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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1929)
SEVEN VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1929 Celebrate in Vernonia July 3-4 Classified Advertising Monkey i y * t A f -',S , ■ Xi A ’ vj V At last Ed. Holtham gets in the lime light again, this time by riding not throwing the bull. The as noted in the a SWEENEY-GOLDSTEIN , i d up and standing toe to toe, t Sweeney’s fight against Young! FIGHT DRAW SATURDAY exchanging blows. The last round Nelson a few weeks ago, on j was rather tame, in fact the ■ June 8, furnished the fans with (From page 6) three times as much excitement, After the announcer has in whole light did not contain any thrills and action as the fight troduced Goldstein as Abie Gold round which brought the fans |ast Saturday between Goldstein stein of Vancouver the fans to their feet in their excitement, anj Sweeney pulled many wise cracks com ¡but rather was a clever boxing, Talking about Young Nelson, paring a Jew fighting an Irish match, containing little slugging, wko recently has been feeling man and all that. The fourth with both boys getting an even under the weather. The lad is and fifth round contained plenty j break, the judges awarded the I again getting back in shape and of action both boys well warm- decision of a draw. may be seen in the ring soon, probably on the 4th, if he gets the breaks. picture snorting, ------ -Stampede 3rd-4th------- shouldn’t this bull snort? weighs plenty. Bowling Alley Notes Edward is smiling, had a few The Standard Oil team won stampede hats left over from a special match of all three last year and sold ’em, thus the games fro mthe Federals last smile. What a pickle for a bull Friday night. All new pins held to be in with Ed. sitting astrad the scores down, Standard Oil dle, still Ed. heard the stamped’e team got a total of 2066, Fed- committee were paying mount money of $2 to ride the vicious erals 1691. M. Shanley’s record of 232 bulls, and Ed. would ride a dra gon for two smacks. last Monday is high score. Roy Allen won the prize box of candy last week with a high _ Some people are ,;o wet they Expert Mechanical Repairs score of 216. Chas. Dübendorf bowled 209. Marshall Mulmsten won’t burn. is high man this week for the Cars Washed prize box of candy with a score Just because a guy’s a match- of 203. I maker doesn’t necessarily say he ------- Stampede 3rd-4th------- > can fight. Vernonia Garage & Repair Shop Hext to Hy Van Hotel Fireproof Garage for Storage Anti-1 hirst Headquarters Every cooling, freshing drink served you here amid spotless roundings. SANDWICHES —Dainty and de licious. Try ’em —and like ’em. Lubrication Of The New Ford Our Specialty Think of us when you want-your ear oiled - and greased. We’ll deliver the job on time and you will know that it has been done right. Correct and throrough lubri cation will save you many dollars in the up-keep of your car. at private sale, to the highest bidder, under the terms and con ditions hereinafter mentioned, and subject to confirmation by said court, on or after the 15th First insertion, per word.... lc (No service less than 25c). day of July, 1929, all th« right, Succeeding insertions, per word...... 6c (No service less than 15c) title, interest and estate of Mid Black face heading., each word counts the same as two words. Robert R. Patrick, declared dead, Cash should accompany the order. at the time of his death, in and When a statement is required the minimum charge is 30c. to the real property hereinafter described, and all the right, title Classified columns close at 12 o'clock Wednesday noon. and interest that the said estate has by operation of law, or FOR SALE said North line to the place of and any and all persons having otherwise acquired, other than “ beginning, all of said parcel be- claims against the said estate are or in addition to that of Mid FOR SALE, Small lot of timber, ' ing situated in Lot One (1) 150 trees averaging from 1 block seven (7) of the original hereby required to present said deceased, at the time of hi» claims, duly verified as by law death, of, in and to that certain foot to 314 feet. Approximately town of Vernonia, Oregon, required, at the office of my at piece or parcel of real estate 150,000 feet. Close in on gravel That by virtue of the torney, Gordon R, Watt, Verno situate, lying and being in the road, on Corey sill. A-l sound execution und judgement I said will nia, Oregon within six months county of Columbia and state timber. Suitable for small log to the highest bidder, for from the date of this notice. of Oregon, and described as fol ging. See George Engelke. 453* sell, cash in hand all the right, title, Dated June 11, 1929. Andrew lows, to-wit: The southeast quarter of sec FOR SALE 3 medium-size tents interest and estate which the M. Parker, administrator of the at a reasonable price. See V. said C. R. Coyle had in and to estate of Jens Langum, deceased. tion twenty-two, township five L. Powell, Fire Headquarters, the said real property at the Gordon R. Watt, Vernonia, Ore north of range five west of the Phone 501. 