Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 15, 1929, Image 1

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Gets 40 et 8
State Office
¡Library, V .1 O ,
Boy Scouts To Meet
Installation Of
Local Girl
Business Men
August 27; Plan Tour Classification For Flower
Officers Heid Bÿ the
City Portland Soon
Local Legion Post
Wins Second All members
Play Baseball
of the local Boy
At a regular meeting of the
troop have been urged to
Legion Tueaday night,
Garden Club Committee American
At Longview Scout
attend a meeting of the Scouts
Last Week
installation of officers were
at the social hall of the Evan­
NO. 2
held, past commander H. E. Mc­
church Tuesday, August
Graw acting as installing of­
Chamber Commerce En gelical
American Legion Hall To Be Scene of Flower ficer.
South Side Win With A
Show This Year; Phlox, the Vernonia Flower, Connie Anderson, the new
At this meeting Scoutmaster
try Wins Praise
Plumer will outline a trip which
Score Of 6 to 3
Will Be Given Special Prominence at Show. commander of the local post,
At Legion Convention
Charter Member
100 Enter Contest
Friends Pleased; Predict Rapid
Advancement For Local
Popular Man
Picked As
Maid of Honor In Paulino
Bunyan Contest
he will conduct for the boys
within the near future, taking
in the municipal parks at Port­
land, the city jail, city hall and
other points of interest.
Chief of police Jenkins of
Portland a personal friend of
Rev. Plumer will probably as­
sist in entertaining the Vernonia
Scouts during their stay in the
At the meeting of August 27,
plans will also be outlined by
the Scoutmaster in regards to
an active campaign during the
school term and fall, in which
hikes and other forms of act-
ivities will be talked over.
The classifications for Verno-1 gladiolas and sweet peas.
fl/warxxw» olsrxsir
—— X Jt___ 1____
nia’a Sri'Allol
annual flower
show, ♦ to be
Section E 5. Y>
display of any
held in the American Legion hail miscellaneous plants not included
Saturday, August 31, have been in the above list. Best basket of
enumerated by the Garden club. mixed flowers. Most artistically
Phlox, ’he Vernonia flower, arranged center piece for dining
will bi given special prominence table. Best porch basket. Best
at this show, and is the only ferns in basket. Best basket gol­
flower which restricts those com­ den glow. Largest variety flow­
peting for awards to be residents ers displayed by anyone present.
of Vernonia vicinity.
An award for best set luncheon
In arranging this program, it table complete, with flower dec­
was the intention to include ev­ oration and centerpiece.
ery choice flower found bloom­
Exhibitors from surrounding
ing at this see«on.
country are eligible for all aw­
A specie1 prize will be given ards with the exception of phlox.
for the best exhibit of phlox.
So that the people of this
Awards for other exhibits will vicinity and the local flower mer­
be blue, red and white ribbonB. chants can see the best in flow­
To compete for the special ers, the Garden club solicits the
prize, phlox may be displayed in merchants of Portland and sur­
one or mixed colors.
rounding neighboring towns to
Section 1. Potted plants, such patronize this flower show with
as geraniums, begonias, fuschias, an exhibit.
colens, and other potted plants.
Special < display tables and
Section 2. Cut flowers. Best awards will be provided for the
one spoke of the following: Lilies dealers.
roses, gladiolas, cannas, holly­
The room for display is in the
hocka, delphiniums, best three Legion hall and will be open
stems pon pon dahlias in one from 7p.m. to 8p.m. Friday ev-
color, best three decorative dah- ening to receive flowers.
lios in one color, best three
All flowers should be cut with
show dahlias, best three dahlias long stems. All flowers when cut
variegated color, best three cac­ for exhibit are better when cut
tus dahlias me color, best three early in the morning while the
roses of one color and kind, best dew is still on them.
three asters, three genias, three
To keep roses from blooming
marigolds, three shasta daisies, before wanted, pin a cone of
michlemans daisies, best three waxed paper about them.
gladiolas in one color and best
To insure the keeping quality
six pansies.
