Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, July 18, 1929, Image 1

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    Eack the local Chamber of
Commerce which is organ-
ii.ed to further the interests
of Vernonia
Be interested in the sanitary
conditions of the commun­
ity in which you live.
Agricultural Exhibit»
County Fair This Year Brady And
May Surpass Others
Dove Night
Of Camp 8
St. Helens, July 18—That the
agricultural exhibits at the an­
nual county fair which will be
To Meet Here
Road Urged sive,
held September 11 to 14 inclu­
will surpass those of for­
Chamber Holds Spirited
Meeting Thursday
Start New Activities
Lack of Sewer Syitem on Corey
mer years is the opinion express­
ed by Clyde M. Watson, secre­
tary of the fair board, after a
visit to practically every sec­
tion of the county.
“The grain crops this year
will be exceptionally good,” Mr.
Watson stated, “and a number
of farmers have promised to
have exhibits. Several grangers,
also, are planning community
exhibits and it seems certain
that the agricultural building
will be filled with the products
of Columbia county.”
Vernonia day will be the sec­
ond day of the fair, Thursday,
and L. E. Long, president of the
St. Helens chamber of commerce,
has assured Mr. Watson that
the chamber will cooperate in
making St. Helens day, Friday,
a big success. The agricultural
committee of the chamber has
already begun making plans for
the participation and in all prob­
ability will have some feature
of entertainment.
clubs of
Rainier and Clatskanie have
though neither have definitely
settled on a day, put they are
expected to make their decision
in the near future.
Two Local Favorites To
Fight Main Event
Knight OutTo Win
Fight Between Two Fast Boxers
Biggest Drawing Card Ever
Offered in This City
Believes Mail Order
Business Is On
That the volume of mon-
ey going out of Vernonia
to mail order houses is on
the decline is the opinion
of Postmaster Emil Mess­
ing, who reports that money
orders issued during the
last fiscal year ending on
June 30 were 629 less than
the preceding year.
Mr. Messing’s official re­
port included the following
items: Total money orders
issued in 1928, 16,664; in
amounted in 1928 to $174,-
827.99; in 1929, $161,-
961.05. There was an in­
crease in money orders
paid, however, with 1148
in 1928 and 1602 in 1929,
1928 and $22,551.13 in
The difference in am-
ounts of money orders is-
sued for 1929 less than
1928 was $19,975.
O.-A. Twilight League
Stale Health Officer
O.A. Lumber
Starts Playing Ball
Within Next Week
To Conduct Survey Here
Co. Building
The O.-A. Sawdust league or
league will probably get
Determine Cause Typhoid Twilight
under way next week. The sched­
Dock Roof
ule is in the process of being
made up at present and the
Will Make Survey Providing City Will Agree To “would be” players who parti­
Carry Out Recommendations Made by Health cipate in this league are anxious
Will Be Completed With*
Department. Wish Prevent Another Epidemic to get going.*
team of last year will not have in Next 60 to 90 Days
Frederick V. Stricker, state
health officer, offers the mayor
and city council the services of
the state sanitary engineer and
his department in conducting a
survey of this city to attempt to
determine the exact cause of the
typhoid cases reported from this
A copy of the letter dated
July 15, sent to the mayor and
city council, is herewith repro-
“For sometime past there has
been reported from your city
a number of cases of typhoid
fever. The state board of health
has investigated these cases and
is not at all satisfied in regard
to the source of infection. It
County Agent Nelson
will be necessary for us to con­
To Conduct Farmers’
duct a very minute survey of
Excursion Here July 25 your city in order to determine
the exact cause.
“We are willing to do this
survey providing the city will
agree to carry out the recom­
mendations that we make. These
recommendations will probably
consider the matter of sewerage,
garbage disposal and food hand­
ling. In order to safeguard the
health of the city it will be ne­
cessary to enforce certain meas­
ures to prevent the spread of the
disease. If it is possible to call
the council I will be glad to
address them on this matter.
“In order to prevent another
epidemic of typhoid in the fall
it will be necessary to give the
matter immediate attention.
“I trust to hear from you in
the near future.
