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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1929)
Thursday, September 12, 1929 Vernonia Eafie, Vernonia, Oregon Page Seven Manufacturing 160,000,000 Feet of Lumber Each Year Mrs. Harry Condit and son, and family were Vernonia shop Neurer’s sister, Mrs. S. Baker Record Shipment Of Mrs. Frank Schmidlin were pers on Saturday. on Sunday. Lumber During Month and at Vernonia on Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Berry and chil Of April by O.-A-L.Co, do some shopping. Tom Runkle and son Frances dren motored to Battle Ground, have moved to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Porterfield were Wn., on Sunday. During the month of April of Mr. and Mrs. John Price and this year, thb Oregon-American business callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Moore children were at Vernonia on Lumber company shipped from S. Baker last week. were Vernonia shoppers. Saturday. Vjernonia 16,813,903 feet of Joe McCullen was up playing lumber, this being the greatest Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer of Cason transfer hauled some amount of lumber to have been golf, Vern Baker caddied for Natal called at the home of Mr. lumber for Harold Smith. shipped since the mill started in him. operations. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hodge The cut for April was about motored to Cannon beach to vis- 14,200,000 feet, the extra two it relatives. and one half million feet of Mrs. S. O’Donnell and Mrs. lumber shipped above production, We can save your shoes and your money taken from stock. In the month Crawford motored to Vernonia of September, 1926, 16,345,926 on Friday. feet of lumber were shipped, this Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith I being the record shipment until 956 Bridge St. St. Vernonia this April when the shipment ex and children attended the show ’ ceeded the ~ September, 1926, on Friday evening. Repairing Done While You Wait record by nearly one half million Mr. and Mrs. Bob Spencer feet. ~ The average _ ______ number of feet shipped per month is around 13,- Payroll Increases 000,000, of this amount not more Daily In Nehalem than three per cent is sold di Industrial City rect to foreign trade, and from 85 to 90 per cent is shipped out Of interest to all will be the of the state of Oregon to middle brief statistics showing the ap west states. proximate payroll and number of The smallest month covering men employed on the industrial the amount of feet lumber ship- payroll in the vicinity of Ver- ped was in July, 1924, following nonia. . . . health experts are continuously stressing the import the completion of construction I Annual when nnlv No. AQQ feet Were i only 990 229,433 Employees Payroll shipped. Industry ance of giving children pasteurized milk. 600 $800,000 O.A.L. Co. Johnson McGraw Sherwood—West Coast Tele- 34,000 phone company improving tele- Shingle*Co. 18 27,500 phone line in this territory. Lindsay Lbr. Co. M 22,000 VanVleet Log. Co. M Perhaps you have never thought of it but at every health 7,500 Wilson & Clark 6 TREHARNE 7,000 Mathison Log. Co. 6 clinic or gathering the milk question, which is of the utmost im 6,000 5 Vail & Miller Ruth Price and Nola Treharne Nehalem Valley Ice portance, usually ends with recommendations to parents to use Frances Dooley have start- & Creamery Co. 7,800 and ed to school. 4,600 Mills & Hall 4 pasteurized milk or cream, on account of safeguarding the Mcpherson 75 71,000 Bert Woods and Clint Kilby S. P. & S. Ry. and made a business trip to Tre- health of especially the children. Trans. Co. 25 27,000 harne on Monday. With a payroll in the camps Miss Roberta Anderson, Twila within a radius of 15 miles of Morton, Ida Beav-1 -> Donis Timm, ««uiiu, iua this city boasting of a payroll -------- near the $409,000 mark employ er, Edgar Crawford and Nelson I Beaver are attending high school ing around 500 men. So it can truthfully be said this term at Vernonia. that the youngest industrial city I fire wnrden, for allowing a fire Oregon American Five Log Trains Pass Pleasant hill school open- of Columbia county at the pres ed Our j to go beyond his control on his with a good attendance. Mill Employ Over Through Vernonia To ' farm near Goble. ent time, has a payroll exceed 600 in Two Shifts ing $1,000,900 annually. Primary teacher, Rafton Every Day He was tried at St. Helens before Justice of Peace W. J. One of the most modern, Austin, Mrs. Gordon The youngest industrial city of largest creamery’s In the county third, fourth, and fl_„ ____ , A few thousand extra copies Fullerton and was fined $25 and fifth „ grades, Columbia county, is the home of is located in this city, the Ne C. Gordon has the upper grades of this issue of the Eagle will cost on his plea of guilty. A. B. Castor of Portland was one of the most modern, largest halem Valley Ice and Creamery and is principal. be passed out at the county fair Milton Johns is hauling rick for the balance of this week, fined $25 and costs Monday at electrical driven sawmills in the company, which manufactures the and many hundreds will also be St. Helens for setting a fire on county, the Oregon American Nehalia ice cream, ice, also pas wood for Russell Stanton. I teurizing milk