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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1929)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1 »2» Classified Advertising First insertion, per word.... lc (No »ervic* les* than 25c). Succeeding insertions, per word...... 6c (No servics less than 15c) Black face heading*, each word count* the same as two word*. Cash should accompany the order. When a statement is required the minimum charge is 30c. Classified columns clos» at 12 o’clock Wednesday noon. FOR NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE required, at the office of my at SALE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Multnomah county, under date of May 28, 1929 and to me directed in the case of C. R. Coyle vs. Edward* Co. and Mayme Rieff upon a judgement against the plaintiff for the sum of $110.60, I have $2500 BEAUTIFUL corner mod levied upon all the right, title, ern 6 room house and garage, interest and estate of the said choice residence district. Easy C. R. Coyle in and to the follow terms. Dr. Hawke, Forest Grove, ing described real propel ty to- Oregon. 494 wit: Lot 4. Block 9, in the City of FOR RENT Vernonia, Oregon, and begin MODERN eight room house, close ning at the Northwest corner in. Bath, toilet, lavatory, sink, of Lot One (1) Block seven (7- hot water, garage. Good street, of the original town of Verno sidewalk. Recently painted out nia, Oregon; thence South fifty side, just papered inside. $25 (50) feet to the Southwest cor per month. See J. C. Lindley at ner of said lot; thence East bank. 40tf thirty (30) feet along the South line of said lot; thence North FOR RENT 4-room modern house fifty (50) feet to the North line on First avenue. J. C. Lindley of said lot; thence West along at Bank of Vernonia. tf said North line to the place of beginning, all of said parcel be MISCELLANEOUS ing situated in Lot One (1) WANTED to buy second hand block seven (7) of the original fruit jars. G. M. Holt, Tim town of Vernonia, Oregon. ber, Oregon, Star Route. 473* That by virtue of the said WANT TO RENT a cow by the execution and judgement I will week for cash or part of the sell, to the highest bidder, for milk and I will care for cow. cash in 1 hand all the right, title, 1132 Washington avenue, E. D. interest and estate which the Benson, Vernonia. 491* said C. 1 R. Coyle had in and to the said I real property at the The directors of Vernonia date of said levy, to-wit: On school district No. 47 will enter- | June 8, 1929, or which he may tain bids for the transportation, subsequently acquire at the of pupils on the route known as south door of the courthouse at the Stony Point road, from the [ St. Helens, in Columbia county, H. M. Condit residence to a point I Oregon, at the hour of 10 o’clock one mile from the school and (a*m* on July 29, 1929, for the ii . . . _ to • the .i _ school; and _ i __ _ ' purpose nnrnnc« of antiafvinar thence on ii. the satisfying iVio the anirl said ‘( costs and accruing route from the boundary of the I judgement, school district on the St. Helens | costs upon Baid execution, road to Pittsburg. Bidders may Witness my hand as sheriff submit bids for either or both Columbia county, Oregon, this routes separately, or for both I 20 day of June, 1929. routes combined into one route,! nfipiR ws’’iTn Sheriff. OSCAR « G. WEED, First publication June 27. and bids may be made for a Last publication July 25, period of three years. The con veyances to be used on these routes must meet the approval NOTICE TO CREDITORS of the Board of Directors of Notice is hereby given that School District No. 47, and the the undersigned has been duly directors reserve the right to re- appointed administrator of the ject any and all bids. All bids estate of Jens Langum deceased, must be filed on or before 12:00 and any and all persons having noon, July 16, 1929. claims against the said estate are W. W. Wolff, clerk, school hereby required to present said district No. 47. 482 claims, duly verified as by law FOR SALE, the Cropper home. Opposite O. A. Lbr. Co. mill. One-half mile below town. 6- rooms, bath and hot and cold water. 1 acre, hen house and chicken yards. A snap for a home or an investment. See Jos. M. Peachey. Riverview. Phone 572. 483* torney, Gordon R. Watt, Verno nia, Oregon within six month* from the date of thia notice. Dated June 11, 1929. Andrew M. Parker, administrator of the estate of Jens Langum, deceased. Gordon R. Watt, Vernonia, Ore gon, attorney for administrator. First published, June 13. Last published, July 11, 1929. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY Notice of administrator's sale or real estate at private sale. In the matter of the estate of Robert R. Patrick, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order of the County Court of the county of Columbia, State of Oregon, made on the 3rd day of June, 1929, in the matter of the estate of Robert R. Patrick, who was on the 30th day of July, 1928, by an order of the above entitled court declared dead to all legal intents and purposes, will sell at private sale, to the highest bidder, under the terms and con ditions hereinafter mentioned, and subject to confirmation by said court, on or after the 15th day of July, 1929, all the right, title, interest and estate of said Robert R. Patrick, declared dead, at the time of his death, in and to the real property