“Very truly yours,
the same chance at the pennant
that they had last year, for
players who have played on the
Vernonia nine and who work at
the sawmill will be distributed
to other teams, thereby giving
all teams a nearly equal chance.
It is hoped to thus increase in­
terest in the league and make
competition stronger.
Watch the Eagle's sport page
for further developments of this
To Protect Lumber
Lumber Ready For Shipment;
20 Working on Roof
Because the money has been
The Oregon-American Lumber
This coming Saturday evening
raised to do at least part of the
company is building a roof over
at the smoker in the American
work of building the road to
the carrier dock at the west end
Legion hall, Dove Knight will
Play 82nd and Div.
camp 8 of the Clark & Wilson
meet Dane Brady in an eight­
of their property here adjacent
company holdings from the Ver­
round main event. Both boys are
St. Club Next Sunday to the east boundary line of
nonia-St. Helens road, the Ver­
local favorites.
the city of Vernonia. The work
nonia Chamber of Commerce
Since last January boxing fans
The Vernonia baseball team will probably be completed with­
went on record at its meeting
will play the 82 nd and Division in the next 60 to 90 days.
have agitated for a Knight-Brady
, Thursday as urging the immedi­
fight, to be fought in this city,
Street club of Portland on the
The principal object of the
ate start of construction.
local diamond next Sunday at carrier dock is to provide space
and an attractive purse has been
A committee consisting of L.
George A. Nelson, county
offered to the winner of this
2:30 p.m. The locals are now for storing lumber which has
Mellinger Hardware
R. Gillchrest, H. E. McGraw, and
agent, will conduct a farmers’ Garden Club Receives
back in their winning stride been run through the planing mill
Lester Sheeley was appointed to
Many Donations For
Receives Contract To
again, having beaten the Forest and is awaiting shipment. It was
Knight is in splendid condi­ excursion next Thursday, July
keep in active touch with the
tion, weight down to 123, work­ 25, when they will inspect the
Prize Awards this Fall
Furnish City Lamps Grove club last Sunday 7 to 2 built early in 1927 when it was
county roadmaster to see that
in an exceedingly fast game. found that the large dressed
ing every day at the Koster plantings of alfalfa on the farm
this work is started soon.
camp, and keeps in trim with of Mrs. Judson Weed and also
At the regular meeting of the This win puts their average back lumber shed could not accommo­
“Alhough there is not suffi­
road work and at the gym. Brady the S. Sword farm, the inspec­ es to be awarded this fall by city council Monday evening on an even basis of .500 now date all of the lumber put
cient money to complete the pro­
has been fighting right along, tion being sponsored in the in­ the Vernonia Garden club are Mellinger Hardware received the and the boys state they are go­ through the planers after im­
ject,” said Mr. Gillchrest in com­
and is in the pink of condition, terest of showing the farmers for those who do their own gar­ contract for furnishing lamps to ing to step up a notch next provements had been made in
menting on the road to camp 8,
Since the boxing commission has and others interested the quality den work and those who employ the city for one year. Four bids Sunday. Roy Nelson will prob­ the planing mill and lumber
ably be the pitching nominee transportation facilities to in-
“there is money on hand to do
sponsored smokers in this city, of alfalfa which can be grown gardeners. There will be a first, were received.
for next Sunday’s fracas with crease capacity in that depart-
a large share of the work and it
no fight ever offered to the pub­ in this vicinity.
second and third prize for the
Black behind the bat.
will be much easier to raise the
Mr. Nelson, who will attend following: General appearance,
lic has aroused as much interest
rest if this much is done this
and speculation as to who will the chamber of commerce meet- landscaping, lawn, border, and County Road Crews
There was only a handful of
Practically 90 per cent of the
summer. The starting of this
win, as this Knight-Brady bout. ing and luncheon at noon, has the best display of perennial
Work on Mist Road spectators on hand last Sunday lumber stored on this carrier
work only awaits the pleasure of
to watch the boys but it is ex­ dock has been through the com­
Losing control of the Chevrolet
Both lads have a large follow­ invited members of the chamber phlox, the official garden club
the county roadmaster, and this sedan car which she was driving ing, Knight with a backing from to take in the excursion, as well flower.
