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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1929)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON EIGHT hand from the people. The cow others riding boys, girls and horses gave the necessary stain* pede effe is to the parade. lets which get < h hdo the nioiiiit* i Ing «Tawired- In ills eyes a's Tie re Rigid Rules Laid Down Ing sap. We shall tlrnl It all out plie«! : “No, sir, to tell the truth, for Wifely Deportment some it was only bricks he th;ew at me; Iler Wifely comportment of the but what I complain about was the aid. terrible way he swore at me when standard of 1303 is outlined lu an Spaulding Win, Bucking Contest I excerpt from “The Goodman ot I they uilssed !' Winners in the bucking con Paris,” receutly trnuslated Into Cold Bath* test at the stampede in the finals English for the first time by Eileen Sheriff Oscar Weed spent were, Ferris Spaulding riding A friend. In Hie hospital In the win y Power. This author, a Paris mer Beauty Made by Dust Tuesday in Vernvnia on business. Fast Express. First money of ter, found Ids recovery hastened Dust and solid contribute to the chant, was sixty years old, tils wife $150. Jess Baker riding Wampus by fresh air will« li was admitted to ’ i fifteen: G. A. McPherson is in St. Maud, second prize $100 and Ids room despite Hie zero temper i beauty of the skies. Infinitesimally “When you go to town or to hospital recovering Ray Olson riding Cyclone, win a tore. If the window remained short waves of sunlight would church you should be suitably ac Vincent’s closed long he felt ••wilted.” The i pour down merely as white light, conipanled, accoidlng to your es- from a major operation. ning third place and $50.00. but for the diminutive dust nmtes fresh air was a tonic. Fortunate Jack Harper of McMinnville ly, he Imd been prepared to stand tlmt get in the way and sift out late, and especially by worthy Mrs. Lottie Handlye left July women, aud tlee suspicious com 3 on a motor trip to Boise, und won the steer roping contest | cold tempera! ui < s by dully <-old the component colors, from voilet pany . . , and as you go, bear to red. And even when the colors seconds and 1 with the time of 5 plunges. The frequent bath Is- Payette Valley, Idaho. your head straight, keep your eye also won first in steer riding j something which the Western world are brought into existence they lids lowered and still look straight learned from the Far East. In would stream on through the at before you about four rods ahead Mrs. E. A. Ritchey visited contest. mosphere and into sprue If the friends in Portland last week, The judges for the riding dia taught the British conquerors all hut Invisible water droplets did and upon the ground, without returning on the Fourth. events were, Lode McDonald, A. the value of the daily bath, ori not liuddle together und hold tbfeui looking nor turning your gnze upon peoples hud been taking dnilv E. Ritchey and Lloyd Baker, ental (Ge any man or woman to right or to baths for a thou ind years before* for the world to see.—National (Me- Miss L. Horn of Portland is left, nor looking up, nor glancing with Jos. Scott as secretary. ographic Society Bulletin. Perry visited Japan. — Grove Pat L. home of Mrs. visiting at the from place to place, nor laugh Young Springer, 9 years old, terson, In the Moidle Register. Schwab. ing nor stopping to s(>eak to any rode a few steers on the third I body on the road. And when you The Limit Mrs. George Lewis and her and mounted four steers on the have come to church, clmore a Judge — If, us you admit, you Fourth and received a great ova Fish ArmeJ With Knives daughter Violet of Portland were were three miles away digging po secret and solitary place before a guests at the home of Mr. and tion for his wonderful exhibition A ••physician” fish, nccoul tatoes when this man was arrest fair altar or Image, and there re Mrs. M. Murray over the Fourth, ot riding only falling off at the with razor-edged lances which ed for speeding, how can you tes main and stay without moving last ride. A collection was taken used to wound, however, Instei tify that the car was going at the hither nnd thither, nor going tu und Judge Hill received his new up for the young rider whose Ileal, lias been listed with fro, and hold your head upright and most only 20 miles an hour? Ford town sedan from the Craw home is at Burnt Ranch, Ore Smithsonian Institution's vast Phil Sambo—Jedge, Ab used to OWD keep your lips ever moving saying It is known as dut cuah I orisons and prayers.”