472* j date of said levy, to-wit: On gon, attorney for administrator. Willamette Meridian. June 8, 1929, or which he may First published, June 13. Last Terms and conditions of sale: Cash in gold coin of the United FOR SALE—Modern five-room, subsequently acquire at the published, July 11, 1929. States; Ten per cent of the partly furnished house. Locat south door of the courthouse at ed on corner of Weed avenue St. Helens, in Columbia county, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF amount of the (bid to be deposit and Cougar street. Inquire at Oregon, at the hour <»f 10 o’clock THE STATE OF OREGON ed with the bid, the balance of the purchase price to be paid Eagle office. tf a.m. on July 29, 1929, for the FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY upon confirmation of said sale by purpose of satisfying the said Notice of administrator’s sale the said county court and exe SIX WEEKS old pigs for sale I judgement, costs and accruing on Saturday. June 29. Phone i costs upon said execution. cution of deed to purchase. or real estate at private sale. 8F525, Mrs. A. B. Counts. 462* | Witness my hand as sheriff All bids or offers must be in In the matter of the estate of of Columbia county, Oregon, this writing and addressed to W. A. Robert R. Patrick, deceased. FOR RENT 20 day of June, 1929. Harris, at Vernonia, Oregon, box Notice is hereby given, that 184, at any time after the first OSCAR G. WEED, Sheriff. MODERN eight room house, close First publication June 27. in pursuance of an order of the publication of this notice and in. Bath, toilet, lavatory, sink, County Court of the county of before the making of the sale. Last publication July 25. hot water, garage. Good street, Columbia, State of Oregon, made The right is hereby reserved sidewalk. Recently painted out on the 3rd day of June, 1929, to reject any and all bids. NOTICE TO CREDITORS side, just papered inside. $25 in the matter of the estate of W. A. Harris, administrator of per month. See J. C. Lindley at Notice is hereby given that Robert R. Patrick, who was on the estate of Robert R. Patrick, 40tf bank. the 30th day of July, 1928, by declared dead to all legal intents the undersigned has been duly an order va. of the above CUUWCU entitled and purposes. vase MWVe FOR RENT 4-room modern house appointed administrator of the court declared dead to all legal I First published June 13, 1929. on First avenue. J. C. Lindley estate of Jens Langum deceased,: intents and purposes, will sell I Last published July 11, 1929. at Bank of Vernonia. tf FOR RENT 4-room furnished house. Apply Mrs. Cleveland, corner Rose avenue and Colum bia street. 471* Professional and Business Diredory SITUATIONS WANTED For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. HOUSEWORK wanted by hour, day or week, by young wo man with small child, 2 years, write box 802, Vernonia. 471 BEAUTY SHOPS ANNETTE BEAUTY SHOP MISCELLANEOUS WANTED to buy second hand fruit jars. G. M. Holt, Tim ber, Oregon, Star Route. 473* Shampoo, Marcelling, Finger waving. Permanent Waving. Over Horseshoe Cafe. Phone 431 Many markets made a deduc tion in weight or in price for live poultry that is "overcrop ped.” It is advisable not to put any feed in the coops when ship ping poultry to market. If the birds will not arrive at trie Evangelical Church market for 24 hours or more, of The Sunday school hour is General chairman Ford, one or two tin cans filled with the “Light company,” tries out corn well soaked in water may 9:45 a.m. the horse-power at a mess of The pastor will take for his stampede grounds, this is some be nailed ip each coop. The wa subject at 11 a.m., being "Whol power in the corn helps to satisfy that the old boy can’t ter ly Sanctified.” the birds’ thirst and the corn harness control. helps to cut down shrinkage ip The young people meet for weight but does not make the their devotional services at 7 crops too full. m. The treatment given asparagus The 8 p.m. service will be after the cutting season is over sermon lecture with pictures determines to a great extent the on the life of King Solomon. quality and quantity of the next These are a series of wonderful year’s crop. At the end of the pictures. cutting esason the bed should be Plumer, pastor. thoroughly cultivated and ferti lized. The ridges should oe level led and flat culture given during Christian Church the rest of the growing season. Services of the Christian After the ridges have been level church Lord’s day June 30, as ed and the bed thoroughly cul usual. Beginning wtih the Bible tivated apply a high-grade ferti school at 10:00. Let us keep up lizer at the rate of 1,000 to the good record of the past few 1,500 pounds per acre. A mix Sundays. ture containing 4 to 5 per cent At the 11:00 hour, the morn-1 of nitrogen, 6 to 8 per cent of ing worship. Communion and ser phosphoric acid, and 6 to 8 per mon. This is the hour for de cent of potash gives good results. votion and should be a part of A well-established asparagus bed every church members program that gets good cultivation and for the Lord’s day. Subject, “A fertilization »ach year should Church Motto." produce profitable crops for 15 At 3:30 in the afternoon bro rather weighing to 20 years. ther Frank Cunningham of St. around 285 slid on the horse’s Helens, will be over for the pur neck, and it can be noticed in pose of a baptismal service. We the picture that the poor plug NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE hope the membership will con is headed head first towards the Notice is hereby given that sider it their duty to be present ground. Ford who is an expert pursuant to an execution issued at this service. at throwing the bull, would