Mist, July 17- •Crews are busy pected a much larger crowd will pany's large battery of dry kilns
committee intends to see that he on the steep decline east of the this city and those employed by as some of the officials of the
installing culverts and spreading be out next Sunday now that at one time or another and there­
gets busy soon.”
Associated from the following merchants for gravel on the county road be­ the boys are again in winning fore has been properly seasoned
rock crusher on the St. Helens the Koster Products company, Lower
Dues Are Payable
road Monday afternoon, when who are eagerly looking for .bets chambers of commerce, who will the prizes to be awarded: Mil­ tween Mist and Clatskanie. The form and the slump is behind and is ready for shipment Here­
be on hand next week to address ler Mercantile company, $5; A. rock crusher has been moved to them.
tofore the lumber has been al­
Joseph Scott, secretary of the her car bumped against the rear to place on their favorite.
lowed to sit out in the open ex­
chamber, pointed out that dues wheel of the Shell Oil truck
Brady, who has shown such members at the meeting.
L. Kullander, $5; C. E. Shoe­ the sand bar in the Lost creek
posed to the elements often for
for the third quarter are now which was going toward Wil- marked improvement in the past
Edward Ballagh, president of maker, $1; Lincoln Candy Kit­ district last week.
many weeks at a time and this
payable and asked that all mem­ ark, Mrs. C. D. Robinson and few months, is receiving great the association, with Gus Hafen- chen, $1; M. E. Carkin, $1;
Repairs are being made on the
naturally had a bad effect on
bers mail or bring in their checks baby, Tommy, 18 months were support from his co workers in brack, secretary, from Longview, Bank of Vernonia, $10; Bafford new bridge just west of Mist,
the stock stored in this manner,
immediately without waiting to seriously injured when the car the big mill and friends in Ver will be the principal speakers at Bros. $2; Vernonia Bakery, $5; the bridge being a few feet wid­
often decreasing it in value as
be solicited by a membership rolled over an embankment 20 nonia.
the chamber luncheon and meet­ Emil Messing $1; Mike Miller, er than the present structure.
much as 50 cents to $1 a thou­
committee again. Several at the feet and turned over twice.
Both boys will weigh in at ing as also Mr. Nelson, the coun­ $2.50; Nehalem Market, $5; O.-
sand. With this new roof in­
meeting remarked that the Ver­
With Mrs. Robinson at the around 123 or 124 Saturday af- ty agent.
A. Lumber company, $5; Ben­ J. W. Fest Purchases
meeting last stalled the lumber will not de­
At the regular
nonia chamber is working for the time of the accident were: Mrs. ternoon.
Those wishing to attend the net Variety store, $1; Vernonia
Monday night of the Knights of crease one iota from its original
Truck For Dray age
best interests of the town and T. H. Galloway and sons, Lester
Three other bouts have been excursion should meet at the Trading company, $1; Dr. W.
Harry Culbertson was value and will be as bright and
that is continues to be an active and Lyle, 4, none of whom were arranged. Don Brady, brother of Horseshoe cafe at 2 p.m. from 11. Hurlry, $1; Dr. M. D. Cole,
And Hauling Business Pythias,
appointed chairman of the pic­ new in appearance as stock ship­
organization, but that money .njured, and Mrs. Robinson’s Dane, will meet some boxer from which place they will start.
$2.50; Dr. A. J. Hughes, $2.50;
must be raised by the payment children, Jackie, 4, and Tommy, Albina at 135 pounds. Young
J. W. Fest recently purchased nic which will be held at Par­ ped direct from the O.-A.’s plan­
Gus Hafenbrack will outline Joy Barber shop, $1; Frank B.
of dues in order for the chamber 18 months.
