19* / FOUR ■ um 9 . THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, ISIS VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON I. .■ . . . ______ 11 ' ______ 1_____________ — THE FLOWER SHOW With the announcement this week by the Gar­ den club of Vernonia, their classifications of floral exhibits for the annual flower show, which is to be held this year in the Legion hall August 31, Ver- nonians will recognize that a tradition is being established here which is reacting as a benefit to the community. Made up mostly of members who were intense­ ly interested in the growing of flowers for their own pleasure and to add to the beauty of their homes, this organization has extended its activities to the beautification of the community—and their method can only be by example. It is not and never will be within their power to dictate to any resident concerning the improve­ ment of the place in which he or she lives, but with each member of the Garden club improving her own home—and these homes of the members are located in all sections of this community—the example thus set will spread to their next-door neighbors and thus keep going until the whole of Vernonia will be a beauty spot of green lawns, at­ tractive shrubs and flowers. This flower show, which will have been the second held by the club in two years, has rules which prohibit no one from displaying flowers, only segregating amateur growers and dealers, with all encouraged to display blooms in order to make the show the best possible. The Vernonia Eagle and other business houses were the recipients this week of bouquets of flowers from members of the Garden club, who started three weeks ago to give bouquets to every business establishment here. This is but a part of the work of the members of the club to encourage the growing of flowers in this community and thus improve the town. NEED CLEAN UP DAY Hundreds of visitors will be in our city Oct­ ober 3, attending the met ting of the Lower Colum­ bia Associated Chambers of Commerce. Tours will be conducted through the city, to the big mill and to the new golf course. Let all cooperate with the local Chamber of Commerce by making their pre­ mises as attractive as possible, so that the city will be presented at its best. A clean up day should be sponsored soon, to dispose of the rubbish which has gathered during the past year. In the present campaign for improv­ ing the sanitary conditions of Vernonia, a general clean up plays an important part, and especially this time of the year, the waste and rubbish on dif­ ferent premises is a great fire hazard. ' • ount. 'set s get up a show tor Christmas. u play.” Show, play, thealer—that was an idea for me. "t'ertuhil.v I will,” 1 replied. “I often got up shows lu the navy. We will have ¡i theater iiere ut Motullil that will beat the best th Berlin. But you must leave everything to tue. 1 will direct everything.” •'All right," they said. yl got p- emission from the com­ mandant to produce the allow. lu fait, lie waved quite enthusiastic about It. Xot only would It give I the prl oners something to du, but It would also provide amusement for the Jailers Idle on the Island was mighty boresome to all of them. In a little while the prison camp was humming with preparations for the gri nd spectacle 1 was going 1» stage. ’I'lils was the cover un­ der which my fellows am' 1 pre­ pared all of our equlpmmt for our escape. It deluded lie-* guards, and also tooled the prisoners whom we couldn't take with us. When we wanted material, always ap­ parently Innocent things, we asked for it and sold It was for the show. When we built anything. It was for the show. We even built n wireless set out of things supposed to lie for our grosses slmuspielhaus. We made bombs out of tin cans and guncot­ ton that Imd already been procured. The bombs Imd fuses that could be lighted from a cigarette. One of my men worked on n farm In the interior of the island, and got a lot of dynamite and blasting pow­ der u ■ d in blowing up stumps. We stole a couple of pistols from the camp arsenal. We made a fake contrivance which looked like a perfect Lewis or Maxim machine gun. Imt It worked well enough and it looked even more formidable. Cadet von Zartowsky took oddsand ends mid made n sextant that after­ ward took us fifty nautical miles oil out course, pretty fair, consider lug llie circumstances. We Imd no great trouble In hiding away it ciiL idenible supply of food in Hie air chambers of the motor b it <>f course, I not only talked i t elaborate plans for the supposed theatrical events that I was itlrecthi". hut 1 also Imd the prisoners prepare a lot ot bona-ti<>k ns the Iris with the Moa In tow steamed Into bar bor, the victor of the Buttle of the Kermadecs. We were Jailed nt Mount Eden the local prison ot Aucklund, as n punishment for our flight. For a calaboose. It was not bad. Aftei twenty one days there, we were ills triliuted among various prison cmu(>s. Klrcheiss mid I went to Elver island near Lyttelton on the south Island of New Zealand. Even the yard of our prison In Fort Jer- vols was a veritable cage. It was screened not only around, hut also across the top with lines of barbed wire. The commander of the camp, Major I.eeming of Tas­ Has It Ever Occurred to You That letting our mechanics recondition your car you GRAND CHEM’NOT McGRAW iaTTgrowlfe/M Harry Kearns, Manager FINNEY OF THE FORCE