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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1929)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 2S, 1929 Classified Advertising First insertion, per word.... lc (No service less than 26c). Succeeding insertions, per word...... 6c (No service less than 15c) Blacl: face heading», each word counts the same as two words. Cash should accompany the order. When a statement is required the minimum charge is 80c. Classified columns close at 12 o’clock Wednesday noon. FOR SALE 'out of the Circuit Court of the! No. 14, Columbia county, Ore gon, for the erection of a play BABY CARRIAGE for sale— state of Oregon for Multnomah | shed to be constructed on the Inquire at house 104, O.-A. county, under date of May 28, Pleasant Hill grounds. hill. 511* 1929 and to me directed in the Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check to the $2500 BEAUTIFUL corner mod case of C. R. Coyle vs. Edwards amount of 5 per cent of the bid. ern 6 room house and garage, Co. and Mayme Rieff upon a Checks to be refunded with all choice residence district. Easy judgement against the plaintiff rejected bids; and to the suc terms. Dr. Hawke, Forest Grove, for the'sum of $110.60, I have cessful bidder upon the signing Oregon. 494 levied upon all the right, title, of the contract and furnishing and estate of the said of a good faith bond to twice BABY CHICKS—Closing down interest C. R. Coyle in and to the follow the amount of the bid. the incubator for the present. ing described real property to- Specifications may be seen at Get your baby chicks now while clerk’s home. they last. Barred Rocks and R. wit: Lot 4. Block 9, in the City of I. Reds. Sunshine Hatchery, on Vernonia, Oregon, and begin signed Corey hill. 512* ning at the Northwest corner Mrs. Henry E. John, Clerk of Dist. 14 Pleasant Hill of Lot One (1) Block seven (7- MODERN eight room house, close in. Bath, toilet, lavatory, sink, of the original town of Verno school. First pub. July 18, 1929. hot water, "garage. Good street, nia, Oregon; thence South fifty Last pub. July 25 1929. sidewalk. Recently painted out (50) feet to the Southwest cor side, just papered inside. $25 ner of said lot; thence East CALL FOR BIDS per month. See J. C. Lindley at thirty (30) feet along the South Request for bids for the trans bank. 40tf line of said lot; thence North fifty (50) feet to the North line portation of school children. The FOR RENT 4-room modern house of said lot; thence West along directors of Vernonia school dis on First avenue. J. C. Lindley said North line to the place of trict No. 47 will entertain bids all of said parcel be for the transportation of pupils at Bank of Vernonia. tf beginning, ing situated in Lot One (1) on the route from the boundary PIANO school starts soon. I block seven (7) of the original of the district on the St. Helens I road to Pittsburg, for a period of left my slightly used piano town of Vernonia, Oregon. That by virtue of the said one year. The conveyance to be here and before moving it would sell it cheap for cash or will execution and judgement I will used must meet the approval of give terms to suit to responsible sell, to the highest bidder, for the board of directors, and the people. Write to me and I will cash in hand all the right, title, directors reserve the right to re advise where piano is. P. P. interest and estate which the ject any and all bids. Bids will Kroeker, Rt. 3, Dallas, Ore. 512* said C. R. Coyle had in and to be opened at 8 p.m. Tuesday, the said real property at the July 30, 1929. $700 PLAYER piano just like date of said levy, to-wit: On W. W. WOLFF, Clerk, new, for $350. Your terms. June 8, 1929, or which he may School District No. 47 If interested write to box P. subsequently acquire at the First pub. July 18 1929. Eagle,____________________ 512* south door of the courthouse at Last pub. July 25 1929. St. Helens, in Columbia county, MISCELLANEOUS Oregon, at the hour of 10 o’clock SCHOOL DISTRICT I DO EMBROIDERING and cro a.m. on July 29, 1929, for the BOND ELECTION NOTICE cheting. Write for information. purpose of satisfying the said of Oregon, County of Mrs. Irvin R. King, Box 324, judgement, costs and accruing •" State vumbia, School District No. Buxton, Oregon. 503 costs upon said execution. 47., ss. Witness my hand as sheriff piotiee is hereby given that, W’ANTED—Plain and fancy of Columbia county, Oregon, this at the school district bond elec sewing or dressmaking. Coat 20 day of June, 1929. tion hereby called, to be held at making and alterations, experi OSCAR G. WEED, Sheriff. the Washington school, in and enced seamstress. Mrs. J. R. First publication June 27. for school district No. 47, of Co Cooper, 1126, Washington St., Last publication July 25. lumbia county, Oregon, Monday, Vernonia. 