Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 01, 1929, Page 8, Image 8

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Service Cone [uers Ocean Hazard
' plays, Linn to Laird to Dror-
| baugh, Linn to Dror’ a ugh to
■Black, Roza to Richar. son; hit
by pitched
Nt son
Smith; left on bases, j aners 4,
sawmill 2; umpire, G> penman.
Fiom page 1
thousands of tourists to travel
through the center of Columbia
county, that these tourists go­
ing north or south over the
Longview-Rainier bridge would
leave thousands of dollars in Co­
lumbia county; that they would
settle up the land along this
Toad and many miles back which
would add additional valuation
(o Columbia county’s fastly dim­
inishing valuation due to the
heavy cut of timber resources;
.that the addition of the valua­
tion caused by the construction
of the Longview-Rainier bridge
would add enough revenue to
The photos covsr Incidental faaturas of tha actual laying of an ocoan pipe lino, which was towed pay for this road in
a short
to aea by the eteamer “Peacock,” which Io seen In the distance, after having been welded Into a cinglo ,,while and the people of Colum­
piece on chore. A cable lino wao made fact to the noce of the pipe line by a special bridle. The pipe line
bia county would then receive
rested on a long runway, which was hsavlly grsassd. Skids under the pips gava ths pipe Its half mils
“ride” down to disappear In the ocoan, and wars cut away as ths pipeline slid Into the water. The opera­ a direct benefit in decrease in
taxes due to this added valua­
tion was engineered by the General Petroleum Corporation.
“The county has seen fit and
ANTA CRUZ, July 10—A "plus complete on shore, on a long run erg that will discharge cargo a without any criticism to con­
ultra” In sales Bervlce through way, mount It on skids and, over a half mile from shore into the pipe struct the St. Helens-Pittsburg
A scene along the North Bank, of the Spokane, Portland and Seattle Ry.
the medium of unique engineering, heavily greased runway, tow it to line. Showing bow carefully engi- market road and the Mist-Clats­
has developed here in the comple­ sea with the fifteen hundred horse­ neering plans were laid, the pip« kanie market road, which are of
i slinking through the murky fog both of the speaking stage and
glee club
tion of a marine delivery unit of power engines of the big steam line, hauled to sea, was I cbs than vast importance to Columbia
First Excursion Train
j and thrill upon thrill in the Lloyd Hamilton, one of the pre­
the General Petroleum Corporation tug "Peacock." The pipe line corn­ three feet away from the spot bounty, but these did not add contest. Waller hall.
On July 5, 1841, when u "Pulling , cabin of a death ship afloat in mier comics of the screen.
7 p.m. Drum corps champion­
of California to supply all fuel re­ plete weighed a total of «2 tons, picked for it by the most exacting the valuation that the construc­
ship contest and fireworks, Ol­ BIHy,” (muling two dozen open the mist of the bay—certainly I World Wide Pictures, a com­
quirements of the giant Santa Cruz It was made fast to the tug by a calculations.
ted of the Longview-Rainjer inger field.
railway "carriages"—they were an intriguing and colorful lo-1 pany that seems to be filling
furtlaud Cement Company’s plant bridle attached to its end. The
called “tubs" at that time—steamed cation for a deep mystery.
Moorings adjoin Its resting place bridge will bring and these
a long-felt want, by importing
9 p.m. Public dances.
out of the station at Leicester.
at Davenport, ten miles north of operation, performed at early at the very end, and the first de­ ?ame grangers did not pass res­
Add that it has entertainment ( motion pictures
11:30 p.m. Midnight matinee, Englund, bound for Loughborough.
this city.
dawn, occupied lees than an hour. livery of fuel Is expected within olutions condemning them.
Capitol theatre.
plus, a cast of stage people who that are really entertaining, is
The major problem overcome
“If the construction of the
Cost of the entire operation, in­ the next few days.
12:30 a.m. Informal parade, sion memorable In railway unnals. speak their lines as only train­ sponsoring this fine picture, al­
■was In the laying of a half mile cluding construction of the shore
General Petroleum Corporation is (Rainier - Apiajry - Vernojiia road form on Liberty, Armory (come for It was the first excursion train ed veterans can with superb di-1 though it was made in Holly­
pipe line, solidly welded into a pumping station and storage facill known chiefly to the general pub­ will divert one half of the travel as you please).
ever run.
rection by Marshall Neilan, and wood by an Engish producing
¿Bugle line, on the floor of the Pa­ ties, was set at approximately lic for Its production of Violet Ray through the central part of Co­
The train carried 570 passengers it can be easily understood that: company with an international
Saturday, August 10
cific Ocean through which tanker
gasoline, Parabase
motor oils, and lumbia county it is a good in­
• a.m. Legion business ses- to a temperance meeting, and the it is a worthwhile production. [ cast.
organizer of the excursion was
cargoes will be discharged to a
The unique project Is believed kindred automotive lubrication vestment, and will repay the sion (Capitol building).
