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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1929)
Tharsday, September 12, 1929 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Boh Mathiews was at Natal last week. Classified Advertising Classified columns close at 12 o’clock Wednesday noon. =1 the undersigned has been ap pointed administratrix of the PLANO "FOB. SALE—-Real gen- pgjj RENT one furnished ap- estate of Edwin R. Throop, de vine Krauich & Bach ” -- piano. artment and one 3 room un ceased, by the County Court of One of best pianos in Vernonia. furnished house. Apply Mrs. E. the state of Oregon for Colum Sacrificed at one seventh of its S. Cleveland Rose avenue and bia county, and has duly quali real value, $100. Cash only. In- i Columbia street. 61 fied. All persons having claims quire at Eagle office.______ 51* I against said estate are hereby I MODERN eight room house, close notified to present the same duly FOR SALE, five room house, in. Bath, toilet, lavatory, sink, double constructed, only 4 hot water, garage. Good street, verified as by law required, to minutes walk to mill. Reasonable sidewalk. Recently painted out the undersigned at her residence terms. K. W. Lamoreaux. 43* side, just papered inside. $25 in the city of Vernonia, Ore., within six months from the date per month. See J. C. Lindley at hereof. FOR SALE—Modern 3 room bank. 40tf Dated and first published house, terms. Inquire 1025 Clatsop St._________________ ltf FOR RENT 4-room modern house September 12, 1929. Last publication October 10, on First avenue. J. C. Lindley 1929. MODERN 5-room house for sale I at Bank of Vernonia. tf on the corner of First ave. Alma L. Mills Administratrix. a&d Clatsop street. See owner W. A. Harris, Attorney. MISCELLANEOUS for information. 24* FOUND ring containing 6 keys. FOR SALE—5-room house, part Inquire at Eagle office._______ 51 NATAL ly furnished. Modern. Located The William Bridgers family on corner of Weed Avenue and FOR SALE OR TRADE for house in Vernonia, Portland called at Natal Sunday. Cougar Sts. For particulars in modern house and one-half acre. quire at Eagle office. John McMullin worked last Box 278, Vernonia. 54* week for William Pringle, Jr. FOR SALE—Chickens, fryers, specially fattened at C. D. WILL TRADE FOR one-half or John McMullin was a Saturday % ton truck or car, as part Bushart, northwest Monger road. 33* payment on 3-room house and 2 caller at Mist. lots. Located on Rose avenue. Holmes was a Natal cal PEACHES FOR SALE—About Close in. See J. H. Whitsell 409 I ler Zale one day last week. 100 boxes of choice Elbertas, River street.________________ 52* i Crawfords and J. H. Holes at ! ileed Holding drove to Mist Finnegan's orchard one-half mile WANTED—anyone having old to do some shopping Tuesday. papers or magazines, who will , Stand, Cor- south of Buckeye The Pettijohn detour is now nelius, Ore. Phone 1614-W. Big donate them to the Ladies Aid the Christian church, please completed and open to traffic. arrow at corner. Come next of 51* phone Mrs. Geo. Stankey or Mrs. week. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer mo Porterfield and they will be call 61 tored to Timber last Sunday. FOR SALE 3 houses, 2 lots with ed for. double garage on A street for Carl Eiler was a business call $1000. Good terms. A. C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS er in Vernonia Friday. Brown. 51* I In the County Court of the State Mrs. Noble Dunlap was re FOR SALE—2 good singer can of Oregon for Columbia County i ported sick a few days last week. aries $5 each. 1 singer $7, In the matter of the estate of tested female 76 cents. Edith Edwin R. Throop, deceased. I | A. Green was in Vernonia Epping, 1421 Bridge St.61 Notice is hereby given that on business Friday. Professional and Business Directory For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. BEAUTY SHOPS HAULING PLUMBING ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOP Truck For Local and Long Distance Hauling ASPLAND Plumbing & Electric Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger waving, Permanent Waving. Over Horseshoe Cafe. Phone 431 QUICK SERVICE Phone 293 General Plumbing Curly Buffmire TRANSFER Phone 193 I Bafford Brothers I M. il I fe-. Mr Marcelling. Finger Wnving, permanent Wnving, Shampoo ing and Manicuring. ESSIE NANCE BEAUTY SHOP Over Corey’s Store. Tel. 222 HOTEL NEHALEM General Plumbing HOTEL Vernonia’, Oldest and most up-to-date hotel. Mrs. Grace Scott, Manager Vernonia POOL HALL BAKERS PLACE Confections Soft Drinks—Cigars Billiards and Pool LAWYERS CONTRACTOR LESTER SHEELEY JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Attomey-at-Law Vernonia, Oregon RESTAURANT Mary Kato Mason Work, Building GORDON R. WATT Attorney-at-law DENTISTS Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon M. D. COLE PHYSICIANS Dentist Vernonia, Oregon Marvin R. Eby, M. D. T DR. W. H. HURLEY Dentistry and X-Ray Hoffman Hdwe. Building Vernonia, Oregon Chop Suey Restaurant You’ll enjoy a bowl of delicious Chop Suey after the show. SHINGLE MILL Physician and Surgeon Phone 891 Re-Roof With SHINGLES From Dr. J. A. Hughes Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Vernonia, Res. Phone 664 • Oregon Lodge and Club Notices This directory of Vernonia lodges and clubs will give you quick information on meeting dates and officials. A. F. A A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. A A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, Stated Communication First Thursday of each month. Special called meetings on all other Thurs- day nights 7:30 p.m. Viaitors I mo^t cordially welcome. M. F. D. Macpherson, W. J. B. 