llernomu ------ —— si—IL— ■■■ 1 I - VERNONIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 102» VC LUME 8 Rev. Burris Resigns; To Leave Soon L filale r- Local Legionnaires Girl* Walking Voting On Eagle Seven Depart For Salem To Danger of Typhoid Epidemic To Feature Attend Convention Co. Fair TBI* Year YdirS Old New School Here Explained to Council Over 15 Legionnaires depart- At the regular meeting of the The Columbia county fair yesterday to at- baa in mind *4ve*ral ath­ City council Monday evening, Is Delayed By the Slate Health Officer board This Week ed tend for the Salem state convention of the the mayor and city council ac­ letic contest* to be MNet*Me^"o?Th. Boxing Commission American Legion at Salem, the coming fair to be held at which started today and will be the county fair ground* at Deer Warning 1* Issued Against Swimming In The Committee Plan* For Will Move Into New jn session until Saturday. Island, Septeqaber 11 Jo 14. Will Return To Eugene Delegates and Voyageurs of Nehalem River; Sewer System On Corey Hill Among these will be a girls Concentrated Drive Building Soon race. These walking La Societe des 40 Hommes et To Be With Family Necessity, Say* Stricker, State Health Officer walking 8 Chevaux will also attend the contests have' become quite pop­ ular daring the last year or convention taking in the big Frederick V. Stricker, state made four or more inspections two, and it is hoped that plenty wreck which will be staged to- health officer, addressed night. ______ _ will __ the of the dairies each year, and of entrants from Veriionia Members of the local Auxil­ mayor and city council Monday | be sure that they are kept clean, be on hand ready to go at the a iary are also planning to attend. night regarding the cooperation “Everything possible should start. These teams will be made _ _____ „ _____ ____ _ _ __ up of school girls of the county, of his department and this city 1 Over 14 drum corps will be be done to insure having good First Issue Cited Need of More present at Salem for the balance in improving the sanitary con­ milk, and an ordinance should The competing teams to be from Omission of Bond Election No- Critical Illness of Mrs. Burris tico From August 1 issue Of of this week, and it is estimat­ ditions of Vernonia. also be passed which would one community of the county. Business House* Hare; Some Force* Minister To Leave “You cannot run a city on cover food handlers,” said Dr. The walk will be three or four ed that over 10,000 Legionnaires Eagle Delay* Plan* Are Not Here Yet miles, to be decided later. Auxiliary members and visitors a rural principal and expect the Stricker. Local Christian Church The girls of the Nehalem will be at the state capttol for best sanitary conditions,” said Let me state that good milk, the celebration. Many stunts the doctor referring to the lack1 from good clean dairies, is country are asked to compete cheap at 12 cents a quart, for in these races, all who desire to An omission by the Eagle of The Vernonia Eagle starts and forms of amusements have of a sewer on Corey hill. O. P. Burris, pastor of the “As to your water, which is milk sold cheap cannot receive take part in these races are one publication of the notice this week with issue No. 1 of been planned for the pleasure local Christian church has ten- volume 8, having completed of the visiting Legionnaires and, treated with chloride of lime, the proper handling and the asked to send their name to of the school bond election for dered his resignation, and will seven years of chronicling the 1 Auxiliary members following the over 75 per cent of the drink­ I conditions cannot be very sani­ the Secretary Clyde M. Watson voting *75,000 bonds to con­ ____ ________ preach his last sermon in the events of Vernonia and the Ne­ 'business sessions which will be ing water throughout the United tary for the farmer to make a at St. Helens. Christian church next Sunday Some valuable gifts donated struct and equip a new school held at the state capitol build­ States is chlorinated, and the reasonable profit, unless, and it halem valley. morning and evening. An examination of volume 1, ing. The local Voiture will take tests made with samples of your would be a cose never heard of by our merchants and business for district 47, was sufficient On account of the ill health number 1, issued by Paul Robin­ a dab in 40 et 8 politics, at­ water have always proven satis­ before, some dairymen sold milk men will be given as prizes. of Mrs. Burris who is at