51tf the 12th day of August, A. D. CALL FOR BIDS 1929, between the hours of 2 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Bids will be received up to o’clock p.m. and 7 o’clock p.m. Notice is hereby given that fi p.m. Saturday, July 27, 1929, there will be submitted to the pursuant to an execution issued by the school clerk of district legal voters thereof the question Professional and Business Directory For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. 1 hese men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. BEAUTY SHOPS HAULING ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOP Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger waving, Permanent Waving. Over Horseshoe Cafe. Phone 431 Marcelling, Finger Waving, permanent Waving, Shampoo ing and Manicuring. PHYSICIANS Truck For Local and Long Distance Hauling Tel. 222 Phone 293 Curly Buffmire TRANSFER PLUMBING ASPLAND Plumbing & Electric General Plumbing HOTEL Phone 193 NEHALEM HOTEL DENTISTS Vernonia’s Oldest and up-to-date hotel. M. D. COLE Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Vernonia, Res. Phone 664 • Oregon QUICK SERVICE ESSIE NANCE BEAUTY SHOP Over Corey’s Store. / Dr. J. A. Hughes most Bafford Brothers General Plumbing Mrs. Grace Scott, Manager Vernonia Dentist Vernonia, Oregon FIVE of contracting a bonded indebt NOTICE OF SALE business Thursday evening. edness in the sum of $75,000.00 Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Wm. Pringle, Jr. drove for the purpose of constructing the undersigned as administrator to Vernonia Friday. tind equipping a new school oi the estate of Jens Langum, Miss Beatrice Perry and her building in and for said Bchool deceased by virtue of an order grandfather, Oliver Burris, were district. of sale will sell at public auc shopping in Vernonia Saturday. the vote will be by ballot up tion for cash all of the house Mr. and Mrs. Leo Graham and on which shall be the words hold goods belonging to said sons Junior, Bobby and Dick are “Bonds—Yes’’ and “Bonds—No” , estate at the late residence of occupying one of the houses on and the voter shall place a cross , said deceased on the highway the Neurey riuich. (X^ between the word “Bonds” , North of the mile Bridge, at the Frank Peterson and his son and the word “Yes,” or between J hour of 1 o’clock in the after Richard drove to Vernonia Fri the word “Bonds” and the word noon on the Sth day of August, day. “No,” which indicates his choice. 1929. Noble Dunlap and Floyd The polls for the reception of Andrew M. Parker, Adminis- Deeds were Mist shoppers Sat the ballots cast for or against trator. urday. the contraction of said indebted First published July 25, 1929. Mrs. Lee Osburn was in Ver ness will on said day and date Last published, Aug. 1, 1929. 1 nonia on business Friday. and at the place aforesaid, be Noble Dunlap and Floyd opened at the hour of 2 o’clock Deeds were Mist shoppers Sat NATAL p.m., and remain open until the urday. hour of 7 o’clock p.m., of the Mrs. Lee Osburn was in Ver same day when the same shall Mrs. James McCormick and nonia on business Friday. be closed. two children are spending a cou Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding By order of the district school family motored to Clats board of school district No. 47, ple of weeks at Wilark camp, and Saturday. of Columbia county, Oregon, ¡where Mr. McCormick is employ kanie Dave McMullin was reported made this 19th day of July, A.D. ed as camp cook. ill last week. 1929. I Mrs. M. Smith, daughter of Lincoln Peterson was a Sat I Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smith, urday caller at the home of BEN S. OWENS, Chairman, District School Board. spent Friday at Natal visiting Dave McMullin. Harry McMullin, son of Ed friend» Attest. W. W. WOLFF, Ain Wallace was ta Natal bus ward McMullin, is working away District Clerk. from home this summer. iness caller Sunday. First pub. July 25, 1929. Wm. Pringle Jr. has returned Jake Neurer was in Mist on Last pub. August 1, 1929. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of Union High School District No. 1, of Columbia county, state of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of said district will be held at Ver- ingnonia, on the 10th day of August, 1929, at 7:00 o’clock in the evening for the purpose of dis cussing the budget hereinafter set out with the levying board. The total amount of money needed by the said school district during the fiscal year be ginning on June 30, 1929, and ending June 30, 1930, is estimated in the following budget and inc ludes the amounts to be received from the district tax. Until toe ballots are counted at least one hour after the time set for the meeting in districts of the second and third classes, any legal voter of the district shall be entitled to vote upon any matters before the meeting. BUDGET Estimated Receipts 2. 8. 11. From district tax ........... $33,000 From high school tuition.. 