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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1929)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1929 -------------------------------------------- Miss Ramona Minor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Miner, visited her parents for several days last week. Mrs. J. H. Bush who has un dergone a minor operation at the Good Samaritan hospital in Mrs. V. L. Powell was a Port- Tom Crawford motored to Portland, is expected to return home within a few days. land visitor Monday. Portland Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gibson Frank Hartwick and Happy Dean Duvall, operator for the United Railways at Keasey spent Thompson were Portand visitors returned on Tuesday of last week from the southern part of on Monday. Saturday in this city. Arizona, where they have been Miss Mary Laramore is visit spending the winter months. Mrs. E. M. Ericson is leaving for Portland Saturday to live | ing Iter sister in Portland for a Mr. and Mrs. Carl Amoto and few days. with her mother. family of camp McGregor spent Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hoffman Saturday in this city, taking in T. J. Waltman of Portland was a Vernonia visitor last Tues returned Thursday after spend the smoker at the Legion hall ing a few days at the beach. in the evening. day. Frank Riley purchased an Es Loel Roberts, teller at the Bank of Vernonia has returned sex coach last Friday from the Vernonia Service station. after a two weeks’ vacation. George Tu^ter recently pur Dudley Nickson, timekeeper for the I. P. Logging company chased an Oakland coupe from at camp, spent Saturday even the Gilby Motor compuny. ing in this city. Jack Perry purchased a Pon Roy Hatley of the Veteran’s tiac roadster from the Gilby hospital at American Lake, Wn., Motor this past week. visited his sister, Mrs. Essie Walter Reed recently purchas Nance this past week. ed a Chevrolet coupe from the Wealthy Royer, who had her Gilby Motor company. leg amputated a month ago has George Peterson recently pur left the hospital and is conval chased a Chevrolet coupe from escing rapidly. the Gilby Motor company. Mrs. K. W. Bentley of Port M. Flynn of Birkenfeld, pro and visited her mother, Mrs. J. prietor of the Birkenfeld hotel, R. Larramore and family this spent Friday here on business. past week. Carl Burgeson, formerly of George Vosniek underwent an the Shell Oil company was a operation at the Veterans hos- Vernonia visitor on Monday. cital last Thursday. Mr. Vosniek Miss LaVerne Cots of Reeds has been in ill health for the port is visiting her sister, Mrs. past few months. Art Miller, for several weeks. H. N. Danielsen, representing the Simonds Saw and Steel com Miss Melba Larramore is vis pany, with headquarters at Port iting relatives in Portland for land spent Friday in this city several days. in conference with H. E. Mc Gus Bredof motored from Graw. Hillsboro last Monday to attend Mrs. Mark E. Moe and daugh the K. P. lodge meeting in this ter Joy drove to Vancouver, city. JVash., Tuesday afternoon to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheppard visit visit her sister, Mrs. S. J. Wassenar, and family. They will of La Harba, California, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nicar for return today. several days last week. Section foremen and their Mr. and Mrs. II. E. McGraw crews from all sections on the United Railways, with the ex and family departed Saturday ception of Burlington, spent the for Rockaway, where they will early part of this week working spend a few days. here, inserting switch ties and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bradford getting yard tracks in shape. of Camp McGregor visited at Word was received on Sun the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. day of the death of Mrs. Mary A. Ritchie on Saturday. Nance at Joplin, Missouri, mo H. V. Holcomb went to Port ther of Jack, Clarence and Ralph land over the week end to visit Nance of this city. Ralph Nance his family. Mrs. Holcomb is un left for his home on Monday der medical care in Portland. and will return after the funer al. Mrs. Tom Waltman of Port land, formerly a resident of E. D. Selder, auditor for the Vernonia, is visiting Mrs. Chris State Industrial Accident Com Nicar for several days. mission with headquarters at Mrs. O. Roberts and son, Loel, Portland spent Friday in Ver nonia on State business and returned from a two weeks va while in the city enjoyed a few cation trip to Burley, Idaho, games of golf at the Vernonia Saturday. Golf course. Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Moe Emil Messing, with his brother spent Friday and Saturday in C. A. Messing of Portland left Portland on business and visit Sunday morning for a trip to ing relatives and friends. Chicago and will visit their sis Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson ter in Iowa, before returning home. The brothers will be gone and Mrs. Guy Cameron motored three weeks and will motor back last Saturday to Horsetail falls, returning to this city Sunday. over a different route. Mrs. Grace Scott of the Ne Mr. and Mrs. S. Thompson and small daughter of Portland halem hotel recently purchased visited Mrs. Thompson’s sister, a Chevrolet sedan from the Gil Mrs. Essie Nance over the week by motor company. end. Mrs. Thompson is the for John E. Kullander of Mil mer Tiny Hadley. waukee, Oregon, spent the week J. E. Cool of Portland, west end at the home of his brother, ern sales manager of the Cent A. L. Kullander. ral Coal & Coke company, ac Mr. and Mrs. John Powell of companied Mr. and Mrs. Ken Umatilla, arrived here Saturday dall and their children on their to visit at the home of their visit to Vernonia. daughter, Mrs. Dove Knight. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bradford Mrs. L. W. Baker left Tues of Camp McGregor spent Sat day for Portland where she will urday evening in Vernonia tak undergo an operation at the ing in the smoker during the Good Samaritan hospital. evening. Mr. Bradford is chief The Vernonia Laundry recent engineer for the O. A. at camp. ly purchased a Chevrolet light Mrs. W. W. Simmonson, of delivery from the Gilby Motor Chicago, and Mrs. Ed. Simmons company. of Caldwell, Ida., were the guests Dan Nicholson of Cochrane at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ritchey last week. The vis purchased a Pontiac sedan from itors stopped over on their way the Gilby Motor company this last week. to the coast. The Gordon Furniture com pany have painted the exterior of their store a light grey trim med with light orange. The in terior has also been treated to a new coat of brown paint. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Kendall and two children of Kansas City were Vernonia visitors Friday. Mr. Kendall is the general sales manager of the Central Coke & Coke company. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Yeo and children left Sunday for a mo tor trip to Vancouver, B. C., and other cities in Canada, and will be away on their vacation for one month. H. S. Tucker, district manager of the Skaggs-Safeway stores, spent Tuesday in Vernonia in conference with A. E. Ritchey, local manager. Mrs. C. Anderson, Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hoffman Davidson and their children are and family departed Sunday for visiting at Seaside for two weeks. their summer home on the Mc O. A. Powell and family of Kenzie river near McKenzie Portland _______ ,___________ , with ___ V. spent Sunday Bridge, Oregon, where they will | L. Powell and family of this spend the next few months. city. A 9 pound baby boy was born July 17, to Dr. and Mrs. M. D. Cole at a Portland hospital. The boy has been named Donald Lewis. Mrs. Lou Cates and daughters moved to Portland last Thurs day. On the same day the house hold furniture was moved by the Cason Transfer company. Mrs. W. W. Wolff and daugh ter Dorothy June, Mrs. Judd Greenman,, Mrs. Sarah Spencer, Miss Catherine Malmsten, Mrs. L. A. Rogers, and Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plumer are attending the Women's Missionary convention and camp meeting at Jennings Lodge this week. Many more belonging to the Evangelical church in this city are planning to attend over the week end. Compulsory Insurance Facts KEASEY Lee Devaney of Wilark is vis iting Master Alvin Dean Duvall this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong and daughter are making their home in Spokane, Wash. Several of the men from In.- man-PoPulsen camp attended the fights in Vernonia Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Acheson and family of Keasey attended the fights in Vernonia Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bolongia and daughter of I.-P. camp 2 were Vernonia visitors Saturday evening, attending the fights. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Nick son of I.-P. camp 2 attended the fights in Vernonia Saturday ev ening, returning to Portland Sunday evening. Miss La Velle Dukes was the house guest of Miss Lucile Gosa during the week, returning to her home at Cole Creek, Wash., Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Young, formerly of Keasey, have moved to the I.-P. camp 2 into the Jiouse formerly occupied by Mr. pnd Mrs. John Armstrong. Mrs. A. R. Lundeen and sons Bobbie and Jackie of I.