of dahlias, they should be cut
Section 3. Best display of the early in the morning. Cut with
following in mixed colors : Dah- long stems and dip the end of
lias, sweet pea», nasturtiums, cos­ the stems in boiling water about
mos, crested cismi CMFW oioooo one-half minute, then immediate­
mos, crested cosmos, verbenas, ly submerge them about two-
pinks, carnations, roses, holly­ thirds of the length in cold wa­
hocks, delphiniums, asters and ter and put them in a cool place
gladiolas, best display of roses away from a draft until wanted
in mixed colors, most artistic for vases.
display of roses, best display of
Flowers shown under catalogu­
sweet peas in any one color.
ed name are competitive to like
Section 4. Best bouquet of 12 name.
or more in mixed colors of the
When any flower or flowers
following: Astess, African mari­ of one color are shown they are
gold, French marigold, snap drag- competitive to like color in same
ons, carnations, pinks, roses, species.
Awarded for faithful services
A wire from the secretary of
H. E. McGraw
to his Legion post and Voiture
the Longview Chamber of Com­
during the past four years, II.
merce last Friday evening to
E. McGraw, prominent local Le­ Members of Grange
W. Ford, urging the Ver­
gionnaire and Voyageur, was
To Work at Big Eddy G.
nonia Chamber of Commerce to
elected Grand Cheminot of the
Grove Next Sunday send a few of their fair
Grand Voiture of La Societe
daughters to Longview Saturday
des 40 Homines et 8 Chevaux at
Next Sunday has been set to enter the Pauline Bunyan
the state convention at Salem aside by the Pomona grange for contest, to compete with other
last Thursday, and was also ap­ members to turn out to assist cities in the lower Columbia val-
pointed on the department fi­ in clearing up and making im-1 ley resulted in one of the most
nance committee of the Ameri­ provements on the Big
P!~ ® Eddy
,JJ” beautiful young girl in Verno­ Evangelical Church
can Legion.
I grove which was one of the nia winning second place.
The office of Grand cheminot two parks recently purchased
Meeting Weed* Grove
President Wolff appointed G.
in the 40 et 8 is similar to dis­
Next Sunday Morning
by the Pomona Grange which W. Ford, and L. Schwab to ar­
trict committee or district com­ i i will
be put in good condition for range details for securing young
manders in the American Le­ the benefit of the public.
ladies who could uphold Lite
Next Sunday Rev. Plumer of
gion, or on the executive com­
tradition that Vernonia and the the Evangelical church plans to
mittee of the department of
surrounding valley are noted for hold an all day outdoor meeting
Oregon, and is one of the most
its handsome ladies.
at Weeds Grove.
important and influeneial of­
Misses Beulah Wattenbarger
Everyone is welcome and
ficial positions on the Grand
and Selma Scott were chosen those wishing to attend when
alter a careful survey to rep­ the services start at 9:45 in the
The appointment of Legion­
resent the local Chamber of morning and wish to stay all
naire McGraw as a member of the
and Vernonia in the day are requested to bring a
department ■ finance committee
The election on the proposed Commerce
.was a pleasant surprise to his bond issue of $75,000 for the Pauline Bunyan contest which basket lunch.
many friends, who were also purpose of building a new was one of the main features
pverjoyed on his election to an grade school in district No. 47 in the Longview Rolleo, which New Improvements
office in the Grand Voiture.
] has been set for Tuesday, Sep­ was being sponsored by the
At McGregor School
Enlisting in 1917, shortly af­ tember 3, and will be held at Longview Chamber of Commerce
ter the United States entered the Washington school, between lor the purpose of making the
the war, H. E. McGraw sailed the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 Kolleo an annual feature at
A new heating and ventilating
with the 18th engineers arriv­ p.m.
system at the Camp McGregor
ing at Liverpool, England in | An omission on the part of
Eager for the chance to show school will be installed next
July 1917 from which port his the Eagle, which failed to in- the wonder city in Washington week, following the completion
regiment left for Southhampton sert-
seconj publication of some of the prettiest girls of of laying the new foors.
and after a short rest
sailed the legal election notice calling Vernonia and also to give the
’ Hav-,
across the channel to
public’s attention that the Longviewites a chance to see A. Zimmerman Passes
election would be held August one of the best known Nehalem
Away At Hillsboro
Serving nearly two years in 12, made the school board de- valley pioneers, Aunt Sally Spen­
one of the first to join.
