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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1929)
Thursday, September 12, 1929 Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Page Ten FARM REMINDERS One of the surest methods of Logged-off Land Ideal For perpetuating plant diseases year year in the garden or flower bed in Oregon is to leave liaising Sheep and Goats t after the crop remains stay on the Kitchen Recitals I ground all winter, says the e«- (By H. E. McGraw, President of ers association, at which time j periment station. While it is well Columbia County Bankers’ Asn.) the following officers were elect ! to have the extra organic matter ed: returned to the 1 this is best This will be the big battle of H. E. McGraw, president; Leo ' done through making a compost the Nehalem valley alter tue Gallagher, vice-president; J. C. | pile, or at least putting the gar great war on tue virgin timber , Lindley, secretary; J. Marcey den refuse on some other part settled. I Wilson, treasurer. I of the farm. At the present time there is Ihis association under the able about 5000 acres of logged off management of its officers has ! By using fish meal as a lunu in the Nehalem valley and assisted the county court in en- source of protein for hogs the K.S tributaries. Most of this is forcing the dog license law and , percentage of protein as well as ' good lor terming when clearculwere instrumental with the the price is taken into considera- and makes the best of pasture county court in getting a gov- i tion in determining the most i Address all communications to Mrs. Mark E. Moe, Ver li seeded to a good grass mix- ernment trapper and hunter for economical source. At -ecent cur nonia, Oregon. If personal replies are desired, enclose a stamped addressed envelope. lure just after a goou bum.‘two months the past winter to rent pric, herring meal with 65 I 'ihe lorage grass growing as aid the infeMer area around per cent protein has been a lit high as three leet. Cuttle and Rainier and Goble for predatory tle more economical than salmon WARMED-OVER POTATOES Yoiks 2 eggs sheep have been fattened very animals. Several coyotes were meal at 60 per cent protein, even Potato Cake. cup bread flour successfully on this logged oil ‘ poisoned in that district. teaspoon salt though the former sold at a Shape cold mashed potatoes in Sheep are more profitable slightly higher price. A cocoa lanu and just recently iviehaieiu % teaspoon vanilla, valley lambs topped tne market than goats and it is quite com- mixture in fish meal reduces the to small cakes, and roll in flour. Beat whites of eggs until stiff mon for a 100 per cent flock feed value, finds the Oregon ex Butter hot omelet pan, put in and dry, add sugar gradually, at tne Portland stock yards. This land is assureu of abund ■ increase per year and instance of periment station, as the cocoa cakes, brown one side, turn and and continue beating, Then add brown other side, adding butter yolks of eggs beaten stiff and ant rainfall as that and the deep 200 per cent increase are known I protein is partly indigestable. as needed to prevent burning; or lemon colored, and flavoring, soil fertility is what made the 1 of in small farm flocks. However, pack potatoes in small buttered Cut and fold in flour mixed and great forests that have covered it must be remembered that pan as soon as it comes from sifted with salt, Shape four and mis valley from time immortal I your increase can only be figur- the table, and set aside until one-half inches long _ and one and with the assurance of aux- ■ ed when the lambs are ready ready for use. Turn from pan, inch wide on a tin sheet covered There for market and not the number lie lent pasture f?—— per acre. ---- cut in pieces, roll in flour, and with unbuttered paper, using a born. Statistics compiled by gov- should be no reason for failure cook same as potato cakes. pastry bag and tube. Sprinkle in the livestock game. Und'er" or- ernment employes show that the Creamed Potatoes with powdered sugar, and bake dinary conditions, the hay crop1I®?9 lamb cf°? was only “bout Reheat one and one-fourth eight minutes in a moderate is always aiways good good in in Nehalem and the1lr, c.ounty ,and „‘be cups cold boiled potatoes, cut in oven. Remove from paper with the : small acreage is all tnaij bad winter and late spring. The cubes, in two cups white sauce. j a knife. Lady Fingers are much Keeps us from recognition us a medium wool sheep are recom used for lining moulds that are Potatoes an Gratin leauing section for lorage crops. mended for this section of good do not Put creamed potatoes in but- to be filled with whipped cream Alter a successful ourn and although the fleeces tered baking dish, cover with mixtures. They are often served seeding, cattle could be pastured I weigh as much as the coarse buttered crumbs, and bake until with frozen desserts, and some successiully for a ptriod of about wool sheep. The Hampshire sheep times put together in pairs with crumbes are brown. 