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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1929)
Thursday, September 12, 1929 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon "V\ lint Is the ijiiirge, ofllier?" In lelne’s Tncle Timothy Bruce so quired Hllnr.v. that the lovely young girl could “Incorrlglblllljr—ran away from have n safe shelter. home." Then came twilight, a lunch Hilary laughed. “I'll bet j-ou she's while the white curt hurried Ey KATE EDMONDS safe enough—probably ran away | ■ eaten toward Beatty, and tliai, nt lust, from stepfather—<lhl that myself, they drove into the wide-open gate II.AItY ILARY DICKSON DICKS->N slapped Mupped the sixteen years ago!’’ of the Bruce place. Wluo Mr. Tim llnpa ncruss tl-e back of ol the tin tat Hues across the Move on." grinned the officer. othy Bruce took hold of anything, white pony attuchcd to li e small “You’re no lielp.” he ran It dawn to victory, so that canvas-covered curt In which he Hilary ambled on Ids way. drawn wus rouming the country ide. tie by bls fat pony, Ida eyes specula the mad .Mr. Miutln was duly in was sell lux books, new ones, and the, his lips puckered Into a whis carcerated In a private nsylhm. and now and then buying second h mil tle. Tlie noontide drew near and his poor wife was flnally Xestored ones, usually first editions. There the covered cart turned Into a to her normal health, anil tile great were net muuy of these, but he did I wooded path that evidently led to estate was sold. Of courqp. Mrs. Martin wquld want to live with tier not worry, for he had money shade and coolness. When he enough to satisfy any man. He was reached a desirable spot where a daughter Madeleine Wright Dick seeking little adventures, getting tiny waterfall drop|>ed from the son, for of course. Madeleine fell next to humanity In life's open heights above. Hilary drew r In. In lovq with Hilary, wlm loved her spaces, for Hilary Dickson was a loosened the girths, and finally led at first sight. How could you ex pect a canvas-covered romance to writer of ft< tlon. the white pony to a spot where than happily? He was sitting hunched over, the the grass was lush. lie stood there end otherwise (CopyrjGht » lilies babging loosely from Ids In mediation for some time and slackened brown fingers. He wort- then, getting back into the sent, Knows His Emma gray tweed knickers and a soft glanced id I around nt the utter soli A woman's idea,of perfect-fitting white shirt and well polished tan tilde of the woods. Then, he spoke shoes—one might have Imagined guardedly, his face gazing ntedlta Shoes are those she’ll kick off as soon as she gets In the house and that Ids clothes would grow shabby lively toward the east but not jdrlvlng around in the gay cart all glancing Into the cart behind hint then go limping upstairs In her day, but, of course, they did not "Lost, strayed or stolen. Madeleine stocking feet —Cincinnati Enquirer. know that Mr. Dickson iilway- Wright, live feet five, brown hair, The Society Complex found some swimming pool night brown eyes, light blue blouse, dark and morning, and that lie had blue knickers, packs a gun I" A man Is sent Into the world to brought three dozen soft white Then, out of the gloom of the do a Job. not to be a dinner compan shirts with him and that the cart cart, behind him appeared a young ion.—American Magazine. held trunks of other clothing well ub a complete set of light face. Came a sweet little voice housekeeping things, and also a trembling with weariness. Ton in a Match Box “Of course, that Is for my bene fireless cooker. The enormous density of certain fit — 1 stole Into your cart this morn So on this lovely morning, he was Ing at eight o'clock, when I ran stars, was the theme of an address driving aimlessly along a green away from home and hid In the recently given before the Institute country road. The canvas covered lane. If you would only let me ride o.f Mechanical Engineers. In Lon cart moved sedately on Its way, al until tonlpht, I ntn sure thnt I can don. by Prof. A. 8. Eddington. ways an object of friendly Interest reach Beatty, where my Own unde. “There are two or three stars Mr. Dickson was feeling very lazy Timothy Bruce, lives.” known to us which are believed to and comfortable this morning. The “And your mother? She will possess marvelous density. The commissary