2,000 Total revenue receipts $35,000 (items 2 to 10, inclusive) Estimated Expenditures I. General Control 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Clerk ............................. Election and publicity.... Legal service (clerk’s bond, audit, etc.)......... Other expense of gener al control: 1. Postage, stationery 2. Commencement .... Total expense of gen eral control ................. IL Instruction, Supervision 2. 5. Principal ....................... Total expense of Supervision ................... « Maintenance, Repairs 200.00 60.00 Repair and replacement of furniture and equip 520.00 ment ............................. Repair and maintenance 150.00 of buildings, grounds.... Total expense of main tenance and repairs 61 ro.oo....... 1. 2. 60.00 4. 35.00 100.00 $ 455.00 2,700.00 VI. 2. 3. 3. 5. Auxiliary Agencies 325.00 Library books ............... 20.00 Supplies, repairs, etc.... Transportation of pupils 5,692.50 Total expense of auxil iary agencies ............... Hoffman Hdwe. Building Vernonia, Oregon Confection* Soft Drink*—Cigar* Billiard* and Pool LESTER SHEELEY Attomey-at-Law Vernonia, Oregon SHINGLE MILL Re-Roof With SHINGLES From EYESIGHT SPECIALIST DR. HARRY A. BROWN Eyesight Specialist Eyes tested, glasses fitted Consultation free Watch date of next visit GORDON R. WATT Attorney-at-law Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon Johnston & McGraw Shingle Co. VERNONIA Lodge and Club Notices This directory of Vernonia lodges and clubs will give you quick information on meeting dates and officials. A. F. & A. M. Mountain Heart Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets Rebekah Lodge No. 243 I.O.O.F., meets every j at Masonic Temple, No. 243, and fourth Thursdays in Stated Communication second W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitors First Thursday of each ; always welcome. month. Special called Irma Higdon, Noble Grand. meetings on all other Thurs Edna Linn, Vice Grand. day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors Marie O'Donnell, Secretary. moat cordially welcome. F. D. Macpherson, W. M. J. B. Wilkerson, Secretary. W American Legion Vernonia Post 119, American Legion. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays each month, 8 p. m. John Hay, Adjutant KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Order of Eastern Star Nehai'em Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu nication first and third Wed- of each at Ma- c Temple, visiting sis ters and broth ers welcome. Mrs. Ramona Lindley, W.M. Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secn«ary. home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer. Natal Grange hall is being prepared for winter and treated with new shingles on the roof. Mrs. Oliver Burris is confined to her home with illness. Noble Dunlap and Ira Peter son are doing some carpenter work at Natal. Harry McMullin of The Dalle« spent Monday with his brother, Ed. McMullin, and Mrs. McMul lin. W. R. King was a Natal call er one day last week. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer last week were Mrs. Neurer’s brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fessler, and son Robert Lee of Portland. W. C. Flemming of Portland was at Natal last week on bus iness. Evelyn McMullin was visiting her cousins, Millie, Annie and Marian, Wednesday of last week. Contract awarded for con struction at St Helens of one- stor.y building to house post of fice. Clatskanie—$30,500 bond is sue approved for erection of school building on Holmes site. Klamath Falls—Contract is awarded for three city street improvement projects. POOL HALL BAKERS PLACE Denti.try and X-Ray Other organizations ehould soon start plan ning, to sponsor some benefit or form of activities, the proceeds to go towards the Community chest which was started this early spring by the Vernonia Study club. Recently an organization at forest, Grove gave a banquet at which plates were sold for $5 each, and raised some $1300 towards their building fund. The food, labor and use of the hall in which the feast was held was donated, so that no expense was attached to the venture. Another means of raising a goodly sum towards the chest, would be to sponsor a benefit smoker, in which the boxers, hall and publicity would be gratis* having no expense whatsoever, and the response from the public would be greater, when they know that every cent they spent would enter the community chest Many organizations such as the Masons, Ame rican Legion, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and Woodmen should be more than willing to sponsor at least one benefit before this fall, and with the concentrated efforts of these lodges, the chest fund will be of such size, as to take care of work which is needed to be done each year in our city. 6,037.50 home from Scofield, where he VII . Fixed Charge* has been working for a few 1. Personal service: 325.00 1. Insurance ..................... weeks. 