'Wilkerson, Secretary. Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 163. O. E. S. Regular commu nication first and third Wed nesdays of each month, at Ma sonic Temple. All visiting sis ters and broth ers welcome. Mra. Ramona Lindley, W.M. Mr^Grace Reberger, Secr^ary. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 American Legion No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors i always welcome. Irma Higdon, Noble Grand. Edna Linn, Vice Grand. Marie O’Donnell, Secretary. Connie Vernonia Peat 119, American Legion. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays each month, 8 p. m. J. Covington Adjutant Anderson, commander. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HARDING LODGE IIS Meets every Monday night in the W.O.W. hall. Visiting broth ers welcome. W. Van Doren. C.C. E. Messing, K. R. S. American Legion Auxiliary Meet« fir«t and third Monday« ef each month at the Legion hall. Mrs. C. J. Nance, Pres. Mrs. P. Wideman, Sec. I » ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ .1 ■ I ■ ■■■■■■■>■■■■ ■ < 0 1. O. O. F. Dave McMullin, helped Clyde Johnson stack grtrfn last week. Miss Betrice Perry drove to Vernonia Friday to do some shopping. Di y tri but ioh Without Mrs. Reed Holding is board- ing the teacher who Is I teaching Natal school this school term. More Than « Just a Grocerv Store” William Pringle, Jr. is haul- ing logs with his truck for the Banzer boys below Mist. The school bell rang at the Natal school house Monday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn call ed on the Joe Banzer family last week. Floyd Deeds called at the home of his uncle Frank Peter son last week. Miss Alberta DeRock was a Sunday guest at the home of Millie McMullin. Mrs. Bob Linsey was at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Peterson, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn made a trip to Vernonia Tues- day. w G Ì I Pure Cane Brooms Matches Sugar An extra fine quality of straight, green straw. Five double ties. Safeway Brand, straight grain wood, no after glow, strike anywhere. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn were at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer’s Monday. .... $6.19 $1.69 Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin and family motored to Vernonia Wednesday. A Vernonia doctor was called last week for Mrs. Nels Peter son who was quite ill. Laundry Soap James McCormick made a business trip to Portand last week. Nelson Peterson and his grand son Floyd Deeds called at the home of Jake Neurer last week. White Wonder Brand. Best for laundry and general household pur poses. G Mrs. Ira Peterson and son Normand were visiting Mrs. Nels Peterson and Mrs. Noble Dun- lap last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ogg last week. Genuine Ball Masons 6 j 3 Bottles 5 Pounds . ...... 98c 3 Cans Chinese Noodles Genuine Gin Sing brand Packed in economical family sized packages. Genuine semolina. Does not cook pasty. Canned Milk Boss Brand. Big Guns No. 159. Red knit wrist lets. Maximum Brand, This milk is of the highest test, and does not have that canned milk flavor. 3cans ........... 25C 35c Doz. Pair .... $2.00 12 Can Limit Imported Soy Sauce Soy Sauce. Gin Sing Brand. The sauce that makes the noodles just right. 63c 3 lge. . Bottles. .. 53c Fresh Stock 33c 3 Dozen Safeway Brand. This flour is a guaranteed hard wheat blend. Lay in a supply now while you can still get last year’s wheat. lb. Bag Per Barrel .... $2.09 $8.09 dainty tasty cake with a crushed fig fil ling. Fine for school lunches. 55c 3 Pounds 73c Marsh mallows A healthful and harm- less confection for the kiddies. 51b. box Per Pound .... Fig Bars A 98c 23c Genuine Mason Jar Lids Mr». Stewart’s Brand. A nationally known product and does not streak the clothes. 49c 2 Bottles s Economy Lids Campbells Brand. A na tional favorite. 29c 3 Cana Canvas Gloves 2 Bottles G Maximum Brand. Made from select field ripen ed tomatoes. Pork Beans Macaroni or Spaghetti 93c 3 Pounds 2 Pair db Pints Per doz. Kerr Caps Cookers (¿‘Q Spuds guaranteed Per 100 pounds ....... .«x • D Rings and Lids Com plete. Lettuce 19c 3 Dozen 73c Muskmelons 4c Jar Rubbers grade, red rub Tomatoes 69c Heavy ber with a lip. Cold pack. Yakima Elbertas r CUCI1C9 Per Box ............ 98c 4 Dozen 29c Full Cream Í 4 i„ (y 1/ Salmon An extra fine grade of Alaska Pink. Packed in 1 lb. tall tins. 51b. roll 53c .... 83c 73c Qts. Per doz. ... 98c $2.79 •/i Gal. doz. $1.38 The Margarine of Qual ity. Try this tasty eco nomical spread. Cheese s 45c A pure fruit pectin for making perfect jelly and preserves. ....... 