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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1929)
THURSDAY, JUNE 27, VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA. OREGON FOUR TIMBER rations, keeping the pigs healthy, and saving large litters. A very small amount of hay with a lit tle milk or tankage as a sup plement to the grain ration is very valuable, but the substitu tion of even the best quality of legume bay for a considerable portion of the grain does not lower the cost of the pork pro- duced, it is found. Contrary to former belief and practice, continued cultivation of corn, potatoes and similar crops on most Oregon soils is unnecessary after weeds are eradicated. Weeds are the great est factor in loss of moisture and plant fertility, finds the experi ment station, and after they are controlled little further cultiva- tion is profitable. Feather picking and feather eating in chicken flocks is caus- ed either by a lack of animal proteins or from mere habit, reports the poultry department at the Oregon station. In either case it is often advisable to hang up some green bones which attract their attention and satisfy the craving. Abun dance of green feed is also es sential. tatoei, rice, or other starchy food for dinner or as a main dish with sirup for lunch. Allow H to % cup of milk to two eggs and salt lightly. Beat the mixture, dip the slices of bread into it and fry in butter or well seasoned fat in a heavy smooth skillet. Use moderate heat and let the toast become golden brown before turning. A tasty way to cook string beans is to shred them finely, and give them a short, quick cooking in a comparatively small amount of lightly salted water. Remove the tips, ends, and strings, and cut the beans length wise into long, thin shreds, with a pair of scissors. If the beans are young they will cook tender in from 15 to 20 minutes. They will keep their good green color and have a delicate fresh flavor, if cooked quickly and for a " with very short time, Season melted butter and more salt if necessary. The parents' job in training child in good food habits i» only half done when well begun, New problems may develop at any time. Playmates who are al lowed to pick and choose what they will eat at home may have a detrimental influence. There are times when the best of chil dren have finicky appetites. The mother must try to have all food attractive in appearance odor, and flavor, to tempt the appetite, and use judgement in handling the child at table. Quietly ex pecting the food that is set be fore him to be eaten goes a long way toward accomplishing that end. A surprise bridal shower will be given in honor of Miss Leola Braden Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Arthur El- liottte of Timber. Mrs. Ben Hart is visiting in- Portland this week. Mrs. Art Heith drove to Ver nonia last Monday. Emmett Schiffer and family, Harry New and Scotty, attended the baseball game in Vernonia last Sunday afternoon. Tony Kilburg of Timber spent Sunday in Portland. George Wolf’s brother Fred, has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wolf for a few days. Little Freda Burt of Portland is visiting Geneve Bacon of Timber for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Riche ------- Stampede 3rd-4th drove to Hillsboro last Saturday. Roy Nelson of Vernonia vis ■ . i' ited K. Scott of Timber last week end. Kid Scott of Timber is going Delivered To and to Vernonia to train for his it i r* —, fight on the Fourth, within the next few days. Milton Winters is on a vaca- tion and camping trip over to -------- Stampede 3rd-4tb--------- Cannon beach this week. Trucks ¡«ave Vernonia 10 a.m. daily Know Poison Ivy? Mrs. Robinson of Timber is ill this week and her daughter, Many people are introduced to A SCOUTMASTER Mrs. Huffman is taking care of poison ivy or its relative, poison sumac in a most unpleasant way, her. The scoutmaster of the local Boy Scout troop Mr. and Mrs. George Wolf because they don't know how daughter spent last Satur to avoid “acquaintanceship” with resigned a few days ago, not being able to devote and day in Portland. these plants. Poison ivy is most sufficient time to Scout work. C. E. Schiffer drove to Port readily recognized by its leaves, which are always divided into Vernonia troop needs a scoutmaster, a man land last Saturday. Elmer Bennett of Forest three leaflets, and by its whitish, I who is interested in boys, even better yet, if pos Grove visited Emmett Schiffer waxy fruits (though the plants' sible one who has boys of his own. don’t always have fruits) that last Friday. True it is necessary at time to take the troop Mrs. Hodge, Mrs. Staley, Mrs. resemble mistletoe berries. Leaf called at the home of lets three, let it be, is good ad on hikes, swims, camping trips, etc., but even foui Snyder vice. The leaves of poison sumac Mrs. J. Glassner last week. hours a week, to the regular scoutmaster work, Harry Wilson attended the are divided into from 7 to 13 with an able assistant who could handle the details auction sale at Natal last week. leaflets, arranged in pairs, with Shorty Lee is hauling lumber a single leaflet at the end. of hikes, and outdoor work, whenever the scout from Lindsay’s mill this week. Through the winter the plants master was unable to handle that duty himself, Mrs. H. Smith und family vis- have cream-colored fruits, Poison grows only on wet land. would be all the time at present that is needed to ited with their folks over the sumac ---------Stamped« 3rd-4th- end. get Vernonia Boy Scouts in action. The man who week Mrs. C. Older, Mrs. H. Condit Stop a Leak is picked as scoutmaster naturally must be an ex were Vernonia shoppers last A good To deal of water can get Thursday. ample, clear cut, clean living. through a very small leak in a Miss Arvadia Lines is stay- water pipe in a short time, and Not alone the Legion but all organizations ng at the home of Mrs. S. Cop- it is well to know how to stop a should show more interest in the welfare of the in. leak in emergencies. Put a flat Lee Enigan went to Portland local Scout troop, probably this is one of the reas rubber or leather gasket over the ball game one day last the leak and hammer a sfiff ons that at the present time the membership is low, io week. of metal such as a picture with very few attending their meetings, for if some Henry Bearer purchased a new piece hook to fit over the gasket, touring car. of the business men, members of different lodges, .