2. 1 teacher @ $1950 __ 1,950.00 75.00 3. Rent ............................. 3. 3 teachers @ $1530 .... 4,590.00 John McMullin was * Mist 400.00 5. Total fixed charges....... 4. 3 teachers @ $1350 .... 4,050.00 shopper Friday. 2. Supplies (chalk, paper, Carl Filer and his two grand 100.00 etc.) .............................. IX. Debt Service 5. Other expense of teach 1. Principal on bonds....... 2,500.00 sons were in Vernonia Friday. 100.00 ing (substitute) ........... 2. Principal on warrants. .. 6,050.19 Mrs. A. Green and her son 6. Total expense of teach 600.00 4. Interest on bonds ....... 10,790.00 ing .................................. 500.00 were in Vernonia to do some 5. Interest on warrants .... IV. Operation of Plant 9,650.19 trading Saturday. 9. Total debt service ....... 1. Janitors and other Bud Baldrige was working for X. Emergency employes ....................... 1,500.00 2,007.81 1. 100.00 2. Janitors’ supplies ......... Reed Holding last week. Total estimated expendi 450.00 3. Fuel .................. X Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMullin tures: (sum of items I- 90.00 4. Light and power and family of Alberta, Canada, 6, II-6, III-6, IV-8, V-4, 150.00 5. Water .............. are at Natal visiting relatives. VI-5, VII-5, VIII-7, IX- 8. Total expense of opera 35,000 Mrs. Bob Linsey and son Clar 9, X-3) ......................... 2,290.00 tion ............................... ence were in Vernonia shopping Recapitulation Summary of Estimated Expenditures Saturday. Total estimated expens For school year from June 30, 1929, to June 30, Richard Peterson was visiting es for the year ............ $35,000.00 1930 his uncle. Nelson Peterson, Sat Total estimated re Personal service, sum of (I- urday. ceipts, not including 1) (II-l) III-l) (IV-1) proposed tax ................ 9,000.00 Miss Hazel McMullin, daugh (VI, 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1)..... $15,190.00 Balance, amount to be Supplies, sum of (1-2) (II-2) ter of Edward McMullin, is here $26,000.00 visiting her parents. raised by district tax.... (III-2) (IV-2) (VI-1-3, 2-2 Indebtedness 220.Ou 3-2, 4-2) (VIII-4) ........... Mrs. Carl Eiler has left for 1. Amount of bonded in Maintenance and repairs, sum Newport to spend a month with debtedness (include all 670.00 of (V-l, 2, 3) ................... relatives. warrants issued by vote Debt service, sum of (IX-1, John McMullin was in Ver of electors) ................. 10,000.00 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).......... 9,650.19 nonia on business last week. 2. Amount of warrant in Miscellaneous, sum of (1-3, debtedness on warrants Mr. and Mrs. A. Wallace were 4, 5) II-3, 4, 5) (III- 3, issued and endorsed _ 2___ ' 4, 5) (IV-3, 4, 5, 6, 7) callers at the home of Mrs. Jake "not paid for lack of (VIM, 2, 3, 4) (VIII-5, Neurer Thursday. funds” ........................... 6,050.19 6) ....................................... 1,150.00 Noble Dunlap was a business 4. Total indebtedness (sum Emergency (X-l, 2) ........... 2,007.31 $16,050.19 caller at the home of Mr. and of items 1, 2, 3) ......... $28,887.50 Total ....................................... Mrs. Frank Peterson Thursday. Dated this 13th day of July, 1929. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perry and CONDIT, H. M. Attest: MRS, CHAS. MALMSTEN, Mr. and Mrs. Tisendale were ef Directors. Chairman Board District Clerk. Saturday evening visitors at the 2,700.00 III. Instruction, Teaching LAWYERS DR. W. H. HURLEY REMEMBER COMMUNITY CHEST NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING HARDING LODGE 116 5ts every Monday ht in the W.O.W. I. Visiting broth welcome. Van Doren. C.C. Messing, K. R. S. American Legion Auxiliary Meet* first and third Mondays of each month at the Legion hall. Mrs. C. J. Nance, Pres. Mrs. P. Wideman, Sec. 1. QO. F. WOMENS RELIEF I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. Pythian Sisters CORPS 246 meets every Tuesday night Vernonia Temple 61 meets at 8 o’clock, in Grange hall. Vis every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in Meets third Thursday of each itors always welcome. W.O.W. hall. month at the W. O. W. hall. H. E. Stevenson, N. G. MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. John Glasaner, Secretary. Mrs. Lee Hall, president. DELLA CLINE, M. of R. A C. DANCE BREAD Saturday, July 27 Legion hall Vernonia Earl Washburn, Chairman Good Music Ladies 25c Men 75c For Cafes And Home Consumption WELL-BREAD folk have got the habit of demanding Mother’s Bread. On their own tables or at the restaurant they regard it as an indispensable accessory to the perfect meal. Made in big, golden-brown loaves, crisp, fresh and delicious it is a daily fav orite with lovers of good food. From the sanitary bakeries of— Vernonia Bakery