29c I Bottles 69c 3 Cans ... $6.29 12 Cans Per Gal. RIVERVIEW Little news has been received from Riverview this week due to injuries received by the cor respondent from a fall. Mrs. B. F. Sharp is visiting her uncle A. R. Holmes at Riv erview. Mrs. Sharp lived ât Na- tai years ago and will visit many old time friends while here. Aletha Berg and Mildred Chap man were home Sunday from Forest Grove. Neighbors sponsored a stork shower for Mrs. William Brown Thursday of last week. C. C. Henery departed last week for Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Holmes motored to Clatskanie Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Johnson of St. Helena spent Saturday here visiting at the home of Mrs. Johnson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fowler. Fruit Jars Finest grade of slightly broken and imperfect slires in large No. 21/fc tins. Vinegar Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dewart, Harry Dewart and Miss Tillie Dewart from Portland were vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer last week. The Dewarts are old friends of the Neurers. WESTIMBER Pineapple Fancy high polished long grain Blue Rose Brand. 29c 2 lge. Made from pure apple cider. Full strength. Hill re in Port spending summer Miss Lillian England who ia attending Grant high school in Portland, spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Knight went to Portland Saturday. Mr. Knight returned Monday, but Mrs. Knight will remain in town the remainder of the week. Miss Anita Schiffer and little sister Norma of Timber spent Monday with Mrs. A. R. Baird. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dudrow and nephew Percy James spent the week end in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. Klein and little son Jack spent the week end in Portland. Mr .and Mrs. J. T. Brady and children and Jack Evans of Ver nonia visited the A. R. Baird family Sunday. L. R. Kern spent the week end with his family in Portland. For cleaning, bleaching, and deodorizing. Bulk A. Melis and his son Richard finished threshing last week at Natal. They threshed for Nelson Peterson, Jake Neurer, Frank Peterson and Clyde Johnson. Miss Millie McMullin has re turned to her home from Rocka- way beach to spend a week at home before school start.;. M.>i at Millie will attend school Forest Grove this winter. Purex I Certo Mrs. Fritz Eiler and son Cur- tis are spending a few days with Fritz’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eiler. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. turned to their home land last week, after several weeks at their home at Natal. Raisins Butter This butter is the highest quality we can buy. Made from sweet cultured cream and machine wrapp- ed. Try it and note the difference. Per Pound Thompsons Seedless, A real health food. 41b. pkg. 33c 10 Bars Safeway 89c 6 Box Carton ... 17c Each 4 II Safeway Savings Friday, Saturday and Monday, Sept. 13, 14 and 16 Canning time is here and you can’t go wrong in buying your sugar at these money saving prices. Mr. and Mrs. James McCor mick were Thursday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer. * The Safeway Store in your community is much more than just "an or dinary grocery store.” It is part of a great food distributing organiza tion, with vast resources, wholly devoted to bringing you dependable foods in the most satisfactory and economical manner modern methods and constant study can devise. By comparison it will be found to offer many advantages, conveniences and economies not available elsewhere. Mr. Malmsten was at Natal last week with a new line of nursery stock. W aidport—Construction of Roosevelt highway in vicinity of this city progressing steadily. I.O.O.F.—Vernonia No> Pythian Sisters CORPS Portland—New Alder theatre 24« meets every Tuesday night Vernonia Temple «1 meets at 8 o ’ cloels, in Grange hall. Vis opened to public recently, Meets third Thursday of tach every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in itors always welcome. Ashland— Chapman-Mickelson month at the W. O. W. hall. H. E. Stevenson, N. O. memorial fountnn will be dedi COLE, M. E. C. c John Glassner, Secretary. cated in near future. Mrs. Lee Hall, president -, M. of L 4 C. DELLA CUNE, WOMENS RELIEF A Game Warden Brown was a Natal caller last week. FOR RENT FOR SALE a caller Frank Peterson and son Rich- ard were in Vernonia Saturday. Lincoln Peterson made a trip to Timber Sunday. First insertion, per word.... lc (No service less than 26c). Succeeding insertions, per word....... 6c (No service less than 16c) Black face heading*, each word counts the same as two words. Cash should accompany the order. When a statement is required the minimum charge is 30c. Page Eleven 33c 3 Dozen I ( ( ( i 73c » Safeway Market Savings Pot Roasts Choice cuts of shoulder from young Prime beef. U Shortening I • ■ W 23c 3 ibs. Ripe Olives 15c Store 228 49c ÖJ Ml Boiling Beef Selected medium size in bulk. 1 Pint Cudahy’s White Ribbon, considered by many as the best. Choice Plate, Bris ket or Short Ribs. »I ■y: Vernonia, Ore Im..... 19c Phone 741 ( I