their to delay the election. son August 4, 1922, shows on tempting to place one of the factory, and I might say that at a loss who was infected with home in Eugene, Mr. Burris Final plans for a concentrat- popular local Voyageurs in a your water compares favorably the germ of human kindness. the front page a tabular list who made many friends during sufficient ed drive to secure state office. Vernonia post this with that of other cities, "Children and others should under the head “Wanted In his three months stay in this Tree voting power to carry the elec- “No source has been traced not be permitted to swim in the having 185 members will oe vtniuiiia iiuw, --- --- Vernonia Now,” vnu the following: year — city, is compelled to give up tion were made by the tom­ A laundry, a bakery, a jeweler, entitled to four delegates at the by our sanitary engineer or Nehalem river, which runs along his work with the church here mittee who met with member* Of laboratory department as to the the railroad track, and in which a bath house, an apartment convention. so that he can be near his fam­ James Holt, seven-year-old son typhoid cases during the last stream both city sewers empty, of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Holt of the Parent-Teacher association house, a hospital, a chair and ily. 12 months in thia city, and it and its is this stream which 1 Connacher, broke both bones of at the WMhington school Fri­ furniture factory, auto agency, Four Local Boy« For the past fifteen years the is with an endeavor to prevent consider a menace to health and his forearms Sunday morning day evening. manufacturers, marble and gran­ Rev. Burris has been engaged Return From Alaska another epidemic of typhoid in methods should be used to have | It was pointed out that the ite dealers, matti'ess factory, in general evangelistic work, un­ he jumped off * !•<*<*« J ¿j/flcuRy ilTnot so much in se- Vernonia that I am here this those wishing to swim use an­ when til the 16th of May of this year millinery, photographer, musk against a cherry tree. Many of the local boys who evening, to offer you of the other creek. For instance Rock curing approval for the proposed when he was appointed to oc­ house, plumber and tailor. The boy fell ten feet, and as in Most of those listed came in have spent their summer in council the services of my de- creek, which runs through the was immediately rushed to the school from the taxpayers cupy the pulpit of the Christian working at the large partment, who will, if you de­ city park, would be the most getting them to agree to come soon, as the town was then in Alaska church in this city. to office of a local physician packing houses, will return, and sire, make a minute survey of logical place for the children out to vote. a fast stage of development. A well known singer and song receive medical aid. There are reported to be a Plans were being made at are scheduled to arrive at Se­ the sanitary conditions of your and adults to bathe and swim leader, Rev. Burris is well known number of taxpayers who are city. in this city. that time for the big celebration attle on August 6. throughout the state. During the Edward Bell, John Wardle, unwilling to pay the 70 cents “During the last 12 months, “Eliminate the out houses, period of Evangelistic work he to be held here September 9, I per hundred dollars of assessed on the occasion of the opening Archie Adams and Eddie Martin 11 cases of typhoid from Ver­ and if they cannot be done away visited nearly every city and are some of the lads who have valuation it will cost them each of the railroad, when the first been employed by Libby McNeil nonia have been reported to with immediately, let them be town. year for five years until the our office, and of these your made fly-proof, for as I have train would make the run from building is paid for. A few be­ & Libby' concern, at Koggiupg, city health officer, Dr. Hughes, stressed before I wish to pre­ Portland to Vernonia. lieve it will cost them more Mexican Section has traced three cases to a vent another epidemic, Another story stated that Alaska. without taking the trouble to spring along the Nehalem river, “Children are apt to get tha ground breaking for the *l,25Q,- Laborer Arrested Sat­ find out for themselves, and con­ on the banks of the O. A. inter­ disease of typhoid fever much Pomona Grange Hold 000 mill of the Central Coal Clark A Wilson Lumber com­ sequently influence others with urday For Intoxication Mid-summer activities were & Coke company, to be located change tracks, quicker than adults, and especial ­ 104th Session At St, pany sold two pieces of land their opinions. enlivened Monday noon, when at Vernonia, was begun Tues­ “It is to be expected that a ly strangers, for to a certain Helens, August 3 city with 100,000 population extent those living in the city last week to the Pomona grange, In the event the election car­ Louis Moliano, Mexican sec­ a group of local citizens gather­ day and construction work has who will maintain the natural rice, the school board will im- tion laborer on the United Rail ed at Mike Miller's barber shop been started by the could have four cases of typhoid are immune. Beaver parka for the public benefit. The Columbia county Pomona fever reported at one period and ways in this city was arrested and formed a new political or­ Creek Logging company four “The food and dairy commis­ .purpose of grange as provided mediately order two rooms built, or some wing of the proposed Saturday evening by Deputy ganization which will be known miles from town in preparation Grange held their 104th session still be in a healthy condition, sioner recently conducted a sur­ in the deeds is that the parks will solve their Marshal Monger for being intox­ as the “Blue Nose Admirals.” for actual logging operations at the M. E. church at St. Hel­ but with conditions along the vey of the sanitary conditions will be for the public’s benefit, building, which problems for classroom accom- Endorsements for future coun, about September 1. ens, Saturday, August 3, 1929, Nehalem river, in which both of the dairies in this vicinity icated. that no trees shall be cut down modations for the coming school The case was tried in the oilmen, mayor, congressmen and It is expected that the new with Warren Grange as hostess, of your city sewers empty, and and some were found to be in court of City Recorder Reason­ even governors were received, building being constructed for Grange was called to order at I find children bathing and a dirty condition while others or otherwise destroyed and in term. If the election fails to the case of failure of the grange carry the board will be in a er, where the defendant who and political leaders of differ­ the Eagle will be ready for oe- 11 o’clock, by Worthy Master, swimming, I am indeed surpris­ were in a good and clean con- to maintain them as park* the dilemma as to the course to Warren Young, and all offkers ed that more typhoid cases have dition. pleaded guilty was fined 325. ent wards which also included cupancy in about two weeks. title shall revert to Columbia pursue, a* the state fire marshal the water front of Vernonia present, not been reported, “Your milk ordinance covers county, who contributed toward* will not permit the use of the were present to pledge their Written reports were received “That spring which has caus­ all that sell milk in your city the purchase. Miller Mercantile Is Grange hall for this purpose, as support to the new powerful Catche* Arm And from all subordinate granges ex­ ed so much trouble, and which and this city can stop dairymen The park* are located at Big was done last year. Improving Building cept Cedar Grove. Seven granges is sfil| ip use along the banka from disposing of their products political ring, which will havd Hand In Wringer Because there is a cloud on show an increase in member­ of the Nehalem, many taking in Vernonia if the milk and Eddy along the Nehalem river And Interior Store much power here and a strong factor in county and state ship. Vernonia has gained 19, water for household use, should dairy does not meet the sanitary and at Natal, and have been the legality of selling the Ruth De Hart, two-year-old uaed for year* a* a popular pic­ *20,000 of bonds outhorized a and Fern Hill 17 new members be destroyed immediately, Miller Mercantile company politics. test." few years ago, the board has A meeting, of the new or­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. £■ during the quarter. Beaver Val­ necessary use dynamite, Blow it are improving the interior uf Dr. Stricker asked the coun- nic site*. M. De Hart caught her hand The grange through it* com­ no intention of using them at their store by tearing down the ganization will be held next and arm in an electric washing ley is still in the lead With 93 up, it’s dangerous.” cil to pass a resolution inviting At this point of his talk Dr. the state board of health to mittee, A. L. Morris, George any time. In the opinion of old