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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1929)
THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1929 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA. OREGON nonia shopper last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Johnson of Mist were callers at the home of Mr. and- Mrs. Jake Neurer last Saturday. Mrs. Lee Osburn was a Ver- Clyde WilsoK son of Mr. and nonia shopper Tuesday of last Mrs. F. Wilson, returned Friday Week. Miss Neoma Holter cf Birken from the hospital at Vancouver, Pete Banzer of Birkenfeld, at Mr. and Mrs. William Culver tended the smoker here July 4. feld spent Tuesday afternoon in where he has been confined for and family, Mr. and Mrs. George the past few weeks recovering the city on a shopping tour. Ogg and son Kenneth, Mr. and Miss Leona New spent the from a serious operation. Mrs. Bill Nixon and family, Mr. week visiting relations in Hills- N. Flynn of Birkenfeld spent and Mrs. Froembling and family, Mrs. Tom Crawford and son, boro. Tuesday morning in this city on Middleton, and Tom Brown, Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Covington business. Dr. A. J. Hughes is attend- Crawford’s brother, motored to and family were Sunday visitors ing the medical convention in Roland Treharne of Portland Vancouver and Victoria B. C. along the banks of the Wilson Portland this week. spent the Fourth at the home leaving this city June 30 and creek. returned last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hyiatt Miss Annie Banzer of Birken of his folks. and family were visiting at Natal feld spent the Fourth in Ver- C. Holt purchased a second last week. W. G. Walker of Banks visit nonia. ed at the McGraw home over hand Buick touring car from the Harry McMullin from The Crawford Motor company. C. Judd Greenmail returned Tues- the week end. Fowler purchased a second hand Dalles is at Natal visiting his day from a trip to St. Paul, brother Dave McMullin this J. W. Dawson purchased a Ford touring this week from the week. Minn. new Tudor Ford sedan from the same company. Miss Beatrice Perry drove to Mike Anders recently bought Crawford Motor company. Mrs. M. L. Ratcliffe accom Vernonia Saturday on a shopping the a new Ford coupe from panied by her children, Sidney, Crawford Motor company. L. E. Fredrickson, manager of Margie and Algie and W. I). tour. Mrs. William Pringle was a the Vernonia Garage, spent Mon Cantrell motored to Vancouver, caller last Friday at the home Miss Charlotte Green is spend day in Portland on busine s. B. C. July 3, returning to this of Mrs. Jake Neurer. ing the week visiting friends in Tenino, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn were J. II. Beaver recently bought city Sunday. Vernonia last Thursday on B. and B. gang No. 4 from in Ray Taylor recently purchased a new Ford touring car from business. the Oregon Trunk railroad is a new Ford Touring car from the the Crawford Motor company. Frank Peterson and son Rich located in this city having ar Crawford Motor company, Ed. lievine recently purchased rived Friday. Whie stationed ard were Vernonia business call Oscar Weed, sheriff of Co. a new sport model roadster from here the gang will paint bridges ers Friday of last week. Beatrice Perry and grandfather lumbia county spent July 3, the Crawford Motor company. and other property owned by the Oliver Burris made a business and 4, in this city. company, also painting the in- Mr. and Mrs. E. Wallace of trip to Vernonia Tuesday of last Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Lolley mo- j Mist attended the stampede and terior of the bus terminal on week. Bridge street. tored to Seaside over the week celebration in this city July 4. William Culver of the Verno end. Last word received from the nia Meat Market was in Natal W. R. Hammock purchased a Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Elliot new Ford roadster of the Craw R. F. Bliss family at Gooding, last Tuesday to get stock pur Idaho, that Mrs. Walt Gooding chased from Dave McMullin. left this city Monday for a few ford Motor company. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding had taken Mr. Gooding to the days visit in Portland. and children George and Bertha, Robert Hoffman purchased a St. Alphonsus hospital in Boise, Mrs. E. Brown of Portland is new Ford coupe recently from from Burns, Oregon. Mr. Good motored to Vernonia Tuesday of visiting with her daughter, Mrs. the Crawford Motor company. ing is suffering from a serious last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hender Tom Crawford and family. case of blood poisoning caused Edward Tapp motored to from injuring a finger in a saw I son and family of Portland were Peter Vanaudenhaegen, Jr. a Portland Monday on business re mill. visitors last week at the home professional whistler of Forest turning later in the evening. of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osburn. Grove, entertained at the stam Edward Holtham with