Magoff of Riverview will be plans for the coming big meet­ Schow, shirt; Hoffman Hard­ a two-ton Chevrolet truck to ker’s grove Sunday, July 28, ing mill.
with Earl Smith, Fred Schow,
to meet its small obligations that
The building of this structure
The Robinson family, who live matched against Wildcat Musto- ing in this city next October ware, garden cultivator; Mellin­ engage in the dray and hauling A. J. Black, and Norris Soden
arise from time to time.
will greatly improve the appear­
four miles west of Pittslyirg, and
of the Lower Columbia Associ­
ances of the company’s property
Lack of Sewer Deplored
The other bout will be fought ated chambers of commerce, hose; Skaggs-Safeway store, 49- pany will have its offices in the
the Galloway family, tfho live at
The Knights of Pythias plan at this point and will give the
E. W. Holtham deplored the Wilark, were driving about look­ between two local men, who when Vernonia will be host to lb. sack flour; W. J. King, 1 lb. Fest Furniture store next to the
to make this picnic, in which all lumber stored there the protec­
coffee; White Front Candy Kit­ post office.
lack of a sewer system on Corey ing for a good location to picnic have previously performed in the some 400 visitors.
members of the lodge, families tion it needs and should have.
Vernonia ring.
chen, 50c box of candy; Mrs. C.
hill, saying, “The open sewer for the afternoon.
and friends are invited, one of There are at present from 15 to
About 20 rounds of boxing will Sunset Trail Pageant
A. Thomas, trowel and weeder;
that runs on parts of First ave­
Mrs. Robinson was just passing
the biggest and best picnics ever 25 men working on this job
Gordon Furniture company, hoe
nue, Columbia street and Rose the Shell Oil truck driven by feature the card, with no addi-
held in this city,
under the direct supervision of
At Eugene July 25-27 and rake; Vernonia Drug com­
avenue is unsightly, unhealthy Wm. Briot of this city when the tional admission charge.
A large number of members the management rushing the
pany, box of stationery; Adams
and a nuisance. 1 do not know accident happened. Mr. Briot said
from lodges at St. Helens, Rain- work to completion.
Eugene, July 18—The Sunset grocery, 25 lbs. sugar; M. Mur­
what can be done about it, but that he heard a terrific grinding
¡er, Forest Grove and nearby
Trail pageant, to be staged on ray & Co., $3.50 ladies shoes;
something must be done to pro­ and looking back saw the sedan
Paul Robinson, founder of the towns are expected to be present
Hayward field July 25, 26 and Reithner’s,
tect the health of this commun­ headed toward the ravine. Wm.
27, will be the most elaborate order; Columbia Utilities com- Vernonia Eagle, who recently for the picnic. Swimming races, Legion Convention at
ity. It is caused by the out­ Warner, coming from St. Helens,
outdoor performance ever seen pany, electric waffle iron; E. sold his paper, the Scappoose water sports, games, horseshoe
houses, cesspools and ceptic a few seconds later assisted the
Salem August 8 to 10
in Oregon, it is decared by those W. Holtham, pair of pants; Register, to Ira Hyde of St. Hel­ pitching contests will be held,
tanks in that vicinity, some of truck driver in removing the oc­
At the regular meeting of Ver­ who have seen early rehearsals Brown Furniture company, pic- ens, will start next Friday to prizes to be awarded for all
which do not function properly. cupants from the car, Mrs. Rob­ nonia unit of the American Le­
A golf tournament has been
publish the Multnomah Citizen, events.
of the huge show. A cast of 1500
added to the various attractions
“I do not believe it is possible inson and son Tommy being un­ gion Auxiliary Monday night, el­ is now working nightly on the ture; Vernonia Eagle, 1 year a weekly covering the Multno-
which are scheduled for the Am­
to make them function properly conscious at the time.
mah and Capitol Hill districts.
ection of officers for the ensuing event, which will depict the de­
lunch, but refreshments erican Legion convention at Sa­
in that section,” continued Mr.
Mr. Robinson, who is employed year was held.
Mark E. Cleveland, who was for- basket
velopment of the Oregon coun­ Justice of the Peace
lem, August 8 to 10. The tour­
Holtham, “due to the great by the Clark & Wilson Logging
Mrs. J. C. Lindley was elected try from the early, almost pre­
merly editor and publisher of the grounds.
