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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1929)
Thursday, September 12, 1929 Vernon:a Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon_________________ __________ __________ _ , J Page Eight pasture in the other fellows Colonial Homes Surely moose could easily outdistance his More Chickens Should garden is greener. horse powered pursuers. lie Raised In The Ne Constructed to Endure I tried it, two trips south, but A Swedish country gentleman halem Valley, Says Sell returned and have no intentions Those wiio ar$* familiar with the caught a moose bull as a calf and (By J. H. Sell) to atttempt a third trip south. construction methods employed by Vernonia and the Nehalem I New England coast house builders valley is good enough for me, of the Colonial period are generally impressed by the foundation work. having a better opportunity here Today, after u century or more, one than any location I have been may find these foundations un in the past 20 years, and I’ve shuken. Labor was cin ap in ear between the Iler times’; construction material been in locations ’ Atlantic and the Pacific, the close at hand. Perhaps such mass Gulf of Mexico and the Great ive bases for the superstructure were needlessly extravagant, yet lakes. While there is a lot of rain one must admire the honest work that has stood the test of time. in this section of the country At East Winthrop, Maine, there in the winter time, but effects a massive Colonial dwelling. the poultiy business no way stands 107 years old, that has one of these whatsoever. typical foundations. It is formed Chicken, rabbit, turkey, goat, of enormous granite slabs which sheep raising and the dairy bus are laid up three feet thick. It is iness are going to be the lead- tradition among descendants of the ing industry in the Nehalein val- i original owners that three yokes ley before many years have of oxen were required to haul some passed, then will be the time of these great stones to the spot. Quite frequently one will come living will be what it should be one of these Colonial houses and the sooner those days the across with stone chimney bases 20 feet better. square while on tiie ground floor We can start in by buying there will be tunnels through the an acre or two, build a house heart of the chimney, forming and chicken house, get a few unique hallways from one part of chickens for a start and grow the main door to another. Founda up your business which will in tions and chimneys were built to crease rapidly. Get a goat or withstand the onslaughts of floods, two, a cow to help in the liv earthquakes and centuries. Fire oc ing part of it, raise a few spuds, casionally razed cleanly one of these Colonial dwellings, yet the a garden, berries, fruits, live at hand of man Is always necessary to home and board at the same tear apart that honest masonry. place. What more would you want, the chickens will pay the expense. It would be better to Moose Given Points of get that land now before some Superiority Over Horse one with a vision comes along Tlie Swedish moose Is a danger and buys all the available land, competitor to the horse, says selling it back years later for ous a Stockholm Associated Press dis three times which they purchased patch. it for. Some years ago a harnessed moose easily took first place in a horse race, but was refused tlrst prize because the Judges decided If! was out of the competition. The small boy, aged six, was mak it Moose were used as saddle and ing a tiny wreath. horses several centuries ago "What Is It for?” Inquired bls draft until prohibited by royal decree, as mother. It was feared a criminal astride a “You know- you said you heard a pantry?" mouse In the “Yes." "And you know you said you thought of buying a trap?” "Yes." “Well, If you buy a trap, and If you catch the mouse, and If they drown the mouse after It Is caught, and If the mouse Is burled, and If we give It a nice funeral we shall need a wreath, shan't we?” It wouli be hard to find a locality, one that offered a bet ter opportunity with a working mans capital to enter into the the chicken business than the Ne halem Valley or in and around Vernonia. Chickens will grow and lay eggs here, just as well as any other place, and a few lots or an acre can be purchased with $15 or $20 down as first pay ment, and can be built for about 50 cents per chicken, your $10 to $30 rent money will pay for the place in a short time. Many believe that the big mill of the Oregon American Lumber company will run forever, and will be the means of keeping business on top here in this city, which may be true, but when the mill is through here, what are we going to do, those that have paid out all they have made for house rent during the period the mill has been running, will be unprepared for another start. Should many wait until the next few years to buy and build it will cost several times what it would cost now to go into the