Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 29, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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Grande Ronde river and 6,000
Plant Trout in Various Streams
the past year developing some
Busch, however, both boys gave
Tex Busch From the
I During the past two weeks were planted in Lost lake. Mor.
fine boxers.
Scott-Robbins Fight Was
funs u splendid amount of Many Fans From
the state game commission has than 400,000 cutthroat, were
for their money.
Under his management now is
I.-P. Camp Puls action
The scribe craves to see a re­ Out ofTown Here planted trout in various stream, planted in the north fork of
Li,,y Robbins, who fought Kid
Good Main Event Saturday! Scott last Saturday evening in
lakes of Oregon as follows: the Necanicum river in Clatsop
maivn between these two
For Every Fight and
Up Good Fight turn
Canyon creek. Grant county, county.
boys who for six rounds fought
this city, Robbk.s was a top
a fight full of action, well post­
notcher two years ago, fighting
It can not be said that the' is seldom seen these days. A main events in Pasadena, Los
Of interest to especially the
Tex Busch employed at the ed as to the size of the house
main event fought Saturday ! real honest to goodness fight, Angeles and other
____ coast
____ towns,
„.„I», I.-P. camp west of Keasey and which happened to be the small- business men of this city should
evening at the Legion hall was | with both boy battling ever min-
the fact
that with only a
vi.v puov
Jess Pettrich, substituting for est ever, since boxing has been be
skidded fv.
for the
past year, but
the cleverest,
fight ute.
is now staging a comeback and! T«d Brown fought the six round held in the local hall, but still $85 gate at the smoker last Sat­
ever fought in this city, but can 1 The three minute rounds did should soon be hitting a good semi-windup Saturday evening. giving their best, regardless.
urday evening, and a possible at­
truthfully say that no fight ever not appear to bother Scott, who|pace a(.ain towards the to„ of furnished the fans with as good
tendance of one hundred, that
staged in Vernonia during the showed a wonderful display of the ladder.
22 attended from Timber and
! a semi as has been seen in this Leave Fish Alone
past few years proved a larger grit in his splendid comeback
about 1U from the I.-P. camp
Billy Church, a 140 pound city for 8O,ne time’
surprise and a finer display of after being floored two times
In O.-A. Pond Say3
west of Keasey. From Mist and
boxer is also boxing
oiu^ for
1 Vi Lillard,
IzIlldlU, I , Busch • proved to be a fast,
grit by a local man, than the by the Portland fighter.
Birkenfeld three attended, so it
and has been l
_ _ „__
fight staged by Kid Scott,
... a straight
can be seen that one half of
During the fourth round Rob­
the first
round with
against Billy Robbins, in their bins still appeared to be the rep lately.
those at the smoker came from
Game Warden Brown advises
Roy Cress, 112 pounds, a fav­ right to Pettrich’s chin, follow-
eight round, three minute main general taking matters rather
ed by a right to the head. Pet- that bass and catfish have been nearby eamps or towns.
cool, smiling confident that he
The smoker should be support­
trich retaliated with a right-left
No argument about the longer could end the fight when he one of the best known fighters to head and body and caught a dumped into the O. A. pond ed by especially the merchants
rounds, here, both lads staged wished, but still trying his darn­
who if they personally are un­
right to the jaw in exchange.
a battle which proved to be a edest time and time again to de­ also under the manaagement of First round real snappy, lots of fish be let alone until they pro­ able to attend can purchase a
real fight, plenty of science and liver the K. O. pill, Scott wad­
ticket and mail to one of their
action, fans beaucoup excited,
still more action, from the first ing in, also determined to wear ning most of his battles during plenty satisfied, however, most
out of town customers, which
to the very last of the eighth his man down if possible.
would be the means of interest­
of the fans cheered for Busch Former Vernonia Ball
Cress is a favorite in the who was well
ing many from outside the city
During the fifth round Scott
Billy Robbins, two years ago landed the most effective blows, ring at Astoria, Longview, Kelso, camp. Busch must have
tn our smokers.