- - Standard,
nament will be played at the Sa­
amount of water that drains company at Wilark as donkey president, Mrs. A. L. Kullander, historic Maya days, on through
will be a
Storla Handles 3500 * Stanfield
lem Golf club Saturday morning
down from the hill. A sewer sys­ engineer, was immediately noti­ first vice president; Mrs. H. E. the present to a vision of the
partner in the new enterprise.
Cases In 6% Years
Cow Testing Association August 10.
tem is needed there and it is fied by phone of the accident, McGraw, second vice president; future.
the cheapest way of handling the the families having been brought Mrs. A. E. Ritchey, secretary;
Report for June is Made The play will consist of 18
W. J. Fullerton of Warren G W. Johnson Will
situation, as it would cost less to this city by Wm. Warner to Miss Alma Kullander, treasurer;
holes of medal play for individ­
than half the amount of install­ a local physician’s office for first Mrs. Earl Shay, chaplain; Mrs.
A total of 33 herds were test­ ual entries and an 18-hole match
ing new ceptic tanks for each aid.
J. E. Tapp, sergeant-at-arms; Appoint Citizens School
Garage «Soon to Open ed during June with an enroll­ for post teams of four men.
elected to that office last No-
ment of 692 cows. Producing an Prizes will be provided for the
Tommy Robinson, the 18- Mrs. H. Fielberg, historian; and
Building Committee vember.
A committee consisting of E. month-old baby, was unconscious Mrs. H. E. McGraw, Mrs. Essie
G. W. Johnson, manager of the average of 702 pounds of milk low gross score, low net and for
Storla, the outgoing Vernonia Service station, will be containing 28.07 pounds of buf­ the team match. Second and
W. Holtham, G. W. Ford, and C. for a few days with concussion Nance and Mrs. Wayne Lappe,
At a board of directors meet­
I ing June 27, of school district justice of the peace, states that placed in charge of the new terfat. One hundred thirty one third place awards will be made
F. Hieber was appointed to con­ of the brain and suffered a on the executive committee.
he will now devote his entire Early garage and show room now cows produced more than 40 for all events. Entries must bo
installation of
or the
me newly
newiy elect-
elect-’ ..
... „
fer with the city council in an hemorhage early Tuesday morn­
eu officers
oincers will
win be
De held
neiu in Aug-i„j
■ ,'1. ... time to his law practice. Mr. under construction on the corner pounds of butterfat.
made prior to the opening date
attempt to see if it is possible ing. He was removed Tuesday ed
_™. j ._» ed on the citizens school build­
of the convention. All play will
to bond the district and put in noon to a Portland hospital in ust. Mrs. Essie Nance, president, ; ing committee: Mark E. Moe, Storla says that during his six of Rose avenue and Bridge street,
a sewer system.
a critical condition. His mother was elected delegate to the state A. B. Counts, Perry Mellinger, and one-half year term he has as soon as the place is open for Beeson Bros., herd of 34 grade be governed by the rules of the
upwards of 3500 cases. business, which will be about'
received injuries to her right hip convention at Salem in August, B. B. Hawkins, Lee Hall, H. M. handled
Vernonia Day at Fair
guernseys produced an average U. S. G. A. and local club handi­
He has performed 106 marriages,
with Mrs. J. C. Lindley, Mrs. H. I
caps will be accepted at the time
It was announced at the meet­ and numerous other bruises and E. McGraw and Mrs. P. Wide­ Condit, Judd Greenman, H. E. and he claims this to have been August 1. The new fireproof of 974 pounds of milk, contain­ of entry.
McGraw, R. M. Aldrich, and c. the most pleasant of his duties. building is rapidly approaching ing 43.60 pounds of butterfat.
ing that President W. W. Wolff possible internal injuries.
man as alternates.