and cream and Is sent to non-subscribers in the his land near Deer Island on Lumber company. I 1 Lindsay ’ s shipped out two car Tide creek. The company employes over the means of bringing many Nehalem valley, loads of lumber on Thursday 600 men, working two shifts, I from the valley into this city of last week. Few living in our county are rwith an annual payroll of ap-1 to trade especially those who re aware of the extensive logging Nearby Logging Camps | ceive checks from the local operations in the vicinity of our A large crowd gathered at Swell Local Payroll proximately $800,000, timber industrial city of Verno The company have built beau-1 creamery for their products. the Vernonia public golf course The local laundry employs 15, nia, on Monday to enjoy the game. Tributary to the local payroll, tiful homes for their employees | Daily with the exception of the camps within a radius of 15 on the hill known as the O.-A | all white help. Mrs. L. Smith and sons were Sunday’s, 5 train loads of logs, miles from this city make Ver hill or Millview, which are rent The local bakery, the most ed to employes for a reasonable' modern bakery in the county ana Varnonia shoppers one day last each train containing approxi nonia their trading center. week. mately 200,009 feet passes Considerable trade is also re. rental, the lumber concern also' one of the best equipped in the through this city to be unload ceived from the Clark and Wil owning and operating their own state, is the home of “Mothers Cason transfer hauled two ed in the Columbia river slough son logging operations at Wil- power and water plants. Bread,’’ famous in this valley. loads of lumber from Lindsay's The large mill is under the j The bakery is owned by McGhee mill last week. at Rafton, Which is near Linn- ark, and Camp 8, as also the ton, huge logging operations west of management of Judd Greenman, and Vickery, and employes 7 in Mrs. Henry John and son who is also very active in civic their shop with an annual pay Each train contains around 17 Keasey. Milo, were callers at the home car loads, with approximately In addition many smaller log activities taking a keen interest roll of over $9,000. of Mrs. R. Stanton. $2,000 feet of logs to the car. ging operations, swell the local in the welfare of Vernonia. Johmton-McGraw Shingle Mill Additional sheds were recently The Inman-Poulsen logging payroll, Wilson and Clark who Mr. and Mrs. Al. Webb were The Johnston and McGraw company west of Keasey, which employ 6 men; Vail and Mill 5; built by the Oregon American shingle mill, located in this city, at Cannon beach one day last is 8 miles from Vernonia on the the Lindsay Lumber company to house finished lumber. manufactures the famous Rite week. United Rys, ship two trains a who run a sawmill at Treharne Hitting the crest of the hill grade shingle, which is sold Paateurized Milk to Pre Mrs. Frank Smith and Mrs. one and one half miles from this day through this city to Rafton, approaching Vernonia from the throughout the United States, Metzie were Vernonia shoppers Phone 741 with the McPherson Logging city with a daily average cut of way of St. Helens or Clatskanie,1 the sales are also serve Children’s Health handlea company some four miles east of approximately 40,000 feet, em one immediately notices the th?ough"the "¡ales "force “of* the on Thursday. ploying 15 in their mill and Vernonia hauling one train, the beautiful homes with their well Central Coal & Coke company Chas. Biggs was hauling hay East Side logging company one around 12 in their woods; the kept lawns, which are occupied ,who hand]e the output of the last week. Johnson and McGraw shingle and the Connacher logging com by the mill employees and to i umber of the Oregon American pany has been shipping one train mill, who employ 17; Van Vleet the left of the highway the large I mill in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holt and a day to Rafton, until recently Logging company, a new logging office, bungalow style with its children were at Vernonia. The superintendent of the when forest fires destroyed their concern in this vicinity and <*e spacious lawns and wonderful ar- Mr. afid Mrs. S. O’Donnell Harry Kearns, Manager equipment, but logging opera Mills and ‘ Hall ’ logging company. ray of flowers surrounding it. shingle miM is Charles Wilson, who has had over 80 yaara ex and family were Vernonia shop- tions will start again in their Visitors are welcome to in- perience in this line, having own pers on Saturday. holdings in October of this year. TIMBER spect the mill, but for the safety ed many shingle mills jalong the From their camps west of of the visitor, it is necessary to Keasey the Oregon American Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore have obtain permission from the of . coast and in the state of Wash Logging company, rail two trains built a new porch around their fice to go through the mill and ington. H. E. McGraw, president at a day over the United Rys. from house, When finished they in- . «.Id. «1 b. .