chicken business. There is as good opportunity here for any one with a small capital here to start in a small way than in any location for a business of this sort known. The dairy business, sheep and goat raising will amount to an important industry within the next five years or so, which will keep pace as the timber disap pears and the logged off lands ate purchased by private parties. In some sections of the coun try, it is all cotton, others to bacco, and in the corn states, nothing but corn, but chickens can be raised in every state in the Union and I do not know of a section of this great coun try, where it is impossible to raise chickens. One good point about chicken raising, is that one does not have to sell them, then buy them back, and it does not take such a large section of land to success Princes* Liked Fresh Air fully raise enough chickens which Wilhelm I, the first German em would be the means of earning peror, did not much like his son's a decent living. wife, the future Empress Victoria. In the east, chicken men are Queen Victoria's eldest daughter. building chicken houses ten She was a true English woman In many chickens little things; for instance, she had stories high, ' passion for drafts, so that one In never seeing the ground except a variably got a cold In one's head, when looking out of the win- if not a worse chill, nt the palace. dows, and owners claim that All the windows were thrown wide chickens raised this way do bet- open In the coldest weather. The ter than those raised in the almost Siberian temperature an chicken yard. noyed the Empress Augusta, and hardly ever went there.—Kau- So if you have some other she stts City Stnr, part of the country in view to start in the chicken business, it would be bettter not to quit your present job, but just look MARK EVERY GRAVE over the location you had in Memorials in granite and marble view and a ten shot to one at reduced prices you'll come back and locate in WRITE FOR PARTICULARS this section of the country, the ! very place you imagined, ever Oregon Monument Works other place wus better than, for Fourth and Mitin St., Hillsboro I it always does seem that the broke hint t-r mall service. The unirne! proved more practical than a horse, since Ito gates litui to be opened, the moose clearing them all without difficulty. At one time a military expert proposed a moose cavalry regiment, asserting that a moose squadron Caz Freeze. Firo would put fright into a whole horse Carbon dioxide, which Is expelled regiment. The scheme was left from your body whenever you < x- untried. hale, has been put to Use by the Los Angeles fire department to put out fires In which streams of Unbreakable Glass waler are of little use. ns In chem The bureau of standards says ical and oil fires. The gas Is ear that in general non-sliatteruble rled In Idgh pressure cylinders, ami glass Is of three distinct types. One when released a cloud of dry lee of these Is unusually thick; an-| like that used In cert.dn kind: of other consists of two or more layers reftigerntion Is iq dried over the of glass cemented together with an fir«“. This reduces the temperature organic hinder, such as celluloid, and prevents oxygen from reaching and the third Is prepared by spe the blaze, thus smothering It. cial heat treatment. The first of these can be Identified by Its re latively great thickness, the second Tinned Stuff Used in Navy by examining the edge of the glass More than >.««>., pounds of for laminated structure, and th<> canned goods lire consumed by the third by Its Irregular figures, mid when the glass is examined In po- 1 larlzed light. Skating Ladle, of Long Ago The ladles to whom the trouba dours sang had Invariably hair of the color of flax, as soft ns silk, ami shimmering with a sheen of the finest gold. In ancient Spanish romances the hair Is either pure gold, or defi nitely fair. In ancient Germany, ¡ Gretchen had to have “fair hair, i like gold; long, bright, and curly." I There is a famous description of a French lady of the Thirteenth cen tury. “Her hair had the brilliance of gold, and was twisted Into re bellious cutis”—so evidently perma nent waving was known. at Vernonia Rink Wed. and Fri., 7:30 to 1C:3O p.m. Sat. 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. (Children under 14—10c) Astoria—Narrow Roseburg Chamber of Com merce plans establishment of fruit experiment station in this Our Garage Service have Standards garage have changed l îles. changed as service The in in styles automo- management this garage prides ability to its patrons with every new for bet factor that ter service. Try this accommodate makes garage—you’ll attention. Sun. 2:30 to 5:30 pm and have our a al- We greasing mechanics r ack, are May we suggest a Beef Roast, cut from fine young tender beef shoulder? ap- and thorough personal so For Supper of itself on its Sat. 7:30 to 11 p.m. Prize« given Saturday eve nings only on tickets issued during the week. La Grande—Old steel bridge on county road near packing plant of Grande Ronde Meat company refloored. A business man who has just be- com- engagi d to be married Is a good-hearted fellow and popular with his staff; his only drawback from their point of view being that he Ims no Idea of time, dictating let ters Just as everybody Is packing up to go home. the Wed. and Fri., 12 m. to 1 p.m.