' cide to delay the bond election cer was persuaded to take the
Friday morning Mrs. Herman
A charter member of \ ei ru n-I uritii a later date, so that there trip.
L. Greener and son Sterling R.
ia Post No. 119, McGraw seiv- ,ou[j be no ¡rregUlarity or le-
During the afternoon the Ver­ Adams were called to Hillsboro
ed his post as Finance^ officei, ga| entanglement in the sale of nonia visitors witnessed cham­
by the sudden death of Mrs.
executive committeeman, Com­ the bonds.
pion log rollers of the west in­
mander and as chairman of nu-1 The Citizens Advisory Com- cluding women compete in an Greener’s father, Jos. A. Zim­
merous committees, and was al­ mittee appointed by the school elaborate program of log roll­ merman.
Some of the old residents of
so a charter member of the 40 directors to study the school ing, jousting, block turning,
et 8 of Columbia county voiture ; situation in district 47, went racing, water sports und feature the valley will remember Mr.
Zimmerman who came to this
holding most every office ami i on record as recommending the events on the beautiful
lake valley
on hunting and fishing
being elected Chef de Gare in immediate construction of more Sacajawea.
trips quite often.
school building. The election
Chamber of Commerce
Injured At Camp
During his term as Comman­ which will be held at the Wash­
der. of Vernonia post, the Le ington school on September 3, provided close view of all the
Starts Planning For
August 8, Dies At Port­
gion building was constructed and is for a proposed bond is- events for over the 13,009 who
land Hospital Friday
and the post reached its peak sue for school construction.
in membership
Beulah Wuttenbarger and Sel-
At the regular meeting of
Robert Vetters 24, an em­
Graham Glass Trophy, recording
ma Scott, during the afternoon
the Chamber of Commerce a ployee of the Connacher Log­
Connacher Logging Co. events
317 members in 1927.
were seated in a special
president ging company died at St Vin­
Legionnaire McGraw has al- Fire Now Under Control section provided for those who
Wolff received reports of chair­ cent’s hospital Friday from in­
ways been considered by his
Connacher Logging company were
man of committees working on juries received August 8, when
friends as the most popular Le- may possibly opew up their log- cities in the Pauline Bunyan ist T. on J. Lyle, well known organ- different activities.
a speeder on which he was rid­
the Pacific coast was in­
gionnaire and Voyageur in Co-lging operations in about two contest.
stalled last Tuesday as organist
L. R. GiUehrest, chairman of ing collided with a locomotive on
lumbia county, has the interest I and one half months or around
Vernonia’s girls were dressed
the road committee reported the the Connacher logging road 3
of these two ex-service men’s November 1. The fire which in poker-dot dresses, covered at the Joy theatre.
Mr. Lyle played in some of survey recently made on the miles above Connacher.
organizations at heart and has■ started Wednesday, August
by white aprons, and wearing the largest theatres in the
Vetters was on his way to
camp eight road as completed
gave more of his personal time was brought under control
small neat white bonnets, and try and recently returned coun and while his committee have bring supplies to those engaged
to serve them than probably any few days ago.
received complimentry comments
been in active touch with all in fighting fires. He is survived
It is estimated that over 6,- throughout the afternoon by an eastern tour.
other Legionnaire.
concerning this pro­ by his father and brother who
President of the bank, prom­
those gathered near their sec­
been unable to find reside at Chehalis.
inent in organizing the Johnson- destroyed, two donkeys totally tion. At seven o’clock Saturday Planing Mill Wins
out to date if the county court
McGraw Shingle mill, one of the destroyed riggings and 3000 feet evening in the lobby of the
On Forfeit Thursday had approved of the survey or Lee Roger* Injured
organizers of the Vernonia Golf of high trestle burned out, on famous Monticello hotel, the
whether the figures had been
course, member of the local Ma­ their logging road.
