THURSDAY, AUGUST 2>, IP» VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO Society News Mrs. Wayne Lappe, Phone S73 Society Reporter Fraternal Clubs t Glendale—$8,000 garage bund­ Eugene—Contract will b e Friends Sponsor John are spending the day with Members Local Unit Mrs. J. A. McNeil, Mrs. F. M. Local Golf Course ing to be erected on corner of Younger Set Attend awarded soon for building Fire­ their aunt, Mrs. Russell Stanton Ruhl, Mrs. M. Gründen, Mrs. J. Shower In Honor Of Auxiliary Visit The Pacific avenue and Third street Popular With Local stone Tire company distributing Dancing And Social IC. Lindley, and Mrs. A. L. Kul- at Treharne. Mrs. Claude Gibson for Glendale garage. plant in this place. New Veterans Hospital Young and Old Here Edgar Crawford is home from | lander. Activities Week Ends Not only is the tired business Bible school at 10 a.m. Morn­ man among the golf enthusiasts ing sermon at 11, evening ser­ ut the local course, but the busy housewne as well. Every mon at 8. Children and parents receive day many of the younger ma­ a hearty welcome in all classes trons of Vernonia are seen on of the Bible school. Both the the local course and are develop- men and ladies classes are wel! ing into healthy specimens of attended. Come with the family I American womanhood. and enjoy these interesting According to a local physician classes. the exercise taken to get the C. F. Swander, the state sec­ proper golf form, together with retary from Portland, is expect­ the two mile walk around the ed to conduct the morning and course will be the making of evening services. those who have ills, real or Last Lord’s day two adults re­ fancied. sponded to the invitation given Among those who are seen on by F. C. Stephens, who has been the links are Mesdames, J. A. called to Vernonia pastorate L ndley, H. E. McGraw, E. E. and who will locate here next Yeo, F. Hartwick, E. S. Thomp­ Aunt Sally Spencer week and will be ready to give son, O. T. Bateman, F. E. Mc- Guest Of Auxiliary service whenever and wherever Pherson, J. H. Bush, K. A. Mc- needed. Neill, J. A. Childs, Misses Na Aunt Sally Spencer was de­ dine Schow, Helen Hieber and Evangelical Church New» lightfully surprised at the last Della Cline. The monthly meeting of the meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary when the members at­ Women’s —Missionary society will tending, showered »»er with gifts be held at the Evangelical church to be used on her journey east ■ Wednesday, September 4, at 2 as a National delegate to the o’clock p.m. The monthly business and so­ Women’s Relief corps. cial meeting of the seniors and entertainment societies will be Í1L Mrs. J. W. Brown Is held in the social hall of the Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hostess to Bridge Club church Friday r i evening, Septum- Now, Monday, August 26, a — - I her 6, at 7:30. baby boy. Mrs. J. W. Brown was hostess Evangelical Church Tuesday afternoon to the Bridge i Miss Shirley Cole was the club at its bi-monthly meeting. | Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. house guest of Mrs. W. C. Mrs. A. J. Hughes substituting > Lesson 1 __ __ subject “Ezra’s Return Reithner Saturday. for Mrs. W. R. Meyer received t() „„ Jerusalem, _________ ” The theme for A. McGillvary, agent for high score. | 11 a.m. will be on Labor day, the K. Union Oil company of Cali- A beautiful gift was given to, “Labor is Power.” fi rniu, with headquarters at St. Mrs. A. J. Black a rqgular mem­ The young people meet at Helens, spent Tuesday in this ber of the club who is leaving 7 p.m. subject “Being Loyal to city, and also inspected the new for Colorado today to make her our Work.” The sermon subject Eagle printing office. | at 8 p.m. will be, “The Value future home. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Yoe Others who attended wore: of an Education.” chased the Stankey home Mrs. E. A. G reen substituting local tv.o lots last week. The home Roseburg—Grading of for Mrs. R. A. Space, Mrs. F. g for airport will be stai teli soon. _ was formerly occupied by Mr. E. McPherson substitutin i Stankey before he moved on the Gooding property. Many of the younger set are still ardent devotees of dancing and every Saturday night many of them drive to Timber or Rip­ pling Waters to attend the dances there. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman and Mrs. E. E. Yeo chaperoned a number of those who attended the dance at Rippling Waters Saturday night. Those attending were, .Misses Betty Ann Culver, Amy Hughes, Helen Hieber, Alma Kullander; Messrs, Thor Roberts, Bodie Hieber and his guest Norman Sorenson, Morris Bennett, Don­ ald Hodges and A. Norgorden. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Locals Kitchen Recitals (By Mrs. Mark E. Moe) Address all communications to Mrs. Mark E. Moe, Ver­ nonia, Oregon. If personal replies are desired, enclose a stamped addressed envelope. Mr. and Mrs. Frank returned Friday from dry's trip by motor to C.ty, Calif. They drove way ol' tile Roosevelt returning by way P..SS and Roseburg. his vacation, -his cousin Steward returning with him from Forest Grove. Mrs. Geo. Jones is at home from St.' Helens where she has been employed at the Arcadia hotel. Members of the American Le­ gion Auxiliary drove to Portland Tuesday to visit the Veteran’s hospital and to bring sewing, jams and jellies to the veterans. One of the objects of the Auxiliaries is to keep the Vet­ Albany—$24,800 contract is eran’s hospital supplied with al) articles of need awarded to build 2.6 miles road necessary covers water pitcher on Quartzville mineral and tim­ which covers, stand covers, pillows for ber belt. Mr. and Mrs. John Rosa spent the sun room, pillow covers of bright cretonnes, etc. Each unit the week end in Portland. Keno—Weyerhaeuser Timber furnishes the materials and do the sewing under specified company building railroad in vir­ all regulations. They also keep the gin forest. hospital supplied with the lux­ Salem—$150,000 grandstand uries not supplied by the hos­ under construction at i Oregon pital, such as jams, jellies, etc. State fairgrounds. The members upon arriving at St. Helens—Sash and door the hospital were conducted factory started here. through the hospital by Mrs. Eugene—Construction will George Weber, state hospital ■ start soon on 60-foot truss chairman of the American Le­ bridge on Champion creek road gion Auxiliary. on way to Bohemia mine field.I Roseburg—Pear picking start- Attend Picnic at The ed in Umpqua valley. Tillamook — Tillamook B a y- Weed Home, St.Helens ocean company completed con­ struction of reservoir for power Twenty members of the Wo- system. Natatorium also reroof- men’s Missionary society of the ed. Evangelical church drove in four Grading work on nine miles cars to McNulty Thursday to at­ stretch of road between Madras tend a picnic at the home of and Grizzly completed. Sheriff Weed. Mrs. Weed arrang­ Wheeler—Construction work ed tables on the lawn for her underway on Lommen bridge. guests. Beaverton—Building at corner Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plumer of Front and Watson streets .to.................................... .. from a va- who were returning be razed to make way for con- cation of several days in Wash- struction of new home for Bank ington arrived at the Weed home of Beaverton. in time for the picnic. ing. Adjust cover, pack in salt Dutch Apple Cake mid ice, using equal parts, let 1 cup scalded milk stand 2 hours. % cup butter Grandmothers Pound Cake ’A cup sugar 1 cup butter '/3 teaspoon salt 1 % cups sugar 1 yeast cuke 5 eggs 2 eggs 2 cups flour. 2% cups flour Work butter until creamy, Melted butter add sugar, gradually, while beat­ 5 sour apples ing constantly. Add eggs one at % cup sugar at time, , beating vigorously be- teaspoon cinnamon tween 1 the addition of each, 2 tablespoons currants Mix first four ingredients. When the mixture is of a creamy When lukewarm add yeast cake, (consistency, fold in the flour, eggs unbeaten, and flour to I and turn into a buttered and make a soft dough. Cover let I floured cake pan. Bake one hour rise, beat thoroughly, and again in a slow oven. let rise. Spread in a buttered dripping pan as thinly as pos­ sible and brush over with melt­ ed butter. Pare, cut in