—10c on point Oswego—$275,000 unit of St. Mary’s college at Christie home near here will be constructed soon. Broad Hint precíate Clever and Dangerous The centipede abroad In eastern lands Is a formidable, ami often poi sonous, Insect, but Its wisdom might well Instruct human beings As a wedding present they bought sailors of tie 'United State» 'navy him a clock. In a year. Canned tomatoes take It was a fine clock, but It had the lead In vegetables, followed by one defect. It had no hands. In beans. Among fruits, peaches lead, thanking them for the gift, he followed closply by pineapple, then I culled attention to this fact. come prunes, npplesaucn, apricots, "Oh," ¡-aid Hie mnu who was mnk- penis, flgs end rnl-lns. Figs are relatively new In the canned goods ‘ ing the presentation, “you never products, but the navy uses them I look ut the time, so we got the jew to the extent of 5-10,000 pounds an eler to remove them. They were gold, and he took $5 off the price.” nually. I I From our market, you may secure juicy succulent viands that will mean a delicious meal. I the best. P. H. Skaling Nehalem Market & Grocery Eiikenfflld Garage Birkenfeld, Vernonia Oregon ----------- ----- ------- — —------- n ■ ■■■'■V.. ■ » .....__ 1 .1'. --^ —- 1.,1L4'S- ■A7T~=r J. H. SELL Sunshine Hatchery »* P. O. Box 306 Vernorria, Ore. WtXS TWf DtffiRfNCt Greetings We present this, our 1930 circular list of baby chicks, in- eluding Red Leghorns, White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, and Rhode Island Reds—four of the leading breeds of chickens. The I’etl Leghorn is a new breed of Leg horn, ant! is a wonderful breed to look at, ap pealing to the eye, a breed that produces eggs in abundance, a breed that dresses finer than any other variety of Leghorn, and is much easier yarded. They are simply a vast improve ment over any other variety of Leghorn, with due respect to the good qualities of the others, these four friends get the finest breed of chick en on earth—a breed that has ail the qualities of the It. I. Ileds and White Leghorns Combined. I will only have a few baby chicks of the Red Leghorns to spare next spring, so send in your orders early. FLY SPRAY The White Leghorn needs no recommenda tion. only to say that we have as fine a flock of White Leghorns as there is and the best of layers of big white eggs. Send in your orders early for baby chicks. Our Rarrcd Rocks are of the O. A. C. strain, and are bred for size, color nnd egg pro duction. Our R. I. Reds are of Oregon stock—the best obtainable—and are mated up for size, color and egg production. Get your orders in early for the variety of baby chicks wanted. INCUBATORS C. BRUCE America’s Greatest ( til try Course LUMBER Wholesale and Retail Vernonia The success of the poultryman depends upon his ailments and diseases, knowing his chicken; then Prevention is better than a cure. There will be many into the chicken business who will lose out be- 'g-o lack of proper knowledge who otherwise cause of _ _ ____ would win, if they had a | good understanding of the poultry business. Dr. L. D. LaGear, V. S., explains this in plain language that anyone can understand in 14 volumes on the following subjects: house»: construc Volume 1—Location of , poultry ---------- „ tion of poultry houses; remodeling of old buildings. Volume ».—Intel lor arrangement of poultry houses; poultry house equipment; yards, runs, fences, etc. Volume 3-—Breeds and varieties of poultry selec tion and preparation of fowls for exhibition. Volume 4-----Pou Itry, feeds; analysis of poultry Oregon- American Lumber Co. ! of every age ami clime. Afruhl of the tnrantula (a species of great spider), the centipede always takes care to build n cactus fence round Itself ere It goes to sleep. It Is most entertaining to watch the se curity of the centipedes as they lie at ease, while their arch-en emies cannot craw over the cac tus, which they will never tackle. feeds; general poultry feeding. Volume 5-----How to feed tor egg production; cul- ting out the drones; use of artificial lights. mating for V olume 6— How to select breeders; best results; feeding and care of breeders. Volume 7— Selection of egg» f°r hatching; hatch* ing. natural and artificial. —Natural and artificial brooding; how Volume to care for baby chicks. Volume 9 Feeding for the market; how to cap- onize; care of capons; how to kill, dress and market poultry. Volume 10—How to make the farm flock pay; systems of records and accounts; peculiar problem« with the back yard flock. Volume 1 I -Sanitation, how it insures the health of the flock. Volume 12—*1 he molt; lice and other