For the Frisco Seals If any activities sponsored in
fought main event battles in Los got better as the fight progress­ and other rings and also hailed plenty of previous experience,
Angeles, Pasadena and other ed, appeared to wear Robbins in Portland as a comer.
taking matters just as cool as
Curt Davis, rookie pitcher for this city are the means of draw­
coast cities, and was considered down little by little, and landed
Jimmy Dolan, 147, who is a Pettrich, both lads, however, be­
Frisco Seals, pitched the ing more people into the city on
one of the best men of his a few hard lefts to the jaw.
member of Lillard’s stable, re­ ing more than willing to mix,
Saturday evenings,
then the
game at Portland Sun­
weight on the coast
at that
Robbins seemed to slow up cently fought Frisco McGale, in and during the second round day. Davis received his start as activity would deserve the sup­
port of the merchants more than
during the fifth round, started the semi-windup at Portland stood toe to toe in the center
No doubt that the lad has to miss straight shots, but still beating the well known McGale of the ring, slugging, and ex­ a pitcher when playing for Ver­ the smokers.
slipped from the top during the trying, always out to land a to a clear finish. Dolan is hail­ changing heavy body and head nonia in 1(126, and during the
period playing here won 14 o j
past year, but his manager ad- knockout tablet to Scott.
ed by those well posted in the blows.
of 16 games which he pitched.
vises with proper training and
fight game as a sure enough
The boxers hit the clinches climber and is receiving valuable
It has been rumored that the
time that it is a possibility that
to the left ear, another right Seals have been offered $35,000
he may again hit the main event with Scott getting his breaks in training under the capable man­ to the jaw, receiving a light
left by one of the major teams for
this round. In the sixth round agement of Lillard.
stride in larger cities.
to the body in exchange.
Davis, but that the Seals are
Weighing about 118 pounds, Robbins appears to be tired,
During the third round Pet­ holding out for $50,000 which
about 22 years of age, the lad Scott takes the offensive and the
who trich landed a fast right to price was paid by the N. Y.
stages a real honest to goodness
still fights a clever fight.
was hailed with delight by the
The first round opened with rally, and slams away at the fight fans at Portland a few Busch’s chin, followed with a Yankees for Young Gomez, who
a right chop to the jaw delivered man who in the first and second months ago, has been under the left to the jaw, Busch appeared was a teammate of Davis, re­
careless in this round leaving ceiving his start the same time
by Robbins which floored Scott, round had him on the floor for wing of Mack for some time.
many good openings for Pet­ Davis did with the Seals.
after only twenty seconds of the count of nine. Scott lands a
Micky Dolan and Jack Nash, trich with the round ending in
fighting, but Scott snapped out right-left to Robbins’ head, an­
of it at the count of four, and other left to the jaw, followed both lighting at 130 pounds, are the Portland lad’s favor.
Davidson and Anderson |
Starting the fourth round with
slowly raised to his feet at the with a right, another right to two other good boxers who are
Beat Lindley and Bush
a whirlwind display of action,
count of nine, cautiously keep­
Doiun and Nash fought in this the lads centered in the center
ing out of Robbins’ reach until into the corner, Scott following
Carl Davidon and Connie An­
his head cleared up from the with the crowd on its toes, yell­ city some time ago, Dolan fight­ of the ring, exchanging blows.
ing Brady and Nash, winning Busch landed a left to Pettrich’s derson played Jule Lindley and
recent blow.
Robbins snaps out of it quick, from Dove Knight, who took the chin, another right to the head, Jack Bush Sunday in a best ball
Robbins appeared the superior
golf match, resulting in Ander­
boxer, and coolly left the im­ retreats covering up, and both count in their main event here rushes the Portland boy to the
ropes, lands a wicked right-left son and Davidson winning.
pression that he was biding his lads are centering in the ring lust winter.
time to deliver the knockout when the bell sounds, ending
It is probable that in the fu- a one-two to the chin, has the
the sixth round.
blow whenever ready.
ture many of the boxers fight- Portland boxer groggy, but fails company operating
Starting the seventh round ing for Lillard will be seen in to be able to deliver the fatal
Scott took the aggressiveness
shifts double tiwie.
and followed Robbins around the Robbins shoots a right to Scott's the local ring especially this punch, and the round ends with
ring, getting in a few good shots mouth, Scott returning a left to winter when it will be the aim Pettrich in a weakened condi­
the chest, followed with a left of the Vernonia boxing commis- tion, but managing to weather
to the head and body.
Robbins landed a right-left to to the head and another right sion to stage some of the best the fourth round.
Throughout the fight, both
Scott’s head and ear, taking a to tiie chin. Scott keeps wading cards ever staged here.
boys displayed plenty of action
weak left on the chest in re­ in, with Robbins again starting
and the fans present appeared
turn. Scott speeded
and to retreat. Scott fighting his best Campbell-Monroe In
pleased with the bout.
landed another right-left to Rob­ fight, giving the fans a display
Prelim Battle, Slow
In the fifth
bins’ mouth and chin. Robbins of grit and real sportsmaziahip,
cuffs Scott a few rights on the splendid scene in the local ring.
