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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1929)
THURSDAY, JULY It, ll]| VMNONIA EAfttX VBRNONIA. OREGON TWO Society News Mrs. • Wayne Society Reporter Clubs Lappe, Phone 573 Fraternal OffU« Pho»« 153 presented with a gilt by the hostess from the members ofthe Part, Liberty On W. club. Those attending were, Mes R. C. Float July 4th dames, W. A. McNeill, A. L. Kullander, J. W. Brown, A. J. Black, M. R. Ruhl, R. A. Space, Naseen Murray who took the J. C. Lindley, W. R. Meyer and The Missionary Society of the park of “Liberty” on the Wo the hottest. First Christian church held an man's Relief Corps float, which organization meeting at the won first prize in the Fourth of church with Mrs. Mossberger, a July parade in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Omar speaker from Portland as their I Miss Murray, daughter of Mr. Spencer To Leave guest. A short program was ren and Mrs. M. Murray, is prom For Honolulu Soon dered which was followed by an inent in Camp Fire girls ac- interesting talk by Mrs. Moss-! tivities, and is a student in the berger on the work of the Unit local high school. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Spencer ed Missionary society of the! of Portland, son and daughter- First Christian church. This or-1 in-law of Mrs. Sarah Spencer of Phoebe Greenman ganization is a member of the this city will sail for Honolulu national society and is a new Entertains In Honor tomorrow for a five week’s visit organization in the local church, Of Her Two Friends on the Islands, visiting with The society will meet on the their daughter and family Mr. Mi» N umi Murray 2nd Tuesday of each month at and Mrs. Helen Mahoney. Mrs. the church at 2:00 p.m. Refresh Miss Phoebe Greenman enter Mahoney is Mrs. Sarah Spencer’s ments will be served. tained a number of her friends oldest grandchild. Receivers Affected By All the ladies of the commun Friday evening at her parent’s Many Local Cause» on ity and their friends are most home in honor of her guests, cordially invited to attend these Miss Doria Lichty of Eugene and Miss France« Lappe meetings. The increasing use of electric Miss Frances Lappe, who left Entertains Friends At radio receiving sets has occasion for San Francisco Tuesday. The RIVERVIEW Her Home Saturday evening was spent in dancing. Evangelical Church ally resulted in complaints to Those present were Mrs. Judd Mrs. Carl Fowler returned There were two Baptisms last utilities in New York State blam Greenman, Mrs. A. J. Hughes, home Sunday after spending Entertains Fjriends Miss Frances Lapps entertain three weeks in St. Helens where At Birthday Party Sunday morning. Friday evening ing the quality of their service. the Misses Violet Phelps, Louise ed a group of friends at a the two young people ’ s societies SimmonB, Catherine Hoffman, she had been convalescing from An investigation of these com luncheon Saturday on the beach a sick spell. of the church will have their plaints indicates that in rare in Amy Hughes, Frances Lappe, of the Nehalem at her home in Celebrating his ninth birthday, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Johnston Doris Lichty, and Messrs, A. J. monthly business meeting and stances only can the company Hughes, Norman Green, Loel Orchard Acres honoring Phoebe and daughter Andra Thelma and Gordon Warner entertained a are outing at Weed’s grove. Greenman’s guest, Doris Lichty. number of his boy friends on be fairly held responsible. Elma of St. Helens visited at Roberts, Herbert Showers, Those attending were, Mrs. Judd Cars will leave the church Wednesday. Games were played the home of Mrs. Johnston’s The most frequent complaint Donald Hodges, Bevis Igou and Greenman, Phoebe Greenman, from 7 to 7:30 p.m. Everybody parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. in the afternoon after which be sure to be on time. due to voltage changes when Hale Greenman. Doris Lichty, Hale Greenman, cream and cake was served. ice Fowler last week. Saturday evening at 8 o’clock other appliances such as irons, Herbert Showers, Donald HodgeB Those attending were Buster E. E. Mills and Evan Hall re Rev. F. B. Culver of Portland, vacuum cleaners, etc., are turn and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lappe. Christian Church turned to Ryderwood Friday af Nance, Charlie Koto, Ted Davis, presiding Elder of this district ed on. If the use of other ap. The attention of the public ter spending the Fourth at home I Buster Baker, Bob Miller, Chas. will preach and hold the firs# pliances with the radio causes Bafford, Middleton Crawford, quarterly conference of this con is called to the fact that there with their families. KOSTER CAMP a fall in voltage and impaired will not be the regular services Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lloyd and and Kenneth Ogg. ference year. service, it is not the fault of at the church this next Lord’s son Jewel returned from a 10 Sunday morning the Sunday the electric company, but the _ j uu Baslington received Instead we will hold our r' George day vacation last week, having Mr. and Mr». Frank school will meet at 9 o’clock a.m. house wiring, which is inade- day. Bible school picnic at which word that his father was danger- spent a few days at Seaside and A. C. Knauss the superintendent, quate. There is no voltage Hanson and Family ously ill in Calif., and left for other beaches along the coast. is expected to be back to have change on the company’s out time we will all meet at the STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA »d a Return From Trip charge. The bronze reward pins side wires. A heavier house cir church house at 10:00 sharp. California immediately. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall had There will be Mr. and Mrs. John Glassner as their guests last Sunday, Mr. for getting new scholars will cuit would carry the load with ance for all plenty of convey- went to Portland Friday morn who wish to go. and Mrs. J. E. Whitfield, “ Mr. out “jumping around.’’ and Mrs. Frank Hanson be given out. The place of meeting _ will __ be ing, where Mr. Glassner under and Mrs. Howard Ferris and and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Han- At 11 a.m. Rev. F. B. Culver Many modern radio sets are between here and St. Helens on went an operation on his nose. daughter Ada of Vancouver, son and children have just re will preach and the communion so sensitive that they are affect Mr. and Mrs. Al. Webb motor the St. Helens mountain. The Wash. Mesdames, H. Greener, turned from a vacation trip will be held following the ser- ed by ________ ___ , ___ elevators, , motors, even Bible school of the St. Helens ed to Long Beach, Wn., for the Minnie Malmsten and Mr. and which brought them through mon. At 7 p.m. the young peo- ’ the ignition of passing automo- Fourth. church will join us. At 11:00 at Mrs. P. Brickey. j __— g biles, for none of which can the this place we will hold the Bible Hoods Canal to Lake Cresent, pie’s societies will meet. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hodge had Ida Mae Hawkins returned just off the straits of San Jan p.m. the pastor will ' preach. ,----- 1- I local utility company be reason- school session. At 12:00 a basket as their guests on the Fourth, home from Hillsboro July 4, DeFuca, on the upper peninsula G. — ~ W. Plumer, Pastor.' ably blamed. dinner. At 2:30, there will be Mr. and Mrs. George -Dee of where she had been employed in .preaching by both Brother Cun Portland. the berry fields. Miss Hawkins of the state of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lines ningham of St. Helens, and the will remain at home. trip to minister of Vernonia. Commun and family took a Mr. and Mrs. H. Greener and TEN COMMANDMENTS OF ion service at this time. The southern Oregon, over the week A NATIONAL FORES! son, Junior spent the Fourth at public is invited to enjoy this end. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil 1. Thou shalt not smoke in Mr. and Mr.s H. D. Richard day with us. Bring your basket liam Brown of Riverview. any part of a national forest and we will find a place for son and family of Rainier vis Miss Lillian Hall of Rainier is closed to smokers. For verily a you to ride. ited S. A. Morton and family visiting at the home of her cigarette costing but a fraction At 8:00 in the evening the on the Fourth. grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Lee of a cent, when thrown into the Eric Uhlin of Seattle Is visit- regular evangelistic services at brush can destroy hundreds of Hall. the church. Welcome is the big ing with his brother Charles Lee Rogers and mother, Mrs. trees which will be needed some Uhlin. word. L. Rogers, and Mr. and Mrs. day to keep the northwest pros Wm. Prutzman and family Guy Cameron motored to Sea- perous. Bpent the Fourth at Jantzen shalt not build thy aide Saturday returning to this 2. Thou " Local Ladies Attend Beach. camp fire except in a posted city Monday. Rainbow Girls Grand Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johns Mr. and Mrs. Austin and son camp, For verily a small spark the Fourth at Long Beach, Anbra and daughter Andra, mo blown into the grass, can lay Assembly at Corvallis spent Wash. (By Mrs. Mark E. Moa) tored to Portland Friday ot waste to fast areas of valuable Mr. and Mrs. Albin Bergstrom last week returning to this city watershed. Mrs. R. A. Space, Mrs. Geo. Address all < communications ’ __ ~~ to _____ ~ E. Moe, Ver- Mrs. ~~ Mark 3. Thou shalt not pollute any the next day. FAGGED Out? Drorbaugh, Christine Rainey, motored to Seaside Saturday, re nonia, Oregon. If personal replies are" desTred^enc’lose turning Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Mason stream, for the thirsty wayfarer u stamped addressed envelope. Maybelle Drorbaugh and Isabell Hot? Tired? Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reberger of Ryderwood attended the cele eareth not to drink the washings Currey attended the grand as Cold Drinks Don’t let this tor simmer for about 15 minutes sembly of Rainbow Girls at Cor were Treharne visitors Sunday bration here July Third and of thy feet nor the feet of thy tightly covered. Cool and add vallis on the 27 and 28 of June. evening. Grape Punch Fourth, staying at the home of children. rid weather get remaining ingredients, st Koster Products Co. started strain. At this assembly Charlotte Green 4. Thou shalt not deface the Mrs. Mason’s parents, Mr. and 3 lemons the better of you. Dilute with chopped ice and I wa- was appointed grand patriotism, operations Tuesday morning. trees, for the other hiker eareth Mrs. Bud Robins. 1 orange ter to taste. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pearse Stop in regularly Mrs. Nannie Hall, accompanied not about thy name, thy ad one of the important offices in 1 pint grape juice Combination Ice spent the Fourth at Astoria and by Mrs. B. J. Cline and daughter dress, nor thy love affairs. this organization. at our pleasant Seaside. 1 cup sugar % pint gingerale 5. Thou shalt not build a Della, motored to Portland last cool fountain, let Mr. and Mrs. Hayden and pint grape juice 1 can grated pineapple Friday where Miss Cline visited camp fire before obtaining n 2 tablespoons chopped mar- Mr». Rose Feletcher family motored to Jantzen our man fix you permit, for the rtmger fuin a throat specialist. 1 quart water. aschino cherries, combine and Hostess to Visitors Beach last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Throop would talk with thee before thou up a zippy zest Make a syrup of the sugar, add chopped ice to chill. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Stanton, and daughters Dorothy, Madett ventureth into the forest. water and pineapple and boil 5 ful drink in a Canned Strawberries Mrs. Rose Fletchner, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Uhlin was hos- and Rachel and son Vil, accom- 6. Thou shalt not leave a minutes. Cool, add the fruit Hull and weigh the berries, tess for past week to Mr. and picnicked at Arcadia park on jiffy. Ah, that panied by Mrs. Sarah Spencer, litter of papers and tin cans juices. Strain and chill. For each pound of berries allow Mrs. W. B. Cates of St. Paul, the Fourth. motored to Seaside last Saturday when abandon the camp, ------ thou ----- — was good! Feel Oriental Punch 10 ounces of sugar and water to Minn., Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Mosh- Delmar Morton is helping El to visit Mrs. Spencer’s daughter for it maketh they playground cup sugar 1 better? er of San Francisco ___ __ a thick syrup, let mer Bergeson during harvest. and Mr. cool a little, and family, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. look like a city dump. 1 cup water then pour over __ ______ Mrs. Pearl McCabe was a the berries, and Mrs. J. Deegan of San Fran Malmsten and Lois Malmsten who 7. Thou shalt not pick the 6 cloves washed and drained, and put in cisco. The San Francisco visitors Treharne visitor on Tuesday, has been taking a vacation and flowers nor the shrubs, nor dig 1 inch stick cinnamon to the fruit jars. Be sure to departed for their homes Satur where she has a piano class. treatments in that city. Miss up small trees to take home, for tablespoon ginger fill the jars to overflow, adjust day and Mr. and Mrs. Cates left Lois is reported as progressing if everyone did thus, the na 2 lemons rubbers and screw down the for St. Paul today. the If the young heifer is handled splendidly since reBiding in Sea tional forests would soon 2 he oranges covers loosely. Get the jars on occasionally and gets acustomed side. denuded of all vegetation. 2 drops of pepper mint ex- the rack in a steam kettle, cover to the halter and stanchion, she Bridge Club Meet At 8. Thou shalt not take ot tract. with folds of cloth or paper and will be much easier to manage At the Hotels fense if the ranger stoppeth to Vernonia Home Mrs. Grunden Make a syrup by boiling sugar surround with water at about when she is put into the milking Out of town guests registered caution thee about thy —J camp water 5 minutes. Add spices and the temperature of the jars. Honor Mrs. M. Space herd. :— ‘ ■’, he is _ a friendly at Vernonia hotels during the f fire, for verily let stand until cold. Add fruit non, and — — J 1 hath _ .1 the «1------------------ past week. fellow, interest of . juice, strain and add pepper- Bring slowly to the boiling point and let boil 10 minutes. Tighten The Bridge club met at the thy forest at heart. HY VAN HOTEL ment extract. Add chopped ice the covers and let the jar» cool home of Mrs. M. Grunden Tues Carl Amoto and family, Mrs. 9. Thou shalt not make tar and dilute to taste. in the kettle. Store in a dark, day of last week to honor Mrs. Tom Scott and family, J. W. gets of the ranger’s signs, for Spiced Manhattan Cup dry and cool place. R. A. Space who left Vernonia Vatnsdal, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. he hath worked many hours to ’4! cup lemon juice Strawberry Preserves for Portland on Saturday. Mrs. Marsdin, J. W. Hendrix, J. R. place these signs for the guid 1 cup orange juice 2 pounds of berries W. A. McNeill won the prize Thompson, Victor Hooper, Ger- ance of visitors. Grated rind of S orange H’ cup