hereinafter described, and all the right, title and interest that the said estate has by operation of law, or otherwise acquired, other than or in addition to that of said deceased, at the time of his death, of, in and to that certain • • » 1 . piece or parcel of real estate situate, lying and being in the county of Columbia and state of Oregon, and described as fol lows, to-wit: The southeast quarter of sec tion twenty-two, township five north of range five west of the Willamette Meridian- Terms and conditions of sale: Cash in gold coin of the United States; Ten per cent of the amount of the bid to be deposit ed with the bid, the balance of the purchase price to be paid upon confirmation of said sale by the said county court and exe- cution of deed to purchass. All bids or offers must be in Professional and Business Directory For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business professional people. BEAUTY SHOPS FLOWERS ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOP FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger waving. Permanent Waving. Smith*« Flower Shop MRS. J. W. BROWN Vernonia Representative Over Horseshoe Cafe. Phone 431 PHYSICIANS Phone 593 HAULING Marcelling, Finger Waving, permanent Waving, Shampoo ing and Manicuring. ESSIE NANCE BEAUTY SHOP Over Corey’s Store. Tel. 222 DENTISTS PLUMBING DR. HARRY A. BROWN Eyesight Specialist Eyes tested, glasses fitted Consultation free Watch date of next visit NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS Casey’s guaranteed remedy as sures you relief In the most severe cases. Nature’s own tonic cleanses the blood from the uric acid poison, through direct ac- tion on the stomach, ___ _____ liver and kidneys also specifically effective in cases of gout, high blood pres sure, cramps in the limbs. Rs* duces pain and swelling. Sold at $1.50 per bottle at the Ver- nonia Drug company.—adv. 492* The Incubator for hatching chick whipping should contain at least ____ , Kent, Wash, to visit with re« ens Is probably as old as history, which In the Mediterranean region 30 percent butterfat, aged for latives. runs back more than 4.500 years. There were, doubtless, incubators In Egypt before Moses was born, and to this day In that country they are just what they were In the lifetime of the great Hebrew leader. The art of hatching chickens Is handed dewr — om generation to generation, father to son, a secret craft. ___ ____________ .aby chicks are an Important arth le of trade, uud they are producer by million* for rearing. The typical Egyptian Incubator Is a rude and cumbersome affair « I k ii eompured with the modern deii<e. It Is h building of con- sMeral.le size, of sundrled brick. Through It run one or more passages, and on both sides of each passage are ovens (so to call them) In two tiers. The oven at the ground level has a small door; the one directly above it entered from beneath through a manhole. The Refrigeration is a modern ovens are arranged In pairs, one household necessity. It is below and the other above. The eggs are placed In the lower oven, an investment in health and a Are Is lighted on the floor protection and proper food of the oven overhead, to furnish the warmth requisite for hatching. preservation. It contributes —San Francisco Chronicle. Drop In and See The New Frigidaire Automatic to the economical manage ment of the home and light ening of household cares. It becomes a constant con venience and pleasure to every member of the fam ily. Nature Ha* Hung Out Traffic Sign for Bees Moon and the Weather Highly specialized flowers often in No Way Connected have lines on their petals to show Curiously persistent are the va rlous superstitions relating to the effect of the moon on the weather or on the farm crops. One of the most unreasonable of these be- liefs, says the weather bureau of the United States Department of Agriculture, is that If the horns of the new crescent moon tip down ward, It Is a "wet" moon, portend Ing rain. As a matter of fact, on any given date the position of the crescent moon Is always the same In places having the same latitude, so the same kind of weather would neces sarlly prevail, were this sign of any value, throughout a belt of lat Itude extending around the glob« Again, near the equator. In a part of tlie world notorious for Its heavj rnInfall, the young moon Is gen erally in an almost horizontal po sition, or, according to the proverb. It is always a “dry” moon. If the moon could be viewed from the Famous Old Canal North or South pole, on the other The original canal connecting St. hand. Its position would be, for Mary’s falla and rapids was a the .superstitious. Indicative of crude affair made by trappers and “wet" weather, but these regions traders in 1797-98 to connect with are characterized by so little rain the Northwest country in order to fall ami snow that they rank among permit them to compete in the the arid parts of the globe. transportation of fur* with the Hudson s Bay company. This work Phrase Often Misapplied was practically destroyed by Unit ed States troops in 1814 during the Probably the majority of people war with Great Britain, and In who see the phrase "of that Ilk” 1853 a system of canal* was begun are Ignorant of the real meaning of by the state of Michigan within the “ilk." It does not properly niean United State* border* to connect kind, set, family or race, as often Lakes Superior and Huron. Tills supposed. “Ilk" Is from the Anglo- cost $1,000.000 and had two locks. Saxon "He,” and means Identical or It was enlarged In 1870 in co-oper same. In Scotch “of that Ilk" ation with the United States gov denotes that a person’s surname Is ernment, and In 1882 Michigan re the same as the name of bls estate. linquished control to the federal “Knockwinnock of that Ilk” means government simply “Knockwinnock of Knock- winnock,” the name of proprietor and property being Identical. The Improper usage of “ilk" to mean Theatrical “Snow” Few who shiver through a “bliz kind or sort probably originated as zard" on the moving-picture screen n Joke and lies been perpetuated know that the “snow" Is cornflakes through Ignorance of the driven along by blowers. A mill In meaning.