partitions, and installing 25 week in which officers will be machine ringer last Friday and members, Fern Hill and Winema Attorney Foote the bonds new modern display tables, also elected to fill the first year severly bruised her entire left are tied for second place, with Stricker explained that he also make a survey, which would Mills and Frank Peterson, plan District 89 members each, and Warren did not consider septic tanks help clean up the city, and re­ to construct lavatories, tables» are issued for an emergency, and building modern shoe racks and term. hand and arm, however, no It can safely be said that that It is rumored that the presi­ enlarging the shoe department. bones were broken. Medical aid third with a membership of 85. very safe, knowing in many commend that in the resolution seats and benches, and will short­ particular emergency no longer developing A crew will soon be at work dent of the first “Blue Nose was given by a local physician. All granges are in a fair con­ cases on Corey hill where they the city was expected to pledge ly start towards dition financially, some have a are overflowing, and especially a moral support. springs. It is the purpose of the exists for which the bonds were painting and re-decorating the Admirals” will be the party’s good start in their building fund, condemned the cesspools .which interior and exterior of the choice for next mayor of this Shipper* Defeat The mayor and council went committee to maintain gasoline then voted. and several are working for an along with the out house was a on record as being in favor of pumps as also refreshment stands building which will make the city. Stacker* Thursday exhibit at the county fair. Some menace to the -health of any having the state board of health at both parka. building and store much more Milce O’Connor To improvements have been made city. attractive. make a survey in this city with Install Additional Al­ The Shipipng department took on the halls, and equipment “Knowing the conditions on the city giving every possible Sam Conklin Injured The rearrangements of plac­ Burglar Attempted ley* In Near Future To Break Into Home the stacker building into camp bought for the comfort and con­ Corey hill, I would recommend cooperation. ing display tables and taking When Two Can Run Thursday and managed to venience of the patrons. All H. the building of a sewer system down the old stock shelves, are Dr. Stricker announced that At Timber Recently last best them 3 to 2 in an exceed­ E. committees are busy, and the for sanitary purposes, as I have as soon as he had received Together Saturday Brunswick Balke representa­ being made for the purpose ingly hard fought contest, Both lecturers are putting on interest­ already explained to you that copies of different ordinances, to give the customer a clear tives were in this city last week A man tried to break in at tennis played about on the overflow of those septic covering milk, food handlers, even ing and instructive programs. view of any part of the large Sam Conklin was thrown out in conference with Mike O’Con­ the home of Gladys Wolf and Reports from three of the te ’ .ms but the stackers tanks and cesspools are danger­ etc., his department would start of an Essex car and suffered nor proprietor of the Recrea­ made store, which at the present rep­ resents a small department store. daughter last week, about eleven one lhore error than the ship- Juvenile granges, Beaver Valley, ous to the health of your city, on their work without any fur­ a deep gash in his scalp Satur- tional club, regarding the in­ o’clock at night. They first pers did and this undoubtedly Cedar Grove and Beaver Homes, and you cannot exr ' have ther delay. day evening when the ear in stallation of two additional reg­ ipect ‘ to hammered on the window and cost them the game. show good membership and fine a healthy city uni itil a sewer Ths clean up day problem which he was riding had a head ulation ten pin bowling alleys Burn* Hand* and Face on the side of the house and attendance, and all are busy Both clubs started eut strong instaiied which will was again brought up, with a on collision with Wm. Van at hi* recreational club. system is ir.itzilci At Koster Camp > then went to the back door by putting down a couple of and interested in their wprk. cover the entire town,” suggestion that this should again Poren’s car on the Rock creek The exact date which the trying their best to break in. markers in the very first inning. The park committee Reported