Tuesday At Koster
many pretty girls from the num­
W. L. Pct. submitted to the court last
The fire is supposed to have erous cities who were compet­
sonic lodge, councilman, presi­
dent of Columbia county Bank­ been started from a spark from ing in the contest of being
Lee Rogers, employed by the
2 1
R. M. Aldrich, general chair- Koster Products company was
ers association, H. E. McGraw a donkey which resulted in one chosen Pauline Bunyan, were as­ Planing Mill
.333 man for the luge meeting of injured Tuesday when struck on
is one of Vernonia’s and Colum­ of the worst forest fires ever sembled, where judges picked
0 4
.000 the associated chambers meet, the back of his neck by a cable,
bia county’s most prominent citi- seen in the vicinity of Verno­ five to compete in the finals Stacker Bldg.
stacker Build- set the date for the meeting for while at work in the woods. He
which were to be held follow- ing 0 (forfeited)
October 2, so as tc not conflict was taken to the Good Samari­
ing the colorful street parade,
over one half mile long lead by Sawmill 6 Stacker Building 3. with the state fair which would tan hospital where oxrays show­
The planing mill won their be held at Salem during the last ed no bones broken.
the five most attractive girls.
ball game from the stacker week of September.
Following the parade the girls building last Thursday in the|
Mr. Aldrich advised that ar-
were taken to the Paul Bunyan last half of the first inning
rangement for securing the McNEiLL RECEIVES
when the stacker crew who were Woodmen hall on October 2, was
From J. J. Russell, inspector no difficulty experience in con­
to be held.
at bat at the time, decided they under way, figuring this being
for the Columbia county fire trolling them.
Two hundred acres are under
The five girls, one from Se­ didn’t like a decision the umpire the logical meeting place for
patrol with headquarters in this
city a general outline on forest fire on the logged off land attle, one from Kelso, from made so withdrew their team this event, and also that presi­
fires under the jurisdiction of north of the Columbia river Woodland, from Longview and from play thereby forfeiting the dent Ballagh would advise later
K. A. McNeil, proprietor of
this patrol was furnished Wed- highway about two miles from one from Vernonia, were seated game to the planing mill 9 to what is required in the way of
Delena. This fire started Sun- on a huge log before a crowd 0. The planers were leading 1 entertaining the 400 or more Mac’s Pharmacy and local dis­
nesday evening.
for the Majestic radio,
estimated at 10,000 people, and to 0 at the time the game was guests who would attend from tributor
The Columbia county fire pa­ day.
received a wire August 9th, from
On Saturday a fire was re­ one by one, went through the called off.
the many cities on this date.
trol was formed in 1911 by the
the Grigsby-Grunow company of
There seems to be no stop­
timber interests for protection ported two miles west of Man­ test of sewing a button on a
Chairman Hieber stated that
ning towards Gales Creek in piece of canvas, darning a sock ping this fast sawmill
nine. farmers in the vicinity of Ver­ New York whose message read:
from forest fires.
the logged off land. About 20 and flapping a pancake.
They went out again Tuesday nonia were quite anxious to co­ ■ "Again the mighty Monarch of
C. C. Scott of Portland who men handled the situation and
Miss C. Brenan of Seattle was and won their fourth successive operate and display exhibits at the air goes on board the
at the present time heads the Sunday the fire was brought un­ chosen Pauline Bunyan, after,
defeating the stacker ag­ the county fair at Deer Island mighty Mistress of the air, the
association is also the head of der control, with little damage however, being given a close game,
gregation 6 to 3. This makes a and much publicity was given Graff Zeppelin.” Gil Poore sales
five similar organizations which reported in this vicinity.
promotion manager for the Ma­
run by Miss Selma Scott, of , total of four wins to no defeats
extend over all parts of Ore­
jestic radio, at the request of
At Brix, near North Plains Vernonia, who won second and ' for the sawmill bunch and puts to the farmers through the aid
on Herr Max Prues, the famous
gon and Washington.
many small fires are reported. was picked as the first maid of them just that much closer to this committee.
The headquarters of the Co­ the timber holdings in that vi- honor.
navigator of the ship installed
their chicken dinner.