have out of the Circuit Court of the At 8:00 the evening services won first pirze in that contest state of Oregon for Multnomah will be given over to a pro but chose to pick on a run county, under date of May 28, gram partly patriotic. We will down nag, matching his stub- 1929 and to me directed in the bring a message in keeping with borness against the starved plug. case of C. R. Coyle vs. Edwards the season so near at hand when Co. and Mayme Rieff upon a we celebrate our liberty day. The instincts in a horse that judgement against the plaintiff We have good music. The pub for the sum of $110.60, I have lic is invited. Welcome is the are opposed to obedience to man levied upon all the right, title, increase in strength with age, big word. so it is very desirable to begin interest and estate of the said the education of the colt as early C. R. Coyle in and to the follow E. J. Preston of Kansas City, as possible. A good plan is to ing described real property to- traveling auditor of the Central break colts to lead before they wit: Lot 4. Block 9, in the City of Coal and Coke company will are weaned, and to harness them Vernonia, Oregon, and begin 2 and 3 between the ages of spend about a week in the local years. Accustom colts to work ning at the Northwest corner offices of the O. A; L. company. gradually and do not use them of Lot One (1) Block seven (7- at heavy work until they are of the original town of Verno nia, Oregon; thence South fifty practically mature. (50) feet to the Southwest cor ner of said lot; thence East thirty (SO) feet along the South line of said lot; thence North fifty (50) feet to the North line of said lot; thence West alo ng Modern Satisfactory Service Marcelling, Finger Waving, permanent Waving, Shampoo ing and Manicuring. ESSIE NANCE BEAUTY SHOP Over Codey’s Store. Tel. 222 QUICK DELIVERY 3 •a**u O» Builder anú Contractor Vernonia, Oregon Vernonia Phone 1021 VERNONIA FRUIT MARKET ASPLAND Plumbing & Electric Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season Phone 353 General Plumbing Phone 193 HAULING Truck For Local and Long Distance Hauling Bafford Brother« General Plumbing QUICK SERVICE Vernonia POOL HALL HOTEL BAKERS PLACE Confections Soft Drinks—Cigars Billiards and Pool NEHALEM HOTEL Vernonia’s Oldest and up-to-date hotel. DENTISTS most Mrs. Grace Scott, Manager M. D. COLE RESTAURANT LAWYERS Dentist Vernonia, Oregon LESTER SHEELEY DR. W. H. HURLEY Attomey-at-Law Vernonia, Oregon HOLLYWOOD RESTAURANT Excellent Cooked Food» Herman Schindler Denti.try and X-Ray Hoffman Hdwe. Building Vernonia, Oregon TAXI GORDON R. WATT Attorney-at-law EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Joy Theatre Building Vernonia, Oregon Gamer’« Day and Night TAXI SERVICE DR. HARRY A. BROWN Eyesight Specialist MARK EVERY GRAVE Office Phone «72 Re». Phone 673 Eyes tested, glasses fitted Memorials in granite and marble at reduced prices Consultation free WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Watch date of next visit Oregon Monument Work« SHINGLE MILL Re-Roof With SHINGLES From Fourth and Main St., Hillsboro FLOWERS PHYSICIANS FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Smith*» Flower Shop MRS. J. W. BROWN Vernonia Representative Phone 593 Dr. J. A. Hughes Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 VernoniA, Res. Phone 664 - -Oregon Johnston & McGraw Shingle Co. VERNONIA Lodge and Club Notices This directory of Vernonia lodges and clubs will give you quick information meeting dates and officials. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. A A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, Stated Communication First Thursday of each month. Special called meetings on all other Thurs- day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors most cordially welcome. F. D. Macpherson, W. M. J. B. Wilkerson, Secretary. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursday* in W. O. W. hall, Vernonia. Viaitors always welcome. Myrtle Johns, N.G. Mrs. Marie O’Donnell, Sect’y. HARDING LODGE 11« Nvhelem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu-1 Meets every Monday nication first at 8 P.M. in Grange and third Wed hall. nesdays of each Ralph Clem, C. C. month, at Ma sonic Templed Emil Messing, KRS All visiting sis Knight rank, Monday June 10. ters and broth ers welcome. Mrs. Ramona Lindley, W.M. Mrs. Grace Reberger, Secretary. [ Pythian Suter« American Legion Vernonia Peet 119, J Amaricen Legion. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays each month, • p. m. John Hay, Adjutant. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Order of Eaitern Star Vernonia Auto Top Paint Shop Next to Brown Furniture i J. R. McKEE Auto, Sign & House Painting CRAWFORD MOTOR CO PLUMBING Phone 293 A. F. & A. M. C*>v'v MARKET Curly Buffmire TRANSFER CONTRACTORS FAINTI I Vernonia Laundry FRUIT L WOMENS RELIEF CORPS American Legion Auxiliary Meet, first aed third Mondays of each meatk at th« l -gion hall. Mrs. C. J. Nance, Prea. Mrs. P. Wideman, See. 1. O. O. F. nei I.O.O.F.—Vernonia _ N». Vernonia Temple 61 meets 246 meets every Tuesday Bight every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in Meets third Thursday of each at 8 o'clock, in Grange hall. Vie. W.O.W. hall. iters always welcome. month at the W. O. W. hall. MARJORIE COLE. M. E. C. Alfred Webb. N. O. Mrs. Lee Hall, president. . DELLA CLINE, M. of R. * C. r. N. O’DoaneU. Secretary. U