•'ord Secure both to the pipe with a Mary Treharne spent the af vise or clamp. A small leak un etc., would occasionally attend their meetings, show ternoon with Wilma Glassner. low pressure can sometimes some interest in their work, and plans, the boy.- Mr. and Mrs. S. O’Donnell, der be stopped by embedding the Ur. and Mrs. D. O ’ Donnell and would take more interest in their work realizing amily spent the afternoon on pipe in richly mixed Portland mortar or concrete. It that many were watching and interested in theii he banks of the river last Sun- cement GET a checkbook from bank, and is necessary to shut off the wa lay. welfare. ter from the pipe and build a you’ll have a safe, sure bookkeeping sys Mrs. Jess Mitchel has been boxing around it to hold the .¡siting with her sister in Port- soft mortar closely against the tem in your stubs, and unquestionable re and. MRS. EMMA WEED pipe. Broken sewer pipe can be Mr. Warfield is working on repaired in the same way. A ceipts in your cancelled checks. Fifty Dol Another beloved pioneer celebrated her 68th he road with his team. wrapping of wire netting embed lars starts an account. Mr. and Mrs. E. Synel ärc ded in the mortar or concrete birthday yesterday, surrounded by relations and icing congratulated on the ar- will increase its strength. friends, known to her since childhood days, anti rival of a son last week. -------- Stamped* 3rd-4th——— by newer friends added to her circle of acquaint-! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnes, “Inside” Information I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barnes and anop» since sinep Vernonia Vprnnnia sprang snranp’ from a town of 200 amily, Mrs. Robison and chii- To make a souffle or baked ances to 2000. Iren, Mr. and Mrs. S. Baker fruit whip that will not collapse, family had a picnic dinner in put the mixture into a buttered Residing in this vicinity over half a century, mil baking dish as soon as the whites he grove Sunday. Mrs. Emma Weed, a patriotic American, has for Mr. anil Mrs. Cleve Moon are of egg have been folded in, and it in a very moderate oven ever been active in civic activities and welfare leaving for a trip to California, bake are expecting to be away (SOO’F.) for 45 to 50 minutes. work, forever showing an interest in the commun they It is a mistake to try to save or two weeks. ice by wrapping it in papers or ity which she lived in and its people. ------- Stampede 3rd-4th-------- cloth. You want to save food, Farm Reminders which is done by lowering the The ideal lamb for the Ore APPEARANCES HELP refrigerator temperature through gon market weighs from 75 to the warm air coming into con The point brought out at the last Chamber of SO pounds and dresses out 35 tact with the ice. This naturally 40 pounds, says the experi melts the ice, but at the same Commerce meeting that it would be well to clean to ment station. It is thick, blocky, time accomplishes the purpose of and many other insects up for the Stampede was well taken. Merchants bright in color of flesh, and refrigeration. STANDARD OIL COM MANY OF CALI FORNIA covered with white fat have already improved the appearance of Bridge evenly French toast is not only a from the hock to the neck. To good way to use up stale bread, street considerably, and with the firemen coming produce such carcasses the but a very appetizing addition to the rescue with the hose just before the big lambs need ample food. Where to breakfast, lunch, or aupper. ewe receives good milk pro It can be used in place of po- jamboree, this little city will not be hard on the the ducing feed, the lamb can usual eyes for the many visitors coming here. ly be weaned carrying the pro per finish and weight for market. management is always In telling your friends of the Stampede, remind an Good important factor in reducing them that Vernonia has the best in golf links and the cost of producing pork, says Oregon experiment station. This tennis courts. means using only well-balanced FREIGHT çF- four Door SIS MEATS YOU’LL ENCORE Consumers of our succulent steaks and chops always take a second helping. May We Suggest? For Morning— Fresh luscious Pork Link Sausages —and for the dinner, a delicious— A Steer Beef Pot Roast Nehalem Market & Grocery Vernonia Portland-Vernonia Truck Line For Freight and Orders Phone 342 HOS T »»AY HILLS TAVICI-: C. BRUCE LUMBER Wholesale and Retail Vernonia CHECK That Waste Bank of Vernonia Oregon-American Lumber Co ORONITE “Kills 'em dead ” flies, mosquitoes, roaches, moths FLY SPRAY r [ rORCÍLAIN FNAMÍL CAST IRON WHlTt CNAMik RÍ SIR VOIR aHacMO CAHCC It^WCHOVtN • mu Aspland Your Servants Plumbing Do You Use Them? & Electric Shop AU NXKU a .*« * mo uwom SANITARY ÙEG BASE Full Supply of All Electrical and Plum COLONIAL bing Equipment, the kind that carri«« a real guarantee. Are you taking advantage of the many electrical servants available? Do you realize the number of ways that electri' city can lighten the burden of household duties? Developments during the last forty years in the electrical industry have revolutionized homes, industries, transportation and communication. Of the 28 million home« in the United State«, almost 20 million now have the advantage« of light and power. The facilities of the power companies and the many appliances now on the market en able all of these homes to employ electrical ser vants at reasonable cost. These servants do not have to be humored. You do not have to give them “a day off.” They work for you with the same efficiency all day, every day. Are you enjoying their service? Hotpoint Electric Ranges An all Electric Equipment Manufactured by the General Electric Company Your old range taken in as first payment CONSULT US FOR HOUSE WIRING BROWN FURNITURE CO. Q Main 381 545 fírii^St Phone 193 Vernonia Columbia Utilities Co Vernonia $