September 12 has been set the machine which will be used
lumbia fire patrol is located at cinity belonging to ranchers and
The Longview paper carried a
Both Meeker and Nelson pitch­
Vernonia under the management about 200 men employed by generous writeup on Aunt Sally ed nice ball for the stacker
, and installed at Herr Prues’
of Nels Rogers, district
the Brix logging company have Spencer, the beloved pioneer of I building but they were accord­ committee from the local Cham­ home in Friedrichshafen, Ger­
warden and J. J. Russell,
been employed in fighting fire this valley, and also gave gen­ ed very rugged support and con- ber of Commerce have intentions many on completion of the pro­
specter, with V. L. Powell
in the logging company’s hold­ erous praise to Selma Scott and sequently could not win the of requesting merchants to close posed world tour. Herr Max has
stores on this day for all who been abosrd the Graff Zeppelin
fire warden in charge of
ings. Fires at Brix Wednesday Beulah
saying game by themselves.
local office.
evening were reported under con­ that representatives of the Ver­
The sawyers shoved across possibly can to attend the coun­ on every trip of the great air
The forest fires were report- trol. Little green timber was de­ nonia Chamber of Commerce their first run in the second in­ ty fair. Plans are under way liner.
ed at Sherman, 5:15 p.m. Tues- stroyed at the Brix fire, how­ must have spent plenty of care­ ning on an error and a single where a Vernonia school girls , Along with other agencies who
have burned over 60 acres ever, 3000 acres of logged off ful time in selecting their girls by Brady. They added four race will be held on Vernonia : had made record sales during the
who they conceded were as at- more in the third on singles by day and appropriate prizes will past year, Mac’s Pharmacy was
through 700,000 feet of fell land was burning yesterday.
one of the first agencies on the
An old house and barn filled tractive as any entered.
and bucked timber. At the pres­
Laird, Linn and Boerner and be awarded the winners.
Membership reports showed Pacific coast to receive a direct
Selma Scott, chosen as the put across their final counter in
ent ume about 60 fire fighters with hay burned down and about
are employed under the direc- J one and one-half acres of grain, leading maid of honor, is the the fourth on a single by Ferren more than 55 members in good wire from the eastern distribut­
tion of a warden battling the j along with rail fences and some daughter of Mrs. Grace Scott of and sacrifices by Davis and standing with prospect of many ing center.
members joining within the next
flames, which are now reported 60 cords of wood also was de­ this city, who owns and man­ Laird.
stroyed. In all possibilities not ages the Nehalem hotel.
under control.
The stackers marked up a run two weeks.
Wesley Vandercook, builder of each in the third, fourth and
The fire in this vicinity start­ over one section of green tim­
ed among the logging operations ber was destroyed in this vi­ the Longview bridge and the fifth innings. The run in the Loui*« WhiUell Rushed
man who engineered the build- third came in on a double by
of the Sherman logging company, cinity.
Fires are still reported burn­ ing of Longview site, acted as Meeker and a single by Norgor- To City For Operation
near what is known as Punkin
Ridge, about 4 miles east of ing in the Standard box cuttings host for the Vernonia
ladies den. Their marker in the fourth
A cup full of sodium
• •
• • with five
the sawmill and 8 miles north­ near Tophill, with all fires at during their entire stay in hie came in on singles by Hawkins
Louiee Whitsell was stricken
parts of
] placed
Connacher reported as under city.
west of North Plains.
and Cline and sacrifice by A. with acute appendicitis Satur­
No logging equipment at the control.
Davie. They added their final day, and was rushed to the St.
Sherman fire had been reported
The Columbia county fire pa­ Clarence New Buy*
counter in the fifth on singles Vincent's hospital at Portland.
____ appear
. „____ the
JIM choice
trol covers all of Columbia coun­
by Norgorden and Nelson. Tbe
At the present time Miss Whit­
camp grounds for the un­
Wharton House* On
Monday a small fire was re- . ty, the north half portion of
stackers lost chances to score at sell's eondition is reported as
popular earwig, has proven
ported in the Clark and Wilson Washington county, one town­
Cougar Street least two and possibly three very critical.
to be a succemful mixture
of the killing of theee
holdings on the “bum” road ship in Multnomah and one-half
more runs by poor base running.
pests according to Mr».
mostly on logged off land, little township in Clatsop county.
J. J. Wharton former auditor : Friday the shipping depart­
John Krinick.