A completely equipped field
F. Hieber.
Second, Colvin Bros., herd of 29
All windows of the car were
had previously appointed a com­
grade guernseys produced 881 hospital will be in operation dur-
mittee consisting of C. F. Hieber,
pounds of milk, containing 40.35 ing the 11th department conven­
J. W. Brown, and J. E. Tapp to the engine is in good condition. Many Out-of-Town
H. Haiman Purchases
pounds of fat. Third, Jacob Rie- tion. A regular hospital tent se­
canvass this district in an attempt
Golfers Play Here
Anderson Property tala, grade jersey herd of 27 cured from the Oregon National
to secure promises of a good rep­ Fractures Arm While
cows produced 802 pounds of Guard will be erected on the
resentative number of agricultur­
Many golfers from out of
Herman Haiman purchased the milk containing 36.26 pounds of Marion
Cranking Ford Car town
al and industrial exhibits at the
played on the Vernonia
grounds which is in the center
R. Inoiz. Japanese, employed O. A. Anderson property on fat.
county fair September 11-14.
golf course last Sunday, many
Judd Greenman, superintend­ by the O.-A. Lumber company, State street consisting of two
While cranking a Ford car at coming from Rainier, Clatskan­
September 12 at the county fair
High herds under 12 cows: 1st, of the capital city. A staff of
ent of the Oregon-American mill,
and one additional lot.
nurses will be in con­
will be Vernonia day and all Westimber Sunday evening, Ev­ ie, St. Helens and Forest Grove. stated that within the near fu­ was arrested Friday evening by dwellings
Cahill, herd of 11 grade trained
transaction of the deal was
stant attendance a number
Sunday saw the largest crowd ture about one-third of all the Deputy Sheriff Bert Hawkins on The
from this district are urged to be erett Tillotson, 11, son of Mr.
and Mrs. G. H. Tillotson of Wes­ ever to assemble on the course
the charge of being drunk and made last Monday through Jos.
present at that time.
of milk containing 40.43 pounds of Salem physicians who are
covering the mill disorderly while at the Japanese Scott, local real estate agent.
members of the Legion will be
timber, fractured his forearm, since the links have been com­ roofing area
of fat. Second, G. R. Anliyer, on
Recommend Loggers Carnival
call for emergency cases. Ar­
and was rushed to a local doctor's pleted. New benches have been property in this town will be camp.
G. W. Ford, chairman of the office in this city for first aid.
rangements have also been made
stampede committee reported on Mr. Tillotson is employed by the
for ambulance service. Dr.
About 15 or 20 men will be Reasoner Saturday morning and
ments are being added.
containing 40.40 pounds of fat. Carleton Smith of Salem,
Injured When Car
the financial results. They will Eagle Lumber company.
employed to handle this work.
show a slight loss, he stated,
Skids Into Ditch sey herd of six cows produced major of the 91st division, will
Arrested For Assault
when all bills are finally adjust­
in general charge of the hos­
889 pounds of milk containing be
O.-A. Camps Resuming
ed. “The suggestion advanced by
pital. This feature is in line with
And Battery; Fined $5
Art McGnhey, employe of the 39.22 pounds of fat
Hospital for Operation
At Tideport Camp Full Operations Monday Eagle Lumber company at Wes­
the Vernonia Eagle for a loggers
the host city’s desire to render
Knock Knee, a grade guernsey
carnival, with contests and exhi­
Bert Arthur was arrested Mon­
timber, was injured on Saturday nine years old, was high cow, every possible service to conven­
bitions more truly native to this
tion visitors. Inasmuch as some
day on the complaint filed by
Keasey, July 18—Logging op­ night on the hill west of Timber,
section, could be held here more daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Carl Allen for assault and bat- employed by the Tideport Log­ erations in full will be resumed when his car slid in the ditch. producing 1458 pounds of milk, 20,000 guests are expected to
economically and would not be
attend the Legion convention,
tery. Arthur and Allen were en-
next Monday, July 22, by the McGahey's hand was severely
Jersey, a grade jersey eight the field hospital will no doubt
hampered by similar contests to the St. Helens hospital last Fri­ _ gaged in a fight
»»t Saturday 4 W. company, was injured last Oregon-American Logging com­ cut by broken glass and he was
split the crowd as is the case day evening where she was im­ near the Twin Fir service sta­ Friday when the rigging on which pany. This is a week earlier rushed to this city where a local
fill a real need.
Scappoose, was second producing
with a rodeo or stampede," he mediately operated on for ap­ tion. Arthur plead guilty in he was working broke, breaking than planned before the Fourth doctor rendered first aid.
