Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 15, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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Some of them have started to
cut their grain.
From page 4
Albert Schmidlin of Brauns I An old time social evening
spent Friday in Vernonia shop­ was spent at the W. Erven home
'last Saturday. Those present
Mrs. C. W. liarrison of Port­
Lloyd Baker motored to Port­
land spent Sunday with her bro­ land Friday, returning to this
ther, Wm. Aspland.
city Saturday with Mrs. Baker.
Vernon Turner and Earl Wag­
The McGraw family and Hart­
ner of Portland called at the wick family enjoyed a picnic
McGraw home on Saturday.
luncheon at Arcadia park on
Elmer Erickson of St. Helens Sunday.
spent Monday in this city
Alex MacPherson from Nam­
pa, Idaho, while in Portland on
Mrs. Dan Brown returned to business, dropped into Vernonia
Portland with Mrs. Sam Simp­ for a few days last week to
visit his sister, Mrs. W. Erven
son for a few days visit.
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Godwin
J. H. Sell
and daughter and Mrs. A. L.
Bassett and children spent Sun­ ! Grace entertained on Sunday
| at dinner the following friends
day at Seaside.
land neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Yeo and ’ Erven and son Fred, Mr. and
family attended the Oregonian Mrs. M. W. Fish, Mrs. Jean
picnic, Sunday
at Gladstone Enos and daughter Eileen.
were Mr. and Mrs. Erven and
Mrs. Sam Simpson and fam­ son Fred, J. II. Sell and daugh­
ily spent Sunday at the home ter, Grace, Mr. and Mrs. M. W.
Mrs. Jean
Enos and
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fish,
daughter Eileen. Lots of home
Wm. Aspland.
made ice cream was served dur­
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lappe ing the evening.
were Portland visitors on Fri­
Professor and Mrs. J. F. San-
day, returning to this city the Itee and sons, of Monmouth, Mr.
same evening.
and Mrs. A. F. Struchen and
sons of McMinnville and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Cason ¡J. A. Santee of Vancouver were
and children spent a few days week end guests at the Ben
of last week at Seaside and Bennett home.
Cannon beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Simmons
who have made their home in
Mrs. Sarah Spencer visited at
Vernonia for the
years, have moved to Portland. the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J.
Johns of Kist Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenfeldt
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Mills mo-
of Dad’s Sandwich shop and
son Earl Carter spent two days I tored to Ryderwood and back
at Seaside this past week.
Omar Nickerson spent a few
Alex MacPherson and sister,
Mrs. W. Erven and son Fred days at Banks last week with
Erven spent last Thursday in his brother, Evert Nickerson.
I.esray Norris moved into one
Mrs. W. G. Walker of Banks of the Foust houses on the Spen­
and Norma Jean and Betty Jane cer flat Tuesday.
Heltzer of Portland were guests
Mrs. E. Lloyd and son Jewel
at the McGraw home over the
motored to Forest Grove Friday
week end.
to visit Mrs. Lloyd's brother.
Gene Purney, Lester Sheeley
Mr. and Mrs. David McMullen
and Arthur Fenner motored to
Longview last Saturday to at­ of Natal visited Mrs. McMul­
tend the Longview Rolleo con­ lin’s parents at this place Sun­
day, Mr. and Mrs. John Estes.
Miss Willie Burnham of Clats­
Professor and Mrs. L. A. Mul­
lins of Indianapolis are visiting kanie is visiting at the home of
for a few days last week at the her sister, Mrs. Merle Cline, of
home of Mr. Mullin’s sister, Mrs. this place.
Victor Haight and family.