During this period of the for the Oregon American in I ment plays the planing mill Will Soon Start Clear­
damage and only a small ex­
A fresh supply of the
pense in labor was attached to year when calls are received at this city, and now employed as again and then next Tuesday the
ing Site for New Camp
solution placed every two
all hours, little rest is received auditor for the Westfir Lumber planers play the sawmill. The
this forest fire.
weeks works wonders, and
Ten miles west of Scappoose by wardens who are ever on company at Westfir, Oregon, ! boys' that do the shaving already
here appears one mixture
on the Washington county line the alert. At the present time sold four houses last week locat­ i hold a victory over the shippers
that the earwigs do not
two fires were reported Sunday. I about 400 men are fighting
_ ed on Cougar street to Clarence and they say they are going to
ret fat on, but after a
which were quickly brought un- forest fires in the district con- New of this city. The real lick the sawyers if it is the last
dainty lunch turn their
feel skyward.
der control with very little dam- trolled by the Columbia countyestate transaction was handled I thing they ever do.
age. These were small fires and fire patrol association.
through Joe. Scott.
Please tarn to page *
School Bond
Election On
September 3
T.J. Lyle, New
Organist At
Joy Theatre
Late Reports Show Most
Fires Under Control
Here's One On
the Earwig
appointed a committee which
will meet within the near future
to outline plans for wiping out
the debts contracted by the post
during the past year.
The new commander who is
head of the shipping department
at the Oregon American mill,
has been an active legionnaire
since joining Vernonia post, and
it is predicted by promnent Le­
gionnaires that under his leader­
ship, this yean administration
will be one of the most success­
ful which the local post has ever
enjoyed. One of the most im­
portant offices of the Legion
that of post adjutant is filled
this year by J. E. Covington,
who has held numerous offices
and is also one of the most
active Legionnaires of Vernonia
post, and also a member of
Columbia county volture.
Small Attendance
Unfair Talk of Umpire Bribed
Causes Much Unrest; Two
Resign From Team
Defeated by a score of 6 to
3, in a thrilling game
Thursday with the score even
lip until the last inning, The
north side Bridge street base
___ ­
ball team, captained by Wm.
Aspland conceded that the south
side were winners but were
shown considerable favoritism by
the umpire, "
The lineup of the north side
consisted of Mayfield, pitcher;
Tom Bateman, first base; Mc­
Ghee, shortstop; Bill Warner,
second base; Lincoln, left field;
Bob Burt, third
Burt, catcher; Thomas, right
field; and Reithner in center
For the south side, Turner,
pitcher; Elliott, short Btop; Rice,
left field; Hartwick, first base;
Meyers right field; Roberts, 2nd
A flag tournament will be base; Reed, center field, Holtham
held on the Vernonia golf course third base and the notorious
next Sunday during the entire Harry Kearns, as catcher. The
day, which will be a nine hole south side being captained by
flag tournament against
__ Earl Smith, the hello man of
on the local course is 41, and Vernonia.
first and second prizes will be
The main feature of the game,
awarded the winners.
queer it may seem to many was
The contest is not alone open that all picked on both teams
to members but everyone is in­ were really good players, and
vited to enter, which will be .many questioned whether or
under the personal direction of not, with sufficient practice, if
Meriom Ulshoeffer, Pro, of the either one of these two teams
Vernonia Golf course.
In the flag tournament each would not be able to give the
one entered has a flag with regular Vernonia team a good
their name on it and playing run for their money.
Located on the north side,
against bogey, which is 41, they
shoot until they make their 41st but with advertisers on both
stroke and where their ball lies sides it wouldn’t be very dip-
the flag with their name on it lomatic to say many mean things
about the winning side, however,
is placed.
The flag that is nearest the regardless of consequences, it
9th green will be the winner is certain that the umpire must
of the tournament,
Much in­ have been bribed, may have only
terest is being aroused over the been a good cigar but all favors
coming tournament, and the pub­ went south last Thursday. Then
lic has been invited to witness again, Happy Thompson from
the south side appointed himself
the event.
official announcer, and
A small entrance fee for swayed the gigantic crowd of
those in the contest is being some 50 fans, in favor of his
charged which will cover the aide, even going so far as to
cos* of prises awarded.
insult north side business men,
calling for assistance from Har­
Kid Scott Get* Draw
ry Phelps when ever any mean
names floated back against his
. From Perry Israel At
sen.-ativs ears.