„¡«..d V1*« z* vciuuiua zzzz UIIC zzi Keasey to their pond in this city, vited their friends and pave a . -L J. x xl_ x o of f tbe the organizers organizers of of the the shingle shingle to supply their large saw mill dance. There was a crowd of o on uc the tour. During the recent visit of the mill, and at present is on the with logs, 26, eleven coming from Hills d Portland __ *i j zii Chamber — u. of Commerce - board of directors and secretary. Carl Davidson, superintendent boro. to this city, those present were of logging operations for the Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Riche spent taken for an inspection of the Oregon American, has nearly Meyers and Mayfield 300 men working under his juris last Tuesday evening visiting sawmill, planer sheds and stock rooms, and editor Chapman of Mr. and Mrs. John Kilish. Cooperate With The diction in camps, and the Ore the “Oregon Voter,’’ expressed gon American camp has a repu Chamber of Commerce Sonny Kilburg of Timber has his astonishment in a letter a tation among well known lumber gone to Vernonia to spend the few days following the inspec men of the northwest for being winter and will go to high Through the courtesy of Wil tion, at the immensity of the lo one of the best managed and school. cal plant, and its modern meth liam Meyers, manager of the lo well equipped camps in the cal Shell Oil company station, Sonny Kilburg and his boy ods of operations. northwest. exhibits from the Natal district The camps of the East Side friend were home from Verno- Portland—$300,000 plant will were hauled from the Natal Logging company which also em nia last Saturday and Sunday. be constructed for Paper Makers’ Grange hall to Vernonia Mon ployes over 150 men, the Inman- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Riche Chemical corporation on seven day, and were trucked to the Poulsen who employ nearly 215 drove to Portland Tuesday. acre site in Guilds Lake district. county fair grounds Tuesday men, and the Oregon American through the courtesy pf H- key Mr. and Mrs. Riggles of Ver with their 300 employees, are Astoria—Narrow point on field, . local manager _ for , the nonia visited Mr. and Mrs. Kil considered in the trading area road to Tideport camp widened. Portland Vernonia truck line. burg and family last Sunday. of Vernonia, this city enjoying thousands of dollars worth of Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle of Port trade monthly from these camps. land visited Mr. and Mrs. Tall Mcpherson, and man last Monday and Tuesday. Connacher, other camps nearer to Vernonia Mrs. Chennouth gave a birth play an important role in stimu lating the trade market, which day party for her son last week accounts for the large volume in which there was an atten of business enjoyed by the local dance of sixteen. business men of this city, which Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore have equals that of any city of its purchased a new town Essex se size iq the west. Many smaller logging opera dan. Moving Day it loom Norma and Anita Schiffer tions within a radius of 10 miles spent last Monday visiting Mrs. ing up in the fore- from Vernonia supply logs to the big Oregon American mill, A. R, Baird and Evelyn Bar- ground. When your Building is now under construc whose average cut yields about zee. We appeal to exacting belongings are moved one tion. We will be in a position to Mrs. B. T. Hart spent one-half million feet a day, em day last week in Portland. housekeepers . . women be sure it is done ploying nearly 600 men working give special attention and service Miss Muriel Schiffer of Tim two shifts. who are enemies to Dust, carefully and well. to cleaning suits, dresses, curtains Wilson and Clark logging com ber has been visiting her aunt Dirt and Dinginess. Our Calling 921 guaran at Forest Grove for the past and everything in need of clean pany and Mills and Hall, unload effective cleaning process tees satisfaction. their products of logs into the three weeks. ing. Mrs. A. W. Kilburg and Anita Oregon American pond. restores fabrics to their A LONG DISTANCE HAUL? Don’t worry The logs some of which are Schiffer drove to Forest Grove original colors and pris of tremendous size are hauled to the show last Monday evening. Mrs. B. T. Hart, Mrs. B. Tall tine freshness. Tel. 711. about either the expense or the safety A LARGE HOME PAYROLL from their loading docks in the woods to the O.-A. pond by man, Mrs. A. W. Kilburg and strong heavy motor trucks, the Miss Schiffer went to Forest of your property if we undertake the job. Just transportation of which is con Grove to the circus last week. Mr. and Mrs. Huffman and sidered safe and swift, with the give u» • ring and say when you wart us to driver handling the unloading at daughter have moyed to Verno nia. the pond by himself. do the job. K. Inouye, Proprietor Louise Kalish and Anita Schif fer visited Mrs. Hood of Wes- Phone 711 CHAS. GREGORY IS limber Tuesday evening. ARRESTED FOR LETTING Mr. and Mrs. Chilton, Ray FIRE BEYOND CONTROL Scott, Anita Schiffer, were In Vernonia Chas. Gregory was arrested vited to supper at Mrs. Gil Monday by J. J. Russell, state more’s last Sunday evening. Shoe Repairing Goodyear Shoe Repair Shop Has It Ever Occurred To You That Nehalem Valley Creamery Co A Home Industry Manufacturing Delicious Nehalia Ice Cream Ice Pasteurized Milk & Cream Nehalem Valley Ice & Creamery Company FALL CLEANING and ready, do wear! r Our New Dry Cleaning c ÆV iionz Vernonia Laundry CASON TRANSFER THE LAUNDRY THAT SATISFIES