Cecil Tipton was over from
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Lundeen Ryderwood, Wn., over the week
and children of Keasey, Captain end visiting relatives. He return­
and Mrs. Kirby and Mrs. West ed Tuesday.
of Westport spent Sunday at
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler
Arcadia park.
and son Kenneth returned home
Chas. T. Early of Portland Saturday after spending a weofc
who had been spending most of visiting friends and relatives in
last week in this city left Fri­ St. Helens.
day to spend the week end with
Evan Hall came home from
his family at Seaside, where Ryderwood, Wash., last Sunday,
he maintains a summer home. where he has been working on
Mrs. Sarah Spencer, Mrs. Tom the Mills company right-of-way
Bateman, Misses Beulah Watten- contract.
barger and Selma Scott, G. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Lesray Norris
Ford and L. Schwab were some and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Norris
of those from Vernonia who at­ and Donnie Lott motored to Sea­
tended the Longview Rolleo last side and Cannon Beach and back
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Washburn
Mrs. Mat Blair and daughter,
departed from this city Sunday Opha Sturges of Millplain, Wn.,
for a trip to Kalispell, Mont., and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Toby of
to visit relatives. The Washburns Vancouver, Wn., visited Mrs.
will return to this city in about Sarah Spencer Tuesday. Mrs.
two weeks.
Blair and Mrs. Spencer are cou­
Mrs. Lloyd Baker who had sins.
been in a Portland hospital for
Mrs. Emma Greener was call­
a few weeks secovering from an ed to Hillsboro Friday to the
operation, returned to her home bedside of her father, Mr. Zim­
Saturday and is reported to be merman, who died shortly after
in an improved condition.
she arrived. He had been ill
Mrs. C. W. Wardle returned with apoplexy. Mrs. Greener re­
last Wednesday from Corvallis turned Sunday to her Jiome here.
where she has been visiting for
A complete stock of the fam­
a month while Mr. Wardle has
been on a trip to British Co­ ous Schaeffer gift time pens at
Kullanders Jewelry store.—adv.
The best cheap watch and
Gentry Blankenship was strick­ alarm clocks that can be bought
en with acute appendicitis last at Kullanders Jewelry store, adv.
Wednesday and was rushed to
the St. Vincent’s hospital where
he underwent an immediate op­ MARK EVERY GRAVE
eration. At the present time he Memorials in granite and marble
is convalescing rapidly.
at reduced prices
Script, the successor to ink.
Makes your fountain pen write Oregon Monument Worlu
like new, at Kullanders Jewelry Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro
Cason Transfer
Local and Long Distance
Phone 923
Office in
Workingmen’s Store
Truck Lino
For Freight and Orders Phone 1041
with built-in
Alive With Spirit
and the will to go
A twater K ent
S cbee ^ v - G rid
R adio — /or immediate
No waiting here for thia newest and astound-
ingly powerful Atwater Kent. You can have it
as soon as you order it—and yon’ll want it aa
soon a« you hear it.
It’s a revelation in everything! Tone! Power!
Selectivity! Beauty! Simplicity! Economy! De­
pendability! And there’s no red tape about our
service or our easy terms.
Electro-Dynamic, of courac!
Drop In and Hear—
Wholesale and Retail
When you plan on purchasing
a Radio
Or let us demonstrate by
installing one in your home
“See Hoffman About It’’
Phone 7F5I
up to play golf on the Verno­
Ladies bracelet watches, guar­
nia golf course.
fl -.teed, from *4.60 to <75, at
Mrs. Staley, Miss A. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis and Kullanders Jewelry store.—adv.
were at Treharne on Thursday. children and her sister motored
to her parents home at Astoria
Mr .and Mrs. 11. Webb were last week.
Vernonia shoppers last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnes,
Otis Hyland Is hauling hay Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barnes and
for Chas. Uhlin.
children spent Sunday on the
Mrs. Miller was a Vernonia Nehalem river.
shopper last week
Mr. and Mrs. E. Kelley and
Marvin Hull was in Vernonia daughter Mrs. W. Beaver, Miss
Ethel Kelley were at the river
on Monday.
on Tuesday evening.
Wilma Glassner spent the af­
ternoon with Dorothy Webb.
Mrs. Oowliag’s Daughter III
Because of the illness of her
Mr. and Mrs.