Portland Tuesday
Turner pitched
Kid Scott of thia city fought game for the south side, receiv-
Perry Isreal of Portland in the ed good support from Harry
curtain raiser at the Portland Kearns, catching and the bal-
auditorium Tuesday night to a ,ance of the team.
Elliott handled shortstop to
draw, in a four round prelim­
perfection, Hartwick who carried
Thia is the second time those the bag for first base around
boxers have met, with the same as though one more payment was
due, made sure that everyone
decision being handed down.
Those witnessing the bout ad­ headed first got out, in fact
vised Scott appeared the favor­ they were out before they swat­
ite with the fans, however, the ted the ball, according to Hart­
fight appeared to lack the speed wick. Bill Meyers, in right field
and action displayed at their played a terrible game, catch­
ing fly after fly. Mr. Meyers
previous fight in St. Helens.
Wattenburger and Scott have thrsw the ball over the fence
been slated to battle the main instead of towards first base,
event at the smoker here Sat- and was roundly applauded by
■rday, August 24, to top the members of the north side team.
Wally Reed who wore a red
card containing 24 rounds.
hat, many members of the north
side team saying, so as to in-
dicate which end his hesd was
on, done wonders in center
field, and was the first to ap­
plaud any good work done by
himself. Wally packed a moan
razor throughout the game and
avoided all arguments. Banker
On account of his tremendous Roberts st second, hit on all
success in engineering the huge fours. Ed. Holtham held down
firework display at the stampede third base in the grand stand,
.here July 3 and 4, Dr. Geo. Pas­ but played a good game, accord­
te has been placed in charge of ing to his friends who claimed
the firework program for the that he could not have done
county fair at Deer Island on better out in the field. Rice in
left field caught, flew and stop­
September 13 and 14.
Over 3850 will be expended ped everything.
And now we come to the team
by the fair board, for the gi­
gantic display for the last two who while they lost by a score
evenings of the fair, when it is of six to three, really played a
predicted that thousands will brilliant game, and nothing too
.stay over to witness the fire- largo in the way of generous
praise can bo said of these noble
Dr. Pasto will start work im­ ball players who enter the game
mediately on the different de­ knowing that they would not
signs and displays which will bo get a square shake, especially
shown, as he is an expert in after seeing who was umpiring,
the designing of novelty fire­ and announcing, and also it must
work programs, having handled be remembered that the score­
many large programs before keeper was also from the south­
side of Bridge street.
coming to this city.
Mayfield pitched a fine speedy
elevtr game of ball, but regard­
Mountain Heart Club
less how the apple whizzed over
the home plate, the umpire yap­
Hold Food Sale Here
Next Saturday A. M. ped "ball." Mayfield deserves
credit for not having committed
Mountain Heart club of the a crime Thursday. Tom Bate­
ladies of the Rebekah plan on man, leading man in Uncle
holding a food sale Saturday Sam’s stamp shop, held down
morning starting at 9:30 in the first base to perfection, although
office of the old Thomas gar­ he was spiksd time and time
again by players on the south
age, opposite the post office.
side, who somehow were deter­
mined to win regardless how
Arrested For Speeding
many hours Jim Brown would
Sunday, Fined $5.00 I have had to work overtime
| Thursday night laying out south-
Jim Angelo was arretted Bun- aiders, had the northaiders _be-
day afternoon for speeding at came angry and mowed a few
45 miles per hour by Marshall of the mean players down.
McGhee of bakpry fame, the
Phelps. He was tried before
Judge Reasoner, found gnilty gink who can carve anything
out of a bit of dough and paste,
sad was fined $5.
caught everything and whatnot
eehool at • abort, and an attempt to
drag him while taking a drink
in back of the grandstand
foiled by Reithner, who
Please turn to page *
Flag Tourna­
ment Here
This Sunday
Pasto In Charge
Of Fireworks At
County Fair