Charlie Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Graham pede in this city on the Fourth. Lyle Ellis, brother of Mrs. J. Nettler, salesman for the Crad and sons Leo, Bobbie and Dick C. Lincoln arrived last Friday dock Carry Shoe Co., left for of Portland are spending a few Mr. and Mrs. IL Christie of from San Francisco to visit with a trip - on July 3, motoring 45 weeks at the home of Mr. and Keasey spent the past week in the J. C. Lincoln family. miles out of Portland along the Mrs. Jake Neurer. this city as the guests of Mr. Salmon river, and hiking with Jake Neurer was in Vernonia and Mrs. Lou Althouse. A. L. Cross, state officer, packs towards Mount Hood. Two on business last h-riday. Oregon Humane society of days were spent in camping and Lincoln Peterson was a Mist Frances Ltippe sailed for San Portland visited in this city July fishing both men catching the caller on Tuesday of last week. the Francisco, Tuesday on 3. limit in trout, and returned to Bertha Holding was a visitor steamer Admiral Benson to visit at the home of Dave McMullin relatives. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richard- Portland on July 5. Tuesday of last week as the son returned the first of the Harry Beaver of Birkenfeld week from a visit in Tacoma guest of the McMullin girls. recently purchased a new Tudor and Seattle. NATAL Leo Graham is working on the Ford sedan from the Crawford Jake Neurer farm for the pres Motor company. Speck Ford, alesman for the Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hender- ent. Pacific Fruit and Produce com son and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Os Mr. and Mrs. Edward McMul Judge Reasoner motored to pany spent Monday in this city burn motored to Vernonia Wed lin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hillsboro on the Fourth to visit on company business. nesday of last week to attend Carl Eiler and family, Mr. and his daughter, Mrs. E. M. Bow- the celebration. • Mrs. Fritz Eiler and son, joined man. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Noack and Mrs. Bob Linsey spent Mon with the Dave McMullin family son, Walter and Schroeder of Happy Flittner returned Sat- Portland visited the D. M. O’Don day visiting at the home of her July Fourth in a picnic lunch. urdny from a vacation, visiting nell family over the Fourth. Lee Osburn motored to Verno parents Mr. and Mrs. Nels Pet relatives in Mexico, Missouri, nia Thursday morning to get a erson. and also Kansas City and points II. E. McGraw and family and cream for the John McMullin and Reed Hold load of ice in Colorado. Mr. Flittner spent Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick ing were employed by Bud Bald- grange picnic. Mrs. William Pringle, Jr., and about 35 days touring the middle attended a picnic gathering of rige last week. families and friends at west. Balm Carl Eiler spent last Monday father motored to Mist last Fri- Grove on Sunday. in Vernonia on business. Millie McMullin was a Dave McMullin and brother Mr. and Mrs. F. F. . Walrod Mist caller Monday of last week. and Miss B. O’Connor of l’ort- John motored to Vernonia Mon Bill Culver, Jr., was a caller land were visiting over the I week day of last week on a business at the Neurer home on business end at the home of Mr. and trip. Glen Richardson was a Natal last Monday. Mrs. Mike O'Connor. business caller last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ellis of Nelson Peterson and grandson, BIRKENFELD Rainier spent the Fourth visit Floyd Deeds drove to Mist Mon- ing at the home of their I day of last week. Mr. Beach with Lloyd and bed for two days also her little .laughter Mrs. M. Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson Harold and daughter Helen spent daughter. They are now both fully recovered. family. and son, Norman were visitors the 4th at Longview. Ella Pepin of Seattle is spend at the home of Mrs. Peterson’s Mr. and Mrs. Louis Birken Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rennie and sister, Mrs. Lee Osburn last feld and Mr. and Mrs. August ing her holidays with her sister children of Portland visited over Sunday. Birkenfeld spent the 3rd, 4th, Mrs. D. Wilkie. the week end with Mrs. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Bellingham of Mrs. James M. McCormick was and 5th camping at Seaside. manager of the Vernonia Fruit a Sunday caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Wilkie spent Portland spent Saturday and store. Sunday at P. H. Skaling. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer. the 4th of July in Seattle. Mrs. George Taylor and sons Mr. and Mrs. Len Richardson Mr. and Mrs. L. Schwab and • Mr. and Mrs. L. Monnie spent and family are spending some sons, Melvin and Bobby motor were Natal visitors last week. July 4th at Seaside. Mrs. Henry Price and daughter time visiting friends in Van- ed to Wilkesboro Friday to visit relatives returning to this city Marian were in Vernonia Mon couver, B. C. day of last week. A number of people from Saturday. Salmon loaf is a good sum- Bob Linsey made a business Birkenfeld attended the Verno- mer dish because canned salmon C. F. Pruitt purchased a trip to Vernonia last Friday. nia stampede on the Fourth. second hand Tudor Ford sedan Reed Holding recently purchas Also the smoker given in the from the Crawford Motor com ed two guernsey cows from J. Legion hall. pany. A. Haverland purchased a T. Graham. Mrs. Lester and family of second hand Star roadster. II. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Eiler and Portland spent several days with Ferry a second hand Ford road son Curtis of Timber were down Mrs. Flynn last week. ster and G. Davis a second hand to visit Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eiler Mrs. Skaling is around again tudor Ford sedan from the Craw last week. after her short illness. The ford Motor company. Mrs. A. Green was a Ver- grippe had her confined to her L ocals ^ Mr. and Mrs. Mike Miller and son, Marion, are spending their vacation along the beaches on the coast, and will return to this city in about a week. Real Bargain Modern Home For Sale Situated on a 50x100 lot, all improved Cash or Reasonable Terms All household goods for immediate sale. We list a few Piano Music Cabinet Chests Blankets Beds Chairs Dishes VI 1059 First Avenue Phone 1011 Consult Vernonia Trading Co. for Construction and b ig laterial We are the Nehalem valley agents for Hay Grain Feed McCormick-Deering Tractors and AGAIN Sl.lOValue tor a 48c Farm Implements VERNONIA TRADING CO Phone 682 can be obtained almost aywhere, and the kitchen will not be heat ed for very long in making it. Drain the oil from a can of salmon and pick out all bones and skin. Break the meat into fairly small pieces. Add an equal amount of soft bread crumbs from the center of a loaf. Add 2 well-beaten eggs, salt, pepper, chopped parsley, and enough milk to moisten, about % cup. Place in a greased baking dish, mold into a loaf, and bake in a moderate oven until brown. Only 24 sets. Get yours tor 48c for the oil and duster. Kiss me she cannot see usu For Bargains, See Hoffman Vernonia Skating Rink About it It Pays Under New Management Re-sanded Floors New Skates Installing new wheels on all old skates—Under the new man- agement a special powder will be used to prevent skates from skidding. Modern Satisfactory Service SKATING Saturday Afternoons and Evenings only Saturday afternoon Special to children under 14 years 10c QUICK DELIVERY from 3 to 5 p.m.—Saturday evenings single admission, men 35c Single admission ladies 20c—Couple 50c. Skating Saturday evenings from 7:30 to 11 p.m. Hall for rent Vernonia Laundry 711 A gripping story of a blind girl’s tragic fight to hold her husband’s love I during week for dances, etc.—Good Music. VERNONIA SKATING RINK Truman DeLano, Prop, and Mgr. gif , 1 - -r 8 Since Ben Franklin said ‘Save and Have* many level-headed persons have opened savings accounts. And many have bles sed the adage that showed them the way to financial solidity. Bank of Vernonia Vernonia ITH all her strength, matter. I can never repay you Christine struggled for for the—happiness—you have calmness. But her thoughts given me—for having sold were in chaos—her heart was yourself to a blind girl, even icy cold. Gone was the sweet for a time. But perhaps—some dream of love which her mar day—” riage to Rclio had brought her Of course he had denied, pro —since that orher woman, tested, pleaded—had almost convinced Nina, had come into their her that she had heen wrong. Thea came this night when suspicion became home. certainty—when ahe had knocked ac His ‘•sister,*’ Relio had Nina'a door—and Nina had sc reamed« called the proud,dark beauty. “I shall wait for you. Rclio, in my But as time passed, Rclio own room,” Cbriatinc had called through the door. seemed to change. He worked late in his study and often there And to now ahe waited, white- clung to him tne odor of lilacs lipped, dry-eyed, atruggling with • storm of conflicting emotions thac —Nina's perfume. seemed to rend her very soul. “You needn't lie to me," What did ahe do? How did thin Christine once t ild him sadly. young wife, blind and helpless, cope with thia evil chat waa crushing her “1 know you li ve Nina—but destroying her home? Christine you needed mcney. So you heart, herself has written the story—astory all married me, a Hind girl, and the moreamauagbecauieicittre». Don't brought Nina mist “Out of Her World of Darkness.’* here as your ‘sis /■ PARTIAL which appears com- ter,’ thinking to CONTENTS B: in August True hide from me the y Magatinc. for August truth." ♦ -... How Could A b “But you are im'i Tune in on the True Wh.l On. Wo agining things,” Story Hour broadcast for Lo. every Friday night Mr Dual Relio had cried— When lover« over TOR and the 1 .runted I “Wait, Relio. Columbia Chain. Why She Couldn t Pre, The hurt to my Voun. Sinner. Consult Your Paper __ Her Fmp«r Arma heart doesn't for Exact Time. Wha. 1 h.y Never Knew W I August x—5 other stories . Out Now! True Story i