3 years ufter winch fern and I is a medium wool sheep and is also a very good mutton type. a thin coating of whipped cream small brush would be getting Delmonico Potatoes plentiful, bheep then could be Hampshire lambs born in Feb To potatoes an gratin add between. ruary this year from local flocks Vest Fricassee pastured for another three years weighed one-third cup grated cheese, ar over 100 pounds in Select two pounds of meat after which the successfully ranging potatoes and cheese in July, and i were goat would come into his own not in i feed lot. range fed and alternate layers before covering cut from the shoulder or loin, . Good grade Cut into small _ pieces, dredge ___ _ and brush down the young ewes sold for i with crumbs. about $12, the them with flour and brown in the hazels, vine maples and Santeed Potatoes mutton lambs I bacon drippings. Add one onion, hardwoods and brush, and leav past year and Frank Hartwick intends to Cut cold boiled potatoes . in stalk of celery and several ear about an average of 11 ing the young firs to the last were slices, s season I rotg an<| pOtatoes an cut ¡nto start a new fad on the local golf one-fourth-inch lor reforestation, or for slashing cents for good lambs. Logged course by turning out in his B. with salt and pepper, put off land properly seeded will ’■ in a cubes, cover with boiling water and burning again for pasture. pasture for V. D.’s, for his early morning hot, well greased frying Ban>; and cook gently until vegetables Much of this logged off land furnish all year games, date will be announced brown on one side, turn ana and meat are tender. Season sheep and goats and with good can be bought for $5 per acre brown on other side. hay in conjunction anil ] roper later. with salt and pepper, thicken and some seeded land can be Lady Fingers care, it would seem hard to go gravy with flour and serve with bought for that. With 10 per fanned out bird who Whites 3 eggs wrong on this class of livestock I’m the dumplings and garnish with pars- cent down payment and 10 per in the Nehalem valley. ’/a cup powdered sugar four times at the ball game ley. cent per year with interest at Bill Meyers, Thursday, said The Bankers of Columbia 6 per cent. The taxes are very county are extending every as last each time the bases were and Scotch bank president H. E. Me-1 light and if the land is to be sistance consistent with good lull, Could of knocked the old Graw gave something away last1 Pol'sh Mourning Tradition. reforested the taxes are cut to banking to further the livestock pill around the loop, but the week, but an investigation almost nothing, then making it industry in their county and the Polish tradition Is very strict ns bunch used too much found it was a bit of advice. ' regards sawmill mourning, at least In the very easy for pasturing same, luture will surely show a mark ‘shell,” to take a chance. ' case of women. .... Mourning is sig ..... - ........ The average price lor mohair ed advancement in this line. nified above all by a black bat and In many cases “love at first for the past year was about 1 — r Yingle Ness who sported a In the hard postwar years veil. sight,” has resulted in one of 55 cents, with some of the best compelled opinion to ac cane following the time he mixed the couple going cross eyed, poverty kid hair going to 65 cents. Kid Male Critics Severe on cept any dark-colored dress and snoosCj and tried to tackle after a second look. i hair does not necessarily come Work of Women Poets a his ‘lumber I coat, even at the funeral Itself. carriage at the mill, from a yearling goat, but some I The lint mid veil are worn, not If an effort were made to de times goats have unusually fine termine what elements consí ilute intends to take up the stick They say that an apple i a day only by women hut also by girls of hair and is always graded as feminine poetry, one would name again, with a nail on the end keeps the doctor away, but we . all ages from ten upward. It Is “kid.” Good grades of weathers first its chief characteristic sub of it, this time to shoot snipes notice Yakima has its share of! quite common to see a schoolgirl will clip about 6 pounds and does Jectivily. When h woman writes without bending. doctors. * | running about with a veil trailing behind her such as only an old- slightly less. Goats will not in poetry her emotions generally con No cats fashioned widow would wear In crease as fast as sheep on ac ter mound herself and she is only Doctor Pasto will be shooting' western Europe or America. in the world as some not even kindness is count of not being such good interested tiling that reflects favorably or un the roof off Deer Island at the This custom does not affect work mothers, but a kid crop of 80 favorably on her own individual evident. county fair with Vernonia made ■ ing women, since they rarely wear per cent is ordinary, where they Ity. It is usually favorable, and hats, but only shawls over their fireworks. ure well looked after and have when unfavorable, wailingly ago | Since Al. Ritchey, that shifty heads. manager of Skaggs, eyed Bozo, proper feed and housing, Both idzed, writes Herbert (». Brunchen, What became of the powerful was elected Chef de Gare of the goats and sheep should have in the North American Review. ■10 et 8, he’s installed a screen Blue Nose Admirals, who were good sheds to go to when it is As an artist it is rarely that n that Legion- to form a new political ring in raining and do much better woman can translate her emotions over eatables, so i when their places are kept dry objectively; in oilier words io com naires coming in to see him on this city? would quit eat- except for occasional showers, prebend the world and the human Legion business at his store. “Tam.” the most popular police Good flocks of grade goats can beings that are part of it, not as ing their meals dog