berry juice with high score. Mrs. Space was ald Tichenor. Ralph Leigan, 10. Thou shalt not do any- I tablespoon of lemon rind 1H pound sugar. thing which marreth or destroy 1 cup grape juice Wash, cap and stem the straw ed the beauty of the forests, % cup raisins berries. Make a syrup of the for if one approacheth them in 1 cup sugar sugar and juice, then add the peace and reverence, he shall 1 quart water berries. Cook until the syrup is again find his soul which he During the month of June car owners gave our shop teaspoon cinnamon H very thick. Cook quickly, pack loseth in the city. teaspoon cloves % quickly for a few minutes, pack work orders for 200 different job»—which in itself in A little nutmeg. Decorate Truck For Chop raisins, add spices and into sterilized jars and seal. dicates the implicit Andy Tuttle, Harold Westover, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Manning, M. E. McCarter, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fair, D. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C. Brosy, Carl B. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rose, J. K. Mist, July 9.—Mrs. Austin Moar, J. W. Hendrix, R. H. Dowling was pleasantly surprised Bemis and family, C. J. Redman Friday afternoon at her home in Bnu W11B> Myrtle Jansen, Mr. and wife, Mist by a group of ladies who¡and Mrs C. ---------- ... D. Johnson, , W. gathered to celebrate her birth-1 qp Jiriuea, r¡tea, s Earle N. Shahan, , Mr. and — ... day. A delicious lunch was serv- i Mrs. Mrg ' Chester chtster Rowland, Mrs. E. t. ed those present and a good I £ poch and aaughter, Mr. and time enjoyed by all. The tables Mrg Bob Quaiit I. V. Hill, were handsomely decorated with i ------ HOTEL NEHALEM roses and other flowers, with' G. W. Squire and wife, J- two large birthday cakes with Maurice Adams, Theodore High candles in the center of the ly, Harvey T. Adams, C. A. table, the cakes made by Mrs. Soverign, Mrs. J. W. Liles, I. Knowles and Mrs. Chas. Sund- S. Nonken, W. H. Sears and land. wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holmes, Mrs. Dowling received many R. B. Fletcher, Lee G. Hunstley, lovely gifts from friends. Those T. F. Epping and family, E. B. present were: Mesdames, Knowles Moore, John Harth, G. M. Sheets, Bridges, Devine, Yocum, East E. L. Scofield, L. Chartley, R. man, Hall, Lowden, Holce. Shorb, W. A. Nightingale, Wm. E. Davis, B. J. Welpton, Robert Fox, J. G. Vogle and family, E. L. Barney. Mr». Austin Dowling Surprised With A Party On Birthday M ìm Murray Take» Missionary Society Of Christian Church Hold Organization Meeting Try Our Special Cold Lunch 35c You will enjoy it THE HORSESHOE CAFE Open day and night KILLS insects by* the roomful , r 1 Kitchen Recitals hi What a DRINK f MAC’S PHARMACY The Home of Ford Service BREAD For Cafes and Home Consumption Well-Bread habit of folk here demanding the Mo ther’« Breed. On their own table« or at the restaurant regard it a« an indie* they pensable I i accessory to Made in big, golden-brown loaves, fresh end farorite of good delicious food, with crisp, it is a levers From sanitary bahery ef— I1 the perfect meal. daily Vernonia Bakery Phone 201 faith that these owners have in the work turned out by our workmen. The Fire Department the The Johnson decorating com pany of Portland who had charge of the decorating of the streets and business houses during the celebration, donated their ser- vices and decorations to „ the __ fire department who entered the fire truck in the parade last Thi uni day. Convention Grocer^8 Announced nv Electricity The annual convention of Oregon poultrymen has been an- nounced for Wednesday snd Thursday, July 17 and 18, on the campus State . of Oregon ------ ------ col- lege. Last year the attendance was the largest in history and officers report plans for a bet ter program this year carried out with similar arrangements. Representative poultrymen re port a fairly good year wtth bright future prospects. B . “ ’o“« ““ ’ 'Ira. L. M. Crain of Portland is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. M. Ericson. Before returning to Portland she will take a trip to Seaside with ths Ericson’s. «‘.pl»»»«- Our Market 8 ‘C- Neha'enl MARK EVERY GRAVE Phone Memorials in granite and marble at reduced prices WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Vern«01* Vernonia Service Station W. Johnson, Mgr. Oregon Monument Work» Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro ’nhor If you want to bet- ter the performance of your car, fill your tank with General Gasoline. It is a high compression, anti* knock fuel that elimi nates carbon. For sale at— 1 Our Mechanics Are Factory Trained You’re sure of good service here because our mechanics are specially trained to take care of the Ford. They know the car from A to Z and from Z to A and they have a personal interest in every job. See us the next time for oiling and greasing and ask about the Better Service. It will save you many dollars in the up-keep of your car. Crawford Motor Co. VERNONIA’S ONLY AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS Vernonia *