department was w-il: worry?” asked Hilary. best-known of these Is the compan Ing well for all concerned Had lie course she will worry! But ion of Sirius. The density Is found not consigned to the fireless cooker she “Of cannot do anythin« for me to be fit1,000 times that of water. A a beautiful chicken pot pie. was when my stepfather is that way— ton of its material would go Inside ' there not Ice In his tiny refrigera hi» Is unreliable, and we are afraid u match box." tor? lie seems mad.” 8o Hilary was singing “trn-la la “You will find some dinner In tra-la-la-la," In rather a growl-, voice, when n snappy-looklng state the cooker there,” said Hilary. If you will help yourself and hand pollcemnn halted the cart. me a plateful and a cupful of cof “Halt I" said the policeman. fee from the hot bottle there— Mr. , “Sure enough I” retorted Dickson. “What can I do for you, keep under cover all you can.” So they ate a silent meal, and officir? Or are we doing something he heard the girl moving softly in wrong?" side the cart, lie told her about “Do you know anything al >-t Madeleine Wright, five feet live. I the di*ep. stulTcd chair near the curly brown hair, brown eyes, ralli front of the cart, where she might er good looking, wearing light Dine | take a needed nap. and the cart shirt, dark blue knickers, carrying1 wont on its way again, this time a gun? Wanted by her stepfather, more briskly, with a definite ob George Martine, of Little Lebanon." ject In view, for they had to make Beatty that evexiii.’g and fix? (I Made- The Stowaway in H is Wagon H H *r w rw y » vu» v vv w » vFW1 For Speed Power and Pick-up ... Odd Powers Atributed to Geros in Past Ages While In modern times the value of Jewels depends on their use as i ortiumeuts and their employment tn certain optical and other Instru ments, the ancients attached a far different significance to them. In their minds gems were endowed with gifts of spiritual and material power and were credited with ths ability to cure diseases, avert trou ble and drive away tlie demons, which harassed the imagination of people of early medieval times. This conception gave rise to the wearing of amulets, the presiding genius of one's fate being easily carried about In the form of a pre cious stone. These Ideas, now so ridiculous to us, had their origin In the philos ophy of India, and are related to the belief in the transmigration of the soul. It was believed that the soul which, at death, had not reached a state of absolute purity, liad to undergo various transmigra tions until It became purified, and that consequently It entered into plants, animals and even mineral bodies In the process. Therefore, gems were considered living beings. Being of Incomparable physical purity, they were regarded as the highest expression of natural per fection, and lienee supposed to pos sess other powerful properties.— Exchange. ___________ ïôunïTnTurku, ah? nearly nil ths historic homes of the Finnish nobil ity are In or near the city. With the exception of the cathe dral and the castle, modern Turku has been built since the disastrous fire of 1827, When the old town was almost entirely destroyed In a blaze that burned for five days. Both the castle and the cathedral ar® grim structures with little ex terior ornament. The cathedral has a long, vaulted interior and most of tlie Immense treasure which wns once kept there has disappeared. Part of the castle Is now a mu seum and Is furnished with pieces of old Finnish furniture. Visitors can still see the dungeon, six fath oms deep and black as pitch, where prisoners were kept. In the great ! central hall Is a high gallery from Wllkh a cme] ruler ojjcejintl nn-n'y subjects liiirled to tlie floor below. aidport—Co .truction of Ashland— Chapman-Mickelson One cell In the castle Is still known iloosevelt highw z in vicinity of memorial fountain will be dedi as the malefactor's resting place.— this city progre ing steadily. cated in near future. National Geographic Society Bui- - Portland-—Ne* Alder theatre Myrtle Point—Myrtle hotel letln. opened to publ ■ recently. “For the Use of the House" "■ " SIX Product of Cenert.1 Motors If you are interested in a car costing any where near Pontiac's price, yourown inter ests demand that yon see and drivc today's Pontiac Big Six. And when you come in, bring your present car for our appruisal. Its value will probably cover the down payment, leaving only a f. w dollars per month to pay. And, as you pay, you will be enjoying the finest car cf its price the market a fiords. , --------------------------------------------------------- X -- --------- Consider the delivered pric^cs tv ------------ i*f (/.