VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PACE EICHT OFFICIAL BALLOT for SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELECTION of School District No. 47, Columbia County, Oregon September 3, 1029 Shall School District No. 47, Columbia County, Oregon, contract a bonded debt in the sum of $75,000 for the purpose of providing funds with which to erect and furnish a school building in and for said school district? Bonds Bonds Men of This Community Women of This Community t A New 1 School attendance in Vernonia is increasing each year. 2 Washington and Lincoln schools have already Vernonia should build its schools now—BECAUSE Grange hall, now being used for overflow classes, is unsafe and has been condemned. 4 The present Washington school addition 1 The assessed valuation of the district now is $3,000,000 and will diminish rapidly in the near future as large timber holdings are gradually cut off. lacking in safety and sanitation. 5 Good schools will boost" Vernonia and bring more business into the community. been overcrowded for two years. 3 6 To rebuild and enlarge Washington school in­ to a modern school building would cost as much as to construct an entirely new building. Is the School Child Worth Considering? Can he do his work well in an overcrowded ^lass room? Are you satisfied to send him to school in buildings which are not as safe as your own home? VOTE Tuesday, Sept. 3, Washington School Polls open from 2 p.m. until 7 p.m Paid advertisement by Citizens Advisory Committee of School District 47