treat- ca ïcboo ‘> ’ Portland in the Reg- ; rolled to the elbow. Taken al Should Be a Fast One ry Marshall, vice president- ‘ * iohmi- on zi,,-.:«". ments, istrar ’ ’ n s nff. office during the ...... sum it. was some sneetacle.” Says Coach Austin Georgia Van Doren, secretary; mer. She teaches shorthand, typ- together “They drew up alongside and Robert Holcomb, treasurer; Prof. | C. E. Green, state sanitary cla7s’'‘advisor and Ta"d bookkeeP‘n». offered me a ride, I got in and , engineer, who is assisting in Three last year’s players will J. B. Wilkerson, McIntire graduated rode all the rest of the way over conducting a survey in this city feature in this year’s high school Grace Condit, junior reporter. i I , Harold th. Pacific university of there with them. _____ ! from the returned to his home in Portland basketball team, which ,Gamn?a . Sj?ma 4 Fraternity. over the week end. will probably lend the much Sophomore Class____________ i Offirpr« ! H,s home is in Forest Grove. Mr. Sheriff Oscar Weed of St. needed strength to the team, in n t • i x I McIntire teaches American his- George La.rd, pres.dent; Mar- to algebl,a , commercJal arith. Helens was in this city Friday order to give them a chance at Graven, vrce presidentBen metic> dilli an(J IS js c assistant eoach fof ci . , TV 1 1 . nivlivj on county business, visiting at the county championship. Neil vel secretary-treasurer Ralph | b > atbletkg. the home of his mother during Bush, Bodie Hieber and Adams Spencer, should be the dependables for George, sergeant-at-arms; Edna ----- -- — — his stay, Owens, sophomore reporter; Miss this year’s lineup. For 5 years Dr. Luzader, Coach Levi Austin predicts a Vera Crail .class advisor. M. Murray motored to Port eyesight specialist, has land Wednesday of last weok on fast speedy team this year judg I The freshmen class officers been making monthly visits to business, bringing back Lester ing from the material which he have not yet been elected, Bet- Vernonia. ________ _ His next visit will be Sheeley who had been spending has to choose from. ty Bennett is the freshmen re-' October 7, 8, office at few days in the city. porter and Harold McIntire, class1 lander’s. Have your eyes You Should Know That Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Glubeecht Only one person out of 8,- advisor. The rest will appear in examined, nd daughters of Klamath Falls, 679,000 who rode on passenger next week’s paper. ere visiting at the home of Mr. trains in 1928 was killed, ac nd Mrs. Harry Williquette and cording to last year’s railroad relatives last week. accident record. The new Cascade Tunnel, re Victor G. Sorrell arrived Mon- ay to work as cashier for the cently completed by the Great i ical Shell Oil company station. Northern Railroad, is the longest Ir. Sorrell fills the vacancy of tunnel in the United States, be Mr. Lewis who has been trans- ing 41,152 feet, or 7.79 miles long. There are four longer tun ferred to Albany. nels in the world, all of them be Miss Nettie Alley, county ing located in the Alpine region health office who has been of southern Europe. The longest spending a few days in this city tunnel in the world is known as in the interest of the coming Simplon No. 1, which is 65,734 health survey returned to her feet, or 12.45 miles in length. headquarters at St. Helens over The first Pullman car ever •he week end. used was placed in service in 1859. It was a converted pas H. L. Lewis of McMinnville, senger coach and was operated ho formerly was employed by on the Chicago & Alton Railroad le SI ell Oil company in this Bloomington, Ill., and city, but recently transferred to between There were four lower Albany, spent Friday in this Chicago. and upper berths, which city returning to his home at were four petitioned off by curtains, McMinnville Saturday. The first Pullman car, built Mr. and Mrs. Paul McDuffee from the ground up, was fin- of Camp McGregor, spent (he ished in 1865 and was called ” It carried a por- week end at the home of Mrs. the ‘Pioneer. ............................... MeDufiee’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. tion of the Lincoln funeral party Ed. Bell, Sr. Mr. McDuffee ia from Chicago to Springfield, Ill. In order to promote poultry imekeeper for the O.-A. at raising along its lines, the 111- | inois Central Railroad maintains J. Marcey Wilson and J. T. a chicken hatchery at Yeaton. hompson of St. Helens, T. j Miss., where it distributed 5,000 ,__ ramer, of Portland and Leo. chicks to Mississippi farmers last allagher of Rainier were Ver- season. Hatching service is fur- onia visitors Saturday playing nished free, the farmers paying few rounds of golf at the Ver-1 only for the eggs. 7 The Timber Line oia ! My Summer Vacation; By Mias Dorothy Carmichael mi io Carefully Select The Best Shop To Make Needed Repairs On Vous To Own a Car In Good Condition Leads To Many Happy Hours School Supplies In letting our mechanics recondition your car you can be assured of dependable performance. No worries, your car is ready to take you to the trails. See the complete Our machine and repair shop is equipped to handle work of any nature on your car— And we do the work stock at after your car is turned over to us for repairs. Automobile accessories and supplies—To get the proper attention for your car let us service it for Mac’ Pharmacy a you. Vernonia Brazing & Machine Works F.M. Salmonsen, Mgr. Phone 342