-P. head quarters camp and Miss Anna Devaney of Keasey returned from Westport where they were visiting and picking cherries at the home of Mrs. Lundeen’s mother, Mrs. West. Cecil Manning of East Side Logging company went to Port land Sunday morning to bring Mrs. Manning home from the Good Samaritan hospital where she has been confined. He was accompanied on the trip bf Mr. and Mrs. H. Harold Christie and daughter Frances. Proponents of compulsory au tomobile liability insurance tend to exaggerate the menace they are out to correct. Remove Old Canee Insurance statistics indicate that but five per cent of pri Old canes in the raspberre vate passenger cars in this coun patch should be removed imme try, in any one year, have ac diately after the close of the cidents involving personal in picking season. The canes should juries for which there is legal be cut as close to the ground as liability on the part of the possible. At the same time dig out all dead or badly diseased driver. Authorities estimate that but clumps. Remove prunings from 10 per cent of possible claims the lield and burn them. If the are uncollectable because of fi patch is destroyed, it should nancial irresponsibility of the not be replanted to raspberries motorist, and a survey has di for three or four years. These vulged that but 40 per cent of measures are an aid in prevent injured persons are legally en ing disease. titled to recovery. So if 10 per cent of drivers' Change Cow', Feed in Summer are financially irresponsible and dairyman knows that if but five per cent of all oper the Every dairy cow’s production de ators have accidents for which creases in hot, dry weather be they are liable, it is found that cause of insufficient feed, it is 10 per cent of five per cent, or difficult if not impossible to get one-half of one per cent of op production back to normal dur erators are responsible for the ing that lactation period. Most evil compulsory insurance is de regular pastures are short in signed to cure. and August and supplemen In other words, compulsory July tary feeds should be provided in insurance penalizes 99.5 per cent the form of silage, supplement of motorists because of the ary pasture crops, soiling crops, faults of one-half of one per or good legume hay. cent. Even under these conditions, there might be some excuse for Bost Grain Mixture For Cow compulsory insurance if it ap To get the best possible grain preciably reduced accidents, but mixture for the dairy cow, a few in practice it has consistently failed to do this. In some local suggestions should be kept In ities it has apparently encour mind. Make up the mixture to aged reckless driving and acci fit the roughage available. With dents have proportionately in roughage entirely of the low- creased.—The Manufacturer. protein class, the grain should contain from 20 to 24 per cent of protein, while with exclusively No Soap on Dairy Dairy utensils should be wash high-protein roughage, the grain ed with warm water and an al ration need contain only from kali or soda-ash washing powder 12 to 14 per cent. Choose grains —never with soap. Use a stiff that will furnish the various particularly pro brush for scrubbing them—never constituents, tein, at the least cost, using a rag. home-grown grains if possible. Be sure that the mixture is light Pick Corn Just Before Cooking Sweet corn loses its sugar con and bulky, that it is palatable, tent very rapidly after being and that it has a good physio removed from the stalk, and to logical effect on the cow. have the best flavor should be picked only a few hours, or better, a few minutes, before be ing cooked. THREE ——“. A Sweat Young Thing It was along the Pacific high way south of Sutherlin and the Copco power line paralleling the road was in the hands of re pair men. A sweet young thing was driving and cooing, when of a sudden she spied two line men climbing power line poles. ‘‘Oh, Charlie,” she exclaimed, “just look at those two timid men climbing poles. I wonder if they think I never drove before. —Sutherlin Sun. Vetch Silago Better Than is 'Warte, Because He Shares In The Profits Corn Feeding experiment« carried on at the Oregon experiment station indicated that vetch sil age is as good if not better than corn silage for feeding dairy cows, and that the feeding calue of kale is nearly as great as that of average corn silage, when fed in the usual quantities, the fact that kale analyzes low er in nutrients seems to be off set by its greater succulence, palatability and vitamin content. The Safeway manager regards the store he operates as though he owned it outright. He gets a reasonable salary and— in addition—almost a third of the net profits. Oftentimes, too, he is a substantial stockholder in the