Prominent in the cast is the I It is pleasing to note, too,
Thomas Cook, then a young print veteran James Kirkwood, as the ■ that the contention that talking
shore pumping station which, tn to be the only one of its kind on products, Tbese, it has been an- county many times for the in-
9 a.m. Bowling tournament,
er of Market Harborough, later
several different storage tanks, will the North American continent. It nounced, are Included among the itial investment for its construc­
9 a.m. Golf tournament, Sa- become famous as the promoter of mysterious
Larrabee;' pictures are best portrayed by
provide a total gallonage of fuel involved many diving operations, supplies ordered by the cement tion.”
lem Golf club.
Mary Brian in the only girl I men and . women who have been
Cook’s tours.—Detroit News.
of all kinds of 7,434,000 gallons.
Including those to fasten securely company in conjunction with de-
10-11 a.m. Sight seeing trips,
role; Captain John
a! used to speaking stage lines,
The program for the 11th an­ leaving armory.
To lay the pipe line on the ocean the pipe line on the ocean floor, livery of other General Petroleum
new leading man from England; seems to be borne out in this
floor it was necessary to build it and to arrange mooring for tank- products.
Frank Reicher and Robert Ames, I fine photoplay.
11 a.m. Trophy and prize
tion at Salem is as follows:
awards by department command­
Writers, Please Note
Wednesday, August 7
Alfalfa Excursion Is
Planing Mill Defeat
; JT
1 p.m. Registration of dele- er, hall of representatives.
Not so long ago hotties of gum
2:30 p.m. Convention parade, sued by the British stationery of­
, alternates and visitors,
Held I n Vernonia
fice here the following lustruc­
1 registration
hnva that, slink
un thn '
Klett building.
By Geo. A. Nelson
The boys that slick up the
“In ordinary use the best and
Thursday, August 8
Last Thursday, the first al-. lumber down at the big O.-A.
most nearly Immediate result Is se­
ecutive committee.
falfa excursion was held in the I plant got started off on the
cured by using only such an mnount
9 p.m. Public dances.
Vernonia district, which brought I right foot in the Twilight league
of gum as will Just uniformly
Hall Lewis of Portland visit­ delegates, alternates and visit­
Sunday, August 11
to the attention of a number of when they defeated the ship- ed in this city yesterday.
8 a.m. Sight seeing trips to moisten the surface without leuv-
Ing any obvlous excess to delay
people the possibility of raising ping department 5 to 3. Both
band neighboring cities.
drying, the condition to be aimed
this crop in the Nehalem valley, pitchers twirled nice ball but | Mrs. King has her little grand­ emonies,
being that of a gummed post­
It was a surprise to a number I Bowman for the shippers was daughter as a visitor this week.
age stamp Just moistened as or­
10- 11 a.m. Sight seeing trips,
that accompanied the excursion accorded anything but good sup-1
dinarily applied to a letter."
to know that as good a quality! port, his teammates making a I Miss Kathryn Miskimins of leaving armory.
Now some sensible economist, cal­
Not Original With Lincoln
11 a.m. Opening Legion ses-
of alfalfa could be grown there'total of seven boots to kick 1 Cornelius is a guest of Mr. and
The saying, “You cannot fool all lously Indifferent to fine writing,
skins, hall of representatives,
Mrs. James Fest of this city.
’ 1 away the game.
Open Day and Night
of the people all of the time" la has replaced this piece of unex­
capitol building.
Sword states that he has been i ' The “smooth shavers” drew
attributed to Abruham ampled prose with the terse para
Tom Colon bought a new
11- 12 a.m. Post stunts, down commonly
growing alfalfa for seventeen first blood in the second inning
Lincoln and also to P. T. Barnum
years and showed us remnants when Covert was safe on a I Chevrolet cabriolet from the town streets.
though It Is not in their biogra­
12 m. Adjournment (meeting phies. A little book published by
of the original planting, as well fielder’s choice, was advanced j Gilby Motor company.
of delegation chairmen).
as an excellent three year old on a single by Richardson and
A. Wessels company lu 1903, “The “Talkies” Like “Black Wa-
John Hoskins purchased a new
majors Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln,’’
stand, from which he cut the came home on Nixon’s error.
ters” Are Here To Remain
luncheon (Marion hotel).
gives this as n quotation from Lin­
first crop this year and an ex­ The shippers put across two
More and more does the idea
1:30 p.m.