Lisenbee small daughter, Mr. A. A. Dowl­
were in Vernonia on Saturday. ing, the Eagle correspondent at
E. Forstling’s son and family Mist, was unable to gather and
from Kings valley are visiting write the Mist news this week.
Dr. Sandifer, an eye specialist
Mr. «nd Mrs. E. Renels and of Portland, will be at the home
family were at Vernonia
on of W. R. Johnson of Mist to
examine and fit or treat anyone
Mrs. J. Munger and son Gar­ desiring his services Monday and
land called at the home of Mrs. Tuesday, August 19 and 20. adv. I
A. Stanton on Thursday.
W. R. Johnson of Mist was
Mrs. Ira Peterson spent Fri­
a caller at Natal last week.
day with her sister, Mrs. Lee
it. The plan seemed an excellent
A. Green was in Vernonia
Friday to do some trading.
Frank Peterson was a caller
We gathered more weapons,
John McMullin was shopping at the Henry Price home Satur­
while Doctor Schulti-Ewarth and at Mist Saturday.
his man, on thetr long ramble», be­
gun the construction of the cave.
Wm. Pringle Jr. made a trip
Mrs. Noble Dunlap drove to
Things progressed rapidly. Then Vernonia Monday of last week. to Scofield on
the Armistice came. If It had been
delayed a week, there would have
Carl Filer was a caller at the
been another escape at Motulhh
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn
Jake Neurer ranch last week.
spent Monday at Vernonia look­
After the Armistice, we were
Dan May of Riverview was a ing after some business.
prisoners for four more months on
the north island near Auckland, Natal business caller Sunday.
Edward McMullin, employed
but were allowed visitors.
Reed Holding is employed by by the fire association at Bux­
When the day on which we were
to snll for home drew near, the Matthews brothers falling timber. ton, spent the week end at home
with his family.
president of the Soldiers’ Moth­
Leo Graham and his boh Dick
ers' league visited me and wished
Mr. and Mrs. Don Williams
me a pleasant trip on behalf of
and son Bobbie called Tuesday
the mothers of 80.000 soldiers. She
Richard Peterson was working at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
said she came because New Zea­
land's sons who had been war pris­ for Oliver Burris last week.
Jake Neurer.
oners Io Germany had returned
Imine in good health to their moth­
Mrs. Jake Neurer and Mrs.
ers. Therefore, she considered It Eiler on business Tuesday.
I.eo Graham were Saturday vis­
her duty to pray God that I, too,
Frank Peterson and son Rich­ itors at the home of Mrs. Lee
might soon be restored to my moth­
ard were in Vernonia Saturday. Osburn.
er’s arms.
So at last we sailed away from
Mrs. Edward McMullin and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Linsey
New Zealand, “the land down un­
daughters, Evelyn and Stella,
Koster Products company are
der,” where we had had the last
spent one day last week at the getting out gravel in the Ne­
of our adventures, enjoyed u few
Reed Holding drove to Mist Carl Eiler home.
halem river on the Hult place.
hardships, spent many weary nnd
delightful lours, and met many hos­ Saturday to do some buying.
Mrs. Annie McMullin spent
Mr. and Mrs. Smith and chil­
pitable and kindly people. On the
Miss Beatrice Perry drove to
whole, I have happy memories of Mist last week to do some shop last week at Mist with Mrs. Wm. dren spent the day with Mr.
Bridgers, during the absence of Smith's brother’s family.
the Antipodes.
Mr. Bridgers and the DeRock
In July of 1019 1 stepped on Ger ping.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neurer
mnn soil again and hurried home,
The Reed Holding family mo­
and daughter returned to their
just In time to pass a few weeks tored to Clatskanie Sunday to
Mrs. Carl Eiler returned to borne in Portland.
with my father, who died on Sep­
her home last week after spend­
tember 3. The old warrior held spend the day.