Uninteresting Fight lands a right-left to Pettrich’s
head, clips another right to the
cheek, the first round ending in Scott cracks Robbins a straight
right to the jaw, another left
a clinch.
Trucks leave Vernonia 10 a.m. daily
Kid Campbell of Timber, 133 ear, follows up with a series of
Leaping out of his corner at io the head, Robbins appears pounds, and Perry Monroe of short chops to the head and
the sound of the gong, begin- groggy for a second but Scott Portland featured in the curtain
ning the second round, Scott nad been fighting too hard a raiser, a four round event, in in a groggy condition hut Busch
appeals unable to follow up and
shot a series of blows to Rob­ pace, has consumed too large last Saturday’s smoker.
bins’ head and jaw, sending Rob­ amout of punishment in his fight
The fight as a whole appear­ land a knockout blow. Busch ap­
bins against the ropes. Scott to be able to take advantage of ed uninteresting, due mostly to pears contented to inflict enough
sends a right-left to Robbins’ following up and delivering the the fact that Campbell lacked punishment but cannot send the
chest, Robbins falls through the K. O. Scott lands a few punches experience, although game and real blow home.
The fifth round was Busch's
ropes, but climbs back, a second io Robbins’ head as the bell did the best he possibly could,
seventh and also that Monroe appeared* round by a wide margin.
later and fights with a renewed sounds, ending
Starting the last round with
amount of fury. Robbins shoots round.
too cautious, very careful, espec­
The eighth and last round, ially against a boxer who prob­ a spring, Busch leads off, land-
a right-left to Scott’s chin, Scott
hits the canvas again, and takes Robbins starts the affair with a ably did not have one-half the ing a right to Pettrich’s
another left to the head,
renewed spurt, fighting hard, experience of himself.
the count of nine.
left ___
Getting to his feet slowly, trying to land a straight___
The first round was Monroe’s trich appeared able to consume a
Scott sails at his opponent but right to the chin, Scott again round by a wide margin, dur­ remarkable amount of punish­
catches another one-two on the wades in, also out for a K. O. ing the first round Campbell I ment, and rallies and sends home
ear and head, reurning a mean if possible, Both boxers stood slipped, tripping Monroe who a few well balanced blows to
left to Robbins mouth and nose. toe to toe fighting like demons, had been following him around the mid-section of the I.-P. box­
Scott recovers quickly and takes with Scott again getting the bet­ the ring. Monroe landed a right er.
The decision was awarded to
up battle with renewed interest. ter in the breaks.
to jaw and head, receiving a
Robbins left to body in return. In the
Robbins and Scott travel to the
center of the ring, exchanging holding on, but is unable to de­ second round Campbell sailed in-
blows, wih Scott getting the bet­ liver the sleep potion. The fight to high gear, and staged a good MARK EVERY GRAVE
ends with Scott as lie hits his rally, for a few seconds show- Memorials in granite and marble
ter of the exchange.
at reduced prices
Scott sends a left to Robbins corner being practically all in, ing a remarkabale • burst of
head, another left to the Jaw, probably in a worse condition speed, but was met with 11 a right- WRITE FOR PARTICULARS
and retreats fast. Robbins fol­ than Robbins who also looked left to the jaw by Monroe who Oregon Monument Works
lows and lands a one-two, with as though he had been fighting seemed contented to take mat­
Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro
a right to Scott's jaw, Scott his fight of fights.
,»r •v-'O
ters as easy as possible.
Many a local boy has stayed
shakes his head, straightens up
At the end of the second
and misses a right aimed to­ put, alter hitting the floor nnd round Campbell appeared all in,
taking the count after nine, mostly due to lack of training
ward Robbins’ chin.
Scott lands a mean right to when he reully could have at­ or being short winded, and was
Robbins’ head as the second tempted to come back, but Scott hanging on for dear life when
round ends. In the second Scott who received a beaut on the the bell sounded, ending the
stages a wonderful comeback chin with wabbly knees, stood second round.
after having been floored once, up and took a terriffic beating,
Starting of the third round
and seemed to gain confidence and again was floored in the Campbell rushed Monroe to the
as the fight progressed.
ropes, landing several slow blows
The third round started with nine, but through pure grit which inflicted no damage with
a whirl, Scott takes the offen­ managed to weather the early Monroe coming back
sive and follows Robbins around rounds and staged a dandy come­ straight left to the head, fol­
the ring. Robbins aims a right back, actually winning the last lowed by a right to the left
to Scott’s jaw and misses. Scott five rounds in his favor, and ear.