Legion business coln’s speech nt Clinton, III., on Sep­
cellent second crop was growing markers in the first of the third Motor company last week.
tember 8. 1858. It Is quite likely that talking pictures are here
session (capitol building).
at the present time. Mr. Sword when Laird walked, advanced
Gilbert Bergerson who has
1:30 p.m. Band concert, Wil- that this was a proverb or popular to stay seem to be gaining
states that he has been getting on a hit by Taylor and came
saying long before he uttered It. ground. Not just sound or part
been il lfor the past two weeks son park.
three crops per year.
home on an error. Taylor later is now much improved.
A book of old English proverbs
From Mr. Sword's place we came in with the second tally
lists a similar saying: “No one is dialogue,
Forest Sell of Washtucno,
went to Mrs. Judson Weed’s on a single by Anderson.
a fool always; every one some­ which the characters really speak
3:30 p.m. Grand promenade, times.”
their lines—100 per cent “talk­
where a fine stand of alfalfa
However, the planing mill Wash., visited his father and
was inspected, where the second boys were not to be outdone sister Sunday and Monday on 40 et 8 (Elks club).
4 p.m. Dedication of Salem
In the latter class is “Black
crop was about ready to cut. by the boys who handle the Corey hill.
First Road Bonds
Waters,” an all-dialogue, mys­
This planting of about one and lumber after they slick it up
Al early as 1894 New England tery melodrama shown for the
F. A. Blount recently pur- flying by the army stunt squad-
one-half acres is also three years (nd accordingly scoij'd thqee
Issued bonds for road building, ac­ first time in this city at the Joy
old. This patch has been yield- .more in their half of the third chased a new four-door Chevro- ron.
to the American Automo­ theatre Sunday and Monday.
5 p.m. Barbecue, Salem muni­
ing three crops per year. An- on errors by Laird, McKillip |et sedan from the Gilby Motor
bile association.
Here we have the murky wa­
other planting of one and one- and Anderson, hits by Crowe
Winter Harvesting
7:30 p.m. Auxiliary glee club
ter-front of San Francisco, a
half acres had been made this and Ross and a walk to McGreg-
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Tony
Upper Egypt and India wheat mystery ship to which have been
spring, which was doing well.
or. They marked up one more Delgado, July 29, a six-pound concert and Legion ritualistic Is In harvested
during Februury and summoned several persons dining
Another place that was vis­ for good measure in the fourth boy. Mother and son are doing contest, Wilson park.
at a night club, sinister figures
8:30 p.m. Parade, 40 et 8, March.
ited was that of J. D. Baker, on an error by Linn and a well.
form on Liberty street at arm­
who bad about one acre with .three-bagger by McGregor. The
Mrs. James T. Brady of Mc- ory.
a good second crop coming on. shippers also scored one in their
9:00 Public dances.
One of the outstanding demon­ half of the fourth on a hit by Nary, Arizona is visiting at the
9:30 p.m. 40 et 8 (stadium,
strations on Mr. Baker’s plant- Franks, who advanced on a balk home of her son, Dane Brady
ing was that he
had double and later came home when Mc­ and family.
11:30 p.m. Midnight matinee,
disked it with a double disk, Gregor and George began toss­
Sam Schappi, employe of the Capitol theatre.
Next to Post Office
which is equivalent to 4 single ing the ball around carelessly East Side Logging
Friday, August 9
disking», This had thoroughly between themselves, finally kick­
spent Monday in Vernonia re­
9 a.m. Legion business ses­
killed all the grass and weeds, ing it away to left field.
ceiving medical aid for a cut sion (capitol building).
but had not killed the alfalfa,
The box score for this game wrist.
9 a.m. -
as an cxcelent second crop was follows:
coming on again. One of the re­ Shipping Dep't. AB R II PO
Mr. and Mrs. Don. B. Grable Winter Garden, 333 N. Hight
quirements necessary to the Shipping
with two sons, Rolland and Ken­ street.
10-11 a.m. Sight seeing trips,
growing of alfalfa is to occas- Dep’t.
R H PO A E neth, the Misses Edna ti raw- .leaving armory,
ionally spring tooth or disk it Laird C
1 1 3 0 1
11-12 a.m. Post stunts, down
to keep down the grass and W. Linn 3B
o 0 U 0 1 gerson and Ed. Buckner spent town streets.
weeds, which will choke the crop McKillip 2B
0 0 3 1 1 an enjoyable week end at Can-
12 m. Band concert, Wilson
out in time if this is not done. Taylor SS
A talking picture with Ben Lyons and
1 2 1 3 1 non beach and Seaside.