Doctors Eby, Hughes, Pasto become an annual or semi-an­ road opposite the cemetery. Mr. two alleys will be installed has William Hayden an employee At that time Mrs. Wolf ran I The shippers started the fire the closing of the purchase of and Hurley were present with nual affair, and unless this wm Conklin was rushed to a local not been announced, but with of the Koster Products company out the front door and yelled works when Linn walked> m0Ved the Big Eddy camp site by the many other citizens who were done, it created an unnecessary doctor where medical aid wm the local bowling place featur­ had his face and hands severely for help at the neighbors but^ third o„ McKillip’s fly to Columbia county Pomona grange, interested in th sanitary prob- firs hazard. rendered. ing four alleys, it should make burned Monday when the don­ by the time the neighbors were center ‘ which was mqffed. sl­ and deeds are completed and , lem. No expenss would be created it one of the best in this sec­ 4 78 key in which he was firing, at her house the man was lowing him to reach seQQnd and filed. This has been a long deal “Milk carrys the typhoid germ, in making the survey for this Crawford Garage I* tion of the state, and is the gone. back-fired. t|ien they both camo in on a and the committee has worked is a great agent and this city city with the exception of board­ bowling alley at present in Nearing Completion only Mrs. Wolf spent the rest of passed ball. Hayden received medical aid faithfully to the end. The pur­ should have a model milk or­ ing expense for engineers in Columbia county. the night with Anita Schiffer. in this city and was taken to The stackers evened the count chase price was $898.90. The dinance, with an appointed ln- charge, all other expense to be They both felt very well pro­ in their half of the first on land at the Natal park has also I spector which would at least paid by the state department. Concrete floors in the new his home. tected because she had a large Nelson’s walk, Hawkins three been bought, but the grange did Crawford garage are now in New Fordor Three police dog who might harm any use and can are being stored Real Estate Disposal Window Ford Sedan not have sufficient funds to buy bagger and Art Davis' single. Mr». D. O’Donnell man who tried to prowl around. This ended the scoring until the the timber, so other plans will E. S. and Clara L Cleveland in the new addition. Roof and Display At Crawford* Elected President Of sold a four room dwelling on steel window frame* have been fourth when the shippers mark­ be made to save this piece of Columbia street last week to installed and it la predicted that Flower Show August 31 «... wucn timber. Big Eddy has 6 6-100 Legion Auxiliary ed _ up their ....... final tally when The new three window For­ The Vernonia Garden club will. Lilli«"got’ a* life on error,'« acres of land and Natal park Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Munbach. the new building will bo ready dor Ford sedan is now on dis­ Mr. Munbach is local manager for business the end of thia play and ready for demonstra­ Mrs. Dave O’Donnell was elec­ sponsor a flower show at the' walk to jacobs after which they 4 36-100 acres. Some money for the S. P. A S. Transporta­ month. ted president of Vernonia unit American Legion hall Saturday, both advanced on Keene's sac- left >n the park fund will be tion at the local Ford dealers, tion company. of the American Legion Auxil­ August 31, prizes will be award- rifice, Lillig later crossing th* used for improvements on the ths Crawford Motor company. Andrew P. Erickson, died at The real estate deal was trans ­ iary in the place of Mrs; J. ed for the best displays. Big Eddy site. plate on a single by Laird, All Fire* In District Dark blue, nickle plated front, During the afterno.on prises acted through Jos. Scott. his home near Pittsburg Friday, the C. Lindley, who resigned, at the We had with us during The box score of this game wire wheels, with the interior Now Under Contro also be awarded for the will session, Mr. and Mrs. M. 8. at the age of 87. regular meeting of the Auxiliary follows: finished in service grey, three best garden in this city of those Shipping Shrook, from Milwaukie, Ore. Monday evening. large window* on both sides, ths The deceased pioneer has re­ Popular Manhattan Fire Warden E. A. McDonald who have entered the contest, Mrs. Mark E. Moe will attend Dep’t. AB R H PO A E Brother Shrock is Master of reported all fires in his district car appears to be the most at­ Player* Pack the Joy Pomona sided in the Nehalem valley for county the convention at Salem as a the award being made at 2:00 Laird C 2 0 1 1 0 Clackamas under control Saturday. For tractive sedan ever turned out p.m. the past 25 years. Linn 3B Theatre Wednesday* throe days over 75 men battled by the Ford Motor company, delegate. 