<•. 6.) Cice when comparing uuiomo1 ■ t . <i <•.» . . . (*ak- id-Pontiac deliver ■ 4 * i .. '.<■*• «■ v nuf/inr- ia-d char gei for f rein !tt and dc,:> and the i huge for any additional accessor;. « or J. ¡ng <J. sired. ’<>745 roast, choice little pig shoulders. Regard less what it is—you are assured the choic est and freshest of meats at the— Vernonia Meat Market Hotpoint Electric Servants AIR HEATERS CALROD HEATING ELEMENT CORD WITH SWITCH PLUG CORD SET WITH HINGED PLUG CORD SET, Silk with Miniature Plug CORD LENGTH CURLING IRONS DISC STOVES 1 GRILLS GUARANTEE HEATING PADS HEDL1TE HEATERS HOTPLATES Hotpoint Hot-Drip Coffee Process Fewer Hours IMMERSION HEATERS IRONS LAUNDRY IRONS Easier Work in Your Kitchen NEW WIRING PROVISIONS •o.b. Pontiac, Mich. i-Door Sedan Body by Fisher Pontiac Dig Six, $745 to $895, f. o. b. Pontiac, Mich., plus delivery charges. Bumpers, spring covers and Lovejoy shock ubsorbers regular equip ment at slight extra cost. (General Motors Time Payment Plan available at minimum rate. Gilby Motor Co Vernonia It may be beefsteak of center cuts, or pork Phone 7F5I a six w i t la o a t a rival ai iis» price VI ithout a single exception, the Pontiac Big Six is the fastest, most powerful six of its price available today. Its sturdy, 200 cubic inch, L-hcad engine develops 60 horsepower at moderate engine speed. Its speed and acceleration ure the fastest to be found in any low-priced six, according to the “fifth wheel” — the most accurate speed measuring device known tq automotive engineers. Unquestionably, today’s Pontiac Big Six is the performance leader of its price field—and the style and value leader as well. On Tonight s Menu TREHARNE Turku was Finland’s first capital. Christianity was first taught there, and the first Christian converts were baptized in the River Aura. The oldest cathedral and the old est castle I d Finland are to £e dining room opened for business. Three-year-old Billy's mother, be ing particular that he should not annoy the neighbors, would not per mit him to go Into their houses un less on special Invitation. So Billy was especially delighted when he was permitted to spend the whole morning with the ten-.vear-old boy next door, who was very fascinat ing to him In a thoroughly “grown up” way. When he got ready to go home, he summoned all his man ners. “Thank you for the house, ’ he said, gratefully. LINDSAY LUMBER COMPANY Historic Buildings in Finnish Town of Turku Page Fire PERCOLATORS AND URNS More Leisure Time Outside PERCOLATOR AND URN SETS PORTABLE COOKER SAFETY FUSE PLUG Hotpoint SOLDERING IRONS Electric Ranges SUGARS AND CREAMERS Super-Automatic Thermal Protector have so many improvements—they cook for you whether you’re at home or miles away—with your kitchen completely out of your mind. TABLE STOVE TABLE STOVE DISHES TAILOR IRONS TEA KETTLE Foods show less shrinkage. The Thrift Cooker deserves its name. Everything is cooked more thoroughly and when you’re through, your pots require less scouring. What more could you ask of a range? TOASTERS TRAYS VALVELESS PERCOLATOR PUMP WAFFLE ATTACHMENT Types and sizes for every kitchen. May we Show yOU? #J, WAFFLE IRONS Making HotpoL.t Quality Back of every Hotpoint product stands a reputation estab lished through more than twenty years of success in building electric appliances that give satisfaction. These appliances are now produced in the largest factories in the world devoted to the exclusive manufacture of electric heating appliances. Three factories command the respect of the most modern Also Agent for the famous Thor line industrial engineers. Every step in the construction and as sembly is evidence of the carefully studied plans for quality standardization and quantity production. It is because of this factory efficiency and volume output that Hotpoint is able to build the finest Electric Appliances in the World at prices sur prisingly low for such high grade merchandise. — The World’s Best Sellers Electric Washers, Ironers, and Vacuum Cleaners COLUMBIA UTILITIES CO. Vernonia