—Kansas City ford Motor company on Wed gon about 300 miles from this Ipplne collection. lhe surgeon li«li. O|> each side of Star. nesday. city. Ils tail at e sharp plot os of car tilage, .so keen that they are ver Lewis Laramore, who was in In a Nutshell Thank. All For Support itable knives. In an In-timt they jured at Pringle’s bend ten days Associate reverently, and as Child Behavior Merely I wish to express my apprecia can he umile Io stand out from the ago has fully recovered from his Reflection of Parents’ tion to those who assisted me body for a ripping blow A slight niii<’li ns you cun, with y®ur loftiest injury and is back at work. i There Is no mystery about chil in my campaign in the Verno slap from lhe tall Is sit/helont to thoughts. dren. They are puzzling, often, but “Standing Pat” Roy Martz, Mrs. William War nia Eagle subscription contest, cut it man’s Irmi to the hone. Pat 1«? an adjective* prohably^from they are never Incomprehensible. ner’s brother, returned to his and also my thanks to the Ver Many ot the lances are poisoned. .At least, they are not Incompre The Burgeon lidi is conlined to the the French “pat,” meaning that home at Woodburn, Washington nonia Eagle for the generous tropical purls ot the Indian und which ’suits the purpose of thp oc hensible to old folks, and I think on Sunday after a week's visit prize awarded. Pacific oceans. casion or meaulng exactly/suitable. ■they need not be to pnrents. IRMA STRONG. with his sister and family. Fathers aid mothers are them The expression is used In poker to refer to a hand so satisfactory that selves the keys to their offspring. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Doumitt NEW AND RARE DISEASE f A disorderly father should he nble Hopeless Its holder does not care to exercise and children of Clatskanie were DESCRIBED BY DOCTOR to understand why bis Image will the privilege of discarding nnd more Hinn two hours the guests over the Fourth at the ore Imd been telling Ills drawing cards. Hence the expres not pur away his toys. A quick home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mur From Page 1 sion “stand ptV.” This came to tempered mother should not have ray, cases of undulant fever in man nmajn opposition to a change of to cull a doctor for her daughter's discovered in the any kind. True phrase in this tantrums; lie can only advise self Mr. and Mrs. M. Murray and have been sense was fiiKf •used to express rhe control—in the mother. “In said. children motored to Portland United States,” he The mystery is about pnrents. altitude cf lenalers of the Repvb- was young parents, busy with their own Sunday to visit M. S. Schbook most instances, the disease llcan party by Senator Hanna in un- affairs, too preoccupied with their returning to this city Monday traced to the ingestion of Ittrx pasturized milk and dairy pro- future to think of the present of morning. fatalities have ducts. Twelve their children and to recall 7 It was with them when they •i been recorded in the United Henpecked Men FARMERS OF COUNTY young. States the last three years. Us- it n an is henpecked, he Widen “Run away, now, and play. GO TO ASTORIA ually the disease is confused generally Indicates tills in Ids con Is reading his newspaper.” with typhoid fever, malaria, tu- versatlfln that other men should Parents say that, not grnndpar From Page 1 berculosis and influena.”—Port be; he is Hike the fabled fox which, cuts. Grnndpnrents do not con land Journal. losing his tail In a trap, goes about elder the news so Important ns I live jears.” clover, Austrian Winter field declaring it is a new style other parents do. Grandpa Ims time and I peas and the varieties of root Phrases Long Stock of u I foxes slmflild adopt although actually memories, some self knowledge. keenly realizing the loss of Ids own a crops. This year we have Hence as Barometer f Some sense of proportion.