Convalescent patients at the
said. Some of those present were pendicitis by a Vernonia physi­ Judge Reasoner's court and was his nose and also bruising his of July shut down.
U. S. Veterans hospital at Port­
of the opinion that such a carni­ cian.
fined $5.
land will be special guests of the
Local Logging Concerns
val could be run profitably this
Easter received first aid from
To Baild Playehod
American Legion during the con­
Mrs. Frank Hartwick is now
Herman Veal, who has been a local physician.
School district No. 14 will soon Ship Lumber to Portland Post Office Inspector
vention. Through the cooperation
The next meeting of the cham­ working at the Bank of Verno­ hpending the last two week?
let out bids for the erection of
of Dr. Paul I. Carter, who is in
In City Looking Over charge
ber will be held one week from nia during the absence of Loel visiting his family, returned to
Sheriff Oscar Weed was here a playshed to he constructed on
Burnell brothers of Birkenfeld,
of the hospital, arrange­
Roberts and Miss Helen Hieber Alturas, Calif., Thursday. He Tuesday on business.
Site For New Office ments have been mad to furnish
the Pleasant Hill school grounds. Frank Mathison Logging com­
who are on their vacation.
was accompanied by his daugh­
pany of this city, and Wilson 4
free transportation for patients
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Goodwin
P. L. Neil, post office inspect- who are able to make the trip.
ter, Velma, who will stay with
Mrs. Paul Noack of Portland
J. H. Sell and daughter Grace Clark Logging company are all
John Osburn of Johnson City, him for a couple of months.
and children arrived Wednesday
is visiting at the home of her entertained at luncheon Sunday shipping alder and Oregon ma­
This will be a one-day event for
from Louisiana to visit with Mrs. Tenn., and daughter, Mrs. Viola
sister, Mrs. D. M. O'Donnell.
afternoon the following guests: ple in split logs and sawed arrived in the city Wednesday the hospital patients who will re­
Goodwin's brothers. Frank and Baxton of Salem are visiting Mr.
Frank Baker, superintendent
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Erven and boards to the Doernbecher Fur­ to receive sealed proposals for ceive special attention and enter-
Perry Browning and her sister, Johnson’s niece, Mrs. Robert Wil­ of the Clark 4 Wilson camp, at-
Miss Maxine Blair and sister son Fred, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. niture company of Portland and furnishing larger quarters for ' tainment. Bus transportaion to
Mrs. Price Williams.
tended the show at the Joy Mrs. S. Peterson were guests at Fish, and Mrs. Jean Enos and the B. B. Johnson Furniture com­ the local post office. The floor ' and from the various convention
theatre Monday evening.
r pany
__ , „
__ _____
space desired is 1500 feet. Mr. attractions will be furnished and
the home of Luella Williams daughter Eileen.
of the
same _____
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Welch and
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Meresse
last Sunday.
During the past three month«(Neil said that th« postal depart- • meals will be provided without
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Dewey of I of McMinnville spent a few
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamblin Bumell brothers have shipped ment at Washington must ap- • coot. The fact that Salem la
Vancouver were visiting with hours in this city Sunday after­ and daughter Dorothy June left
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knauss and Mies Frances Tisdale spent three cars, Mathison one car prove his recommendations, but : within easy distance of Portland
Mr. and Mrs. H. Veal this week. noon. Mr. Meresse is the pub- last Wednesday on a motor trip returned Sunday from a two the last two weeks visiting rel- and Wilson 4 Clark five cars promises to announce within 80 I makes it possible for the Legion
Mias Beatrice Veal accompanied lisher of the McMinnville News- to Port Angele«, Wash., and weeks vacation trip to Yellow- atives her«. They returned to over the United Railways to 1 days their decision on the new ’ to remember the disabled buddiea
them home fo> a short visit | Reporter.
Crescent lake, returning Sunday. stone national park.
at their convention.
their home in Seattle Sunday.
Two Injured
Car Accident
K.P. Picnic
On July 28
Robinson Starts
» New Newspaper
Auxiliary Elect
New Officers
Arrested On
O.A. To Paint
Drunk Charge
Sheds And Mill