in Vernonia, owned by G. be bought lor from $3 tu $6 they touch herself, but as they af feet the great lot of humanity. When Frank Hartwick runs W. Ford, drank from the water per head normally and the Feminine poetry, moreover, when around the bases, he looked like fountain on Bridge street, and fleeces should bring 1 from $2 to It is cheerful, is generally so in a a 1924 Chevrolet in high gear. shows little objection when the $3.50 per year. The mohair is superficial way; it is too often over- editor takes a drink afterwards. one of Oregon’s best , crops and | refined through an erroneous and Some of the business men is steadily increasing in prodtic-1 typically feminine conception of the Emil Messing our postmaster tion and ranks about third in difference between refinement and who played baseball last Thurs is the best posted man in town. day must be crooked for they the state. Texas, being far in truth. It is embroidery poetry, This comes from working in a the lead, with California, rank very apt to be sentimental and cloy- felt right at home, stealing bases. post office, handling other peo ing second. Goat meat is being Ingly sweet. Alton El liott has been nick- ple’s mail. rated as a desirable food in some And only In rare Instances does “tanglefoot,” by his markets and is said to be free I one find a poem written by a wom I named Portland—$300,000 plant will croonies on account of catching from ordinary diseases which I an where the unpleasantness and be constructed for Paper Makers' flies last Thursday. are common to other edible even tragic truths of human rela so many Chemical corporation on seven tionships have not been curefully meats. It has been rumored that our acre site in Guilds Lake district. Sheep are being grown quite censored or glossed over. extensively in this county now, and several good flocks are to be seen in the Nahelem valley and near St. Helens, Rainier and Clatskanie. There was a Colum bia county Sheep and Goat Raiser association formed last February at Rainier at a joint meeting of sheep and goat rais- ers held with the County Bank- Monkey I I Cigarette Statistic. | finds the Oregon experiment Burbot May Ou.t Codfish The United States Department station. This treatment ¡ b being The nearest fresh water relative of Agriculture says that burned or | used by some walnut growers of the cod, the burbot fisb, may burning cigarettes are discarded In . of the state for the same pur- strip its kin of honors In produc the Unlleil States at the rate of pose. The standard spray is a ing medicinally valuable oil. 170.000 a minute, or *!>0,000,000,0<X> a Scientific experiments, reported year. liAlltloa tests made with 6-6-50 solution. to the bureau of fisheries, have dem pads of dry gruss showed that a onstrated that burbot liver oil Is burning cigarette butt would «tart eight times as potent as cod liver a fire in 90 per cent of the cases oil In the treatment of rickets. with n wind velocity of three to The burbot, inhabiting the Great four tulles an hour. The cigarette lakes nnd considered a pest by fish Is one of the greatest fire hazards ermen because It tears their nets the forester knows. A trifling frac nnd preys on small fry, mny be lion of the enormous number of come a significant part In the com- butts discarded Is enough to «!«> Im mercial catch. It la believed. measurable fire damage in fore-ts. The annual catch of the fish, known also as lawyer or eel pout. wood lands nnd grass lands. was 510,972 pounds In 1927. A thorough application of bor- and shade trees Sheridan — Sheridan Milling, deaux spray to ------- - company shipped carload of ■ shrubbery in the fall will last vetch seed to California buyers1 several years, acting as a pro- recently. tection against moss and lichen, Earl Radio The Telephone One of Your Staunchest Friends It is not in idle jest when we say the tel ephone is one of your staunchest friends. Think a moment—how many times during the past year has your telephone proved to be just this. On that rainy night when you were tired and didn’t want to leave the house you merely called up and told the Smiths you were not coming—they un derstood. Remember? Then the day you didn’t feel well, you sat comfoitably at home and transacted your business and did your shopping by telephone. In torrid days you stayed in the cool comfort of your home, and again let the telephone run your errands. In case of sudden illness or emergency you depend upon the telephone to sum mon assistance—and, reliable friend that it is, it responds to your bidding. (less tu bes) HY lilies half the en joy raent radio cangive you, merely Ix-cause your set can’t get the particular station youwant? Withthc C. A. Earl’s "Hair-Line” Super-Selectivity you can pick any station you want and get it. Come in for ■ demonstration today. W Shipman West Coast Telephone Co. Vernonia Vernonia PROTECTED! E. B. Miner Delivered a Policy Which Assures The Protection and Happiness of Her Family It May Be Life, Health, or Accident Each of which is so essential The Perl For —a youthful, zestful ates charm. Ask for Life, Health, Accident, Fire, Automobile, it by its name. Or any other kind of Bob that fairly radi EXPERIENCED BARBERS Columbia Barber Shop Vernonia P o £ £ » O WEE ..PIUS MILEAGE BRIDGE STREET GARAGE, Vernonia INS U RAN C E See E. B. MINER pvh”'„X4 Resident Agent For Columbia County KEEP YOUR MONEY IN COLUMBIA COUNNTY BY GIVING YOUR BUSINESS TO E. B. MINER