—Lincoln Writers nnd Orators tall. . There Is actually no large planting of Imperial Green titefYens in lite North American Re If Cayenne pepper Is added t<> the ; An alternative sauce tor over Globe and Danish Bortfeld tur diet of white liens which have been j more reason wh.v a man should be vlewi too much ruled by women than statement is hearty and spirited nips. The use of lime superphos hatched from carefully Refolded » that be should be too much ruled phate in proper combinations umler-statenivnt. “Not ’art ’ ' says eggs, their feathers become frale i by agents or politicians.—E. W. the cockney, when wishing I to sittf Accepted rose In color, ami they fluyU ifo a ; with barnyard manure, are also I (owes Monthly. that a thing Is an ample \\holo. 1 When Jit He Bobby was taken to proving successful in Columbia “Tlie lime Ims been,” says Mnc- brilliant red when Hit* wetyth’/r Is I damp, and Increasing humidity Bn- i tine hospital to see tils newly ar r * county. belli, “lli.’it, when tin’ brains were «licates the eoiniug h HtornL; rived baby sister lie was highly » KJ out, tlie man would die, and there These liens thus neuorne veritable/' deilighted with her. He regarded Considering Posterity was an end." I living barometers, anvt the progress CELEBRATION DRAWS Ohl Mullrox—Want to tiairry my her with beaming approval. Ink Tlie British schoolboy has no slon of color from to hrilllarrt . CROWD FOR 2 DAYS terms of praise more eniplndh Ilian dattghier. du you? Think I’ll make ing in the fascinating details of tier Is so exact that a scailet lien ' fuzzy nails and Hie little num “pretty decent.” unless it be “good stalking about Hie b^Tn.viWd Is re-j a nice, comfortable futlier-in-liiw, bered Identification disk on a cord ill? From Page 1 enough." To spring in his au regarded a# cerurAi ‘¡)ropl*,<,y of around her neck. Thia last Young Allnerve—No. I don't; but «lienee a vivid sense of the extreme storm Hurt may .a* expected virlh- i lie regarded for some time, Put going Into this thing with my liarrenness of tlie Sahara, a British of a war tank. won second in 12 horirs,—'l‘h-a 'l^cos. IlocJbesfer. «•yea open. What worries me is' then strid: “Well, when ure prize, The float moving slowly slalesimin describes It as “ver\ Unit I've picked a pretty rough going to take tlie price-murk off light soil." To ti woman bnnvl along with streamers swaying. giaiidfktlier lor my Innocent chil of her?” •J was a beautiful sight, and shar- ing abuse from Hie door of an Inn 4 dren. Charles Lamb imputes certain It ed a large portion of the ap- "murmurs not very Indistinctly 01 plause along the route. A new ambiguously pronounced.” I /O^^For 5 years Dr. Luzader, beautiful Chevrolet convertible America docs herself e<|iint lus Ample Proof • 'I ‘iS^-'eyesight specialist, lias landau sedan driven by Mrs. tice. She It was Ilia I first (iille«‘l “L-n’f price for tills/parrot been making monthly visits to Frank Hartwick, and Mrs. E. S. tlie Atlantic “tlie herring pond ‘very high?” Vernonia. His next visit will be Thompson, representing the Gil and "the drink,” and Noah's Hood “But it was brought up In. one of August 5 and 6, office at Kul- by Motor company won the third “the big rain,” and sai«t Hint a •the most fashionable families.” lander’s. Have your eyes prize. The car with yellow rnttlesnake’s bite would “«Io yoy. “How do .you know^” O- “It always talks when anyone examined.—adv. streamers from the hood to the no good at nil.” Tlie Greeks Imd a revognj/z«‘d begins tn sinar. top, a large yellow and orange name for tills ruse of saying naich fan in the rear, with 4 small less than you mean in thl* ho|<< pretty young girls sitting in the that your liearer's mind w/ll nuko rumble seat as flower girls, pre good even more Ilian tin* large, per sented one of the best looking 'centage of discount wldeLi yov\iuivo floats entered in the parade. d«‘duete<l fr »in lhe lj/urli—(tqunlng Nadine Aldrich, Geraldine Sav fellow, casting yoiiy breads on the age, Ella Pearl Savage, and La- waters, under Hie form ai* m kind Verne Thompson dressed in yel of rebate, in suny nnd «„vtuiii faith low and pink, were the flower Hint It will retutu to qui(buttered, —(’. E. Montugiib tha Ctiiduse girls. The fire department truck Magazine, was attractively decorated with ** flags, banners, and designs. M. M urray's car representing his Production of Maple? store was handsomely decorated. Su^ar. Natural Wonder The Crawford Motor company Sugar ty. a purely vet/rinble pro entered the largest number of cars, having 15 new Fords en ducting I ls In commo» use, though tered, from a roadster to the largely, mineral. cartaMi-hydrate, in Ila exposition. The sun has much new Town sedan, also entered an to do with Its fluctuation; though, old model Ford coupe badly ns the beet er,up proves, not as wrecked, with a sign, “Buy a much ns was formerly thought to Now, New Low Ford for Safety First” I m * the case. We know carbon best The large Lincoln car owned In the form of coal. Some preho Prices! 