2 1 1 1 Q grange ,a,nd sister Shrock is McKillip 2B 2 1 1 1 2 2 lecturer of Milwaukie grange. He was bom in Sweden, De­ the foreot firee at Scofield and and is considered by many who Taylor SS 8 • 0 Judging by the attendance on Buxton, which were brought un­ have inspected it within the 1 1 Brother Brown of Evening Star cember 1, 1842 and immigrated Ray IB 8 • 0 7 Q 9 grange of Multnomah county, to this country 35 years ago. a Wednesday night at the Joy der control Tuesday of last week, past few days as an ideal fam­ Lillig CF 2 1 0 • q Q was also a welcome visitor. His wife and two sons sur­ theatre, it ia evident that the with another fire fought at ily ear. McCabe CF 1 0 « 9 9 0 In the afternoon the session vive him. Funeral services were Manhattan players who appear Sherman mill, located on the Franks RF 2 0 1 0 0 0 was adjourned long enough for held at Browns undertaking par­ each Wedneaday are very pop­ East Dairy creek, which was Jacobs LF 1 Q 0 1 u 0 the patrons to drive to the al­ lors last Saturday at 2:00 p.m. ular with local theatre goers. under control a week ago to- Keene P Not alone those living in thia day 1 0 0 0 3 9 falfa fields in the vicinity of Services were conducted by Rev. Warren. This tour was under city but many from Birkenfeld, George A. Bauman, district night service, will be corrected G. W. Plumer. Mist, Timber and other nearby 21 a 4 15 8 8 the direction of our County ?anager for the West Coast immediately said Mr. Bauman, Agent, George Nelson, who towns journey to Vernonia on Fined 1100.00 For elephone company while in this and while the service between Stacker Building I Possession of Liquor Wednesday nights to hear and 8 • t 1 gave the time, method of plant­ O. E. S. Social Club pity last Friday told of the plans the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. Sheeley 3B ing, and average yield of each witness thia company of actors Charles Ritz was arrested Sat­ his company had made regard­ are classified as emergency, the C. Davis IB 8 • 1 * 0 1 To Picnic August and actresses who present clean Paul Wiggley wm arrested by urday night by Marshall Phelps 2 1 0 0 Q 9 I field as we came to them. It ing improved telephone service calls will receive the same con- Nelson 2B was enjoyed by all, and was in ­ wholesome drama, who have Deputy Marshall Jim Hawkins C-LF Monger for speeding over 30 miles per for Vernonia. sideration and service that day A. Davis C 2 8 0 1 1 1 3 Q I teresting and instructive. • 0 1 The O. E. S. Social club will worked their way into the heart* last Thursday morning at 8:30 hour an Bridge street. Effective last Sunday an extra services gets. The lecturer had a fine pro- sponsor a picnic next Wednes- of thia community. for the possession of intoxicat­ Hodges RF A request by the judge and 2 0 0 0 0 0 i operator was installed and the The Manhattan Player* ar* ing liquor. Bail wm fixed at marshall that he demonstrate It is taken for granted that Malmsten CF 1 0 • 0 0 • i gram for the evening session, day, August 14, for members telephone hours have been ex­ 1 0 1 0 2 • as follows: Song, America by and visitor*. Tranaportation will well known throughout the north­ 3100 and the trial sat for 2:00 running at 20 miles per hour tended from 7:00 a.m. to 11 phones used during the late Meeker P 1 0 0 0 0 0 I the Grange; The peculiar Ameri- be furnished all intending to west and some of the players p.m. August 2. The defendant before the trial, had witnesses p.tp. daily. This is some im­ hours, are emergency calls and Cline CF with the Majestic failed to appear and bail wm say that Ritz at the time of his 1 • 0 1 2 0 I can people, by Brother Brown; go. The car* will assemble at appeared provement over the old schedule, while at the present time we Roberts SS . Recitation, In the Usual Way, the Masonic tempi* at arrest was speeding from 30 to IQ 30 Player* a stock company which forfeited. when Sunday exchange was shut have divided the night and day showed in the old Majestic thea­ 38 miles down the main street. 