—Exchange. Chicago and another In Omahn make this "snow" out of white Bird Alarm Clock corn. Tills corn Is first made Into I.Iberians have given the name pearly hominy, then flaked, cooked "living alarm clock" to the little and finally baked, when It Is ready pepper bird, which with the rls to be a "snowstorm.” Breakfast Ing of the sun flutters to house cornflakes are made the same way tops, fences anil trees uttering except that malt and sugar are shrill cries Both natives and whites added, which give them the brown have found this bird so dependable ish color. Flake* used In movie that his waking cries are said not blizzards weigh only five ounce* to to vary more than three minutes the gallon. After a scene they may from day to day. be swept up and used again. Insects the way to the glands form ing their larder. In these nectar Is stored—to be turned by bees Into hooey. Honey guides are strongly marked on the upper pair of the nasturtium’* five petals. They con verge to show the way to the deep spur filled with what children call honey, when they bite the spur to taste the sweet stuff. On the three lower petals, which have no honey guides, will be seen formidable barricades, blocking the entrance to the tube by the way of these petals. This remarkable fence of bristles stretches right across I lie faces of the lower pet als. They keep at bay such cltmblnc Insects as ants, which might try to steal the honey, but would be Of no service to the flower. And this better .efficient and modern method of re frigeration is within the reach of every family. T here is a Frigidaire at a price to suit any budget, in complete models for any ‘aste, and in sizes to meet i le requirements of any I ome, large or small. Easy Terms ROWN FURNITURE C0.| .Ì1ESEESE ASSO CIATEDlgl-UP NITUR E l*rSTOPES ti id r I?' dTnorcl A Place You’ll Enjoy to Eat Hollywood Restaurant Under New Management QUICK SERVICE General Plumbing This directory of Vernonia lodges and club* will give you quick information on meeting dates and officials. Mr«. M. Newman, Proprietor Phone 293 Phons 193 Curly Buffmire TRANSFER A. F. & A. M. Bafford Brothers HOTEL General Plumbin, NEHALEM HOTEL Vernonia'« Oldest and up-to-date hotel. moat LAWYERS Dentistry and X-Ray EYESIGHT SPECIALIST “Inside” Information Only fruits and tomatoes should be canned in the water bath. All non-acid vegetables and other foods should be processed under steam pressure. In cutting out a dress make the back shoulder seam %l inch longer than the front and case the extra fullness on to the front. Make this allowance whether the pattern gives it or not. Resinous substances, such as sticky fly paper, are often hard to remove from clothing. Try turpentine, benzol, carbon tetra chloride, chloroform, wood or denatured alcohol, either kero sene or gasoline. To prevent buttermilk from “wheying off’ in summer, the cream should be churned when only mildly sour, and the but termilk should be cooled im mediately and kept as cold as possible. In hot weather the curd is likely to settle to the bot tom, leaving clear whey on top. In this form buttermilk is not so attractive. Buttermilk that is only mildly sour and is kept in a refrigerator or in cold water will usually whey off very little for several days. —It Is the non-commissioned offi cers of life who hurt, and against whom resentment 1* felt. The fore men and the petty overseers; the small men with near horizon* and no vision beyond; the little go-be tweens who have acquired the hab it of tyranny—these form the grit of the machinery of Industry. Sometimes they are for the bosses and make life hell for the men under them. Sometimes they stand for rebellion agalnsl the higher direction, but Invariably their objective is power. They are ready to adopt the shibboleth* of either side so long us they gain au thority thereby. If they learn the trick ot ora tory tliey become leaders on one side or the other, not because tliey possess the Intrinsic qualities ol leadership, but becuuse they are pleasingly vocal. Nor Is this phenomenon peculiar to any class. Oratory bus passed for statesmanship In every phase and every period of our political history, und many a uiun has risen to the governance of state with no other qualifications than his apti tude for epigram* and sonorous peroration.