company. Therefore, his inter est in serving you and earning your approval and confidence for his store is- in every way, as keen as that of any individual mer chant. , Rape Suited to Mild Climate* Rape, one of the cheapest and quickest growing of the tempor ary forage chrops, is especially well suited to mild, moist cli mates and deep rich mellow soils, says the Oregon experiment sta tion. Because of its reatively shallow rooting system, rape does not do well under eastern .Oregon dry-farm conditions, but is grown to some extent in the irrigated and sub-irrigated areas. It is grown extensively in west ern Oregon, particularly in the Willamette valley. In food value it is similar to cabbage and kale. Safeway Savings Fri., Sat. and Mon., July 26,27,29 The wholesale price of sugar is steadily advancing. Buy your canning supply now. 100 For 5 years Dr. Luzader, eyesight specialist, has been making monthly visits to Vernonia. His next visit will be August 6 and 6, office at Kul- lander’s. Have your eyes jMNS examined.—adv. ’52^“' 25 Scientifically Fitted 15 years experience FREE EXAMINATION Next visit to Vernonia Fri. and Sat., July 26-27 M c D onald hotel Make your reservations now Dr. HARRY A. BROWN Eyesight Specialist Portland,, Oregon ------------- 1 INSURE ~------ — See E. B. Miner Phone 284 for that Insurance Health, Fire, Auto or Life Covering all of Columbia county. District manager of Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association. Representing only the largest and best Insurance Company. “Have you your health and accident Insurance’* ib. bag .... $5 89 $169 3 pounds ... .............. 49c Genuine Semolina, made from Durum hard wheat. 3 3 29c pounds 53c Cans Pineapple About It An extra fine quality of broken and slight ly imperfect slices. Large No. 2*£ tins. It Pays Shell Oil Co. 3 can« ..................... 63c Purex C. BRUCE LUMBER Wholesale and Retail Vernonia 3 tall tins .. _____ 69c 5 98c pound. Honey Dainty Wafers lb. carton . ........... 33c 2 10 U}¥j .... 32 00 ft ft New Spuds fancy quality 10 lbs 00c Royal Bak ing Powder Í Certo The original fruit pectin- for making perfect jelly. 3 Bottle. .... ______ 79c ft Mayonnaise and Relish Spread Best Food Gold Medal brand. ft f ? 21c 1 Pint Jar ........ 39c 1 Quart Jar . 75c 2 Pint Jar .... (Note) — With each purchase of Royal Baking Powder we Try this delicious are offering an offic light fluffy healthful ial Royal cloth bound confection. cook book that regu 1 pound ...... 23c larly sells for $1.50, pound box ft Lemons larg®Sunki*t per doz. 37c Lettuce extra lge. head* 3 for 19c Bananas fancy quality 3 lbs 19c Oranges sweet and juicy 3 doz 37c M’rshmTws I dozen pair 1 Fruit and Vegetable Features 19c Boxes $118 Canvas Gloves 33c 1 lObars Matches 6 lb pail gon made product is Boss ¡Big Gem No. continually gaining in 159 red knit wrist household popularity. lets. Try it. 2 pair ..................... 35C This is our last offer ing of this wonderful bleacher, cleanser and deodorizer at This product has this low price. 2 large bottles .... 23c been a national fav orite for years. When a Royal is used, favor able results are cer Safeway Brand tain. Made from straight 49c grain wood. Strike 12 ounce can anywhere and no af 2 2 pound can .... $153 ter glow. 5 Cass Bergerson If Fancy Red Alaska The Margarine of Sockeye. Packed quality. Try this tas ty spread. when caught Solid pack and fancy quality, in large No. 2i/ij tins. Hoffman Vernonia Trading Company Crux Salmon Tomatoes See Agent for 4 can. ............ 49 c Macaroni or L’ndry Soap Wonder brand Spaghetti White This high grade Ore Shell Specialties McCormick-Deering Farm Implements pounds ... .............. 29c 2 Fancy grade of pure A delicious, health ful dainty that every A crisp, flakey salted alfalfa and sweet clover eastern Ore one likes. Full of cracker. gon honey. fresh crushed figs. Hard Jobs Made Easy Tile Bricks Cement Blocks Roofing Cement Fancy quality of Gol Fine quality of stan dard white com. den Hallowi. Fig Bars Just as you think of Quality in buy ing Clothes, so should you think of Qual ity in buying BUILDING MATERIAL. You’ll appreciate the economy over a period of years. Ed. Tapp lb bag Corn Dates Sugar Build With Quality Glasses A 98c for..................25c Note This—Mayon naise is made from pure vegetable oil and is the world’s largest seller. i I Safeway Market Features Pure Lard Bacon » JÎ Medium heavy, sugar cured. A Open kettle rendered well known brand 3 pounds for...................... 45c 30c per pound Hams Pot Roasts From Safeway quality beef. 25c per pound Store No. 225 Regular sugar cured, 12 to 14 Sounds, whole or half. Special aturday and Monday. 33c P«r Pound Vernonia Phone 741 JI II