Shirley Mason. Thursday and Friday Aug­
A. L. Parker also has a stand Anderson IB
0 1 5 0 9
ust * 1, ~ 2.— -----
1:30 p.m. Retirement of col­
of alfalfa which was not vi sited McCabe LF
0 0 0 U 0
ors and adjournment.
at this time, but which makes Nixon CF
0 0 Ü 0 1
2:30 p.m. State championship
four excellent plantings of al- Franks CF
Defeat Planer Shavers junior
1 1 0 0 0
baseball game and 'stunt
falfa in the Vernonia district Hollyfield R1
0 0 0 0 0
A Carl Laemmle production.—Satur-
.finals at Olinger field.
and thoroughly demonstrates that Keene RF
0 0 u 1 0
From page 1
night and Sunday matinee, August
this crop can be grown there on Bowman P
0 0
2 u
the proper types of soil and un­
The box score of Tuesday’s
der proper cultural conditions.
19 3 5 12 8 7 game follows:
Alfalfa can only be grown Planing Mill
Planing mill Ml R II PO A E
All-talking. “A photoplay made where
on well drained Greenman SS 3 0 1 3 2 0 Taylor CF
3 0 2 1 • 0
the story laid.” Sunday and Monday,
lands, such as the Chehalis slit Marshall 2B 3 1 0 1 (1 0 Marshall 2B 2 0 0 0 2 U
August 4, 5.—10c-35c. Thrilling famous
clay loam, which type of soil is George 3B
3 1 0 9 1 0 George 3B
2 0 0 0 0 0
story of old Frisco’s waterfront.
found extensively in the Ne McGregor C 1 1 1 5 0 1 Norgorden C 2 1 1 5 0 0
halem valley. Alfalfa will not Smith P
3 0 0 0 4 1 Greenman SS 2 0 1 0 1 0
grow on heavy wet types of Crowe LF
3 1 1 • 0 0 Crowe LF
2 9 0 1 9 II
And two-reel talking comedy. Starting a
lands successfully.
2 0 0 1 1 0
Ross CF
2 0 1 « 0 0 Ross RF
new serial, “The Pirates of Pittsburg.”
0 9 0 9 • 9 Richardson
b 2 • 0 4 0 II
Good seed should be selected, Wall CF
Tuesday and Wednesday, August 6, 7.
2 1 0 0 0 0 Smith
preferably of the Grimm variety, Covert KF
2 0 0 9 0 9
which has proved successful in
2 0 1 6 0 I)
Wednesday Night August 7
western Oregon and this should
19 1 4 12 4 9
be inoculated with nitrofying
22 5 6 15 7 2 Sawmill
2 0 0 1 1 3
Summary: bases on balls off Laird SS
bacteria to assure a crop. The
Who have won the heart of Vernonia
ground should be fall plowed Bowman 2, Smith 3; struck out Ferren
2 1 2 9 9 1
theatre fans by the clever portrayal
and thoroughly worked so that by Bowman 2, Smith 5; two base C. Linn 2B
2 I 1 I 4 1
snappy sketches. Also “Wolves of
it will be free of weeds and hits, Taylor and Crowe; three McGregor 3B 1 0 0 1 2 0
City, and comedy.
grass. Late spring planting has base hit, McGregor; stolen bases Black C
0 0 0 2 3 9
given the best results, that is Laird and Richardson; hit by Nelson CF
1 u 0 1 9 0
set vice
planting in May and June. Late pitched ball Hollyfield by Smith; Boerner RF 2 0 -o 1 9 h
at the
planting gives an opportunity to left on bases, shippers 5; plan­ Davis P
1 0 0 9 9 o
get the ground in a better state ers 7; umpire. Greenman.
Drorbaugh 11 Bl 9 0 8 1 9
of cultivation. The alfalfa should
t our
be sown without a nurse crop.
Coquille——Music store will be
Summary: bases on balls off
The fact that alfalfa can be established in quarters in Gould
smith 2. Davis 1; struck out
grown successfully in the Neha­ building.
by Smith 4. Davis 1; three base
lem valley is a further demon­
Eugene—$200,000 fine
arts hit, Norgorden;
stration that forage crops of
pearly all kinds can be grown building will be erected on Uni­ McGregor; stolen bases, Taylor,
Greenman and Ferren; double
here for the feeding of dairy versity of Oregon campus.
cattle and other classes of live­
stock. This should be an import­
ant link in the development of
a substantial dairy industry in
the valley. Dairying is the class
of farming to build up a sub­
stantial agricultural development!
in any community.
ariety ^eof Life
Eat at the
Long Distance and Local
2=ton truck
Watch for
Further Announcement in
this paper
The Famous
Joy Theatre
Gene Shipman
Portland — Bids opened for
construction of $4,250,000 St
Johns bridge project.
Sutherlin—Recently construct I
od storage plant of Union Oil
avenue, I
opened for busineas.
Sale Counter
Good Quality
Shoes at $2.9S
Red Goose Shoes
O’Donnell Shoes
Vernonia s Progressive Store
Leaders of Style and Quality
We Feature Quality Merchandise
Buster Brown Shoes
Joroco Dresses
Good Quality
Warner’s Corsets
Rollins Hosiery