lands a right-left to the head, getting credit for knocking Rob-
The balance of
followed with a left to Robbins’ bins through the ropes in the round was slow, lacked any sen-
head. Robbins shows his clever­ second round. If any fighter sational blows or display of ac­
ness in clinches, getting the best who ever fought in the local tion and would have been a re­
in the breaks. Scott lands a ring ever showed a _ grittier bat- markable opportunity for taking
right chop to the chest, Rob­ tie, 'tis time to learn his name. slow motion pictures, each blow
As a main eventer, Scott won would have been splendidly film­
bins returns with a left-right to
head and chin, Scott cracks a his spurs, and then some, and ed. The fourth anil last round,
u mean left to Robbins' head, a return match between these saw Campbell and Monroe stag­
Both boys fighting furiously, two boys should prove to be a ing in exchange of blows in the
with Scott appearing to get an great drawing card.
center of the ring, for a few
even break. The general impres-
seconds, and for the balance
sion at the ringside is that Roh- Mack Lillard, Fight
of the last round, Monroe chas­
bins waited, taking his time to
ed Campbell about the ring look­
Manager To Furnish
deliver a knockout, Scott kept
ing for an opening.
wading in, attempting also to
Boxers For Bouts Here Monroe won the decision.
land a K. O. but his punches
probably gettting three rounds
nppeared to lack the necessary
Mack Lillard who manages n with the second round being
TNT to deliver the goods.
string of well
prize called a draw.
The third round ends with an fighters in Portlnnd paid this
even break for both boys.
city his first visit last Saturday
Throughout the entire fourth evening, in an official capacity,
round, the boxers kept the fans in the corner of some of his
on their feet, fighting like a boys who were engaged on the
couple Trojans, centering in the card August 24.
corners, center, and all parts
A likeable fellow, interested
of the ring, battling, but never in the welfare of his boxers,
wasting one minute in wasteless outlining a rigid training cam­
chasing each other, hut really paign for his men, Lillard has
Whether you want meats
There’s quite a difference
giving that rare display which been wonderfully successful in
for hot or cold weather, we
Cason Transfer
Local and Long Distance
Phone 923
Office in
Wcrkingmen’s Store
223,000 rainbow; Big Boulder
creek, Grant county, 5,000 rain­ Adama-Pettijohn
bow; Clear creek. Grant county,
Junior Prelim Here
2,500 rainbow; Granite Boulder
creek, Grant county, 6,000 rain
The junior preliminary fought
bow; North Fork Malheur river,
10,000 rainbow; Blitzen river, Saturday evening at the smoker
Harney county, 10,000 rainbow; in the Legion
_____ | Young Adams and Slim Petti-
Anthony creek, Baker county,
_ „ john in a four round two min-
10,000 Eastern Brook;
1 ute event.
Baker c
Powder creek,
5,000 rainbow; Antelope creek, | I Both lads furnished the fans
Baker county, 5,000 rainbow; with a fair display of action
Eastern which kept the house in an up-
Wallowa lake, 20,000
_ ,___ _______
_ _ plant-1 roar especially the last round
Brook. ___
In _______________
Klamath county
ings were made of Eastern Brook which contained
■ as * follows:
”----- Crystal creek,
----- 1. 1 *1 than
—previous rounds.
18,000. In Union county 4,0001 The lads were
rainbows were placed in
the draw.
As good as its ingredients that are
used ¡0 it
We have always used the best
Mother’s Bread
Has maintained its standard
for years. Demand the best
of your grocer
Truck Line
Fcr Freight and Orders Phone 1041
If It’s
You may be sure it is sold to your
local merchant by
Pacific Fruit & Produce Co
What is Your
Grocery Bill?
Wholesale and Retail
at the end of the month be­
tween your food bill else­
where and here. But there’s
no difference in the quality
of the costliest eatablesand
those offered here.
Phone 7F5I
Meats for
All Temperatures
are always fully stocked
with a plentiful supply for
both. In asking for sugges­
tions for a menu, do not
worry about quality, for
the best is assured.
Nehalem Market & Grocery
See E. B. Miner Phone 234 for that Insurance
Health, Fire, Auto or Life
Covering all of Columbia county. District manager of Mutual Benefit
Health and Accident Association. Representing only the largest and
best Insurance Company.
“Have you your health and accident Insurance’’