—Edgar Wallace in “People," Lodge and Club Notices DR. W. H. HURLEY Vernonia, Oregon Notice is hereby given to the holders of the following bonds of the city of Vernonia, Colum- bis county, Oregon. Bond No. 2 and 3, Improve ment district No. 11. Bonds dat ed February 1, 1927, said bonds being in denomination of $500; the above bonds being redeem able at the option of said city on August 1, 1929. That pur suant to said option, said bonds will be redeemed within 30 days from the date of this notice to- wit: On the First day of August, 1929 upon presentation at the office of the city treasurer at Vernonia, Oregon. In case the holders of said bonds fail to present same at the time and place mentioned herein for the redemption there of, then the interest thereon shall cease and the agency aforesaid will thereafter pay only the amount of such bond and the interest accrued thereon up to the said first day of August, 1929. Dated at Vernonia, Oregon on this 1st day of July 1929. J. C. Lindley, Treasurer, City of Vernonia, Ore. First publication July 4. Last publication July 18. To whip cream successfully in 24 hours or more. Opportunity Seized by warm weather, it i* well to chill Men of Small Caliber Incubators in Use in cream, bowl, and whipper Mr. and Mrs. Alaranta and Egypt Ancient Model* the this fact sink Into your mind before you begin. Cream for sons from Riverview motored to ASPLAND Plumbing & Electric Mr«. Graco Scott, Manager Hoffman Hdwe. Building Office Phone 663 Vernonia, Res. Phone 664 • -Oregon NOTICE OF CALL OF BONDS SEVEN Truck For Local and Long Distance Hauling M. D. COLE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon Dr. J. A. Hughe* Physician and Surgeon writing and addressed to W. A. Harris, at Vernonia, Oregon, box 184, at any time after the first publication of this notice and before the making of the sale. The right is hereby reserved to reject any and all bids. W. A. Harris, administrator of the estate of Robert R. Patrick, declared dead to all legal intents and purposes. First published June 13, 1929. Last published July 11, 1929. LESTER SHEELEY Attomey-at-Law Vernonia, Oregon GORDON R. WATT Attorney-at-law Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon Vernonia POOL HALL BAKERS PLACE Confections Soft Drinks—Cigars Billiards and Pool shing L é WE l Re-Roof With SHINGLES From Johnston & McGraw Shingle Co. VERNONIA Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, Stated Communication First Thursday of each month. Special called meeting* on all other Thurs- day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors most cordially welcome. F. D. Macpherson, W. M. J. B. Wilkerson, Secretary. Order of Eastern Star Vernonia Post 119, . American No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets »very second and fourth Thursdays in W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Visitor* always welcome. Myrtle Johns, N.O. Mrs. Marie O’Donnell, Sect’y. Legion, Meets second and fourth Tuesday* each month, 8 p. m. John Hay, Adjutant. Hollywood KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HARDING LODGE 11« Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu Meets every Monday nication first at 8 P.M. in Grang* and third Wed hall. nesdays of each Ralph Clem, C. C. month, at Ma sonic Temple. ' Emil Maasing, KRS All visiting sis Knight rank, Monday June 10. ters and broth ers welcome. Mrs. Ramona Lindley, W.M. Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secretary. Pythian Sisters Quality and Service American Legion Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 Restaurant American Legion Auxiliary Meets first and third Monday« of each month at the Legion hall. Vernonia Mrs. C. J. Nance, Pres. Mrs. P. Wideman, Sec. I. O. O. F WOMENS RELIEF CORPS REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. 246 meets every Tuesday night Vernonia Temple 61 meet* every 2nd and 4th Tuesday* in Meets third Thursday of each at 8 o'clock, in Grange hall. Vis itors always welcome. W.O.W. hall. month at the W. O. W. hall. Alfred Webb, N. G. MARJORIE COLE, M. E. C. At Vernonia, County of Columbia, Oregon, at close of business F. N. O'Donnell. Secretary. Mrs. Lee Hall, president DELLA CLINE. M. of R. A C. June 29, 1929. Bank of Vernonia RESOURCES FINNEY OF THE FORCE A Lot With Care Loan* and diacount* .................................................. Overdraft* ........................ .............................................. . Bonds, securities, etc...................................................... Banking house $12,140.00, furniture and fixtures $9,160.00 ......................................................... Real estate owned other than banking house ... Savings deposits ........................................................... TOTAL LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in ............................... Surplus ............................................................ Undivided profits—net ..... ....................... Demand deposits ...................................... Time certificates .......... _.......................... Savings deposiit $119,706.12 654.29 129,696.77 21,300.00 5,358.70 77,897.01 $324,283.07 $ 28,000.00 5,000.00 388.86 209,642.34 6,556.86 77,697.01 TOTAL _______ _____ _______________ , $324,281.07 _________ State of Oregon, County of Columbia ■*: I, J. C. Lindley, caahier of the above-named bank, do solemnly ewear t__ ____ that th* . above statement is true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. J. C. LINDLEY, Cashier. Subscribed end sworn to before me this 5 day of July, 1929. H. E. McGRAW, Notary Public for Oregon. My commission expire* November 26, 1932. 1 (SEAL)