Mrs. Harold Field of Hood
ing a few weeks at Newport
steadfast In .his faith In the Fa­
Pete Knowles and son Earl
therland to the last. But to Ills dy­ were at the Bud Baldrige place with her daughter, Mrs. Henry River is visiting her parents,
Rudeman. Mr. and Mrs. Eiler Mr. and Mrs. Archie Koplin.
ing hour he was filled with regret
because his government would not Monday.
are the proud grandparents of a
Sidney Malmsten was out tak­
let him take un active part In the
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs. ing orders for nursery stock on
Great war.
drove to Vernonia Friday even­
Thursday evening.
On January 3, 1920, all my men
returned—that Is, all save one. ing.
The Dalles—A’rport will be
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Tlielr clothes were faded from the
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer
her» in the near and family were Vernonia shop­
tropical sun and corroded by the were visiting Sunday at River­ established
pers this week.
sea water, but they returned with­
Bids opened for grading 5%
out a stain upon either tlielr honor view.
Mrs. H. Smith and children,
miles of the Elgin-Weston forest
or tlielr-loyalty.
Mrs. Wm. Pringle has her
Mrs. L. Smith and family were
The only gap In our ranks after small nephew staying with them highway.
Vernonia shoppers last Saturday.
those long adventures was the ex­
Gents strap watches, the best,
cellent Doctor Pietsch, our ship sur­ this summer.
Carrol Farrer and David Ba­
geon. The news of Germany’s col­
Mr. and Mrs. James McCor­ $5 and up at Kullanders Jewelry ker of Portland shopped at the
lapse reached the remote part of mick and children were visiting store.—adv.
home of S. Baker. They went
Chile where he was living. When
he heard It, he fell dead of heart at Natal Sunday.
Game Warden Brown was a
Returned to my beloved Father­ guest at the home of Mr. and
1 found so many things Mrs. Bud Baldrige last week.
changed and different from what 1
had hoped.
In tills connection,
Mrs. Lee Osburn was ill a few
there is one memory always before days last week and confined to
me. It is my mother. I was sit­
ting at her sick bed when even her home.
(lie doctors had given up hope. Only
A gang of men at work last
then did I realize how much I
loved her, but I also realized week were moving telephone
Truck« have Vernonia 10 a.m. daily
with sorrow and regret how much poles near Pittsburg.
more I should have done for her.
$Ir. and Mrs. Lee Osburn mo­
Exactly the same feeling 1 have to­
day when 1 find my country lying tored to Portland Saturday, re­
low. Never have I loved my home­ turning the next day.
land so much as now.
Many of the farmers of this
vicinity are still making hay.
You’ll be convinced
Hoffman Hardware
Once you drive a new Dodge Six, you’ll never cease to marvel at its dash, its vim,
its sparkling alacrity. It is so much more than just a piece of machinery. It is
fairly surcharged with life and animation—alive with spirit and the will to go. It
typifies the finest, most modern design and construction. In the quality of its ma­
terials and the precision with which it is manufactured, it is unsurpassed. Scores
of other refinements give the new Dodge Six a zest, a smoothness and flexibility
unapproached by any other car comparable in price. It is, indeed, an unmatched
J— r*. : -
Eight Body Styles: $945 to $1065 f.o.b.
Chrysler Motors Product
The Reliability Car of The Year
“Reliability is dominately associated with all that Es­
sex the Challenger stands for. The experience of more
than 200,000 owners, with the lowest record of service
cost and requirements, has established it outstanding­
4 Hydraulic shock absor­
bers—Starter and electric
guage for fuel and oil on
dash—radiator shutters,
windshield swiper, rear
view mirror—new type
action 4-wheel brakes.
ly as “the Reliability Car of the Ynar.”
The winning of the Tour
classic, in which two Es­
sex Challengers were the
only cars to make per­
fect scores, in a field of
and European entries, is
but dramatic evidence of
the kind of Reliability
Essex records are coun­
where you live, you will
probably find Essex prov­
ing beet in reliability.
St Helens
and up—at factory