18 2 4 15 « 4 I by sister Becker; Piano Solo, I •.as. down at 7:00 p.m. handling only service, we are practically main­ tre in thia city some six year* Merchant* Play Today Tried by Judge Reasoner, ho taining a 24 hour service, said Summary: bases on balls off _ 1 Mrs. Randal; Recitation, Brother emergency service. ago, the two players being Lor­ Today the South side will play wm found guilty, reprimided Keen 4, Meeker 2; «truck out ; Shrock; Farce by a group of Mr. Bauman advised that the Mr. Bauman. ing Kelley and May Sheldon,_ the North side at baseball in and fined 33. The mayor and city council by Keen 5, Meeker 5; throe i Vernonia patrons; Instrumental Car Turni Over On emergency night service, would who were considered two of the the city park. The merchant* on The speed limit within the city take care of all calls, put in at Monday night at the council base hit. Hawkin*; aaerifica hit, music, Grace and Irene Burns; Highway Near Timber moat popular player* with that both «Idee of -* Bridge street i have — limits is 20 miles an hour, and night, which would be given meeting expressed themselves a* Keene and Malmsten; stolen i Reminiscences of trips to Po­ picked the beat players, and tha the city authorities for safety company. quick service, and that all long pleased with the improvements bases, Linn 2, McKillip 2, Tay­ . mona meetings in by-gone years, Mr. Kelley Is th* present man­ game will probably start around sake are forcing the speed re­ A Willys Knight car driven distance calls coming from other that had been made to date and lor, Frank* and Nelson 2; left I by Warren Young, Sister Arm- exchanges to Vernonia at night councilmen McGraw and Tapp on bases, shippers *, tackers •; ; strong. Sister and Brother Love­ by Arthur Ridge turned com­ ager of the Manhattan Players 2:80. Extra seats have been striction where possible. Richardson and J. lace and Brother Burns. Brother pletely over on the highway near and ha* wrote an interesting built by the committee in charge will be treated as emergency who quizzed Earl Smith, local umpires, the crowd Nelson gave a talk on th* new Timber last Sunday afternoon story upon request of the editor to acoomraodat* West Coast, Greenman. calls as well as long distance manager of the which deal* with th* Manhattan which tha Chamber of Commerce method of marking poultry. | going off the road iato th* ditch. said they knew no reason why calls placed here. There were no candidates for Mrs. Ridge suffered numerous players and tbeir tours through­ predict* will be the largest ever Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Gunnoe The dissatisfaction that has the company could not maintain to peas through the Imprewtve been expressed in the past re­ ■ straight 24 hour telephone and child visited Mrs. Gunnoe’s the fifth degree, so the work bruises and their eons, Darby out the country. The story 1* reproduced on portals leading to the maja park garding the local service, es­ service in a city the sita of mother, Mrs. F. A. Hankle an was not exemplified. A bounti- and Arthur suffered a few minor «■quest. another page of thia ia**e. Please turn to page * cuts and bruise*. Sunday. pecially that of the emergency Vernonia. Here Three Months cepted the resignation of Lloyd Baker and H. E. McGraw from the boxing commission. Mayor Mills appointed Dave Marshall and Patty Hughes on the commission to fill the va­ cancy, expressing his desire to place men on the commission who were interested in the game and would work for the best interest of the commission. Clarence Nance the new chair­ man of the commission intends to make a few changes regard­ ing improvements of the man­ agement. The next smoker will be held in this city Saturday August 24, in which the match­ maker has been working to re­ match Perry Isreal of Portland with Kid Scott of Westimber who may feature in the main event. The new members of the com­ mission, Marshall and Hughes are old timers in the boxing game. Mr. Hughes having per- formed in the ring many years ago, and was also referee for a short period. Dave Marshall, who is one of the best posted men in this city on sport rules, and regulations will also be a great asset to the boxing in this city especially being firm, that rounds cover­ ing the main event, and semi­ windup should be fought at the three minute regulation instead of two minute rounds which have been prevailing for the past year. Started In Hold Election Later 1922 to Pomona Grange Huy Parks For Public Benefit New Political Ring Formed In City Vernonia A, P, Erickson Dies At Home Last Friday District Manager Improves • Telephone Service Here Speeding On Bridge Street Is Arrested Arrest