eighths, I and remove cores from apples. Press sharp edges of apples into the dough in parallel rows Service Night and Day lengthwise of pan. Sprinkle with ' sugar mixed with cinnamon and ; sprinkle with currants. Cover,I let rise, and bake in a moderate oven thirty minutes. Cut in squares and serve hot or colil with whipped cream sweetened and flavored. Mrs. Claude Gibson was hon­ Frances Lappe To ored by a shower Friday after­ Attend Junior Collega noon at the home of Mrs. R. F. Mitchem. Those attending At U. of California were Mesdames, A. H. Savage, W. A. Hutchins, R. L. Stubbs,. N. Hammack, D. Purvis, R. L.' Miss Frances Lappe who left this summer for San Francisco Tyron and M. M. Martin. to visit relatives will attend the Junior college in Sacramento this Heppner—Rapid progress be­ fall. The Junior college covers Rainier—$5,000 school build­ ing made on construction of up­ the first two years of the Uni­ of California major ing to be erected for Hudson per end of Willow creek market versity courses. road. school district. Why Pay More Than At School Supplies School Books New Fall Dresses Arrive Hartwick a four Crescent down by highway Grants Reynolds gave dinner to the Jolly 20 club on Wednesday while they picked wool enough for two mattresses. Those present were, Mrs. J. O. Libel of Birkenfeld, Mesdames E.'.stman, Devine, McGee, Buck- ley, Rachiel, Wallace, Tanyer, Dowling, Bridgers, Lane, George ard Sundland, Miss Holmstrom was a dinner guest. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Nelson and daughters Phyllis and Mar­ garet and Elmer Johnson were guests of J. H. Sell and daughter at dinner Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin ons Robert and Jimmie and daughter Marie, went with Mrs. William Bridgers and Alberta De Rock to Rockaway beach to visit Miss Millie McMullin last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nicar vis- ited friend in Portland .Sunday. Madras— Construction under way extending from foot of Cow Canyon to Klamath Falls. »Miss Jennette and Maxine Rogue River—Bridge to open after being closed for repairs. Hillsboro—County Court open- ed bids for installation of sprinkling system for courthouse grounds. Salem—Rapid progress being made on construction of $150,- 000 grandstand at Oregon State fairgrounds. In beautiful crepe satins, geor­ gettes, flat crepes and velve­ teens, fashions of the hour, smartness in workmanship with pleats, circular skirts, tailored effects, jabots, lace, jewelled ornaments, buckles and rows of tucks. Legion hail SATURDAY August 31 86.90 to $14.75 Music by Gold Derby Orchestra American Legion Benefit y FECIAL SELLIN«, Children's footwear P ower D etsxtfbon with the NEW—4-5 Tubes Childrens school shoes for either little boys or girls, in a brown leather with stitch down soles, roomy last. Sixes 5 to 8 priced at ................ vl VU Sixes 8H to 11 priced at ................. V1 Ou The Horseshoe Cafe Chantilly Potatoes Prepare as for boiled potatoes, using small potatoes, and trim egg-shaped, parboil ten minutes, drain, place in a baking pan, and bake until soft, hasting a few times with butter. Frozen Orange Whip 1 cup sugar *4 cup water Grated rind 2 oranges ti cup orange juice 1 pint heavy cream 2 oranges. Boil sugar and water until syrup will thread when dropped from tip of spoon. Add grated rind and orange juice, cover and keep warm one hour, then cool. Beat cream until stiff anil add, gradually, the orange syrup. Cut oranges in halves, crosswise, and remove pulp and separate in­ to small pieces. Pour juice from the two oranges into a brick mold: then put in alternate lay­ ers of cream and orange pulp until mould is filled to overflow - Keil liner s GirJs bjacfc or brown school oxford»» new styles, good fitting last, sixes 2 to 7 low heals, priced £9QQ the Miller way 30 Boys smoked elk leather athletic toe atyle blucher style in sizes 10 to 5H. A regular $3.35 value in a discontinued style $198 High school boys oxfords in black or tan leather blucber style, welt soles in a good appearing style sixes 6 to 10 pria- tQ.AQ ed the Miller way Vvfl Always Something New al Rrilhncr’s ( ’llil