29x4.40 by Tom Crawford driven by Dan it in Ils purest form ns diamonds. Brown following in the parade. It Is In one form or another one «»I $5.98 The Red and White grocery en the commonest things in lini III e. tered one truck decorated. Bak How It gets up Into u maple I ree. it would In* hard to say "Ouf ot nutli ers Place, entered a truck, which ing, uothing conies,’1 28x4.75 ..... and no for originality may have won a would care lo elnlm Ihut 28x5.25 thè prize, having a table, chairs, a makes It, In tlie face Of llint 29x4.40 ....... 29x4.40-6 small cigar case placed on a tuia, If thè roots seurch fot 29x4.75 ...... truck with a small barrel of having foliad II In thè «oli. VAS- , 29x500 cider on a counter. A fleat en It up through thè snp, tliey are 29x5.25 tered., by the O’Connor bowling very clever, or parís of a .Moll 10.75 29x5.50 ..... nNitumc. alley with a row of howling pins derfuity clover maritine^ it is 30x4.50 ..... found In the caaibustlon 6t .esguín- placed on top received favorable 30x4.50-6 comment. The old-timer, Kid ble, mi«! «4 some mineral natter, 30x5.00 ...... and ther» may lie I nt Im Me aoiinec- 30x5.25 Staples dressed as an Indian Ilo» between sunshine in n the tree 30x5.25-6 riding a horse, received » great tons nnd the searcldniy, All,., ?liv. root r.uil. 30x5.50 ..... Distribuì Safeway L Answers the Menu Question /1 Every job requires daily inspiration. Thousands of clever home- makers find theirs in the carefully planned displays at Safeway Stores. These featured displays are chosen for their timeliness and with a view to helping the shopper to a quick and satisfactory 1 Í 30x6.00 30x6.50 31x5.00 31x5.25 31x5.25-6 31x6.00 31x6.50 .... 32x6.00 33x6.00 No Postage to Pay! These Tire Prices Delivered You! 3 solution of her problems. Shop at Safeway. Safeway Savings for Fri., Sat., Mon., July 12,13,15 Mayon naise The Margarine of Campbells Brand. A summer quality. Try this tas delicious time dish. ty spread. Best Foods, Gold Medal Brand. We have only a limited amount of this high grade dressing, so order early. 5 Pounds 3 Pounds ............ .. 55c Rice Fancy Red. Caught Fancy Long grain, in the icy waters of Blue Rose Brand. Alaska. Packed when 10 Pounds .......... 69c caught. *» 53c Jelly Glasses .... $629 69c 100 ,b Tall cans Fruit and Vegetable Features Watermelon Klondike per lb 3.5c CantaloupcLarge Size 2 for 25c New Spuds No. 1 Stock 10 lbs 38c Lemons Fancy 300 Size per doz. 37c Packed in dozen car tons with lids. One- third pint. 49c Candy Fancy broken mixed .... ______ 49c 2 Bottles ........ Salmon Fancy hand peeled Solid packed field, ripened fruit in lge. No. tins. 2 Pounds Certo A delicious healthful The original fruit dainty that everyone pectin for jellys and preserving. likes. Tomatoes Per Dozen 25c 98c 2 Cans .... Fig Bars 29c Pint jar Pork, Beans Crux 23c Shrimp I L’ndry Soap Purex For cleansing, bleach White Wonder Maximum Brand Fancy solid clean Brand. Saves clothes ing and deodorizing. Large 32 oz bottles. and labor. pack. 33c 2 Bottles 49c 10 Bars cans Cann’tl Milk Pickles Maximum Brand Tall tins rich and creamy. Fannings Bread and Butter brand. A re- freshing relish for picnics and hot wea- ther lunches. 3 Cans ..... ................. 25c 12 Can Limit 2 Bottles Preserves Marasca Brand Made from finest quality fresh fruit and pure cane sugar. No pectin added. 3 Pound jar . ....... 59c ................ 45c White King Wash machine soap. Washes everything. ............ 23c Jellwell A genuine true fruit flavored cool refreshing desert. Assorted flavors. Set of 4 Gias* Jell well Molds FREE. 6 Packages 49c Large Pkg. Shop At the Safeway Market Franks Your Choice Large Juicy Franks, Saturday Only. i Per pound 25c 3 Pounds of pure lard or 3 lbs. of fine white shortening for, 49c •” Í Lunches Pot Roasts Safeway Quality Beef Per pound ........ . ............. We guarantee them 16,000 mi MELLINGER HARDWARE Store No. 225 We carry an assortment of cooked meats, also cottage cheese and pickles. Vernonia Phone 741 I ! »