poultry enemies; habits and vices of poultry. Volume 13 turkey raising; duck raising; goose raising; guinea fowl; pigeon and squab raising. Volume 14—Methods used by expert exhibitors on mating, growing, selecting, training, showing and judging exhibition poultry; things you should know. The poultry course is as essential to the back lotier with a dozen chickens as it is to the commercial poultryman with his thousands. They both alike need this poultry course, and the price is within the reach of all. Only $6 cash, or terms of $2 down and $1 per month. Send your order to the— Sunshine Hatchery I am the northwest regional representative for the Petersime Electric incubator in sizes to suit your need. The baby chick business is still on the increase. Hatcheries can not begin to keep up with I he demand for baby chicks. The Petersime is one of the best hatchery machines made made, the easiest to operate—in fact anyone can operate a Petersime—as it is a a ’ complete self regula regula- tor. It not only holds a steady heat, but also regulates the air and moisture as well It hatches the strongest and full-of-pep chicks that can be hatched I— — in in fact fact it it is is a a ma ma chine that puts all in the chick that the hen puts in the eggs. Get yours now and be ready lor next spring s hatching. Call or write me for the-----u: — ---- ■ - -- machine you ------ want ■* ’ and ■ - I will give youTufl details on the Petersime. The company will allow $8 to 825 discount on all orders for September—$8 on No. 2-4. $10 on No. 3-5, $15 on No. 6-7, $20 on No. 8-9, $25 on No. 15-16. Write the SUNSHINE HATCHERY. Raising* the Block Average With the Autoculler 14 4 eggs per year just about feeds the hen. I’he U. S. average is 120 eggs per hen. That means that about half of them do not lay enough eggs io pay their board bill, which cuts off the profit that the other half would make for their owner, if they did not have to feed the drones. Cut out the drones with the Autoculler and make money in the chicken business. Say you have 300 layers or ought-to-be layers. They are averaging ¡20 eggs per hen, and you cull out the half with the Autoculler that are laying less than 120, which is not enough to pay feed cost. The fr ed cost is 144 eggs per year per hen, so you are losing 24 eggs per hen per year. By installing the Autoculler you cull out the half that are not laying, which brings the other half that is laying up to 240 eggs per year oer hen. You also cut down your feed expenses by half. Do you know your flock average? How many eggs each hen in your flock averages during the week, the month, nnd the year? Do you know on what hens you are throwing feed away every time you fill the feed hopper? Does each hen in your flock average better than 144 eggs per year or ¡2 eggs per month? Do you know that to succeed in the chicken bus- irsess your flock average must be better than 144 eggs per hen each year? Do you know that like anv other business it takes time to build up a profitable poultry business? Why not start now with the new all-metal Automatic trap nest described herewith and let them do the work for you1 While you atttend to other business the Auto culler means clean eggs also and will eliminate all eggs eaten, no broken eggs, it never fails to work. The Autoculler is made of all-metal, six nests to a battery. Price $1M per battery of six nests. Noth ing to get out of order and never fails to work. Will soon pay for itself in the saving of feed costs to the n on-layers. Order of the Sunshine Hatchery, Vernonia, Ore. ________ Fill Out this Order Blank and Mail Today QUALITY CHICKS ’ J. H. SELL, Sunshine Hatchery, P. O. Box 306, Vernonia, Oregon Sent Prepaid, Securely Packed, and Carefully Culled No. Chicks j Breed | Amount Note: Unless you breed just one kind of chickens and can’t use any other variety, p ease give second or third choice. If we can ship the second choice quick er. we will do so and thus give you more prompt shipment. Second Choice ............................................ Third Choice................ ....................................... In what paper did you see our advertisement?............................. Do you have daily delivery by express and parcel post?.............................................. Date...... .. ........................................... Dear Sirs:— ........................ Please send me the babv chicks listed above for which I enclose as deposit $2.00 per 100 or fraction thereof. I will forward balance 10 days before delivery. Date Desired ...... _.......... ........................................ Amount enclosed Balance Due Name ....................... Telephone Number Rural Route or Street Address Town _.................................... ......................... Stat. —......— DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Order No. . . ......................... Book for week of .*.................... Acknowledged Check . o Part ............. Bal. Due Total